2.7 KB

Death Star

class sphere {
   has $.cx; # center x coordinate
   has $.cy; # center y coordinate
   has $.cz; # center z coordinate
   has $.r;  # radius
my $depth = 255;     # image color depth
my $x = my $y = 255; # dimensions of generated .pgm; must be odd
my $s = ($x - 1)/2;  # scaled dimension to build geometry
my @light = normalize([ 4, -1, -3 ]);
# positive sphere at origin
my $pos =
    cx => 0,
    cy => 0,
    cz => 0,
    r  => $s.Int
# negative sphere offset to upper left
my $neg =
    cx => (-$s*.90).Int,
    cy => (-$s*.90).Int,
    cz => (-$s*.3).Int,
    r  => ($s*.7).Int
sub MAIN ($outfile = 'deathstar-perl6.pgm') {
    spurt $outfile, ("P5\n$x $y\n$depth\n"); # .pgm header
    my $out = open( $outfile, :a, :bin ) or die "$!\n";
    say 'Calculating row:';
    $out.write( draw_ds(3, .15) ) );
sub draw_ds ( $k, $ambient ) {
    my @pixels;
    my $bs = "\b" x 8;
    for ($ - $pos.r) .. ($ + $pos.r) -> $y {
        print $bs, $y, ' '; # monitor progress
        for ($ - $pos.r) .. ($ + $pos.r) -> $x {
            # black if we don't hit positive sphere, ignore negative sphere
            if not hit($pos, $x, $y, my $posz) {
            my @vec;
            # is front of positive sphere inside negative sphere?
            if hit($neg, $x, $y, my $negz) and $negz.min < $posz.min < $negz.max {
                # make black if whole positive sphere eaten here
                if $negz.min < $posz.max < $negz.max { @pixels.push(0); next; }
                # render inside of negative sphere
                @vec = normalize([$ - $x, $ - $y, -$negz.max - $]);
            else {
                # render outside of positive sphere
                @vec = normalize([$x - $, $y - $,  $posz.max - $]);
            my $intensity = dot(@light, @vec) ** $k + $ambient;
            @pixels.push( ($intensity * $depth).Int min $depth );
    say $bs, 'Writing file.';
    return @pixels;
# normalize a vector
sub normalize (@vec) { return @vec »/» ([+] @vec »*« @vec).sqrt }
# dot product of two vectors
sub dot (@x, @y) { return -([+] @x »*« @y) max 0 }
# are the coordinates within the radius of the sphere?
sub hit ($sphere, $x is copy, $y is copy, $z is rw) {
    $x -= $;
    $y -= $;
    my $z2 = $sphere.r * $sphere.r - $x * $x - $y * $y;
    return 0 if $z2 < 0;
    $z2 = $z2.sqrt;
    $z = $ - $z2 .. $ + $z2;
    return 1;