Mount remote directories over sshfs

Björn Wärmedal 90aa249017 Check if endpoint is mounted/unmounted before attempting to mount/unmount 2 سال پیش
LICENSE 7279af2431 Fixed README and LICENSE 2 سال پیش 7279af2431 Fixed README and LICENSE 2 سال پیش
remnt 90aa249017 Check if endpoint is mounted/unmounted before attempting to mount/unmount 2 سال پیش


Mount remote directories over sshfs.

It takes all the names of directories located in ${HOME}/Remotes and attempts to mount them over ssh. Make sure you have aliases for all these set up in your ssh config file. Remnt does not pass any options to ssh.

Usage: remnt [m|u|l] ["targets"]
    m Mount all volumes indicated in ~/Remotes/
    u Unmount all volumes indicated in ~/Remotes/
    l List all targets and whether they're mounted or not.

    If a list of (quoted and space delimited) targets is
    supplied after u or m only those will mounted/unmounted."


$ cat ~/.ssh/config

Host cousin
	Hostname cousin.someexampledomain.tld
	User yourcousin
	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

$ ls ~/Remote/*

$ remnt l

$ remnt m

$ remnt l
MOUNTED:   cousin