Changes 9.6 KB

  1. # Revision history for youtube-viewer.
  2. # Only the most important changes and features are included here.
  3. # For all changes, check out the release notes at:
  4. #
  6. - GUI: extended the right-click menu in the Saved Channels window. - (v3.11.3)
  7. - GUI: added "Backward" and "Forward" buttons for navigating the history. - (v3.11.2)
  8. - Recognize more itag values returned by `yt-dlp` with `--force-fallback`. - (v3.11.0)
  9. - GUI: added the "Split A/V videos" check button. - (v3.11.0)
  10. - GUI: highlight downloaded videos as watched. - (v3.11.0)
  11. - GUI: tweak interface to be less cramped (requires gtk+ >= 3.6). - (v3.10.3)
  12. - Added support for changing the audio quality. - (v3.10.3)
  13. - Workaround for "Video Not Available" issue. - (v3.10.2)
  14. - Extract closed-captions for age-restricted videos. - (v3.10.1)
  15. - Switched to "OAuth 2.0 for TV and Limited-Input Device Applications". - (v3.10.0)
  16. - Added support for downloading videos with yt-dlp / youtube-dl. - (v3.10.0)
  17. - New workaround for age-restricted videos. - (v3.9.9)
  18. - Added the `bypass_age_gate_with_proxy` config-option. (disabled by default) - (v3.9.8)
  19. - Added support for searching for videos published before a given period of time. - (v3.9.7)
  20. - Added support for local subscription videos (-ls). - (v3.9.0)
  21. - Added support for local playlists in the Gtk3 version. - (v3.9.0)
  22. - Added support for saving YouTube playlists locally (--save-playlist=ID) - (v3.8.1)
  23. - Added support for local playlists. (-lp, --local-playlists) - (v3.8.1)
  24. - Added support for listing saved channels from file (-lc, --local-channels). - (v3.8.1)
  25. - Added support for "watch history" (Gtk3 + CLI) (-wv, --watched-videos). - (v3.8.0)
  26. - Documented the configuration options in `man youtube-viewer`. - (v3.8.0)
  27. - Added basic support for playing videos by URL when no API key is set. - (v3.7.9)
  28. - Added support for choosing random invidious instances. - (v3.7.9)
  29. - Added support for reading cookies from a file. (`--cookies=file`) - (v3.7.9)
  30. - Added the `:page=i` STDIN option for jumping to a specific page of results. - (v3.7.8)
  31. - Added the `--hfr!` option for prefering/ignoring High Frame Rate (HFR) videos. - (v3.7.7)
  32. - Added support for changing the API key and client ID/secret value in 'api.json' file. - (v3.7.4)
  33. - Added support for AV1 encoded videos (with `prefer_av1` config-key). - (v3.7.3)
  34. - Added support for restoring the previous session. (Gtk3) - (v3.7.2)
  35. - Added the "History" menu to list the previous 10 searches. (Gtk3) - (v3.7.2)
  36. - Added the `--trending:s` option, which displays popular videos from a given category. - (v3.7.1)
  37. - Added support for showing the most popular videos from a given channel. - (v3.7.0)
  38. - Added support for resuming an interrupted download. - (v3.7.0)
  39. - Extended `custom_layout_format` to support fixed width, colors and alignment. - (v3.6.0)
  40. - Added the `--autoplay` option to automatically play related videos of related videos. - (v3.5.7)
  41. - Added support for downloading videos at 1080p (and other resolutions) with MKV merging. - (v3.4.0)
  42. - Added the `--prefer-mp4` option to prefer videos in MP4 format, instead of WEBM. - (v3.4.0)
  43. - Added the `--fat32safe` option to make filenames FAT32-safe, by replacing bad characters. - (v3.2.5)
  44. - Added the `--highlight` option to remember and highlight watched videos in a session. - (v3.2.2)
  45. - Added the `i..` range, which plays all the videos, starting with video `i`. (#114) - (v3.2.1)
  46. - Migration to APIv3; some features have been lost in the process, but nothing too critical. - (v3.1.4)
  47. - Added built-in support for [auto-generated] closed-captions (gcap is no longer required) - (v3.1.3)
  48. - Added support for specifying the filename format when downloading videos (--filename=s) - (v3.1.3)
  49. - Added support for special tokens and for extracting information about videos (--extract=s) - (v3.1.3)
  50. - Added support for playing DASH videos and the `--no-dash` option to deactivate it at will - (v3.1.2)
  51. - Added the options `--ps` and `--pid` to add videos by URL or ID to a given playlistID - (v3.1.2)
  52. - Added the stdin commands ":ps" and ":s2p" to add one or more videos to a selected playlist - (v3.1.2)
  53. - Added the `--std-input=s` option which can be used to specify the first standard input - (v3.1.1)
  54. - Added input history support across sessions, with the 'history' config-key - (v3.1.1)
  55. - Added support for more video players (--player=s) // Added support for shows (--us=author) - (v3.1.0)
  56. - Added support to --copy-caption for downloaded videos // Added fixed-width for playlists - (v3.1.0)
  57. - Added the ':play' stdin option // Added the support for 'watch_later' videos (-L) - (v3.1.0)
  58. - New authentication support (OAuth 2.0) // Added support for download & play (-dp) - (v3.0.7)
  59. - Added support for YouTube EDU categories (-edu) // Options: :dv, :lec, :courses, :course - (v3.0.4)
  60. - Some minor bug-fixes // New options has been added: --pp, :pp, :anp, :kregex - (v3.0.3)
  61. - Added support for more resolutions, UTF-8 support, --convert-to=FMT and many bug-fixes - (v3.0.1)
  62. - YouTube Viewer 3.0 has been released! New options, better functionality and new bugs :) - (v3.0.0)
  63. - Added support for detailed results (usage: -D or --details) // Support for comments - (v2.5.8)
  64. - Switched to Term::ReadLine for a better STDIN support // Better colors // Info support - (v2.5.7)
  65. - Added support for: -duration, -caption=s, -safe-search=s, -hd // Improved code quality - (v2.5.6)
  66. - Added support for configuration file, improved stability, improved debug mode - (v2.5.5)
  67. - Switched to XML::Fast for parsing gdata XML, in consequence, youtube-viewer is faster! - (v2.5.5)
  68. - Switched to Getopt::Long, added SIGINT handler and a better way to execute mplayer - (v2.5.5)
  69. - Added support to list playlists created by a specific user (usage: -up <USERNAME>) - (v2.5.4)
  70. - Improved parsing support for arguments, including arguments specified via STDIN. - (v2.5.4)
  71. - Added support to search for videos uploaded by a particular YouTube user (-author=USER) - (v2.5.4)
  72. - Added support to get video results starting with a predefined page (e.g.: -page=4) - (v2.5.4)
  73. - Added support for previous page and support to list youtube usernames from a file - (v2.5.2)
  74. - Added colors for text (--use_colors), 360p support (-3), playlist support - (v2.5.0)
  75. - Added support for today and all time YouTube tops (usage: -t, --tops, -a, --all-time) - (v2.4.*)
  76. - Re-added the support for the next page / Added support for download (-d, --download) - (v2.4.*)
  77. - First version with Windows support. Require SMPlayer to play videos. See MPlayer Line - (v2.4.*)
  78. - Code has been changed in a proportion of ~60% and optimized for speed // --480 became -4 - (v2.4.*)
  79. - Added mega-powers of omnibox to the STDIN :) - (v2.3.*)
  80. - Re-added the option to list and play youtube videos from a user profile. Usage: -u [user] - (v2.3.*)
  81. - Added a new option to play only the audio track of a videoclip. Usage: [words] -n - (v2.3.*)
  82. - Added option for fullscreen (-f, --fullscreen). Usage: youtube-viewer [words] -f - (v2.3.*)
  83. - Added one new option '-c'. It shows available categories and will let you to choose one. - (v2.3.*)
  84. - Added one new option '-m'. It shows 3 pages of youtube video results. Usage: [words] -m - (v2.3.*)
  85. - For "-A" option has been added 3 pages of youtube video results (50 clips) - (v2.3.*)
  86. - Added "-prefer-ipv4" to the mplayer line (videoclips starts in no time now). - (v2.3.*)
  87. - Search and play videos at 480p, 720p. Ex: [words] --480, [words] -A --480 - (v2.3.*)
  88. - Added support to play a video at 480p even if its resolution is higher. Ex: [url] --480 - (v2.2.*)
  89. - Added a nice feature which prints some information about the current playing video - (v2.2.*)
  90. - Added support to play videos by your order. Example: after search results, insert: 3 5 2 1 - (v2.1.*)
  91. - Added support for next pages of video results (press <ENTER> after search results) - (v2.1.*)
  92. - Added support to continue playing searched videos, usage: "youtube-viewer [words] -A" - (v2.1.*)
  93. - Added support to print counted videos and support to insert a number instead of video code - (v2.1.*)
  94. - Added support to search YouTube Videos in script (e.g.: youtube-viewer avatar trailer) - (v2.0.*)
  95. - Added support to choose the quality only between 720p and 1080p (if it is available) - (v2.0.*)
  96. - Added support for YouTube video codes (e.g.: youtube-viewer WVTWCPoUt8w) - (v1.0.*)
  97. - Added support for 720p and 1080p YouTube Videos... - (v1.0.*)