example.conf 942 B

  1. # Copy this file to "antenna.conf" to make git ignore it
  2. # Adapt values to your installation.
  3. # Remember to write an "about.gmi" file!
  4. [nonpublic]
  5. # Where non-public data is located
  6. rootdir = /home/antenna/data
  7. # Paths are relative to the rootdir.
  8. # db = antenna.sqlite
  9. # filterdir = customfilters
  10. # blocklist = blocklist.txt
  11. # logfile = antenna.log
  12. [public]
  13. # Where output data will be placed
  14. outputdir = /home/antenna/public_gemini
  15. # Paths are relative to the outputdir.
  16. # twtgmi = twtxt.gmi
  17. # twtxt = twtxt.txt
  18. # atom = atom.xml
  19. # stats = stats.tsv
  20. # index = index.gmi
  21. ## Link on the index page point here.
  22. # about = about.gmi
  23. [scripts]
  24. # Where CGI scripts are located
  25. cgidir = /home/antenna/public_gemini/cgi-bin
  26. ## Links on the index page point here.
  27. # submit = submit
  28. # logtail = log
  29. # filter = filter
  30. [rules]
  31. # Rules around ingestion/publishing
  32. # Tha maximum age of posts in days
  33. # agelimit = 7