2.2 KB

Closest-pair problem

We avoid taking square roots in the slow method because the squares are just as comparable. (This doesn't always work in the fast method because of distance assumptions in the algorithm.)

sub MAIN ($N = 5000) {
    my @points = (^$N).map: { [rand * 20 - 10, rand * 20 - 10] }
    my ($af, $bf, $df) = closest_pair(@points);
    say "fast $df at [$af], [$bf]";
    my ($as, $bs, $ds) = closest_pair_simple(@points);
    say "slow $ds at [$as], [$bs]";
sub dist-squared($a,$b) {
    ($a[0] - $b[0]) ** 2 +
    ($a[1] - $b[1]) ** 2;
sub closest_pair_simple(@arr is copy) {
    return Inf if @arr < 2;
    my ($a, $b, $d) = flat @arr[0,1], dist-squared(|@arr[0,1]);
    while  @arr {
        my $p = pop @arr;
        for @arr -> $l {
            my $t = dist-squared($p, $l);
            ($a, $b, $d) = $p, $l, $t if $t < $d;         
    return $a, $b, sqrt $d;
sub closest_pair(@r) {
    my @ax = @r.sort: { .[0] }
    my @ay = @r.sort: { .[1] }
    return closest_pair_real(@ax, @ay);
sub closest_pair_real(@rx, @ry) {
    return closest_pair_simple(@rx) if @rx <= 3;
    my @xP = @rx;
    my @yP = @ry;
    my $N = @xP;
    my $midx = ceiling($N/2)-1;
    my @PL = @xP[0 .. $midx];
    my @PR = @xP[$midx+1 ..^ $N];
    my $xm = @xP[$midx][0];
    my @yR;
    my @yL;
    push ($_[0] <= $xm ?? @yR !! @yL), $_ for @yP;
    my ($al, $bl, $dL) = closest_pair_real(@PL, @yR);
    my ($ar, $br, $dR) = closest_pair_real(@PR, @yL);
    my ($m1, $m2, $dmin) = $dR < $dL
                               ?? ($ar, $br, $dR)
                               !! ($al, $bl, $dL);
    my @yS = @yP.grep: { abs($xm - .[0]) < $dmin }
    if @yS {
        my ($w1, $w2, $closest) = $m1, $m2, $dmin;
        for 0 ..^ @yS.end -> $i {
            for $i+1 ..^ @yS -> $k {
                last unless @yS[$k][1] - @yS[$i][1] < $dmin;
                my $d = sqrt dist-squared(@yS[$k], @yS[$i]);
                ($w1, $w2, $closest) = @yS[$k], @yS[$i], $d if $d < $closest;
        return $w1, $w2, $closest;
    } else {
        return $m1, $m2, $dmin;