Executable_library.md 919 B

Executable library

The library can be written as a module:

module Hailstone {
    our sub hailstone($n) is export {
	$n, { $_ %% 2 ?? $_ div 2 !! $_ * 3 + 1 } ... 1
sub MAIN {
    say "hailstone(27) = {.[^4]} [...] {.[*-4 .. *-1]}" given Hailstone::hailstone 27;

It can be run with:

$ perl6 Hailstone.pm


hailstone(27) = 27 82 41 124 [...] 8 4 2 1

It can then be used with a program such as:

use Hailstone;
my %score; %score{hailstone($_).elems}++ for 1 .. 100_000;
say "Most common length is {.key}, occurring {.value} times." given max :by(*.value), %score;

Called with a command line as:


$ PERL6LIB=. perl6 test-hailstone.p6

The environment variable PERL6LIB might be necessary if the file Hailstone.pm is not in the standard library path for Perl 6.