123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792 |
- import asyncio
- import base64
- import copy
- import os
- import pickle
- import re
- from collections import defaultdict
- from logging import INFO
- from bs4 import NavigableString
- from opencc import OpenCC
- import utils.constants as constants
- from utils.config import config
- from utils.speed import (
- get_speed,
- sort_urls,
- check_ffmpeg_installed_status
- )
- from utils.tools import (
- get_name_url,
- check_url_by_keywords,
- check_url_ipv_type,
- get_total_urls,
- process_nested_dict,
- add_url_info,
- remove_cache_info,
- resource_path,
- get_urls_from_file,
- get_name_urls_from_file,
- get_logger,
- get_datetime_now,
- format_url_with_cache,
- get_url_host
- )
- def format_channel_data(url: str, origin: str = None) -> tuple:
- """
- Format the channel data
- """
- info = url.partition("$")[2]
- url_origin = "whitelist" if info and info.startswith("!") else origin
- url = format_url_with_cache(url) if url_origin == origin else url
- return url, None, None, url_origin
- def get_channel_data_from_file(channels, file, whitelist, open_local=config.open_local, local_data=None):
- """
- Get the channel data from the file
- """
- current_category = ""
- for line in file:
- line = line.strip()
- if "#genre#" in line:
- current_category = line.partition(",")[0]
- else:
- name_url = get_name_url(
- line, pattern=constants.demo_txt_pattern, check_url=False
- )
- if name_url and name_url[0]:
- name = name_url[0]["name"]
- url = name_url[0]["url"]
- category_dict = channels[current_category]
- if name not in category_dict:
- category_dict[name] = []
- if name in whitelist:
- for whitelist_url in whitelist[name]:
- category_dict[name].append((whitelist_url, None, None, "whitelist"))
- if open_local:
- if url:
- data = format_channel_data(url, "local")
- if data not in category_dict[name]:
- category_dict[name].append(data)
- if local_data and name in local_data:
- for local_url in local_data[name]:
- local_channel_data = format_channel_data(local_url, "local")
- if local_channel_data not in category_dict[name]:
- category_dict[name].append(local_channel_data)
- return channels
- def get_channel_items():
- """
- Get the channel items from the source file
- """
- user_source_file = resource_path(config.source_file)
- channels = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
- local_data = get_name_urls_from_file(resource_path(config.local_file))
- whitelist = get_name_urls_from_file(constants.whitelist_path)
- whitelist_urls = get_urls_from_file(constants.whitelist_path)
- whitelist_len = len(list(whitelist.keys()))
- if whitelist_len:
- print(f"Found {whitelist_len} channel in whitelist")
- if os.path.exists(user_source_file):
- with open(user_source_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
- channels = get_channel_data_from_file(
- channels, file, whitelist, config.open_local, local_data
- )
- if config.open_history:
- result_cache_path = resource_path(constants.cache_path)
- if os.path.exists(result_cache_path):
- with open(result_cache_path, "rb") as file:
- old_result = pickle.load(file)
- for cate, data in channels.items():
- if cate in old_result:
- for name, info_list in data.items():
- urls = [
- item[0].partition("$")[0]
- for item in info_list
- if item[0]
- ]
- if name in old_result[cate]:
- for info in old_result[cate][name]:
- if info:
- try:
- if info[3] == "whitelist" and not any(
- url in info[0] for url in whitelist_urls):
- continue
- except:
- pass
- pure_url = info[0].partition("$")[0]
- if pure_url not in urls:
- channels[cate][name].append(info)
- return channels
- def format_channel_name(name):
- """
- Format the channel name with sub and replace and lower
- """
- if config.open_keep_all:
- return name
- cc = OpenCC("t2s")
- name = cc.convert(name)
- for region in constants.region_list:
- name = name.replace(f"{region}|", "")
- name = re.sub(constants.sub_pattern, "", name)
- for old, new in constants.replace_dict.items():
- name = name.replace(old, new)
- return name.lower()
- def channel_name_is_equal(name1, name2):
- """
- Check if the channel name is equal
- """
- if config.open_keep_all:
- return True
- name1_format = format_channel_name(name1)
- name2_format = format_channel_name(name2)
- return name1_format == name2_format
- def get_channel_results_by_name(name, data):
- """
- Get channel results from data by name
- """
- format_name = format_channel_name(name)
- results = data.get(format_name, [])
- return results
- def get_element_child_text_list(element, child_name):
- """
- Get the child text of the element
- """
- text_list = []
- children = element.find_all(child_name)
- if children:
- for child in children:
- text = child.get_text(strip=True)
- if text:
- text_list.append(text)
- return text_list
- def get_multicast_ip_list(urls):
- """
- Get the multicast ip list from urls
- """
- ip_list = []
- for url in urls:
- pattern = r"rtp://((\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})(?::(\d+))?)"
- matcher = re.search(pattern, url)
- if matcher:
- ip_list.append(matcher.group(1))
- return ip_list
- def get_channel_multicast_region_ip_list(result, channel_region, channel_type):
- """
- Get the channel multicast region ip list by region and type from result
- """
- return [
- ip
- for result_region, result_obj in result.items()
- if result_region in channel_region
- for type, urls in result_obj.items()
- if type in channel_type
- for ip in get_multicast_ip_list(urls)
- ]
- def get_channel_multicast_name_region_type_result(result, names):
- """
- Get the multicast name and region and type result by names from result
- """
- name_region_type_result = {}
- for name in names:
- data = result.get(name)
- if data:
- name_region_type_result[name] = data
- return name_region_type_result
- def get_channel_multicast_region_type_list(result):
- """
- Get the channel multicast region type list from result
- """
- region_list = config.multicast_region_list
- region_type_list = {
- (region, type)
- for region_type in result.values()
- for region, types in region_type.items()
- if "all" in region_list
- or "ALL" in region_list
- or "全部" in region_list
- or region in region_list
- for type in types
- }
- return list(region_type_list)
- def get_channel_multicast_result(result, search_result):
- """
- Get the channel multicast info result by result and search result
- """
- info_result = {}
- multicast_name = constants.origin_map["multicast"]
- whitelist = get_urls_from_file(constants.whitelist_path)
- blacklist = get_urls_from_file(constants.blacklist_path)
- for name, result_obj in result.items():
- info_list = [
- (
- (
- add_url_info(
- f"http://{url}/rtp/{ip}",
- f"{result_region}{result_type}{multicast_name}-cache:{url}",
- )
- if config.open_sort
- else add_url_info(
- f"http://{url}/rtp/{ip}",
- f"{result_region}{result_type}{multicast_name}",
- )
- ),
- date,
- resolution,
- )
- for result_region, result_types in result_obj.items()
- if result_region in search_result
- for result_type, result_type_urls in result_types.items()
- if result_type in search_result[result_region]
- for ip in get_multicast_ip_list(result_type_urls) or []
- for url, date, resolution in search_result[result_region][result_type]
- if (whitelist and check_url_by_keywords(f"http://{url}/rtp/{ip}", whitelist)) or
- (
- check_url_ipv_type(f"http://{url}/rtp/{ip}") and not check_url_by_keywords(
- f"http://{url}/rtp/{ip}", blacklist))
- ]
- info_result[name] = info_list
- return info_result
- def get_results_from_soup(soup, name):
- """
- Get the results from the soup
- """
- results = []
- if not soup.descendants:
- return results
- for element in soup.descendants:
- if isinstance(element, NavigableString):
- text = element.get_text(strip=True)
- url = get_channel_url(text)
- if url and not any(item[0] == url for item in results):
- url_element = soup.find(lambda tag: tag.get_text(strip=True) == url)
- if url_element:
- name_element = url_element.find_previous_sibling()
- if name_element:
- channel_name = name_element.get_text(strip=True)
- if channel_name_is_equal(name, channel_name):
- info_element = url_element.find_next_sibling()
- date, resolution = get_channel_info(
- info_element.get_text(strip=True)
- )
- results.append((url, date, resolution))
- return results
- def get_results_from_multicast_soup(soup, hotel=False):
- """
- Get the results from the multicast soup
- """
- results = []
- if not soup.descendants:
- return results
- for element in soup.descendants:
- if isinstance(element, NavigableString):
- text = element.strip()
- if "失效" in text:
- continue
- url = get_channel_url(text)
- if url and not any(item["url"] == url for item in results):
- url_element = soup.find(lambda tag: tag.get_text(strip=True) == url)
- if not url_element:
- continue
- parent_element = url_element.find_parent()
- info_element = parent_element.find_all(recursive=False)[-1]
- if not info_element:
- continue
- info_text = info_element.get_text(strip=True)
- if "上线" in info_text and " " in info_text:
- date, region, type = get_multicast_channel_info(info_text)
- if hotel and "酒店" not in region:
- continue
- results.append(
- {
- "url": url,
- "date": date,
- "region": region,
- "type": type,
- }
- )
- return results
- def get_results_from_soup_requests(soup, name):
- """
- Get the results from the soup by requests
- """
- results = []
- elements = soup.find_all("div", class_="resultplus") if soup else []
- for element in elements:
- name_element = element.find("div", class_="channel")
- if name_element:
- channel_name = name_element.get_text(strip=True)
- if channel_name_is_equal(name, channel_name):
- text_list = get_element_child_text_list(element, "div")
- url = date = resolution = None
- for text in text_list:
- text_url = get_channel_url(text)
- if text_url:
- url = text_url
- if " " in text:
- text_info = get_channel_info(text)
- date, resolution = text_info
- if url:
- results.append((url, date, resolution))
- return results
- def get_results_from_multicast_soup_requests(soup, hotel=False):
- """
- Get the results from the multicast soup by requests
- """
- results = []
- if not soup:
- return results
- elements = soup.find_all("div", class_="result")
- for element in elements:
- name_element = element.find("div", class_="channel")
- if not name_element:
- continue
- text_list = get_element_child_text_list(element, "div")
- url, date, region, type = None, None, None, None
- valid = True
- for text in text_list:
- if "失效" in text:
- valid = False
- break
- text_url = get_channel_url(text)
- if text_url:
- url = text_url
- if url and "上线" in text and " " in text:
- date, region, type = get_multicast_channel_info(text)
- if url and valid:
- if hotel and "酒店" not in region:
- continue
- results.append({"url": url, "date": date, "region": region, "type": type})
- return results
- def get_channel_url(text):
- """
- Get the url from text
- """
- url = None
- url_search = re.search(
- constants.url_pattern,
- text,
- )
- if url_search:
- url = url_search.group()
- return url
- def get_channel_info(text):
- """
- Get the channel info from text
- """
- date, resolution = None, None
- if text:
- date, resolution = (
- (text.partition(" ")[0] if text.partition(" ")[0] else None),
- (
- text.partition(" ")[2].partition("•")[2]
- if text.partition(" ")[2].partition("•")[2]
- else None
- ),
- )
- return date, resolution
- def get_multicast_channel_info(text):
- """
- Get the multicast channel info from text
- """
- date, region, type = None, None, None
- if text:
- text_split = text.split(" ")
- filtered_data = list(filter(lambda x: x.strip() != "", text_split))
- if filtered_data and len(filtered_data) == 4:
- date = filtered_data[0]
- region = filtered_data[2]
- type = filtered_data[3]
- return date, region, type
- def init_info_data(data, cate, name):
- """
- Init channel info data
- """
- if data.get(cate) is None:
- data[cate] = {}
- if data[cate].get(name) is None:
- data[cate][name] = []
- def append_data_to_info_data(info_data, cate, name, data, origin=None, check=True, whitelist=None, blacklist=None):
- """
- Append channel data to total info data
- """
- init_info_data(info_data, cate, name)
- urls = set([x[0].partition("$")[0] for x in info_data[cate][name] if x[0]])
- url_hosts = set([get_url_host(url) for url in urls])
- for item in data:
- try:
- url, date, resolution, *rest = item
- url_origin = origin or (rest[0] if rest else None)
- if not url_origin:
- continue
- if url:
- url_partition = url.partition("$")
- pure_url = url_partition[0]
- url_host = get_url_host(url_partition[0])
- url_info = url_partition[2]
- white_info = url_info and url_info.startswith("!")
- if not white_info:
- if pure_url in urls:
- continue
- if url_host in url_hosts:
- for p_url in urls:
- if get_url_host(p_url) == url_host and len(p_url) < len(pure_url):
- urls.remove(p_url)
- urls.add(pure_url)
- for index, info in enumerate(info_data[cate][name]):
- if info[0] and get_url_host(info[0]) == url_host:
- info_data[cate][name][index] = (url, date, resolution, url_origin)
- break
- break
- continue
- if white_info or (whitelist and check_url_by_keywords(url, whitelist)):
- url_origin = "whitelist"
- if (
- url_origin == "whitelist"
- or (not check)
- or (
- check and check_url_ipv_type(pure_url) and not check_url_by_keywords(url, blacklist))
- ):
- info_data[cate][name].append((url, date, resolution, url_origin))
- urls.add(pure_url)
- url_hosts.add(url_host)
- except:
- continue
- def get_origin_method_name(method):
- """
- Get the origin method name
- """
- return "hotel" if method.startswith("hotel_") else method
- def append_old_data_to_info_data(info_data, cate, name, data, whitelist=None, blacklist=None):
- """
- Append history and local channel data to total info data
- """
- append_data_to_info_data(
- info_data,
- cate,
- name,
- data,
- whitelist=whitelist,
- blacklist=blacklist
- )
- local_len = len([x for x in data if x[3] in ["local", 'whitelist']])
- print("History:", len(data) - local_len, end=", ")
- print("Local:", local_len, end=", ")
- def append_total_data(
- items,
- names,
- data,
- hotel_fofa_result=None,
- multicast_result=None,
- hotel_foodie_result=None,
- subscribe_result=None,
- online_search_result=None,
- ):
- """
- Append all method data to total info data
- """
- total_result = [
- ("hotel_fofa", hotel_fofa_result),
- ("multicast", multicast_result),
- ("hotel_foodie", hotel_foodie_result),
- ("subscribe", subscribe_result),
- ("online_search", online_search_result),
- ]
- whitelist = get_urls_from_file(constants.whitelist_path)
- blacklist = get_urls_from_file(constants.blacklist_path)
- for cate, channel_obj in items:
- for name, old_info_list in channel_obj.items():
- print(f"{name}:", end=" ")
- if old_info_list and (config.open_history or config.open_local):
- append_old_data_to_info_data(data, cate, name, old_info_list, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist)
- for method, result in total_result:
- if config.open_method[method]:
- origin_method = get_origin_method_name(method)
- if not origin_method:
- continue
- name_results = get_channel_results_by_name(name, result)
- append_data_to_info_data(
- data, cate, name, name_results, origin=origin_method, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist
- )
- print(f"{method.capitalize()}:", len(name_results), end=", ")
- print(
- "Total:",
- len(data.get(cate, {}).get(name, [])),
- )
- if config.open_keep_all:
- extra_cate = "📥其它频道"
- for method, result in total_result:
- if config.open_method[method]:
- origin_method = get_origin_method_name(method)
- if not origin_method:
- continue
- for name, urls in result.items():
- if name in names:
- continue
- print(f"{name}:", end=" ")
- if config.open_history or config.open_local:
- old_info_list = channel_obj.get(name, [])
- if old_info_list:
- append_old_data_to_info_data(
- data, extra_cate, name, old_info_list
- )
- append_data_to_info_data(
- data, extra_cate, name, urls, origin=origin_method, whitelist=whitelist, blacklist=blacklist
- )
- print(name, f"{method.capitalize()}:", len(urls), end=", ")
- print(
- "Total:",
- len(data.get(cate, {}).get(name, [])),
- )
- async def process_sort_channel_list(data, ipv6=False, callback=None):
- """
- Process the sort channel list
- """
- ipv6_proxy = None if (not config.open_ipv6 or ipv6) else constants.ipv6_proxy
- open_filter_resolution = config.open_filter_resolution
- min_resolution = config.min_resolution_value
- get_resolution = open_filter_resolution and check_ffmpeg_installed_status()
- sort_timeout = config.sort_timeout
- need_sort_data = copy.deepcopy(data)
- process_nested_dict(need_sort_data, seen={}, flag=r"cache:(.*)", force_str="!")
- result = {}
- semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(10)
- async def limited_get_speed(info, ipv6_proxy, filter_resolution, min_resolution, timeout, callback):
- async with semaphore:
- return await get_speed(info[0], ipv6_proxy=ipv6_proxy, filter_resolution=filter_resolution,
- min_resolution=min_resolution, timeout=timeout,
- callback=callback)
- tasks = [
- asyncio.create_task(
- limited_get_speed(
- info,
- ipv6_proxy=ipv6_proxy,
- filter_resolution=get_resolution,
- min_resolution=min_resolution,
- timeout=sort_timeout,
- callback=callback,
- )
- )
- for channel_obj in need_sort_data.values()
- for info_list in channel_obj.values()
- for info in info_list
- ]
- await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
- logger = get_logger(constants.sort_log_path, level=INFO, init=True)
- open_supply = config.open_supply
- open_filter_speed = config.open_filter_speed
- min_speed = config.min_speed
- for cate, obj in data.items():
- for name, info_list in obj.items():
- info_list = sort_urls(name, info_list, supply=open_supply, filter_speed=open_filter_speed,
- min_speed=min_speed, filter_resolution=open_filter_resolution,
- min_resolution=min_resolution, logger=logger)
- append_data_to_info_data(
- result,
- cate,
- name,
- info_list,
- check=False,
- )
- logger.handlers.clear()
- return result
- def write_channel_to_file(data, ipv6=False, callback=None):
- """
- Write channel to file
- """
- try:
- path = constants.result_path
- if not os.path.exists("output"):
- os.makedirs("output")
- no_result_name = []
- open_empty_category = config.open_empty_category
- ipv_type_prefer = list(config.ipv_type_prefer)
- if any(pref in ipv_type_prefer for pref in ["自动", "auto"]):
- ipv_type_prefer = ["ipv6", "ipv4"] if ipv6 else ["ipv4", "ipv6"]
- origin_type_prefer = config.origin_type_prefer
- first_cate = True
- content = ""
- for cate, channel_obj in data.items():
- print(f"\n{cate}:", end=" ")
- content += f"{'\n\n' if not first_cate else ''}{cate},#genre#"
- first_cate = False
- channel_obj_keys = channel_obj.keys()
- names_len = len(list(channel_obj_keys))
- for i, name in enumerate(channel_obj_keys):
- info_list = data.get(cate, {}).get(name, [])
- channel_urls = get_total_urls(info_list, ipv_type_prefer, origin_type_prefer)
- end_char = ", " if i < names_len - 1 else ""
- print(f"{name}:", len(channel_urls), end=end_char)
- if not channel_urls:
- if open_empty_category:
- no_result_name.append(name)
- continue
- for url in channel_urls:
- content += f"\n{name},{url}"
- if callback:
- callback()
- print()
- if open_empty_category and no_result_name:
- print("\n🈳 No result channel name:")
- content += "\n\n🈳无结果频道,#genre#"
- for i, name in enumerate(no_result_name):
- end_char = ", " if i < len(no_result_name) - 1 else ""
- print(name, end=end_char)
- content += f"\n{name},url"
- print()
- if config.open_update_time:
- update_time_url = next(
- (urls[0] for channel_obj in data.values()
- for info_list in channel_obj.values()
- if (urls := get_total_urls(info_list, ipv_type_prefer, origin_type_prefer))),
- "url"
- )
- if config.update_time_position == "top":
- content = f"🕘️更新时间,#genre#\n{get_datetime_now()},{update_time_url}\n\n{content}"
- else:
- content += f"\n\n🕘️更新时间,#genre#\n{get_datetime_now()},{update_time_url}"
- with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- f.write(content)
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"❌ Write channel to file failed: {e}")
- def get_multicast_fofa_search_org(region, type):
- """
- Get the fofa search organization for multicast
- """
- org = None
- if region == "北京" and type == "联通":
- org = "China Unicom Beijing Province Network"
- elif type == "联通":
- org = "CHINA UNICOM China169 Backbone"
- elif type == "电信":
- org = "Chinanet"
- elif type == "移动":
- org = "China Mobile communications corporation"
- return org
- def get_multicast_fofa_search_urls():
- """
- Get the fofa search urls for multicast
- """
- rtp_file_names = []
- for filename in os.listdir(resource_path("config/rtp")):
- if filename.endswith(".txt") and "_" in filename:
- filename = filename.replace(".txt", "")
- rtp_file_names.append(filename)
- region_list = config.multicast_region_list
- region_type_list = [
- (parts[0], parts[1])
- for name in rtp_file_names
- if (parts := name.partition("_"))[0] in region_list
- or "all" in region_list
- or "ALL" in region_list
- or "全部" in region_list
- ]
- search_urls = []
- for region, type in region_type_list:
- search_url = "https://fofa.info/result?qbase64="
- search_txt = f'"udpxy" && country="CN" && region="{region}" && org="{get_multicast_fofa_search_org(region, type)}"'
- bytes_string = search_txt.encode("utf-8")
- search_txt = base64.b64encode(bytes_string).decode("utf-8")
- search_url += search_txt
- search_urls.append((search_url, region, type))
- return search_urls
- def get_channel_data_cache_with_compare(data, new_data):
- """
- Get channel data with cache compare new data
- """
- for cate, obj in new_data.items():
- for name, url_info in obj.items():
- if url_info and cate in data and name in data[cate]:
- new_urls = {
- new_url.partition("$")[0]: new_resolution
- for new_url, _, new_resolution, _ in url_info
- }
- updated_data = []
- for info in data[cate][name]:
- url, date, resolution, origin = info
- base_url = url.partition("$")[0]
- if base_url in new_urls:
- resolution = new_urls[base_url]
- updated_data.append((url, date, resolution, origin))
- data[cate][name] = updated_data
- def format_channel_url_info(data):
- """
- Format channel url info, remove cache, add resolution to url
- """
- for obj in data.values():
- for url_info in obj.values():
- for i, (url, date, resolution, origin) in enumerate(url_info):
- url = remove_cache_info(url)
- url_info[i] = (url, date, resolution, origin)