Changes 3.0 KB

  1. Revision history for Perl extension Linux::DesktopFiles.
  2. 0.25 2017-10-22
  3. - `parse_desktop_file()` and `parse_desktop_files()` are now context-sensitive, returning a key-value list or a HASH reference, depending on the context.
  4. - Documentation improvements.
  5. 0.24 2017-10-21
  6. - When `keep_unknown_categories` is true and a given entry does not belong to any category, `parse_desktop_file` will set `Categories` to [`unknown_category_key`].
  7. 0.23 2017-10-21
  8. - Escaped strings are now unescaped.
  9. - Added the `parse_desktop_file` method, which parses a single desktop file.
  10. 0.22 2017-10-04
  11. - Make sure the category names are unique, so we don't store an application twice under the same category.
  12. 0.21 2017-09-21
  13. - Fixed a minor bug for icon names that contain one or more dots (e.g.: "").
  14. Thanks to Erik Dubois for reporting this issue (
  15. 0.20 2017-09-15
  16. - Added support for desktop IDs.
  17. When a desktop entry is located under a local directory,
  18. it will overwrite an existent file with the same basename.
  19. - Removed the support for resolving absolute icon paths, as it was broken beyond repair.
  20. 0.13 2017-06-03
  21. - Fixed a potential infinite loop for circular inherited icon directories.
  22. 0.12 2016-10-17
  23. - Removed the no-op `keep_empty_categories` option.
  24. - Documentation improvements.
  25. 0.11 2016-07-24
  26. - Better detection for inherited icon themes.
  27. 0.10 2016-06-04
  28. - When a file does not have a `Name`, use the name of the file.
  29. - Added the GitHub repository URL.
  30. 0.09 2015-01-29
  31. - More performance improvements.
  32. - Added the "parse" method which can parse a list of desktop files.
  33. - Removed the "iterate_desktop_files" method. (it's faster to use the "get_desktop_files" method instead)
  34. - Removed the support to keep empty categories after parsing.
  35. 0.08 2013-10-03
  36. - Performance improvements.
  37. - Added support for the 'Other' category.
  38. - Added support for a customized terminalization format.
  39. - Added support for any key-value substitutions.
  40. - Added support for any key-value file filtering.
  41. - Many other minor changes.
  42. 0.07 2013-03-15
  43. - Added a new option: use_current_theme_icons
  44. - Added support to look in index.theme for inherited icon themes.
  45. 0.06 2012-07-26
  46. - Fixed a critical (_clean_categories) bug.
  47. 0.05 2012-07-26
  48. - Updated the documentation.
  49. - No more unexpected dies.
  50. 0.04 2012-07-24
  51. - Fixed the issue when requesting comments in multiple languages (ex: Comments, Comments[fr], etc...);
  52. 0.03 2012-07-24
  53. - Skip desktop files if the "Hidden" value is set to true.
  54. - Keep any specified keys as ->new(keys_to_keep => [...]) (previously: only alphanumeric keys)
  55. - Improved the performance.
  56. 0.02 2012-07-21
  57. - Improved the documentation.
  58. 0.01 2013-06-03
  59. - original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
  60. -A -a -b 5.10.1 -X --skip-exporter --skip-warnings --skip-ppport --skip-autoloader -n Linux::DesktopFiles