#1 Microsoft Storage API Change WTF

6 лет назад открыта themusicgod1 · комментариев: 0
Jeff Cliff прокомментировал 6 лет назад

looks like github version of geth vendors azure-storage-blob-go rather than golang-github-azure-azure-storage-go-dev. options (in order of preference):

  1. remove dependency on azure-storage-blob-go
  2. make dependent upon azure-storage-blob-go instead of golang-github-azure-azure-storage-go-dev
  3. make golang-github-azure-azure-storage-go-dev into its own side package(ugh)
looks like github version of geth vendors azure-storage-blob-go rather than golang-github-azure-azure-storage-go-dev. options (in order of preference): 1. remove dependency on azure-storage-blob-go 2. make dependent upon azure-storage-blob-go instead of golang-github-azure-azure-storage-go-dev 3. make golang-github-azure-azure-storage-go-dev into its own side package(ugh)
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