test.gmi 2.6 KB

  1. # The Main Heading
  2. Some text near the heading. The requested resource should be consistently requested from the new URL provided in future. Tools like search engine indexers or content aggregators should update their configurations to avoid requesting the old URL, and end-user clients may automatically update bookmarks, etc. Note that c.
  3. The requested resource should be consistently requested from the new URL provided in future. Tools like search engine indexers or content aggregators should update their configurations to avoid requesting the old URL, and end-user clients may automatically update bookmarks, etc. Note that c.
  4. => gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space A link, trying that out.
  5. * And a list! The requested resource should be consistently requested from the new URL provided in future. Tools like search engine indexers or content aggregators should update their configurations to avoid requesting the old URL, and end-user clients may automatically update bookmarks, etc. Note that c.
  6. * The requested resource should be consistently requested from the new URL provided in future. Tools like search engine indexers or content aggregators should update their configurations to avoid requesting the old URL, and end-user clients may automatically update bookmarks, etc. Note that c
  7. * The requested resource should be consistently requested from the new URL provided in future. Tools like search engine indexers or content aggregators should update their configurations to avoid requesting the old URL, and end-user clients may automatically update bookmarks, etc. Note that c
  8. ## A Heading2, Just sittin' here.
  9. The requested resource should be consistently requested from the new URL provided in future. Tools like search engine indexers or content aggregators should update their configurations to avoid requesting the old URL, and end-user clients may automatically update bookmarks, etc. Note that c
  10. The requested resource should be consistently requested from the new URL provided in future. Tools like search engine indexers or content aggregators should update their configurations to avoid requesting the old URL, and end-user clients may automatically update bookmarks, etc. Note that c
  11. ### And A Heading 3! Did we get them all now?
  12. Let's do some preformatting!
  13. ``` textblock
  14. This is a preformatted block.
  15. It has some tab indents.
  16. And some space indents. Tabs are gonna be shit...
  17. And we're back to normal soon.
  18. ```
  19. > The jungle is full of animals. Some of them eat people. One-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eaters!
  20. I think that's it... All different formatting options covered right there!
  21. The simplicity of this is astonishing.