Changes 2.8 KB

  1. Revision history for Math-GComplex
  2. 0.13 2019-02-07
  3. - Documentation improvements.
  4. - Added the `polar(x)` method, which returns the polar form of `x`.
  5. 0.12 2019-01-07
  6. - Added the `round(z)` method to round `z` to the nearest Gaussian integer.
  7. - Added the `gcd(a, b)` method for computing the greatest common divisors of two complex numbers.
  8. - Added the `invmod(n, m)` method for computing the modular multiplicative inverse of two complex numbers.
  9. - Added the `powmod(x, n, m)` method for efficiently computing `x**n % m`, using the exponentiation by squaring method.
  10. 0.11 2018-12-13
  11. - Added the `pown` method for computing `x**n` where `n` is a native integer (using the exponentiation by squaring method).
  12. - Added the bitwise methods: `lsft`, `rsft`, `and`, `or`, `xor`, which also provide support for operator overloading of `<<`, `>>`, `&`, `|` and `^`.
  13. 0.10 2018-10-13
  14. - Added the `_cartesian` and `_polar` private methods, for basic compatibility with Math::Complex.
  15. - Added the `make` alias for the `new` method, for basic compatibility with Math::Complex.
  16. - Added the `emake` and `cplxe` methods, for basic compatibility with Math::Complex.
  17. 0.09 2018-04-09
  18. - The `floor()` and `ceil()` functions are now included in the `:misc` export group.
  19. - Minor documentation tweaks.
  20. 0.08 2018-02-09
  21. - Added the `norm()` method.
  22. - Fixed `0**0` and `0**z` special cases in the `pow()` method.
  23. - Handle division by zero in the tan(), cot(), sec() and csc() functions, when the components of a complex number are native Perl numbers.
  24. 0.07 2018-01-20
  25. - Fixed the trigonometry tests under Perl built with -Duselongdouble (thanks to Slaven Rezić)
  26. 0.06 2018-01-20
  27. - Added the `rad2deg(x)` and `deg2rad(x)` functions.
  28. - Comparing anything to `NaN` (including `NaN` itself), now returns `undef`.
  29. - Minor performance improvements.
  30. 0.05 2018-01-06
  31. - Fixed the `floor()` and `ceil()` functions for integer arguments.
  32. - Make sure `Math::AnyNum >= 0.20` is installed. Otherwise skip the `t/anynum.t` test. (thanks to Slaven Rezić for reporting this issue)
  33. 0.04 2018-01-05
  34. - Fixed the result of the `atan2(x, y)` function, when `x` and `y` are non-positive numbers.
  35. 0.03 2018-01-03
  36. - Added more examples.
  37. - Added subroutine prototypes.
  38. - Division by zero is now handled for native Perl numbers as components of complex numbers.
  39. - Binary numbers are no longer overloaded (such as: `0b101`, `0xff` or `012`).
  40. - Documented the syntax for disabling the `:overload` behavior.
  41. 0.02 2018-01-01
  42. - Removed some non-portable tests.
  43. 0.01 2018-01-01
  44. - First release.