831 B

Count occurrences of a substring

sub count-substring($big,$little) { +$big.comb: ~$little }
say count-substring("the three truths","th"); # 3
say count-substring("ababababab","abab");     # 4
say count-substring(123123123,12);            # 3

The ~ prefix operator converts $little to a Str if it isn't already, and .comb when given a Str as an argument returns instances of that substring. You can think of it as if the argument was a regex that matched the string literally /$little/. Also, prefix + forces numeric context in Perl 6 (it's a no-op in Perl 5). For the built in listy types that is the same as calling .elems method. One other style point: we now tend to prefer hyphenated names over camelCase.