836 A Bold Proposition.sf 659 B

  1. #!/usr/bin/ruby
  2. # https://projecteuler.net/problem=836
  3. var proposition = <<'EOT'
  4. Let A be an <b>affine</b> <b>plane</b> over a <b>radically</b> <b>integral</b> <b>local</b> <b>field</b> F with residual characteristic p.
  5. We consider an <b>open</b> <b>oriented</b> <b>line</b> <b>section</b> U of A with normalized Haar measure m.
  6. Define f(m,p) as the maximal possible discriminant of the <b>jacobian</b> associated to the
  7. <b>orthogonal</b> <b>kernel</b> <b>embedding</b> of U into A.
  8. Find f(20230401,57). Give as your answer the concatenation of the first letters of each
  9. bolded word.
  10. EOT
  11. say proposition.find_all(%r{<b>(.*?)</b>}).flat.map{.first}.join