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  1. Chapter Three
  2. State Policies That Promote Corporate Size and Centralization
  3. Capitalism, if we take it in R.A. Wilson's sense of a political and economic system in
  4. which the state intervenes in the market on behalf of capitalists, has been exploitative
  5. since the beginning.
  6. It was established at the outset by massive acts of state robbery and restrictions on
  7. liberty: the so-called "primitive accumulation" by which the peasantry's property in the
  8. land was expropriated, the Laws of Settlement which acted as an internal passport system
  9. restricting movement of the working class, the Combination Laws which restricted the
  10. bargaining power of labor, and the mercantilism and imperial aggression by which the socalled world market was created. These matters fall too far outside of our focus for
  11. detailed examination. A summary of all the uses of force involved in the establishment of
  12. capitalism can be found in Chapter Four of Studies in Mutualist Political Economy.1
  13. Once established on this basis, the system was maintained through various stateenforced legal privileges. This, also, is too far outside the scope of the present chapter to
  14. examine in depth. The main forms of privilege that existed before the rise of corporate
  15. capitalism in the nineteenth century were the "Four Monopolies" summarized by
  16. Benjamin Tucker in "State Socialism and Anarchism," and will be considered in greater
  17. depth in our examination of privilege in Chapter Eleven.
  18. Our main concern here is not with this earlier system of privilege, but more
  19. specifically with the state's later role in the creation and development of the corporate
  20. economy, the concentration of capital, and the centralization of production. We will
  21. show what specific policies of the state have promoted the domination of the economy by
  22. corporations grown far beyond the point of maximum efficiency.
  23. Our focus in this chapter is primarily on the ways in which the state promotes large
  24. corporate interests. But I should mention that in fact the symbiosis works very much both
  25. ways: the large corporation tends to promote state interests. The state has a special
  26. affinity for the large corporation because it is more "statelike" in structure and internal
  27. culture, and it finds it more amenable as well as an instrument of state interests.
  28. Benjamin Darrington puts it quite well:
  29. Large centrally organized firms facilitate the government's task of maintaining its
  30. hegemonic position in society. The ability of the government to effectively regulate
  31. the economy depends on the existence of economic institutions with organizational
  32. structures that can be easily monitored and controlled. The regulation of a large
  33. number of small businesses requires greater duplication of effort to inspect financial
  34. 1
  35. Kevin A. Carson, Studies in Mutualist Political Economy.
  36. records, ensure regulatory compliance, and collect taxes. Small organizations are
  37. harder to punish for not cooperating with the law because they have less total value to
  38. seize and the owners are more likely to fight the government because it is their money
  39. and business directly at stake, not to mention the fact that small business [sic] are
  40. looked upon more favorably by the general population than seemingly faceless and
  41. distant corporations. The equipment used by small enterprises does not lend itself to
  42. certification, regulation, and safety testing, and the labor employed does not lend
  43. itself to the effective enforcement of laws concerning things like labor negotiations,
  44. minimum wage, minimum age, professional licensing, racial and sexual quotas,
  45. citizenship requirements, maximum hours, etc. Informal and small scale economic
  46. relationships are almost beyond the range of government efforts to enforce its
  47. mandates and collect taxes. By making business an agent of policy the state also
  48. creates a useful scapegoat for diverting the ire of the public towards the iniquity and
  49. exploitation of existing economic relations and positions the state to act as "white
  50. knight" to protect the public and avenge the evils and excesses of "private
  51. enterprise."2
  52. The latter is parallel to the way corporate apologists use "big government" as a
  53. bogeyman. In fact the real relationship between big government and big business has
  54. always been primarily mutually supportive, and the enmity between them has been
  55. manufactured largely for the proles' consumption.
  56. As we shall see below, to some extent it's meaningless even to draw a clear dividing
  57. line between the centralized state and the centralized corporate economy. It makes more
  58. sense, simultaneously, to see the state as an "executive committee" of the corporate ruling
  59. class, largely instrumental to the corporate interests in control of the state apparatus, and
  60. to see the corporation as a branch of the state. The latter is especially true in the case of
  61. "private" businesses conducting surveillance of their customers on behalf of the state
  62. (e.g., "know your customer" laws in the banking industry, hardware and drug stores
  63. monitoring purchases of potential methamphetamine components, AT&T's cooperation
  64. with warrantless wiretapping, etc.).
  67. The regime of legal privilege described above, predating the corporate transformation
  68. of capitalism, took the form primarily of unequal exchange on the individual level,
  69. whether it was the sale of labor-power on disadvantageous terms in an unequal labor
  70. market, or the purchase of goods on unequal terms because of patents, copyrights and
  71. tariffs. The individualist anarchists, habituated to view exchange largely in such
  72. individualistic terms, mostly neglected the structural changes in the American economy--
  73. 2
  74. Benjamin Darrington (economics undergrad, Yale University), "Government Created Economies of Scale
  75. and Capital Specificity" (2007), pp. 7-8. Paper presented at Austrian student conference.
  76. the tendency toward the concentration of capital and the centralization of production--and
  77. the ways that the tariff and intellectual property monopolies promoted these structural
  78. changes. In addition, Tucker and the other individualists for the most part ignored the
  79. organizational ties between the corporation and the state, the state's increasing assumption
  80. of the corporation's operating expenses through direct subsidies, and the state's limitation
  81. of competition between large corporations through its cartelizing regulations.
  82. Later in life, when Tucker took note of the trusts, he became pessimistic about the
  83. potential for reversing the concentration of economic power through the mere elimination
  84. of privilege. He feared that the great trusts had grown so large, and the concentration of
  85. wealth so great, that they might be self-perpetuating even without further state
  86. intervention.
  87. Forty years ago, when the foregoing essay was written, the denial of competition
  88. had not yet effected the enormous concentration of wealth that now so gravely
  89. threatens social order. It was not yet too late to stem the current of accumulation by a
  90. reversal of the policy of monopoly. The Anarchistic remedy was still applicable.
  91. Today the way is not so clear. The four monopolies, unhindered, have made
  92. possible the modern development of the trust, and the trust is now a monster which I
  93. fear, even the freest banking, could it be instituted, would be unable to destroy. As
  94. long as the Standard Oil group controlled only fifty millions of dollars, the institution
  95. of free competition would have crippled it hopelessly; it needed the money monopoly
  96. for its sustenance and its growth. Now that it controls, directly and indirectly, perhaps
  97. ten thousand millions, it sees in the money monopoly a convenience, to be sure, but
  98. no longer a necessity. It can do without it. Were all restrictions upon banking to be
  99. removed, concentrated capital could meet successfully the new situation by setting
  100. aside annually for sacrifice a sum that would remove every competitor from the field.
  101. If this be true, then monopoly, which can be controlled permanently only by
  102. economic forces, has passed for the moment beyond their reach, and must be grappled
  103. with for a time solely by forces political or revolutionary. Until measures of forcible
  104. confiscation, through the State or in defiance of it, shall have abolished the
  105. concentrations that monopoly has created, the economic solution proposed by
  106. Anarchism and outlined in the forgoing pages – and there is no other solution – will
  107. remain a thing to be taught to the rising generation, that conditions may be favorable
  108. to its application after the great leveling. But education is a slow process, and may not
  109. come too quickly. Anarchists who endeavor to hasten it by joining in the propaganda
  110. of State Socialism or revolution make a sad mistake indeed. They help to so force the
  111. march of events that the people will not have time to find out, by the study of their
  112. experience, that their troubles have been due to the rejection of competition. If this
  113. lesson shall not be learned in a season, the past will be repeated in the future....3
  114. 3
  115. 1926 "Postscript to State Socialism and Anarchism," in Individual Liberty
  116. But even then, he seemingly viewed such concentration of wealth as the result of the
  117. prior operation of the Four Monopolies, working on an individual level. So his
  118. pessimism, arguably, reflected a failure to consider the extent to which the power of large
  119. corporations depended on state intervention on a structural level, subsidizing and
  120. protecting them as organizations. Perhaps, then, we need not be so pessimistic.
  121. As we shall see later in this chapter, Gabriel Kolko showed that the large trusts at the
  122. turn of the twentieth century were not able to maintain their market share against more
  123. efficient smaller firms. The stabilization of most industries on an oligopoly pattern was
  124. possible, in the end, only with the additional help of the "Progressive" Era's anticompetitive regulations. The fact that the trusts were so unstable, despite the cartelizing
  125. effects of tariffs and patents, speaks volumes about the level of state intervention
  126. necessary to maintain monopoly capitalism. But without the combined influence of
  127. tariffs, patents, and railroad subsidies in creating the centralized corporate economy, there
  128. would not have been any large corporations even to attempt trusts in the first place. The
  129. corporate transformation of the economy in the late 19th century--made possible by the
  130. government's role in railroad subsidies, protectionism, and patents--was a necessary
  131. precondition for the full-blown state capitalism of the 20th century.
  132. The corporate revolution, and the domination of the economy by firms operating on a
  133. continental scale, followed the completion of the national railroad system. The corporate
  134. economy was made possible by high industrial tariffs and the full-scale subsidy of
  135. "internal improvements"--along with corporate personhood, "substantive due process,"
  136. and the rest of the legal regime growing out of the Fourteenth Amendment. The creation
  137. of the latter legal regime was analogous, on a smaller scale, to the legal regime of Bretton
  138. Woods and GATT that provided a political structure for global capitalism after WWII.
  139. A. The Nineteenth Century Corporate Legal Revolution.
  140. The American legal framework was transformed in the mid-nineteenth century in
  141. ways that made a more hospitable environment for large corporations. Among the
  142. changes were the rise of a general federal commercial law, general incorporation laws,
  143. and the status of the corporation as a person under the Fourteenth Amendment. The
  144. cumulative effect of these changes on a national scale was comparable to the later effect,
  145. on a global scale, of the Bretton Woods agencies and the GATT process: a centralized
  146. legal order was created, prerequisite for their stable functioning, coextensive with the
  147. market areas of large corporations.
  148. The federalization of the legal regime is associated with the recognition of a general
  149. body of federal commercial law in Swift v. Tyson (1842), and with the application of the
  150. Fourteenth Amendment to corporate persons in Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific
  151. Railroad Company (1886).
  152. It was originally held under American constitutional law that there was no general
  153. body of federal commercial law--only case law developed pursuant to the specific and
  154. limited delegated powers of Congress. The diversity of citizenship jurisdiction of the
  155. federal courts--their jurisdiction over disputes between citizens of different states,
  156. included in the grab-bag of comity provisions in Article IV--was not pursuant to the
  157. federal government's power to regulate commerce, but was simply intended to promote
  158. comity between the states. Cases in diversity jurisdiction were to be decided, not on the
  159. basis of any general federal commercial law, but on the basis of the law of the state in
  160. which the tort or contract took place. Until Swift v. Tyson, this state law was taken to
  161. include the case law which explicated it. Swift v. Tyson held that the law of the state
  162. consisted only of statute law; as Justice Story argued,
  163. in the ordinary use of language, it will hardly be contended that the decision of courts
  164. constituted laws. They are, at most, only evidence of what the laws are, and are not,
  165. of themselves law.
  166. The federal judiciary, therefore, was governed in its diversity jurisdiction only by state
  167. statutes, and not state case law. The federal judiciary was free to develop its own body of
  168. judge-made common law--to judge according to "the general principles of commercial
  169. law"--in deciding diversity cases.4 The state courts, at best, were to be treated, as the
  170. King's Bench and other royal courts had been in the early decades after independence: as
  171. sister courts whose decisions deserved respect as learned explications of the common
  172. law, but carried no binding authority. As Horwitz argued, Story's opinion was a
  173. throwback to the understanding of the common law as "found, not made," a general body
  174. of principles accessible to reason, which had almost entirely collapsed by that time in the
  175. face of the modern understanding of positive law.5
  176. The Santa Clara decision6 was followed by an era of federal judicial activism, in
  177. which state laws were overturned on the basis of "substantive due process." The role of
  178. the federal courts in the national economy was similar to that of the contemporary World
  179. Trade Organization on a global scale, with an "international" tribunal having the power to
  180. override the laws of local jurisdictions which were injurious to corporate interests. This
  181. is not, please note, a defense of such local legislation when it interferes with legitimate
  182. property rights and freedom of contract. But such libertarian centralism--an
  183. "international" legal regime that spares private actors the transaction costs of negotiating
  184. their own terms under the rules of local sovereignties, by superimposing an overarching
  185. 4
  186. In Morton Horwitz, The Transformation of American Law 1780-1860 (Cambridge and London: Harvard
  187. University Press, 1977), p. 245.
  188. 5
  189. Ibid. p. 246.
  190. 6
  191. 118 U.S. 394 (1886),
  193. sovereignty--is of dubious legitimacy.
  194. And in practice, the "due process" and "equal protection" rights of corporations as
  195. "juristic persons" have been made the basis of protections against legal action aimed at
  196. protecting the older common law rights of flesh and blood persons. For example local
  197. ordinances to protect groundwater and local populations against toxic pollution and
  198. contagion from hog farms, to protect property owners from undermining and land
  199. subsidance caused by coal extraction--surely indistinguishable in practice from the tort
  200. liability provisions of any just market anarchy's libertarian law code--have been
  201. overturned as violations of the "equal protection" rights of hog factory farms and mining
  202. companies.
  203. Four years ago, Robertson and the other [Clarion County Pennsylvania]
  204. supervisors were debating an ordinance to restrict the spreading of toxics-laden
  205. sewage sludge on local fields—a major issue in an area that has become a destination
  206. for waste from Pittsburgh. The supervisors knew that messing with big business could
  207. come at a price: Three years earlier, another Pennsylvania township had passed an
  208. anti-sludge ordinance, only to be sued by a sludge hauler called Synagro, which
  209. argued that the township had infringed on its rights under the 14th Amendment,
  210. passed after the Civil War to guarantee "equal protection" to all....
  211. After Santa Clara, federal judges began granting more and more rights to
  212. nonliving "persons." In 1922, the Supreme Court ruled that the Pennsylvania Coal Co.
  213. was entitled to "just compensation" under the Fifth Amendment because a state law,
  214. designed to keep houses from collapsing as mining companies tunneled under them,
  215. limited how much coal it could extract....
  216. BY THE LATE 1990S, fear and anger over sludge application in rural
  217. Pennsylvania—fueled by the deaths of an 11-year-old who got sick after riding his
  218. dirt bike through a sludge-treated field, and a 17-year-old who fell ill after exposure to
  219. sludge at a farm—was running high. Thomas Linzey found himself fielding calls from
  220. local officials desperate for ways to battle the "biosolids" applicators, as well as the
  221. corporate hog farms whose stench sickened people for miles around. Municipalities
  222. had been used to keeping those nuisances at bay with their own waste ordinances; but
  223. in 1997, in response to agribusiness lobbying, the state began enforcing a law that
  224. invalidated the local rules. Residents packed schools and fire stations to air their
  225. grievances. "These are the people with the shitkickers and the John Deere hats,"
  226. Linzey says. "These are the people who salt the roads in the wintertime and fix the
  227. roads in the summertime. We had rural farmers coming to community meetings with
  228. the Declaration of Independence in their back pockets."
  229. In response to local regulation of toxic sludge, the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business
  230. and Industry's newsletter sounded the alarm over a "stronger force than evil space
  231. invaders: the radical agenda of militant environmentalists that seems to have taken
  232. possession of the township supervisors." One corporation sued, claiming that the
  233. township's restrictions violated its rights with regard to "equal protection, due process,
  234. taking without just compensation, and rights guaranteed under the commerce clause."
  235. Last year, agribusiness took the fight to the state Legislature, supporting a law under
  236. which the state attorney general could sue any local government for passing an ordinance
  237. that "prohibits or limits a normal agricultural operation."7
  238. The phrase "normal agricultural operation," by the way, foreshadows a later theme in
  239. this chapter: the ways in which the federal regulatory state has preempted and overriden
  240. older common law standards of liability, replacing the potentially harsh damages imposed
  241. by local juries with a least common denominator of regulatory standards based on "sound
  242. science" as determined by industry.
  243. More important than either of the above changes, however, is the general change in
  244. corporate law: a move toward general incorporation laws at the state level, and the rise of
  245. corporate entity status8 under both state and federal law.
  246. Robert Hessen has argued that general incorporation under statute law provides no
  247. benefits that could not be achieved by simple private contract.9
  248. Piet-Hein Van Eeghen, however, raises the question of whether the entity status of the
  249. corporation, distinct from any or all of the individual stockholders, could be established
  250. solely by private contract.
  251. While it is common to list various typical corporate features, such as entity status,
  252. limited liability and perpetuity, there is really only one defining feature: entity status.
  253. Entity status means that certain legal rights and duties are held by the corporation as a
  254. separate, impersonal legal entity. In the case of the private business corporation, entity
  255. status implies that title to the firm’s assets is held by the corporation in its own right,
  256. separate from its shareholders.
  257. Illustrative of the fact that the corporate form of private enterprise deviates from
  258. traditional forms of private property, entity status renders the legal position of both
  259. corporate shareholders and managers (directors) awkward and ambiguous. As for
  260. corporate shareholders, they are commonly regarded as the owners of the corporation,
  261. but they are owners only in a limited sense. Shareholders do not have title to the
  262. assets of the corporate firm, but merely possess the right to appoint management and
  263. to receive dividends as and when these are declared; title to the firm’s assets reverts
  264. 7
  265. Barry Yeoman, "When Is a Corporation Like a Freed Slave?" Mother Jones, November-December 2006.
  266. <>.
  267. 8
  268. The evolution of legal theory regarding the corporate entity status is discussed at length by Morton
  269. Horwitz in The Transformation of American Law, 1870-1960: The Crisis of Legal Orthodoxy (New York
  270. and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992), pp. 65-107.
  271. 9
  272. Robert Hessen. In Defense of the Corporation (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution, 1979).
  273. back to shareholders only when its corporate status is terminated. The lack of
  274. ownership rights over assets is illustrated by the fact that, in contrast to partners in an
  275. unincorporated partnership, corporate shareholders cannot lay claim to their share of
  276. the assets of the corporate firm nor do they have the right to force their co-partners to
  277. buy them out. Corporate shareholders can liquidate their investment only by selling
  278. their shares to third parties. In short, the ambiguity in the legal position of
  279. shareholders lies in the fact that, while certain traditional ownership rights rest with
  280. them (profit accrual and power to appoint agents to manage the firm for them), other
  281. traditional ownership rights are exercised by the corporation as a legal entity separate
  282. from them (title to the firm’s assets).
  283. As for corporate management, their legal position is equally ambiguous. Managers
  284. are appointed by directors who are the representatives of shareholders. Ultimately,
  285. management is thus the agent for shareholders, managing the corporation as their
  286. representative. This, however, is only part of the picture. While management is the
  287. agent for shareholders in the sense of being ultimately appointed by and accountable
  288. to them, it is also the agent for the corporation itself. After all, in order to manage the
  289. corporation’s assets, management must legally represent the corporation as the
  290. titleholder to these assets. And because the corporation is an impersonal legal entity,
  291. agency for the corporation lends a significant degree of autonomy to the position of
  292. management, which is precisely why it has proved so difficult to make shareholder
  293. control over management more effective, despite the many legislative measures aimed
  294. at enhancing management accountability to shareholders. The significant degree of
  295. autonomy inherent in the legal position of corporate management was, of course, the
  296. main theme of Berle and Means’s (1932) seminal work on the corporation. To sum
  297. up, the position of management is ambiguous because management acts as agent for
  298. two principals, the shareholders and the corporation.
  299. Other typical features of the corporation like limited liability and perpetuity are
  300. not independent, original attributes, but are derived from its entity status.
  301. Shareholders possess limited liability because they do not own the corporation’s
  302. assets and are, consequently, also not liable for claims against these assets.
  303. Responsibility for corporate debt rests with the corporation in its own right rather than
  304. with them. Corporate creditors cannot, therefore, lay claim to the personal possessions
  305. of corporate shareholders, as they can to the personal possessions of partners in an
  306. unincorporated partnership. The most shareholders can lose is their initial investment
  307. when buying the shares, which happens only when the corporation goes bankrupt and
  308. the shares lose their value. Such is the origin of limited liability for shareholders.
  309. The corporate feature of perpetuity can also be traced back to the corporation’s
  310. entity status. It is because assets are owned by the corporation in its own right rather
  311. than by shareholders that the death or departure of shareholders does not affect its
  312. continued existence. While unincorporated partnerships need to be legally
  313. reconstituted each time partners leave, die, or are added, corporations continue
  314. irrespective of who holds their shares. The corporation’s entity status thus gives it a
  315. life independent of the life of its shareholders, which is the sense in which it is
  316. commonly said to possess perpetuity or immortality.10
  317. Van Eeghen argues that general incorporation under statute law is a source of special
  318. privilege, insofar as it confers what were previously considered the incidents of statehood,
  319. and is therefore impermissible from a libertarian standpoint:
  320. It has, in fact, always been foreign to common law principles to allow private
  321. persons the unrestricted freedom to assign their assets to the ownership of impersonal,
  322. and thus state-like, legal entities. As Roy (1997, p. 46) notes: “This feature [entity
  323. status] conflicts with a basic tenet of the common law of property: it clouds the
  324. distinction between personal rights (in personem) and rights in property (in rem).” In
  325. spite of his defense of the corporation, a liberal legal scholar like Richard Epstein
  326. (1995, p. 273) agrees that limited liability “deviates from the ordinary common law
  327. principles of partnership and agency.”11
  328. Originally only state institutions (central, regional, and local government)
  329. possessed corporate status, which seems entirely natural and appropriate. If we wish
  330. to escape Louis XIV’s infamous dictum “l’état c’est moi” (“I am the state”)..., the
  331. state should indeed be given a legal entity separate from its officials. Only if such a
  332. separation exists can state power be vested in the office rather than the person; and
  333. only when state power is vested in the office can it be circumscribed by law....
  334. If it is agreed that entity status is indeed a typical attribute of the state, then
  335. anarchocapitalists who advocate a stateless society have even more reason to oppose
  336. private firms taking on state-like attributes such as happens when they acquire
  337. corporate status.12
  338. Further, Van Eeghen argues, corporate entity status and all its incidents have had the
  339. practical effect of enabling all the negative features commonly identified in critiques of
  340. corporate power:
  341. (a) Increased Speculative Instability
  342. Because incorporation separates ownership from control, shares in a modern
  343. corporation can be traded without necessarily affecting the management nor the
  344. 10
  345. Piet-Hein van Eeghen. "The Corporation at Issue, Part I: The Clash of Classical Liberal Values and the
  346. Negative Consequences for Capitalist Practice" Journal of Libertarian Studies Vol. 19 Num. 3 (Fall 2005),
  347. pp. 52-54 <>.
  348. 11
  349. Piet-Hein van Eeghen. "The Corporation at Issue, Part II: A Critique of Robert Hesson's In Defense of
  350. the Corporation and Proposed Conditions for Private Incorporation" Journal of Libertarian Studies Vol. 19
  351. Num. 4 (Fall 2005), p. 39 <>.
  352. 12
  353. Van Eeghen, "The Corporation at Issue, Part I," pp. 54, 56.
  354. capital position of the firm. As a result, an active market in such shares develops more
  355. easily. By contrast, the shares in an unincorporated partnership are less marketable
  356. because they are more strongly linked to the risks and responsibilities of managing the
  357. firm, which old owners are more reluctant give up and new owners accept. Moreover,
  358. partners normally have the right to consultation in ownership transfers, which also
  359. reduces the marketability of ownership stakes in unincorporated businesses.
  360. Unfortunately, marketability and the potential for speculative trading are
  361. intimately linked. Since incorporation significantly increases the marketability of
  362. ownership stakes, it thereby also enhances the opportunities for speculative activity in
  363. share markets. In addition, many of the participants in speculative markets are
  364. corporations themselves and thus enjoy a degree of risk protection in the form of
  365. limited liability. Because the balance between risk and reward is tampered with,
  366. speculative activity is artificially stimulated....
  367. (b) Increased Market Concentration and Concentration of Control
  368. Because the corporate form increases the average firm size, it will also ceteris
  369. paribus increase the degree of concentration in any given market. Furthermore,
  370. because incorporation enhances the marketability of shares as well as the ease with
  371. which capital can be raised, it also creates better opportunities to gain market share by
  372. mergers and take-overs.
  373. Generally speaking, corporate capitalist practice has strayed far from the freeenterprise ideal of market decisions being taken at a decentralized level by countless
  374. relatively small suppliers and demanders so that market outcomes are broadly
  375. impersonal. The very invisibility and beneficence of the invisible hand is thus under
  376. threat.
  377. (c) Increased Strength of the Profit Motive
  378. Since corporate shareholders are normally so diversified that they become an
  379. amorphous mass, only the lowest common denominator of their wishes can be
  380. attended to, which is to maximize return on investment—the wish which the greatest
  381. number of shareholders have in common. Put differently, the profit motive is given
  382. additional impetus, because it has to perform the additional function of bridging the
  383. gap between management and an estranged ownership. The divorce of ownership
  384. from control also stimulates the development of a large, impersonal market in
  385. corporate control, which makes it even more difficult for management to moderate the
  386. pursuit of profit, as they live under the constant threat of losing their position through
  387. take-overs—and recall how take-overs are already made easier by the corporate form.
  388. That is why corporate behavior tends to be more strongly profit-driven than people
  389. tend to be when acting in their private capacity. An exaggerated materialist bias is
  390. thus introduced into the liberal capitalist ethos.13
  391. Although Hessen argued that entity status could be established solely by contract, van
  392. Eeghen takes issue with that claim. Hessen, van Eeghen argues, "confuse[s] the jointstock principle with corporate status." Entity status does not consist merely, as Hessen
  393. seemed to think, of the shareholders acting "as a unified collective in a court of law";
  394. rather, entity status refers to the corporation as "a legal entity separate from shareholders."
  395. First, the fact that shareholders have no legal title to the assets of the corporation,
  396. even when they seek to exercise such rights collectively (provided the corporation is
  397. not thereby broken up), clearly suggests that the corporation is a legal entity separate
  398. from the collective of shareholders and that title to these assets rests with the former.
  399. Second, if entity status refers to the collective of shareholders and it is the product of
  400. private contracting, there should be private contracts between individual shareholders
  401. in existence which stipulate their collective ownership in respect of the firm’s assets.
  402. But these contracts are simply not there....
  403. If it is agreed that the corporation is a legal entity separate from shareholders, then
  404. Hessen’s claim that it can be the product of private contracting is obviously severely
  405. weakened if not dismissed. It is clear that private contracting can achieve only joint
  406. ownership of the contractors’ assets (a partnership); it cannot establish a legal entity
  407. separate from the natural persons of the contractors themselves to which they assign
  408. their assets.
  409. The legal status of nonmanaging partners is obviously similar to that of corporate
  410. shareholders, in that they can also obtain limited liability, have given up their control
  411. over assets and no longer have the right to consultation in ownership transfers. For
  412. Hessen this is evidence to suggest that there is a seamless continuum that starts with
  413. the straight, unqualified partnership and ends with the corporation, while the modified
  414. partnership is positioned somewhere between the two. But there does seem to be a
  415. fundamental difference between partnerships and corporations. Whereas in the case of
  416. modified partnerships the rights and responsibilities of ownership are rearranged
  417. between nonmanaging and managing partners, these rights and responsibilities are
  418. partially cancelled for all corporate shareholders. There are no longer any managing
  419. shareholders in a corporation; instead all corporate shareholders are silent partners.
  420. From a liberal point of view, such modified partnerships are perfectly in order (e.g.,
  421. the limited partnership or the Italian commenda), provided that some partners carry
  422. the full rights and responsibilities of ownership and that accountability towards third
  423. parties is thus not compromised.14
  424. I confess the argument that separate entity status could be established by private
  425. 13
  426. 14
  427. Ibid., pp. 60-64.
  428. "The Corporation at Issue, Part II," pp. .
  429. contract is not entirely implausible. Van Eeghen's argument from the nonexistence of
  430. such private contracts is not, in itself, very convincing. One might argue that the general
  431. idea of free contract is quite recent, that it has been given even comparatively free rein
  432. only in the past few centuries, and that, even so, the form it has taken in that time has
  433. reflected the path dependencies created by a far more statist society. A great many
  434. contractual arrangements might be conceivable without the state (see, for example, the
  435. work of the Tannehills or of David Friedman)15 that have never yet come into existence
  436. simply because the state still casts such a huge shadow. Arguably, the very availability of
  437. statutory provisions for general incorporation has had the effect of crowding out private
  438. contractual arrangements. There is nothing inherently nonsensical or repugnant in the
  439. idea of a number of private individuals contracting to create a permanent corporate entity
  440. separate from any or all of themselves as individuals, or of local free juries choosing to
  441. recognize the standing of such entities under the body of libertarian law.
  442. Even were we to stipulate such an argument, however, it would not get Hessen and
  443. his partisans very far. Whether the corporation, as distinguished by its entity status from
  444. an ordinary partnership, could come about through private contracting alone, is in my
  445. opinion a question involving so much counterfactual speculation as to be unanswerable.
  446. But even stipulating that it could doesn't get Hessen very far. He misses the point
  447. entirely:
  448. The actual procedure for creating a corporation consists of filing a registration document
  449. with a state official (like recording the use of a fictitious business name), and the state's role
  450. is purely formal and automatic. Moreover, to call incorporation a "privilege" implies that
  451. individuals have no right to create a corporation. But why is governmental permission
  452. needed? Who would be wronged if businesses adopted corporate features by contract?
  453. Whose rights would be violated if a firm declared itself to be a unit for the purposes of suing
  454. and being sued, holding and conveying title to property, or that it would continue in
  455. existence despite the death or withdrawal of its officers or investors, that its shares are freely
  456. transferable, or if it asserted limited liability for its debt obligations? ....If potential creditors
  457. find any of these features objectionable, they can negotiate to exclude or modify them.16
  458. They could negotiate to exclude or modify them a lot more effectively in a system
  459. where corporations had to be established entirely by private contract, than they can under
  460. a system where incorporation is "automatic," as Hessen himself admits. The fact that the
  461. state makes the establishment of entity status and all its accidents so much easier, by
  462. providing a ready-made and automatic venue for incorporation, surely results in a
  463. considerable distortion of the market. General incorporation legislation creates a
  464. standard procedure for setting up a corporation with entity status, with standard forms to
  465. file and automatic recognition to anyone following the prescribed procedure. Thus, the
  466. state intervenes to make the corporation the standard form of business organization, and
  467. 15
  468. 16
  469. Robert Hessen, "Corporations," The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics (Library of Economics and
  470. Liberty) <>
  471. essentially removes the transaction costs of organizing it.
  472. Leaving aside the broader question of entity status, both Murray Rothbard and
  473. Stephan Kinsella have argued that the narrower principle of limited liability for debt
  474. could be established by contract, simply by announcing ahead of time that individual
  475. shareholders in a firm would be liable only for the amount of their investment. In that
  476. case, it would be entirely the voluntary decision of creditors whether or not to accept such
  477. terms, and if most creditors found such terms objectionable, the market would punish
  478. firms attempting to limit liability by prior announcement in this way.17 But the very fact
  479. that limited liability can be had, not by negotiating it in a private contract on a case by
  480. case basis and persuading each group of creditors separately to accept such terms, but
  481. merely by filing some standard papers under the general terms of the corporate form
  482. provided by statute, distorts the market away from the voluntary nature of limited liability
  483. as it would exist under a purely contractual regime. If, under the auspices of the state's
  484. code of laws, the limited liability corporation becomes the dominant form of
  485. organization, how "voluntary" can the choice of alternatives be from the standpoint of a
  486. creditor? As Gregory White, a commenter on Kinsella's article, pointed out:
  487. ...if you can get a large immunity from debts just by the relatively smaller cost of
  488. incorporating, why wouldn't a self-interested investor/owner do so?
  489. So once every firm of any substantial size is incorporated, what real 'agreement'
  490. (really choice) is there?....
  491. Rothbard is saying people should be free to incorporate, and I agree. He's also
  492. saying government should have nothing to do with it, including an explicit grant of
  493. immunity from debts (by "privilege of limited liability" and charter grants), as I
  494. originally said and you rejected.
  495. With limited liability to debts granted by government charter, the "right of a free
  496. individual" to effectively choose the contract is destroyed by implication. In practice
  497. they have little choice but to accept the limited liability condition, since it is a
  498. government granted privilege that any business person would quickly seize on.
  499. ...The legislation distorts the market by destroying some measure of bargaining
  500. power on the part of creditors.
  501. In response to Kinsella's claim that the government merely duplicates the effect of
  502. private contract ("The government only helps hang a bright neon sign recognizing that the
  503. shareholders are broadcasting to all third parties: if you deal with us, you can't come after
  504. our personal assets"), White responded:
  505. 17
  506. Stephan Kinsella "In Defense of the Corporation," Mises Economics Blog, October 27, 2005.
  508. ...[The "sign hanging"] guarantees an immunity, destroying possible terms of
  509. negotiation. Without government, the corporation can do no more than ask for
  510. agreement (sure, they can "announce" their resolute terms as well as I can announce
  511. the sky is green). If you were to say that many contracts, and maybe even most, would
  512. end up the same way if it were solely private, I would probably agree. But that won't
  513. be the limit. The government distorts the market here -- no question about it. And that
  514. distortion plays into natural rights. Some will not be able to recover their own
  515. property, where without the distortion, they could have otherwise formed a different
  516. contract. It will distort bargaining power in some circumstances. No doubt about it. 18
  517. Whether or not it could be established by mere contract in a hypothetical scenario, the
  518. understanding of the corporate entity status that emerged from the late nineteenth century
  519. on was a radical departure from the earlier understanding of the property rights of
  520. individual shareholders in a joint-stock corporation. To that extent, the modern
  521. corporation with separate entity status really is fundamentally different from the earlier
  522. joint-stock corporation. As understood under the earlier doctrine, the property rights of
  523. the individual shareholder really were analogous to those of a partner. The understanding
  524. is exemplified by the majority opinion in the Dartmouth College case, in which any
  525. amendment to a corporate charter, or indeed "any fundamental corporate change," was
  526. considered a breach of the shareholder's contract, a "taking" of his property. All such
  527. changes had to be consented to unanimously by shareholders, in exactly the same manner
  528. as members would consent to the change in terms of a partnership. Under the modern
  529. understanding, on the other hand, the corporation is an entity separate entirely from any or
  530. all individual shareholders, and governed by a simple majority vote.19
  531. In addition, many critics of the corporate form argue that the "corporate veil" dilutes
  532. legal responsibility.
  533. It is true that officers and shareholders are technically liable for criminal acts, and not
  534. legally exempt for criminal behavior under the corporate form, as Kinsella argued.20
  535. And as Joshua Holmes pointed out:
  536. Limited Liability is not at all absolute, as many libertarian detractors seem to
  537. imply. In cases of fraud, or where the corporate [sic] does not have sufficient
  538. independence from its shareholders, courts will "pierce the veil". When courts pierce
  539. the veil, plaintiffs against a corporation can indeed hold the shareholders directly
  540. liable. This often happens when the corporation is undercapitalised, that is, when the
  541. corporation obviously doesn't have enough assets to cover its liabilities. This happens
  542. surprisingly frequently, and more often in torts cases than contracts cases.21
  543. 18
  544. Ibid.
  545. Horwitz, Transformation of American Law (1870-1960), pp. 87-89.
  546. 20
  547. Ibid.
  548. 21
  549. Comment under Kevin Carson, "Corporate Personhood" April 24, 2006.
  550. 19
  551. But as van Eeghen said above, the corporate form is a departure from the common
  552. law, in its attenuation of ownership and personal responsibility. Sheldon Richman made
  553. a similar observation, raising the issue of
  554. whether one is at all responsible for what happens with one's property. It's not a
  555. matter of merely giving money to the company. Unlike creditors, shareholders
  556. supposedly own the corporation, but if their "property" injures someone, they are out
  557. of the liability picture altogether. This is a strange notion of property. The real owner
  558. is a fictitious person, while the real persons are not real owners. If one has no liability,
  559. one has no incentive to pay attention to how "one's property" is being used.22
  560. With ordinary forms of property under the common law, the burden of monitoring
  561. one's property and avoiding the criminal or tortious use of it by one's hired agents is
  562. assumed to lie with the owner. With the corporate form, the owner may not be exempt
  563. from liability, but the normal presumption is the reverse.
  564. The corporate veil seems deliberately designed to dilute or obscure personal
  565. responsibility. The corporate form provides shareholders with all the benefits of
  566. ownership, while freeing them from the normal responsibilities associated with property
  567. ownership under the common law. An ordinary property owner is expected to take
  568. reasonable care in overseeing it, and exercise reasonable supervision over his hired
  569. overseers, or risk being charged with negligence if the property is misused to someone
  570. else's harm. The corporate form serves not only to absolve the owners of such
  571. responsibility, but to make the exercise of responsible control impossible. It functions, in
  572. many ways, as a form of "plausible deniability," increasing the difficulty of assigning
  573. blame for malfeasance.
  574. Corporate officers, under pressure from "the market for corporate control" to increase
  575. profit margins (without overmuch scrupulosity on the investors' part as to what means
  576. management uses to achieve the result), are put in a double bind. As "quasibill," an astute
  577. commenter on my blog, remarked on my review of van Eeghen's articles:
  578. The reality is that management does get directives from the shareholders, in the
  579. form of a demand for greater dividends/share prices. Management does respond to
  580. this directive, sometimes at the expense of innocent third parties. And management
  581. does present this situation as a defense - "I would've been fired had I paid for a proper
  582. truck driver for that route!" and often juries/factfinders will buy that defense implicitly finding that it was the shareholder's demands that caused the negligence.23
  584. Ibid.
  585. 23
  586. Ibid.
  587. 22
  588. "Who will rid me of this turbulent priest?" If anyone considers the expression "plausible
  589. deniability" overblown, consider this bit of legal advice:
  590. First, the corporate veil is always disregarded by courts for criminal acts of the
  591. officers, shareholders, or directors of a corporation. Further, federal and state tax laws
  592. generally impose personal liability on those individuals responsible for filing sales
  593. and income tax returns for the corporation.
  594. For most other matters, the corporate veil is most often pierced by courts in
  595. situations where the shareholders of a corporation disregard the legal separateness of
  596. the corporation and the corporation acts as nothing more than an alter ego for the
  597. shareholders' own dealings...
  598. It is essential that minutes be maintained of board and shareholder actions.
  599. Corporate minutes are the first line of defense against the IRS, creditors, and other
  600. parties making claims against the corporation, particularly if a claim is based on a
  601. theory that the corporation should not be taxed as a corporation or afforded limited
  602. liability (piercing the corporate veil). Minutes can be the written record of meetings or
  603. the unanimous written actions of the directors or shareholders taken without a
  604. meeting. Either is acceptable, if properly done. Many closely-held corporations fail to
  605. keep even annual minutes, which greatly weakens the position of the corporation and
  606. its shareholders, directors, and officers in many circumstances. Regular minutes can
  607. also:
  608. • Prevent IRS claims of unreasonable compensation of executives who are
  609. shareholders
  610. • Protect against IRS claims of excess accumulated earnings
  611. • Create defenses against lawsuits attempting to establish personal liability of
  612. directors or officers, by evidencing board business judgment and specific
  613. authorization
  614. • Protect against spurious lawsuits of minority shareholders
  615. • Establish authority for corporate actions for the benefit of outside parties
  616. Minutes of a meeting should be prepared by the Secretary of the Corporation,
  617. signed, and then approved by the Board or shareholders, as the case may be, at the
  618. next meeting or in the next action. This will minimize any claim that the written
  619. minutes do not accurately reflect the action taken. Minutes should always reflect that
  620. proper notice was given or waived, who was present and who was absent, and that a
  621. quorum was present. Any abstentions or dissents on a vote should be noted for the
  622. protection of the director abstaining or dissenting. In a closely-held corporation,
  623. meetings are often held to create minutes rather than to make decisions, but holding
  624. formal meetings with parliamentary procedures tends to result in more deliberate and
  625. organized decision- making and is recommended if practical.
  626. It is equally important that minutes be limited to material which helps and not
  627. hurts the corporation. Resolutions should be set forth. The fact that a report was given
  628. or a discussion held on a subject should be noted. Statements made by a director or
  629. the actual content of a report or discussion, however, should generally not be
  630. included, since these references tend to be damaging more often than not. Claimants
  631. of a corporation will many times establish their case on the basis of minutes which
  632. were too detailed. It is also important to maintain a climate in which each director
  633. feels free to say anything during a board meeting and know that it will be strictly
  634. confidential and not later show up in a written record describing the board's
  635. deliberations. Generally, only formal resolutions adopted by the Board should be set
  636. forth in minutes.
  637. It is advisable to review any other detailed descriptions in minutes with legal
  638. counsel before completing them.24
  639. In other words, do the minimal amount of documentation to cover your posterior and pay
  640. homage to the corporate form, but avoid potentially incriminating specific details as much
  641. as possible, so that participants can distance themselves from the decision-making
  642. process after the fact.
  643. Although shareholders and corporate officers are liable in theory for malfeasance, in
  644. practice the standard is applied far differently to the corporation, and the sole
  645. proprietorship, respectively. As "quasibill" points out,
  646. agency law is a major source of liability for sole proprietors, but is arbitrarily cut off
  647. in the case of shareholders merely by invoking the statutory grant of incorporation.
  648. One can argue that the corporate veil can be pierced, but the standards are not the
  649. same; in essence, so long as the shareholder is extremely negligent in how the
  650. business is run, he's insulated from responsibility. In contrast, agency law places a
  651. burden on a sole proprietor to be responsible about his choice of agents.
  652. [The shareholder is protected], so long as [he] can demonstrate that he "respected
  653. the corporate identity." So, as long as he didn't mix and mingle assets, or fail to hold
  654. corporate meetings, he's protected from liability. In fact, so long as he colludes with
  655. his fellow shareholders, he can make it airtight by demonstrating that after all
  656. corporate formalities were followed, they all voted for the same result. In this case,
  657. they are all enforcing their own claim to having respected the corporate personality,
  658. thereby benefitting all of them equally.
  659. In contrast, a sole proprietor who turned the day to day operation of his business
  660. over to a hired manager would be bound by the acts of his agent that were taken in the
  661. 24
  662. "How to Avoid Piercing of Your Corporate Veil." Click&Inc. The Internet's Only Customized
  663. Incorporation Service for Home & Small Business Owners.
  664. scope of the agency, period. The sole proprietor is responsible for choosing that
  665. person and imbuing him with authority. Especially if he didn't supervise the manager
  666. very well and the manager uses the business to defraud customers. It doesn't take
  667. much to see that a sole proprietor could be held liable for his negligence in such a
  668. situation. In contrast, the shareholders are actually encouraged to take LESS care in
  669. how the day to day manager is operating the business. The less care he takes, the more
  670. he can claim he respected the corporate personality.
  671. It doesn't mean that he will always be held liable when the agent acts negligently
  672. in the scope of the agency, but he can be. And that is more than can be said about
  673. shareholders, so long as they obey the rituals set forth in business incorporation
  674. statutes.25
  675. In countering the argument from the shareholders' moral responsibility, Kinsella is put
  676. in the rather awkward position of repudiating much of what Mises said about the
  677. entrepreneurial corporation, and giving a great deal of ground to Berle and Means on the
  678. divorce of ownership from control. As we shall see in Chapter Seven, Mises repudiated
  679. the idea of the managerial corporation, and made a clear distinction between the
  680. bureaucratic and entrepreneurial organization. The entrepreneurial corporation, no
  681. matter how large, is simply an agent of the owner's will; the owner's will is enforced by
  682. the magic of double-entry bookkeeping.
  683. Kinsella, on the other hand, was obliged to attenuate the ownership relationship as
  684. much as possible, as theoretical owners, from the workings of the corporation:
  685. It is bizarre that there is this notion that owners of property are automatically
  686. liable for crimes done with their property... Moreover, property just means the right to
  687. control. This right to control can be divided in varied and complex ways. If you think
  688. shareholders are "owners" of corporate property just like they own their homes or
  689. cars--well, just buy a share of Exxon stock and try to walk into the boardroom without
  690. permission. Clearly, the complex contractual arrangements divide control in various
  691. ways: the managers, etc., really have direct control; subject to oversight by the
  692. directors... etc. But even here--to get a loan, the company has to agree to various
  693. covenants w/ the bank, that condition its right to use property. Even though the law
  694. would not call the bank an "owner" praxeologically it of course has a partial right to
  695. control the property. If you have a contract allowing rentacops to patrol the building-hey, they are partial owners too. If you are leasing from a landlord--so do they. If you
  696. allow the plumber in to fix the building--he has temporary right of control too. So
  697. what?26
  698. In a correspondence with Sean Gabb, Kinsella "raise[d] doubts about the effective
  699. 25
  700. Comment under Stephan Kinsella, "Sean Gabb's Thoughts on Limited Liability," Mises Economics Blog,
  701. September 26, 2006
  702. 26
  703. Comment under Carson, "Corporate Personhood."
  704. control that shareholders have over their companies, and wonders if they should not
  705. rather be placed in the same category as employees or lenders or contractors." The
  706. answer, Gabb said, is that shareholders are "the natural owners of their companies. They
  707. have not lent money to them. They are not providing paid services. They are the
  708. owners."27
  709. In a subsequent article, Kinsella took up the same question, albeit in somewhat milder
  710. terms.
  711. seems to me the default libertarian position is that an individual is responsible
  712. for torts he commits. If you want to hold others liable for this too, you need to show
  713. some kind of causal connection between something done by the third person, and the
  714. tort committed by the direct tortfeasor. You seem to assume that this connection is
  715. present in the case of a shareholder because he is the "true" or "natural" owner of the
  716. company's assets. This I think is what troubles me the most--it seems too much of an
  717. assertion to me.28
  718. Now, at least in theory, there is a big difference between the shareholder, on the one
  719. hand, and creditors, managers, and associated other parties, on the other. The shareholder
  720. is the residual claimant, the owner of the firm, and the principal; the management are his
  721. agents. The creditor's position, as opposed to that of the owner or residual claimant, is
  722. only to a "contractually defined absolute return."29 It was of great importance to Mises to
  723. demonstrate that the owner's control of the corporation was real, and that the management
  724. were entirely his agents. Kinsella, on the other hand, is apparently so dead set on helping
  725. the shareholder to evade the responsibilities of ownership, as to identify ownership with
  726. "control," and to argue on that basis that since management is in the most direct position
  727. of control, the "ownership" of the shareholders is ambiguous at best.
  728. Kinsella ridiculed the common law concept of absolving an employer from respondat
  729. superior, on the grounds that his employees were on a "folic."30 But that makes perfect
  730. sense, given the way property ownership was treated under the common law. The
  731. property owner was presumed responsible for how his property was used, under normal
  732. circumstances, including the presumption of reasonable care in the supervision of those to
  733. whom the management of his property was entrusted. A "frolic," as comical as the term
  734. may sound to modern ears, was simply an exception to this strong presumption of
  735. responsibility, a case in which the owner was held not to be responsible owing to
  736. circumstances beyond his reasonable control.
  737. But consider: the basis for respondeat superior (and I bring this up [because] it
  738. 27
  739. Sean Gabb "Thoughts on Limited Liability" Free Life Commentary, Issue Number 152, 26th September
  740. 2006.
  741. 28
  742. Stephan Kinsella, "Sean Gabb's Thoughts on Limited Liability."
  743. 29
  744. Quasibill comment under Ibid.
  745. 30
  746. Ibid.
  747. seems to me something along the lines of this principle must be employed to hold the
  748. shareholder liable for acts of employees) has to do with the employer's practical right
  749. or ability to control or direct the actions of the employee (this principle probably
  750. underlies the "frolic" exception too). Can we assume that this control is present when
  751. we move further back the chain of causation? Say, to the directors, who appoint the
  752. managers? Or to the shareholders, who elect the directors? And if practical control is
  753. one of the main relevant features that determines whether there is liability, again, why
  754. couldn't lenders, employees, suppliers, customers, etc. at least potentially be held
  755. liable? In some cases they exert more control and give more "aid and comfort" or "aid
  756. and abet" in more visible and substantial ways than a mere shareholder....
  757. ....You conceive of a shareholder as the "natural" owner of the enterprise. I am
  758. skeptical of relying on the conceptual classifications imposed by positive law. To me
  759. a shareholder's nature or identity depends on what rights it has. What are the basic
  760. rights of a shareholder? What is he "buying" when he buys the "share"? Well, he has
  761. the right to vote--to elect directors, basically. He has the right to attend shareholder
  762. meetings. He has the right to a certain share of the net remaining assets of the
  763. company in the event it winds up or dissolves, after it pays off creditors etc. He has
  764. the right to receive a certain share of dividends paid if the company decides to pay
  765. dividends--that is, he has a right to be treated on some kind of equal footing with
  766. other shareholders--he has no absolute right to get a dividend (even if the company
  767. has profits), but only a conditional, relative one. He has (usually) the right to sell his
  768. shares to someone else. Why assume this bundle of rights is tantamount to "natural
  769. ownership"--of what? Of the company's assets? But he has no right to (directly)
  770. control the assets. He has no right to use the corporate jet or even enter the company's
  771. facilities, without permission of the management. Surely the right to attend meetings
  772. is not all that relevant. Nor the right to receive part of the company's assets upon
  773. winding up or upon payment of dividends--this could be characterized as the right a
  774. type of lender or creditor has.31
  775. Kinsella has come a long way from his initial argument that the corporation was
  776. simply a contractual device for property owners to pool their property and appoint
  777. managers for it as they saw fit, and there is little left of his trail of breadcrumbs. He
  778. winds up, as quasibill comments, "intimat[ing] that there is no real owner of corporate
  779. property - that an abstraction... [has] property rights."32
  780. He does not seem clearly to grasp just how much baby he is throwing out with the
  781. bathwater. In legal theory the shareholders are the owner, and corporate managers are the
  782. appointed agents of their will, responsible to them in a way that they are not responsible
  783. to lenders; so by arguing this Kinsella is in effect conceding much ground to those like
  784. Berle and Means and Galbraith who argue that the "private" ownership is a legal fiction,
  785. 31
  786. 32
  787. Ibid.
  788. Comment under Ibid.
  789. and that the corporation is a quasi-state institution controlled by managers with certain
  790. contractually defined obligations--mostly usufructory--to shareholders. Mises' arguments
  791. regarding calculation all assume an "entrepreneurial" corporation that is really an
  792. extension of the owner's will and judgment; Mises saw the Berle/Means/Galbraith
  793. argument as a challenge to be overcome, and his distinction between the bureaucratic and
  794. the entrepreneurial large organization is central to his attempt to refute them.
  795. Kinsella's defense of the shareholder based on the lack of control misses the point.
  796. He wrote:
  797. You [quasibill] see a sole proprietor as responsible for employees' torts; yet you think
  798. there is an artificial exemption for "joint owners". If they just "stand in the shoes" of a
  799. sole proprietor, why aren't they collectively liable?
  800. But a sole proprietor is liable because he directs the actions of the negligent
  801. employee, and actually runs the company--sets policies, controls is, manages it. In a
  802. joint stock company, the shareholders don't do any of this. They elect the board,
  803. which appoints managers. In my view, the managers are more analogous to the sole
  804. proprietor than the shareholders are.
  805. ....Hessen here is making the same basic causation point I have made here: that
  806. vicarious liability must be relied on to hold someone liable for the servant's actions-and in the case of a sole proprietorship, it is reasonable to do so because the
  807. proprietor/master is hiring, training, supervising the servant/employee. But in the case
  808. of a joint stock company, the same idea applies only to those sharehlolders who "play
  809. an active role in managing an enterprise or in selecting and supervising its employees
  810. and agents."
  811. This makes sense to me. Merely being a shareholder is not sufficient. It's having
  812. control. I believe most of the corporation opponents have some view that inherently
  813. connects liability to property. I think this is confused and wrong. Liability flows from
  814. one's actions--from control--from causing the harm to occur....33
  815. But claiming the absence of control is not a defense, because it begs the question of
  816. whether they should have exercised more control. The proper question is whether
  817. property ownership ought to entail some minimal level of oversight and responsibility,
  818. and whether one of the benefits of the corporate form (from the owners' perspective) is
  819. that it enables the evasion of that responsibility. Arguably, doesn't the very act of
  820. delegating control of property in a way that makes one's own direct oversight less
  821. feasible, in itself make one liable for any resulting malfeasance by one's agent? Isn't the
  822. absentee owner negligent precisely because he put himself in a position in which he
  823. exercised little or no control over how his agents used his property? Isn't one of the
  824. 33
  825. Comment under Ibid.
  826. virtues of the corporate form, from the owners' perspective, precisely that it entitles them
  827. to the profits resulting from management's shady behavior, and enables them to fire
  828. managers for failing to produce an adequate level of profit by any means necessary, while
  829. absolving them from responsibility for the actual means used by management--in short,
  830. that it creates plausible deniability?
  831. And as quasibill repeated, the standard of accountability for the actions of one's
  832. agents is qualitatively different under a sole proprietorship and a corporation. The sole
  833. proprietor is
  834. the ultimate owner, who has the right to decide that someone else will run the
  835. company.... But the manager ultimately derives his authority from the owner, who
  836. has non-permanently delegated it to him. This delegation is, in itself, an act that has
  837. consequences in the world. For this act, the sole proprietor can be held responsible,
  838. including a situation where the sole proprietor hired a dangerous manager because
  839. that manager was likely to yield higher profits.
  840. As I've noted, the shareholder's decision to hire a director is, in fact, absolutely
  841. immune as long as they follow some statutorily defined rituals. They are the ultimate
  842. owner involved, and they are the one(s) that delegate the right to control to the
  843. managers. This delegation is an action for which liability can possibly accrue, under a
  844. libertarian theory. Under current law, it can't, unless the shareholder disregards a
  845. fictitious concept.34
  846. So there is an irresolvable contradiction in the Hessen-Kinsella understanding of
  847. property rights in the corporation. Such defenders of the corporation start out by
  848. defending it as a normal outgrowth of private property rights and the right, by free
  849. contract, to make arrangements for governing one's property. But before they're done,
  850. they wind up minimizing the property relations between individual shareholders and the
  851. corporation. The overall effect is one of deliberate ambiguity, in which the corporation is
  852. treated as property in the ordinary sense, or as an instrument of the shareholders' exercise
  853. of property rights, only when convenient. There is a contradiction in saying the
  854. corporation is merely a contractual arrangement for arranging property, like a partnership,
  855. and then minimizing the property relationship or responsibility of any particular property
  856. holder. Either the corporation is just another form of partnership, in which case
  857. shareholders are the real legal actors, or the corporation is a state-created entity for
  858. privatizing profit while attenuating responsibility. It can't be both ways.
  859. Interestingly, some defenders of the corporation have been quite aware of the
  860. contradiction. For example, Dwight Jones wrote:
  861. ....The main value of a corporate charter arises from the fact that powers and
  862. 34
  863. Comment under Ibid.
  864. privileges are thereby acquired which individuals do not possess. It is this that makes
  865. the difference between a business corporation and a partnership. In the former there
  866. is no individual liability.... There is no death.... It is not policy therefore for a
  867. corporation to break down its own independent existence by burying its original
  868. character in the common place privileges of the individual.... Any mingling of
  869. corporate existence with the existence of the shareholders will weaken corporate
  870. rights.35
  871. Jones defended the attenuation of shareholder liability under the entity form, in terms
  872. quite similar to Kinsella. But he perceived much more acutely than Kinsella that this
  873. defense comes at a price: it completely rules out any defense of the corporation in which
  874. the latter is an ordinary contractual expression of the property rights of the shareholders,
  875. in the same sense as a partnership.
  876. Even those defending entity status, like Hessen and Kinsella, as an outgrowth of
  877. ordinary private contracting akin to the partnership, faced difficulties. The most notable
  878. proponent of the "natural entity" doctrine (favored also by Hessen and Kinsella) was
  879. Ernst Freund, author of The Legal Nature of Corporations (1897). Freund attempted to
  880. reconcile the status of the corporation as a representative entity governed by corporate
  881. rule, with an individualist understanding of it as the sum of its parts in the same sense as a
  882. partnership. Nevertheless, he was somewhat put off by the fact that corporate powers
  883. were vested directly in the board of directors. The practical effect, he was forced to
  884. admit, was that
  885. corporate capacity [was] thereby shifted from the members at large to the governing
  886. body.... Such an organization reduces the personal cohesion between the
  887. [shareholders] to a minimum, and allows us to see in a large railroad, banking or
  888. insurance corporation rather an aggregation of capital than an association of persons.36
  889. Henry Williams argued, in an 1899 American Law Register article, that shareholders
  890. "possess[ed] no actual existing legal interest... whatever" in the corporation. They were
  891. equivalent in law to "the heirs, or next of kin or residuary legatees of a living person"
  892. (and I leave it to the reader to guess who the "living person" is). Their legal rights
  893. accrued only at dissolution, and even then their rights were "entirely subsidiary" to those
  894. of creditors.37
  895. In the same regard, almost directly contrary to Mises' perception, the market for
  896. corporate control, far from an instrument of the absolute property rights of the
  897. entrepreneur, has been associated with the attenuation of shareholder property rights in
  898. the corporation. As we saw above, the modern corporate entity status required a shift to
  899. 35
  900. Dwight A. Jones, "A Corporation as 'A Distinct Entity,'" 2 Couns. 78, 81 (1892), in Horwitz, The
  901. Transformation of American Law !870-1960, p. 91.
  902. 36
  903. Quoted in Horwitz, The Transformation of American Law 1870-1960, pp. 102-103.
  904. 37
  905. Ibid. p. 103.
  906. majority shareholder control of the corporation, and an end to the earlier understanding
  907. (reflected in Dartmouth) of the shareholder as possessing absolute property rights
  908. analogous to those in a partnership. The result, by the early twentieth century, was a
  909. common legal understanding in which "the modern stockholder is a negligible factor in...
  910. management," and in which a sharp distinction was made between the status of "investor"
  911. and "proprietor."38 The shift was encouraged by the rise of public securities markets.
  912. Until the 1890s, public issues of stock were rare and public trading (outside of railroad
  913. stock) almost unheard of. In an environment in which the issuance of stock was still
  914. largely private and associated with the formation of joint-stock companies, it was more
  915. plausible to regard investment in a corporation as equivalent to buying into a partnership.
  916. The creation of public equity markets, in which shares were commonly acquired by those
  917. with no direct role in the formation or governance of the firm, and bought on an
  918. anonymous market rather than issued directly to the shareholder by the firm, made the
  919. cultural holdover far less tenable. It became virtually impossible to maintain with a
  920. straight face the earlier "trust fund" doctrine of Dartmouth and other decisions, in which
  921. the shareholder was a partner with absolute property rights in the governance of the
  922. corporation.39 By the turn of the century, the board of directors was clearly coming to be
  923. seen as the agent, not of shareholders, but of the corporation as a separate entity.40
  924. Incidentally, I can't resist pointing out that defending the status of corporate
  925. management as agents for an imaginary collective entity, an entity with distinct property
  926. rights of its own and capable of making contracts in its own name and otherwise acting as
  927. principal, puts Austrian economists in a rather odd position, given their usual professions
  928. of "methodological individualism."
  929. To sum up, it may be true, as Hessen argued, that something like the corporate form-with entity status and limited liability--could be established by purely private contract.
  930. But it's also true, as Gregory White said, that the state artificially lowered the transaction
  931. costs of the corporate form compared to alternative models of firm organization, by
  932. providing an established and virtually automatic mechanism to facilitate adoption of the
  933. corporate form. What's more, it has promoted a particular model of the corporation out of
  934. a number of possible alternative corporate models that might have been established by
  935. contract. The standard corporate form, established under general incorporation laws, is
  936. based on an amalgamation of capital which hires workers. The state artificially privileges
  937. this form against, and crowds out, alternative corporate organizational models: for
  938. instance, a model in which associated labor is the residual claimant and pays only fixed
  939. contractual returns on borrowed capital.
  940. B. Subsidies to Transportation and Communication Infrastructure.
  941. 38
  942. Ibid. p. 93.
  943. Ibid. pp. 96-98.
  944. 40
  945. Ibid. p. 99.
  946. 39
  947. "Internal improvements" had been a controversial issue throughout the nineteenth
  948. century, and were a central part of the mercantilist agenda of the Whigs and the Gilded
  949. Age GOP. Indeed, Lincoln announced the beginning of his career with a "short but
  950. sweet" embrace of Henry Clay's program: a national bank, a high tariff, and internal
  951. improvements. But the government's role in promoting a national railroad system
  952. effected a revolution several orders of magnitude greater than anything that had occurred
  953. before.
  954. As we shall see below, the failure of the trust movement at the turn of the 20th
  955. century reflected the insufficiency of railroad subsidies, tariffs and patents alone to
  956. maintain stable monopoly power. But without the government-subsidized "internal
  957. improvements" of the nineteenth century, it is doubtful that most national-scale industrial
  958. firms would have existed, let alone been able even to attempt trustification. If the neoHamiltonianism of the 19th century was not a sufficient condition for the state capitalism
  959. of the 20th, it was certainly a necessary one. As Coase pointed out, "[i]nventions which
  960. tend to bring factors of production nearer together, by lessening spatial distribution, tend
  961. to increase the size of the firm."41 This applies as well to inventions that lessen the cost
  962. of spatial distribution by making transportation cheaper over longer distances. The effect
  963. of transportation subsidies is to artificially enlarge market areas, and hence to artificially
  964. increase firm size.
  965. Adam Smith argued over two hundred years ago for the fairness of internalizing the
  966. costs of transportation infrastructure through user fees.
  967. It does not seem necessary that the expense of those public works should be
  968. defrayed from that public revenue, as it is commonly called, of which the collection
  969. and application is in most countries assigned to the executive power. The greater part
  970. of such public works may easily be so managed as to afford a particular revenue
  971. sufficient for defraying their own expense, without bringing any burden upon the
  972. general revenue of society....
  973. When the carriages which pass over a highway or a bridge, and the lighters which
  974. sail upon a navigable canal, pay toll in proportion to their weight or their tonnage,
  975. they pay for the maintenance of those public works exactly in proportion to the wear
  976. and tear which they occasion of them. It seems scarce possible to invent a more
  977. equitable way of maintaining such works. This tax or toll too, though it is advanced
  978. by the carrier, is finally paid by the consumer, to whom it must always be charged in
  979. the price of the goods....
  980. It seems not unreasonable that the extraordinary expense which the protection of
  981. any particular branch of commerce may occasion should be defrayed by a moderate
  982. tax upon that particular branch; by a moderate fine, for example, to be paid by the
  983. 41
  984. R.H. Coase, "The Nature of the Firm," 1937.
  985. traders when they first enter into it, or, what is more equal, by a particular duty of so
  986. much percent upon the goods which they either import into, or export out of, the
  987. particular countries with which it is carried on.42
  988. But that's not the way things work under what the neoliberals like to call "free market
  989. capitalism." Spending on transportation and communications networks from general
  990. revenues, rather than from taxes and user fees, allows big business to externalize its costs
  991. on the public, and conceal its true operating expenses. Chomsky described this state
  992. capitalist underwriting of shipping costs quite accurately:
  993. One well-known fact about trade is that it's highly subsidized with huge marketdistorting factors.... The most obvious is that every form of transport is highly
  994. subsidized.... Since trade naturally requires transport, the costs of transport enter into
  995. the calculation of the efficiency of trade. But there are huge subsidies to reduce the
  996. costs of transport, through manipulation of energy costs and all sorts of marketdistorting functions.43
  997. Every wave of concentration of capital in the United States has followed a publicly
  998. subsidized infrastructure system of some sort. The national railroad system, built largely
  999. on free or below-cost land donated by the government, was followed by concentration in
  1000. heavy industry, petrochemicals, and finance. Albert Nock ridiculed the corporate liberals
  1001. of his time, who held up the corruption of the railroad companies as examples of the
  1002. failure of "rugged individualism" and "laissez-faire."
  1003. It is nowadays the fashion, even among those who ought to know better, to hold
  1004. "rugged individualism" and laissez-faire responsible for the riot of stock-waterings,
  1005. rebates, rate-cutting, fraudulent bankruptcies, and the like, which prevailed in our
  1006. railway-practice after the Civil War, but they had no more to do with it than they have
  1007. with the precession of the equinoxes. The fact is that our railways, with few
  1008. exceptions, did not grow up in response to any actual economic demand. They were
  1009. speculative enterprises enabled by State intervention, by allotment of the political
  1010. means in the form of land-grants and subsidies; and of all the evils alleged against our
  1011. railway-practice, there is not one but what is directly traceable to this primary
  1012. intervention.44
  1013. The federal railroad land grants, as Murray Rothbard described them, included not
  1014. only the rights-of-way for the actual railroads, "but fifteen-mile tracts on either side of the
  1015. line." As the lines were completed, these adjoining tracts became prime real estate and
  1016. skyrocketed in value. As new communities sprang up along the new routes, every house
  1017. and business in town was built on land that had to be bought from the railroads. The
  1018. 42
  1019. Smith, Wealth of Nations pp. 315, 319.
  1020. Noam Chomsky, "How Free is the Free Market?" Resurgence no. 173
  1021. <>.
  1022. 44
  1023. Nock, Our Enemy, the State, p. 102.
  1024. 43
  1025. tracts also included valuable timber land that was made even more valuable by
  1026. government reservation of potentially competing timber lands.45
  1027. As we have already seen in a previous chapter, it was the creation of the national
  1028. railroad system which made possible first national wholesale and retail markets, and then
  1029. large manufacturing firms serving the national market.
  1030. The next major transportation projects were the national highway system and the civil
  1031. aviation system. From the earliest days of the automobile-highway complex, when the
  1032. Model-T met the "good roads" movement in the state legislatures, a modern highway
  1033. network was synonymous in the public mind with "progress." Of course, as Eric Husman
  1034. has pointed out, that was just another example of a long-recurring phenomenon: the
  1035. public hailed subsidized highways as their "progressive" delivery from the monopoly
  1036. power of railroads; but the subsidized railroads, in their turn, had been celebrated by the
  1037. public as a force for liberation.
  1038. The same public who first wanted to give land grants and rights of way to railroads
  1039. and canals in order to get rid of private turnpikes, and then wanted to constrain
  1040. railroads because the average voter didn't understand the logic of the capital-intensive
  1041. industry they had spawned, and now didn't like the fact that their regulations created a
  1042. de jure cartel, wanted roads. They joined the Good Roads movement and fought for
  1043. public subsidies for bicycles and then cars.46
  1044. Over and over again, the public calls for a new subsidized infrastructure to liberate it
  1045. from the straitjacket imposed from the previous subsidized infrastructure, while never
  1046. seeing that it is locked into dependence on the previous infrastructure as the result of the
  1047. "progressive" policies it supported. But all along, the parties that actually stand to benefit
  1048. the most are the big business interests that can operate over larger and larger market areas
  1049. at lower and lower cost, while externalizing their costs on the poor taxpaying suckers who
  1050. cheer it on as "progress."
  1051. The "good roads" movement had had the backing of mercantilist interests from the
  1052. turn of the century.
  1053. One of the major barriers to the fledgling automobile industry at the turn of the
  1054. century was the poor state of the roads. One of the first highway lobbying groups was
  1055. the League of American Wheelmen, which founded "good roads" associations around
  1056. the country and, in 1891, began lobbying state legislatures.
  1057. Many of America's roads were private and funded by tolls. One such early road
  1058. 45
  1059. Power & Market: Government and the Economy (Menlo Park, Calif.: Institute for Humane Studies, Inc.,
  1060. 1970), p. 52.
  1061. 46
  1062. Eric Husman, "Running on Glue and Tar," Grim Reader blog, June 3, 2007
  1063. <>.
  1064. was the 45-mile Long Island Motor Parkway, built in 1908 and entirely financed by
  1065. the racing enthusiast William K. Vanderbilt, Jr. The toll collection plan fell short of
  1066. expectations, and he gave up his road in 1938 in lieu of back taxes.
  1067. The Federal Aid Roads Act of 1916 encouraged coast-to-coast construction of
  1068. paved roads, usually financed by gasoline taxes (a symbiotic relationship if ever there
  1069. was one). By 1930, the annual budget for federal road projects was $750 million.
  1070. After 1939, with a push from President Franklin Roosevelt, limited-access interstates
  1071. began to make rural areas accessible.47
  1072. It was this last, in the 1930s, that signified the most revolutionary change. From its
  1073. beginning, the movement for a national superhighway network was identified, first of all,
  1074. with the fascist industrial policy of Hitler, and second with the American automotive
  1075. industry.
  1076. The "most powerful pressure group in Washington" began in June, 1932, when GM
  1077. President, Alfred P. Sloan, created the National Highway Users Conference, inviting
  1078. oil and rubber firms to help GM bankroll a propaganda and lobbying effort that
  1079. continues to this day.48
  1080. One of the earliest depictions of the modern superhighway in America was the
  1081. Futurama exhibit at the 1939 World's Fair in New York, sponsored by (who else?) GM.
  1082. The exhibit, sponsored by General Motors and given dazzling miniaturized form by
  1083. set designer Norman Bel Geddes, provided a nation emerging from its darkest decade
  1084. since the Civil War a mesmerizing glimpse of the future--a future that involved lots
  1085. and lots of roads. Big roads. Fourteen-lane superhighways on which cars would travel
  1086. at 100 mph. Roads on which, a recorded narrator promised, Americans would
  1087. eventually be able to cross the nation in a day.49
  1088. The Interstate's association with General Motors didn't end there, of course. Its actual
  1089. construction took place under the supervision of DOD Secretary Charles Wilson,
  1090. formerly CEO of GM. During his 1953 confirmation hearings, when asked whether "he
  1091. could make a decision in the country’s interest that was contrary to GM’s interest,"
  1092. Wilson shot back with his famous comment, “I cannot conceive of one because for
  1093. years I thought what was good for our country was good for General Motors, and vice
  1094. 47
  1095. Jim Motavalli, "Getting Out of Gridlock: Thanks to the Highway Lobby, Now We're Stuck in Traffic.
  1096. How Do We Escape?" E Magazine, March/April 2002 <>.
  1097. 48
  1098. Mike Ferner, "Taken for a Ride on the Interstate Highway System," MRZine (Monthly Review) June 28,
  1099. 2006 <>.
  1100. 49
  1101. Justin Fox, "The Great Paving How the Interstate Highway System helped create the modern economy-and reshaped the FORTUNE 500." Reprinted from Fortune. CNNMoney.Com, January 26, 2004
  1102. <>.
  1103. versa. The difference did not exist. Our company is too big.”50
  1104. Wilson's role in the Interstate program was hardly that of a mere disinterested technocrat.
  1105. From the time of his appointment to DOD, he "pushed relentlessly" for it. And the chief
  1106. administrator of the program was "Francis DuPont, whose family owned the largest share
  1107. of GM stock...."51 Corporate propaganda, as so often in the twentieth century, played an
  1108. active role in attempts to reshape the popular culture.
  1109. Helping to keep the driving spirit alive, Dow Chemical, producer of asphalt, entered
  1110. the PR campaign with a film featuring a staged testimonial from a grade school
  1111. teacher standing up to her anti-highway neighbors with quiet indignation. "Can't you
  1112. see this highway means a whole new way of life for the children?"52
  1113. The latest installment in this saga is the planned I-69, or so-called NAFTA
  1114. Superhighway running from Mexico to Canada, intended to be the largest trucking
  1115. corridor in North America. As is the case with most things with the term "NAFTA" in
  1116. their titles, most of the mercantilist interests in America have a finger in the I-69 pie-perhaps most notably Rudy Giuliani's law firm.
  1117. Whatever the political motivation behind it, the economic effect of the Interstate
  1118. system should hardly be controversial. Virtually 100% of the roadbed damage to
  1119. highways is caused by heavy trucks. And despite repeated liberalization of maximum
  1120. weight restrictions, far beyond the heaviest conceivable weight the Interstate roadbeds
  1121. were originally designed to support,
  1122. fuel taxes fail miserably at capturing from big-rig operators the cost of exponential
  1123. pavement damage caused by higher axle loads. Only weight-distance user charges arc
  1124. efficient, but truckers have been successful at scrapping them in all but a few western
  1125. states where the push for repeal continues.53
  1126. So only about half the revenue of the highway trust fund comes from fees or fuel taxes on
  1127. the trucking industry, and the rest is externalized on private automobiles. Even David S.
  1128. Lawyer, a skeptic on the general issue of highway subsidies, only questions whether
  1129. highways receive a net subsidy from general revenues over and above total user fees on
  1130. both trucks and cars; he effectively concedes the subsidy of heavy trucking by the
  1131. gasoline tax.54
  1132. 50
  1133. Edwin Black, "Hitler's Carmaker: How Will Posterity Remember General Motors' Conduct? (Part 4)"
  1134. History News Network, May 14, 2007 <>.
  1135. 51
  1136. Ferner, op. cit.
  1137. 52
  1138. Ibid.
  1139. 53
  1140. Frank N. Wilner, "Give truckers an inch, they'll take a ton-mile: every liberalization has been a launching
  1141. pad for further increases - trucking wants long combination vehicle restrictions dropped,"Railway Age, May
  1142. 1997 <>.
  1143. 54
  1144. David S. Lawyer, "Are Roads and Highways Subsidized ?" March 2004
  1145. <>.
  1146. As for the civil aviation system, from the beginninbg it was a creature of the state.
  1147. The whole physical infrastructure was built, in its early decades, with tax money.
  1148. Since 1946, the federal government has poured billions of dollars into airport
  1149. development. In 1992, Prof. Stephen Paul Dempsey of the University of Denver
  1150. estimated that the current replacement value of the U.S. commercial airport systemvirtually all of it developed with federal grants and tax-free municipal bonds-at $1
  1151. trillion.
  1152. Not until 1971 did the federal government begin collecting user fees from airline
  1153. passengers and freight shippers to recoup this investment. In 1988 the Congressional
  1154. Budget Office found that in spite of user fees paid into the Airport and Airways Trust
  1155. Fund, the taxpayers still had to transfer $3 billion in subsidies per year to the FAA to
  1156. maintain its network of more than 400 control towers, 22 air traffic control centers,
  1157. 1,000 radar-navigation aids, 250 long-range and terminal radar systems and its staff of
  1158. 55,000 traffic controllers, technicians and bureaucrats.55
  1159. (And even aside from the inadequacy of user fees, eminent domain remains central to the
  1160. building of new airports and expansion of existing airports.)
  1161. Subsidies to the airport and air traffic control infrastructure of the civil aviation
  1162. system are only part of the picture. Equally important are the direct role of the state in
  1163. creating the heavy aircraft industry, whose heavy cargo and passenger jets revolutionized
  1164. civil aviation after WWII. As we shall see below, after the World War II demobilization
  1165. the aircraft industry was headed for bankruptcy. Without the Cold War heavy bomber
  1166. program to revive it from the late '40s on, it is questionable in what form the aircraft
  1167. industry would have survived at all; the growth of a civilian jumbo jet industry would
  1168. have been unthinkable. The civil aviation system is, many times over, a creature of the
  1169. state.
  1170. The result of the government-sponsored highway and civil aviation systems, taken
  1171. together, was massive concentration in retail, agriculture, and food processing. The
  1172. centralized corporate economy depends for its existence on a shipping price system which
  1173. is artificially distorted by government intervention. To fully grasp how dependent the
  1174. corporate economy is on socializing transportation costs, imagine what would happen if
  1175. truck and aircraft fuel were taxed enough to pay the full cost of maintenance and new
  1176. building costs on highways and airports; and if fossil fuels depletion allowances were
  1177. removed. The result would be a massive increase in shipping costs. Does anyone
  1178. seriously believe that Wal-Mart's national "warehouses on wheels" distribution system
  1179. would be feasible, or corporate agribusiness could outcompete the family farm?
  1180. 55
  1181. James Coston, Amtrak Reform Council, 2001, in "America's long history of subsidizing transportation"
  1182. <>.
  1183. It is fallacious to say that state-subsidized infrastructure "creates efficiencies" by
  1184. making possible large-scale production for a national market. The fact that a large,
  1185. centralized infrastructure system can only come about when the state subsidizes or
  1186. organizes it from above, or that such state action causes it to exist on a larger scale than it
  1187. otherwise would, indicates that the transaction costs are so high that the benefits are not
  1188. worth it to people spending their own money. There is no demand for it by consumers
  1189. willingly spending their own money, at the actual costs of providing the services, risks
  1190. and all, without state intervention.
  1191. If production on the scale promoted by infrastructure subsidies were actually efficient
  1192. enough to compensate for real distribution costs, the manufacturers would have presented
  1193. enough effective demand for such long-distance shipping at actual costs to pay for it
  1194. without government intervention. On the other hand, an apparent "efficiency" that
  1195. presents a positive ledger balance only by shifting and concealing real costs, is really no
  1196. "efficiency" at all. Costs cannot be destroyed. Shifting them does not make them any less
  1197. of a cost--it only means that, since they aren't being paid by the beneficiary of the service,
  1198. he profits at someone else's expense. There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.
  1199. Intellectually honest free market advocates freely admit as much. For example, Tibor
  1200. Machan wrote in The Freeman that
  1201. Some people will say that stringent protection of rights [against eminent domain]
  1202. would lead to small airports, at best, and many constraints on construction. Of course-but what's so wrong with that?
  1203. Perhaps the worst thing about modern industrial life has been the power of
  1204. political authorities to grant special privileges to some enterprises to violate the rights
  1205. of third parties whose permission would be too expensive to obtain. The need to
  1206. obtain that permission would indeed seriously impede what most environmentalists
  1207. see as rampant--indeed reckless--industrialization.
  1208. The system of private property rights--in which... all... kinds of... human activity
  1209. must be conducted within one's own realm except where cooperation from others has
  1210. been gained voluntarily--is the greatest moderator of human aspirations.... In short,
  1211. people may reach goals they aren't able to reach with their own resources only by
  1212. convincing others, through arguments and fair exchanges, to cooperate.56
  1213. The state played a central role in creating the centralized communications
  1214. infrastructure of the twentieth century. The modern telecommunications system goes
  1215. back to the Bell Patent association, organized in 1875, which controlled a huge arsenal of
  1216. 56
  1217. Tibor S. Machan, "On Airports and Individual Rights," The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty (February 1999),
  1218. p. 11.
  1219. government-enforced patents on virtually every aspect of telephony.57 Meanwhile, as the
  1220. Bell patents began to expire in the 1890s, AT&T turned to the "progressive" expedient of
  1221. becoming a regulated utility to protect itself from competition. Here's Mary Ruwart's
  1222. account:
  1223. Before 1894, Bell Telephone's patents protected it from competition by other
  1224. firms. Its growth averaged 16% per year; annual profits approached 40% of its capital.
  1225. Bell catered primarily to the business sector and the wealthy. When the patents
  1226. expired, other companies began providing affordable telephone service to the middle
  1227. class and rural areas. The independents charged less since customers could call only
  1228. those serviced by the same company. Consumers were evidently pleased to make such
  1229. a tradeoff; by 1907, some 20,000 independents controlled half of all the new
  1230. telephone installations. The number of phones zoomed from 266,000 in 1893 to 6.1
  1231. million in 1907. The independents matched Bell's monopoly market share in 14 short
  1232. years.
  1233. Competition from the independents had caused annual Bell profits to plummet
  1234. from 40% to 8% as many consumers chose the independents who served them best.
  1235. The marketplace ecosystem was again protecting consumers from monopoly profits.
  1236. As telephones went from a curiosity to a standard household utility, the
  1237. independents began developing a plan for sharing each other's lines to avoid
  1238. duplication and to increase the number of phones each customer could call. The
  1239. marketplace ecosystem was again working to promote cooperation for the benefit of
  1240. the consumer, without aggression. Service providers voluntarily sought to give the
  1241. customer better service because they would, in turn, be rewarded by more business
  1242. and the positive feedback of profit....
  1243. Theodore Vail, Bell's new chairman, was determined to regain a monopoly
  1244. market. He asked Americans to use the aggression of exclusive licensing against the
  1245. independents that had served them so well. He claimed that competition caused
  1246. duplication and penalized the customer (i.e., telephone service was a "natural"
  1247. monopoly). Had this been true, the independents would never have been able to lure
  1248. customers from the established Bell monopoly in the first place!
  1249. ...Nevertheless, by 1910, Americans were persuaded to accept Bell's proposal. The
  1250. government of each local community would allow only one telephone company to
  1251. operate in that region. Other companies would be stopped-at gunpoint, if necessaryfrom providing service to willing customers. Since Bell was the largest single
  1252. company, it was in the best position to lobby the state utility commissions effectively
  1253. and was almost always chosen over the independents....58
  1254. 57
  1255. David F. Noble, America by Design 91-2.
  1256. Mary Ruwart, Healing Our World: The Other Piece of the Puzzle (Kalamazoo, Michigan: SunStar
  1257. Press, 1992, 1993). "Chapter 7. Creating Monopolies that Control Us"
  1258. 58
  1259. It's hard to say what form a national telephone network would have taken absent the
  1260. AT&T monopoly for most of the twentieth century, but it seems unlikely in the extreme
  1261. that the pattern of local cooperation and bottom-up federation Ruwart describes before
  1262. 1910 could have led to a centralized system of trunk lines. Mumford's contrast of a loose
  1263. network of locally oriented light rail systems, as against the centralized national network
  1264. created by the federal land grant program, is probably a useful basis for comparison.
  1265. On a global scale, the physical backbone of the telecom network until the 1960s was
  1266. the transoceanic cable system, largely the creature of the British state. And as Edward
  1267. Herman describes, its successor--the communications satellite network--was an even
  1268. larger state capitalist project by the U.S. government:
  1269. ...the research and development funds that led to the conception and production of
  1270. [the communications satellite network] were provided by an American militarycommercial alliance with very clear objectives in mind.... Satellite development,
  1271. from the beginning, represented the successful drive of private communications
  1272. corporations in the United States to dislodge the British from their domination of
  1273. international communications, exercised through their... control of intercontinental
  1274. submarine cables. In this effort monopolistic business acted closely with the U.S.
  1275. Armed Forces, whose interest in instantaneous global communications was
  1276. extraordinarily high.... In fact, the first communications satellite system in operation
  1277. was a military-controlled operation.
  1278. A decade later, in the early 1970s, an international consortium (called
  1279. INTELSAT) of (currently [as of 1976]) 91 nations uses the United States-developed
  1280. satellite system. The system has, from the start, been controlled by American Big
  1281. Business... working with the U.S. State Department at the intergovernmental level.59
  1282. [See also Nicholas Garnham," "Trojan Horses: Some Socio-Political Implications of
  1283. Communications Technology," paper presented at International Broadcast Institute
  1284. General Meeting, Mexico City, Sept. 1-5, 1974.]
  1285. The most recent such project was the infrastructure of the Internet, originally built by
  1286. the Pentagon. [Chandler material?]
  1287. The internet owes its very existence to the state and to state funding. The story
  1288. begins with ARPA, created in 1957 in response to the Soviets' launch of Sputnik and
  1289. established to research the efficient use of computers for civilian and military
  1291. 59
  1292. Herbert Schiller, Communications and Cultural Domination (White Plains, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.,
  1293. 1976), p. 59. Schiller discusses the history this project at length in Mass Communications and American
  1294. Empire (N.Y.: Augustus M. Kelley, 1969), pp. 127-146.
  1295. applications.
  1296. During the 1960s, the RAND Corporation had begun to think about how to design
  1297. a military communications network that would be invulnerable to a nuclear attack.
  1298. Paul Baran, a RAND researcher whose work was financed by the Air Force, produced
  1299. a classified report in 1964 proposing a radical solution to this communication
  1300. problem. Baran envisioned a decentralized network of different types of "host"
  1301. computers, without any central switchboard, designed to operate even if parts of it
  1302. were destroyed. The network would consist of several "nodes," each equal in
  1303. authority, each capable of sending and receiving pieces of data.
  1304. Each data fragment could thus travel one of several routes to its destination, such
  1305. that no one part of the network would be completely dependent on the existence of
  1306. another part. An experimental network of this type, funded by ARPA and thus known
  1307. as ARPANET, was established at four universities in 1969.
  1308. Researchers at any one of the four nodes could share information, and could
  1309. operate any one of the other machines remotely, over the new network. (Actually,
  1310. former ARPA head Charles Herzfeld says that distributing computing power over a
  1311. network, rather than creating a secure military command-and-control system, was the
  1312. ARPANET's original goal, though this is a minority view.)
  1313. By 1972, the number of host computers connected to the ARPANET had
  1314. increased to 37. Because it was so easy to send and retrieve data, within a few years
  1315. the ARPANET became less a network for shared computing than a high-speed,
  1316. federally subsidized, electronic post office. The main traffic on the ARPANET was
  1317. not long-distance computing, but news and personal messages.
  1318. As parts of the ARPANET were declassified, commercial networks began to be
  1319. connected to it. Any type of computer using a particular communications standard, or
  1320. "protocol," was capable of sending and receiving information across the network. The
  1321. design of these protocols was contracted out to private universities such as Stanford
  1322. and the University of London, and was financed by a variety of federal agencies. The
  1323. major thoroughfares or "trunk lines" continued to be financed by the Department of
  1324. Defense.
  1325. By the early 1980s, private use of the ARPA communications protocol — what is
  1326. now called "TCP/IP" — far exceeded military use. In 1984 the National Science
  1327. Foundation assumed the responsibility of building and maintaining the trunk lines or
  1328. "backbones." (ARPANET formally expired in 1989; by that time hardly anybody
  1329. noticed). The NSF's Office of Advanced Computing financed the internet's
  1330. infrastructure from 1984 until 1994, when the backbones were privatized.
  1331. In short, both the design and implementation of the internet have relied almost
  1332. exclusively on government dollars....
  1333. We must be very careful not to describe the internet as a "private" technology, a
  1334. spontaneous order, or a shining example of capitalistic ingenuity. It is none of these.
  1335. Of course, almost all of the internet's current applications — unforeseen by its
  1336. original designers — have been developed in the private sector.
  1337. (Unfortunately, the original web and the web browser are not among them, having
  1338. been designed by the state-funded European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN)
  1339. and the University of Illinois's NCSA.)
  1340. And today's internet would be impossible without the heroic efforts at Xerox
  1341. PARC and Apple to develop a useable graphical user interface (GUI), a lightweight
  1342. and durable mouse, and the Ethernet protocol. Still, none of these would have been
  1343. viable without the huge investment of public dollars that brought the network into
  1344. existence in the first place.
  1345. Now, it is easy to admire the technology of the internet. I marvel at it every day.
  1346. But technological value is not the same as economic value. That can only be
  1347. determined by the free choice of consumers to buy or not to buy. The ARPANET may
  1348. well have been technologically superior to any commercial networks that existed at
  1349. the time, just as Betamax may have been technologically superior to VHS, the MacOS
  1350. to MS-DOS, and Dvorak to QWERTY. (Actually Dvorak wasn't.) But the products
  1351. and features valued by engineers are not always the same as those valued by
  1352. consumers. Markets select for economic superiority, not technological superiority
  1353. (even in the presence of nefarious "network effects," as shown convincingly by
  1354. Liebowitz and Margolis)....
  1355. What kind of global computer network would the market have selected? We can
  1356. only guess. Maybe it would be more like the commercial online networks such as
  1357. Comcast or MSN, or the private bulletin boards of the 1980s. Most likely, it would
  1358. use some kind of pricing schedule, where different charges would be assessed for
  1359. different types of transmissions.60
  1360. Johan Soderberg provides some more detail for one of the items Klein mentions, the
  1361. Bulletin Board System (BBS):
  1362. The Internet was predated by a grassroots network, the Bulletin Board System (BBS). The
  1363. software and the hardware devices necessary to hike on to the telephone lines and to send
  1364. electronic text and code through it were largely developed by phone phreaks.61
  1365. 60
  1366. Peter G. Klein, "Government Did Invent the Internet, But the Market Made It Glorious," Mises.Org, June
  1367. 12, 2006 <>.
  1368. 61
  1369. Johan Soderberg, Hacking Capitalism: The Free and Open Source Software Movement (New York and
  1370. London: Routledge, 2008), p. 96.
  1371. The transition from NSF to private control in the early 1990s was described,
  1372. fascinatingly, by a contemporary participant who reminisced in a Mises Blog comment on
  1373. Klein's article:
  1374. I started working at NASA Ames Research Center in July, 1992. Prior to this I
  1375. had worked as a computer operator then network engineer for a large multinational,
  1376. and I'd been using network services starting with Compu$erve in 1983, Fido-net, Ilink, BBS's, etc.
  1377. Being about as close to the heart of things as one could get, and working the
  1378. graveyard and evening shifts, gave me a wonderful ring-side seat to watch as a Liberty
  1379. occurred.
  1380. Ames was the location of the Metropolitan Area Exchange, West. MAE-East was
  1381. located at Goddard Space Flight Center, also my responsibility to monitor and help
  1382. fix. This was where, if you were an "Internet" participant, your circuits were
  1383. connected so that your IP packets could be routed to other "Internet" participants.
  1384. Ames and Goddard also had two of the Root Name Servers, which I believe are still
  1385. being run from there.
  1386. The machines that held the look-up tables of participant addresses were owned
  1387. and operated by the National Science Foundation. I had to watch over all this and
  1388. make sure that the right people were notified if anything went wrong, so I was pretty
  1389. much on top of who-owned-what.
  1390. If you're old enough to remember, recall that AlGore had been promising the
  1391. "Information Superhighway" long before he became Vice President. HillaryCare was
  1392. in vogue, centralization not yet the boogyman in the press that it was to become. The
  1393. Information Superhighway would have been 6 peering points, connected to each
  1394. other, and everybody would have had to connect to one of these points by law in order
  1395. to talk to anyone else by computer.
  1396. Since I was working graveyard, then evening shift, I don't recall the exact date
  1397. (graveyard and I don't get along) the Liberty occurred, but here's what it was: The
  1398. NSF released control of the routing tables.
  1399. Until then, the NSF was who said exactly who could connect to the "Internet" and
  1400. how to get to them. That had also been the model of the Information Superhighway.
  1401. Now it was up to the company or organization who connected to the MAE "ring" to
  1402. maintain their own routing tables, their own equipment, to decide who they would
  1403. reach and who they would not reach.
  1404. The MAE-West, and -East, expanded to include other facilities because all the
  1405. people who wanted to connect couldn't fit. It wasn't explosive, it was evolutionary.
  1406. Only as experience and available capital increased could people be "good neighbors"
  1407. on the "rings". This and the MAE service contract also kept the growth problems as
  1408. much as possible to just technical ones.
  1409. Content could now be commercial, since that had been one of the restrictions of
  1410. the NSF. came online, as did the AltaVista search engine nearby at Digital
  1411. Equipment. The HTTP protocol and "browser" were established, and the smart BBS
  1412. operators became dial-up real-time service providers, some of which morphed into
  1413. Netcom, AOL, JPS, a list too long and too variable for anyone to know.
  1414. The need for every content consumer to reach every content provider, or even just
  1415. for this email to be able to reach everyone on the list, created a market for those who
  1416. maintained routs to "everyone" to sell the service of being able to get from here to
  1417. there. People who didn't play nicely, like Alternet, didn't last long. Their own
  1418. customers demanded the ability to reach everyone, and the sovereign consumer
  1419. always wins in the end.
  1420. Everybody who had a clue knew that the MAE's couldn't handle the traffic, and
  1421. quickly there were other "public" peering locations. Some, like the beautiful PAIX in
  1422. Palo Alto, California, were computing facilities who created the same kind of
  1423. environment that the early MAE's had been. Others, such as Pacific Bell and AADSNAP Chicago, created virtual peering "points" which were actually just meshed
  1424. networks within their own telephone switches. People built facilities and others came
  1425. to use them, each free to offer desired services no matter what those may be. Freedom
  1426. of infrastructure had occurred.62
  1427. As Klein's reference to private bulletin boards suggests, it is quite plausible that some
  1428. sort of Internet would have come about through voluntary interaction and free
  1429. contributions. Universities and private firms might have built a less ambitious system of
  1430. trunk lines, and community bulletin boards might have linked together from the bottom
  1431. up. It would almost certainly have been more decentralized and lower in capacity than
  1432. the Internet we know today. One useful analogy might be Lewis Mumford's speculations
  1433. on the local light rail networks that might have developed in a decentralized eotechnic
  1434. economy, with the "national" system consisting largely of a loosely networked, low
  1435. capacity amalgamation of local systems, as opposed to the centralized system of trunk
  1436. lines actually created by the state. The Internet might, in that case, be a loose network of
  1437. community Internets, with the process of patching through to a distant community
  1438. bulletin board being comparable to that of making a long-distance call in the days before
  1439. direct dialing.
  1440. It permits, for the first time, direction of global operations in real time from a single
  1441. corporate headquarters, and is accelerating the concentration of capital on a global scale.
  1442. 62
  1443. Curt Howland, comment to Peter G. Klein, "Government Did Invent the Internet, But the Market Made It
  1444. Glorious," Mises Economics Blog, June 12, 2006.
  1445. To quote Chomsky again, "The telecommunications revolution... is... another state
  1446. component of the international economy that didn't develop through private capital, but
  1447. through the public paying to destroy themselves...."63
  1448. C. Patents and Copyrights
  1449. Although free market libertarians of all stripes are commonly stereotyped as
  1450. apologists for big business, it is hard to imagine a position more at odds with the interests
  1451. of big busines than the dominant libertarian view on patents. Certainly that is true of
  1452. Murray Rothbard, who was not shy about denouncing patents as a fundamental violation
  1453. of free market principles:
  1454. The man who has not bought a machine and who arrives at the same invention
  1455. independently, will, on the free market, be perfectly able to use and sell his invention.
  1456. Patents prevent a man from using his invention even though all the property is his and he has
  1457. not stolen the invention, either explicitly or implicitly, from the first inventor. Patents,
  1458. therefore, are grants of exclusive monopoly privilege by the State and are invasions of
  1459. property rights on the market.64
  1460. It is sometimes argued, in response to attacks on patents as monopolies, that "all
  1461. property is a monopoly." True, as far as it goes; but tangible property is a monopoly by
  1462. the nature of the case. A parcel of land can only be occupied and used by one owner at a
  1463. time, because it is finite. By nature, two people cannot occupy the same physical space at
  1464. the same time. "Intellectual property," in contrast, is an artificial monopoly on the right to
  1465. perform a certain action--to arrange material elements or symbols in a particular
  1466. configuration--which is not otherwise restricted of necessity to one person at a time. And
  1467. unlike property in tangible goods and land, the defense of which is a necessary outgrowth
  1468. of the attempt to maintain possession, enforcement of "property rights" in ideas requires
  1469. the invasion of someone else's space.
  1470. [E]veryone's property right is defended in libertarian law without a patent. If someone
  1471. has an idea or plan and constructs an invention, and it is stolen from his house, the stealing is
  1472. an act of theft illegal under general law. On the other hand, patents actually invade the
  1473. property rights of those independent discoverers of an idea or an invention who made the
  1474. discovery after the patentee…. Patents, therefore, invade rather than defend property
  1475. rights.65
  1476. Patents make an astronomical price difference. Until the early 1970s, for example,
  1477. Italy did not recognize drug patents. As a result, Roche Products charged the British
  1478. 63
  1479. Noam Chomsky, Class Warfare: Interviews with David Barsamian (Monroe, Maine: Common Courage
  1480. Press, 1996), p. 40.
  1481. 64
  1482. Rothbard, Man, Economy, and State. p. 5.
  1483. 65
  1484. Rothbard, Power and Market, p. 71.
  1485. national health a price over 40 times greater for patented components of Librium and
  1486. Valium than charged by competitors in Italy.66
  1487. Patents suppress innovation as much as they encourage it. Chakravarthi Raghavan
  1488. pointed out that research scientists who actually do the work of inventing are required to
  1489. sign over patent rights as a condition of employment, while patents and industrial security
  1490. programs prevent sharing of information, and suppress competition in further
  1491. improvement of patented inventions.67 Rothbard likewise argued that patents eliminate
  1492. "the competitive spur for further research" because incremental innovation based on
  1493. others' patents is hindered, and because the holder can "rest on his laurels for the entire
  1494. period of the patent," with no fear of a competitor improving his invention. And they
  1495. hamper technical progress because "mechanical inventions are discoveries of natural law
  1496. rather than individual creations, and hence similar independent inventions occur all the
  1497. time. The simultaneity of inventions is a familiar historical fact.68
  1498. Patents are also a hindrance to progress because of the "shoulders of giants" effect.
  1499. Any new invention presupposes a wide variety of existing technologies that are combined
  1500. and reworked into a new configuration. Patents on existing technologies may or may not
  1501. marginally increase the incentives to new invention, but they also increase the cost of
  1502. doing so by levying a tariff on the aggregation of existing knowledge to serve as building
  1503. blocks of a new invention.69 James Watt's refusal to license his patent on the steam
  1504. engine, for example, prevented others from improving the design until the patent expired
  1505. in 1800. This delayed the introduction of locomotives and steamboats.70
  1506. And patents are not necessary as an incentive to innovate, which means that their
  1507. main practical effect is to cause economic inefficiency by levying a monopoly charge on
  1508. the use of existing technology without significantly promoting innovation. According to
  1509. Rothbard, invention is motivated not only by the quasi-rents accruing to the first firm to
  1510. introduce an innovation, but by the threat of being surpassed in product features or
  1511. productivity by its competitors. "In active competition... no business can afford to lag
  1512. behind its competitors. The reputation of a firm depends upon its ability to keep ahead, to
  1513. be the first in the market with new improvements in its products and new reductions in
  1514. their prices."71
  1515. This is borne out by F. M. Scherer's testimony before the Federal Trade Commission
  1516. in 1995.72 Scherer spoke of a survey of 91 companies in which only seven "accorded
  1517. 66
  1518. Chakravarthi Raghavan, Recolonization: GATT, the Uruguay Round & the Third World (Penang,
  1519. Malaysia: Third World Network, 1990), p. 124.
  1520. 67
  1521. Chakravarthi Raghavan, Recolonization: GATT, the Uruguay Round & the Third World (Penang,
  1522. Malaysia: Third World Network, 1990), p. 118.
  1523. 68
  1524. Rothbard, Man, Economy, and State, pp. 655, 658-9.
  1525. 69
  1526. Yochai Benkler, The Wealth of Networks, pp. 36-37.
  1527. 70
  1528. Soderberg, Hacking Capitalism, p. 116.
  1529. 71
  1530. Rothbard, Power and Market, p. 74.
  1531. 72
  1532. Hearings on Global and Innovation-Based Competition. FTC, 29 November 1995.
  1533. high significance to patent protection as a factor in their R & D investments." Most of
  1534. them described patents as "the least important of considerations." Most companies
  1535. considered their chief motivation in R & D decisions to be "the necessity of remaining
  1536. competitive, the desire for efficient production, and the desire to expand and diversify
  1537. their sales." In another study, Scherer found no negative effect on R & D spending as a
  1538. result of compulsory licensing of patents. A survey of U.S. firms found that 86% of
  1539. inventions would have been developed without patents. In the case of automobiles, office
  1540. equipment, rubber products, and textiles, the figure was 100%.
  1541. The one exception was drugs, of which 60% supposedly would not have been
  1542. invented. Even this is doubtful, though. For one thing, drug companies get an unusually
  1543. high portion of their R & D funding from the government, and many of their most
  1544. lucrative products were developed entirely at government expense. And Scherer himself
  1545. cited evidence to the contrary. The reputation advantage for being the first into a market
  1546. is considerable. For example in the late 1970s, the structure of the industry and pricing
  1547. behavior was found to be very similar between drugs with and those without patents.
  1548. Being the first mover with a non-patented drug allowed a company to maintain a 30%
  1549. market share and to charge premium prices. We have already seen, in the previous
  1550. chapter, the extent to which the direction of innovation of skewed by considerations of
  1551. gaming the patent system and patent trolling the competition. The majority of R & D
  1552. expenditure is geared toward developing "me, too" drugs: in essence slightly different
  1553. versions of existing drugs, tweaked just enough to justify repatenting. And of the
  1554. enormous R & D expenditures which patents are allegedly necessary to allow the drug
  1555. companies to recoup, a majority goes not to developing the actual drug that goes to
  1556. market, but to securing patent lockdown on all the possible major variations of that drug.
  1557. The injustice of patent monopolies is exacerbated by government funding of research
  1558. and innovation, with private industry reaping monopoly profits from technology it spent
  1559. little or nothing to develop. In 1999, extending the research and experimentation tax
  1560. credit was, along with extensions of a number of other corporate tax preferences,
  1561. considered the most urgent business of the Congressional leadership. Hastert, when asked
  1562. if any elements of the tax bill were essential, said: "I think the [tax preference] extenders
  1563. are something we're going to have to work on." Ways and Means Chair Bill Archer
  1564. added, "before the year is out... we will do the extenders in a very stripped down bill that
  1565. doesn't include anything else." A five-year extension of the research and experimentation
  1566. credit (retroactive to 1 July 1999) was expected to cost $13.1 billion. (That credit makes
  1567. the effective tax rate on R & D spending less than zero).73
  1568. The Government Patent Policy Act of 1980, with 1984 and 1986 amendments,
  1569. <>.
  1570. 73
  1571. Citizens for Tax Justice. "GOP Leaders Distill Essence of Tax Plan: Surprise! It's Corporate Welfare" 14
  1572. September 1999 <>.
  1573. allowed private industry to keep patents on products developed with government R & D
  1574. money--and then to charge ten, twenty, or forty times the cost of production. For
  1575. example, AZT was developed with government money and in the public domain since
  1576. 1964. The patent was given away to Burroughs Wellcome Corp.74
  1577. As if the deck were not sufficiently stacked already, Congress has more than once
  1578. extended drug companies' patents beyond the expiration of their normal term under patent
  1579. law; as just one example, the pharmaceutical companies in 1999 lobbied Congress to
  1580. extend certain patents by two years by a special act of private law.75
  1581. So far we have considered patents mainly insofar as they resulted in unequal exchange
  1582. and higher prices at the individual level--essentially from Tucker's standpoint of the
  1583. nineteenth century. We have not yet examined their structural effects on the economy-the ways in which they promoted the corporate transformation of capitalism.
  1584. The patent privilege has been used on a massive scale to promote concentration of
  1585. capital, erect entry barriers, and maintain a monopoly of advanced technology in the
  1586. hands of western corporations. It is hard even to imagine how much more decentralized
  1587. the economy would be without it.
  1588. Patents played a large role in the creation of the corporate economy from the late
  1589. nineteenth century on. According to David Noble, they were "bought up in large numbers
  1590. to suppress competition," which also resulted in "the suppression of invention itself."76
  1591. Edwin Prindle, a corporate patent lawyer, wrote in 1906:
  1592. Patents are the best and most effective means of controlling competition. They
  1593. occasionally give absolute command of the market, enabling their owner to name the price
  1594. without regard to the cost of production.... Patents are the only legal form of absolute
  1595. monopoly.77
  1596. The exchange or pooling of patents between competitors, historically, has been a key
  1597. method for cartelizing industries. This was true especially of the electrical appliance,
  1598. communications, and chemical industries. G. E. and Westinghouse expanded to dominate
  1599. the electrical manufacturing market at the turn of the century largely through patent
  1600. control. In 1906 they curtailed the patent litigation between them by pooling their patents.
  1601. G.E., in turn (later to become the patriarchal see of Gerard Swope), had been formed in
  1602. 1892 by consolidating the patents of the Edison and Thomson-Houston interests.78
  1603. 74
  1604. Chris Lewis, "Public Assets, Private Profits," Multinational Monitor, in Project Censored Yearbook 1994
  1605. (New York: Seven Stories Press, 1994).
  1606. 75
  1607. Benjamin Grove, "Gibbons Backs Drug Monopoly Bill," Las Vegas Sun 18 February 2000
  1608. <>.
  1609. 76
  1610. David Noble, America by Design: Science, Technology, and the Rise of Corporate Capitalism (New
  1611. York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1977), pp. 84-109.
  1612. 77
  1613. Ibid., p. 90.
  1614. 78
  1615. Ibid., p. 92.
  1616. AT&T also expanded "primarily through strategies of patent monopoly." The American
  1617. chemical industry was marginal until 1917, when Attorney-General Mitchell Palmer
  1618. seized German patents and distributed them among the major American chemical
  1619. companies. Du Pont got licenses on 300 of the 735 patents.79
  1620. As Benjamin Darrington points out, "intellectual property" promotes large scale
  1621. organization in another way. It
  1622. promotes time and investment intensive forms of development and research with high
  1623. potential payoffs at the expense of the incremental, tinkering sort of innovation that would
  1624. prevail in the absence of these "rights," which tilts the market for the development of new
  1625. technology and techniques in favor of centralized institutions and high-tech solutions.80
  1626. The rise of the global economy in recent decades has been associated with a severe
  1627. upward ratcheting of copyright protections.
  1628. In the contemporary global economy, "intellectual property" plays the same
  1629. protectionist role for TNCs that tariffs performed in the old national economies.
  1630. Bill Gates "Halloween Memo"
  1631. Darl McBride, of the software company SCO, warned Congress that "the unchecked
  1632. spread of Open Source software, under the GPL, is a much more serious threat to the
  1633. spread of our capitalist system than U.S. corporations realize."81
  1634. The new digital copyright regime has done away with many traditional limitations on
  1635. copyright from the days when it affected mainly the print medium, like the fair use
  1636. exception. We can thank the traditional exceptions to copyright, for example, for the
  1637. public library and for free access to photocopiers.
  1638. Charles Johnson gives, as an example of the fair use exception, the common
  1639. university practice of making course reserves available for photocopying, rather than
  1640. expecting every student to buy a scholarly book at the academic publishing houses' steep
  1641. rates. (I myself have numerous photocopies of books ordered through Interlibrary Loan,
  1642. which would otherwise have cost me $70 or more, often for slim volumes of under two
  1643. hundred pages.) But, he says,
  1644. as soon as the University eliminates the paper medium, and facilitates exactly the same thing
  1645. through an non-commercial, internal University course pack website — which does nothing
  1646. at all more than what the xerox packets did, except that it delivers the information to pixels
  1647. 79
  1648. Ibid., pp. 10, 16.
  1649. Darington, op. cit., p. 18.
  1650. 81
  1651. <>, in Johan Soderberg, Hacking Capitalism: The Free and
  1652. Open Source Software Movement (New York and London: Routledge, 2008), p. 31.
  1653. 80
  1654. on a monitor instead of toner on a page — the publishers’ racket can run to court, throw up
  1655. its arms, and start hollering Computers! Internet!, send their lawyers to try to shake down
  1656. have a discussion with the University administration for new tribute to their monopoly
  1657. business model, and then, failing that, utterly uncontroversial decades-old practices of
  1658. sharing knowledge among colleagues and students suddenly become a legal case raising core
  1659. issues like the future of the business model for academic publishers, while even the most
  1660. absurd protectionist arguments are dutifully repeated by legal flacks on behalf of sustaining
  1661. the racket. (Thus: It’s difficult to argue that this is a truly noncommercial use [even though
  1662. Georgia State receives no money from students for the course packs]. Georgia State may be a
  1663. nonprofit institution, but its students pay a lot of money for course materials, and would
  1664. presumably pay money for the materials being provided to them by the university.)82
  1665. Indeed, if copyright law for print media were governed by the same principles as the
  1666. WIPO Copyright Treaty and the DMCA, photocopiers would either be considered an
  1667. illegal technical means of circumventing copyright (with even the dissemination of
  1668. technical information on how to build a photocopier being treated as criminal speech), or
  1669. could be legally built only with mandated "DRM" safeguards to prevent the photocopying
  1670. of copyrighted material.
  1671. D. Tariffs
  1672. As with patents, we are interested here in the aspects of tariffs that Tucker neglected:
  1673. their effect in promoting the cartelization of industry. In the next chapter, on the rise of
  1674. monopoly capitalism, we will see the full-blown effects of what Schumpeter called
  1675. "export-dependent monopoly capitalism." That term refers to an economic system in
  1676. which industry cartelizes behind the protection of tarriff barriers; sells its output
  1677. domestically for a monopoly price significantly higher than market-clearing level, in
  1678. order to obtain super-profits at the consumer's expense; and disposes of its unsellable
  1679. product abroad, by dumping it below cost if necessary.
  1680. Brandeis referred to the tariff as "the mother of trusts" because of the way it facilitated
  1681. collusion between large domestic producers and the creation of oligopolies. Mises, in
  1682. Human Action, described the dependence of cartels on tariff barriers (especially
  1683. interacting with other state-enforced monopolies like patents). Of course, in keeping with
  1684. his usual "pro-business" emphasis, Mises treated the large industrial firms, at worst, as
  1685. passive beneficiaries of a state protectionist policy aimed primarily at raising the wages of
  1686. labor. This parallels his view of the early industrial capitalists, and their non-implication
  1687. in the primitive accumulation process, in the previous chapter.
  1689. 82
  1690. Charles Johnson, "How Intellectual Protectionism promotes the progress of science and the useful arts,"
  1691. Rad Geek People's Daily, May 28, 2008 <>.
  1692. The state capitalism of the twentieth century differed fundamentally from the
  1693. misnamed "laissez-faire" capitalism of the nineteenth century in two regards: 1) the
  1694. growth of direct organizational ties between corporations and the state, and the circulation
  1695. of managerial personnel between them; and 2) the eclipse of surplus value extraction
  1696. from the worker through the production process (as described by classical Marxism), by
  1697. the extraction of "super-profits" a) from the consumer through the exchange process and
  1698. b) from the taxpayer through the fiscal process.
  1699. Although microeconomics texts generally describe the functioning of supply and
  1700. demand curves as though the nature of the market actors were unchanged since Adam
  1701. Smith's day, in fact the rise of the large corporation as the dominant type of economic
  1702. actor has been a revolution as profound as any in history. It occurred parallel to the rise of
  1703. the "positive" state (i.e., the omnicompetent, centralized regulatory state) in the
  1704. nineteenth and early twentieth century. And, vitally important to remember, the two
  1705. phenomena were mutually reinforcing. The state's subsidies, privileges and other
  1706. interventions in the market were the major force behind the centralization of the economy
  1707. and the concentration of productive power. In turn, the corporate economy's need for
  1708. stability and rationality, and for state-guaranteed profits, has been the central force behind
  1709. the continuing growth of the leviathan state.
  1710. The rise of the centralized state and the centralized corporation has created a system
  1711. in which the two are organizationally connected, and run by essentially the same
  1712. recirculating elites (a study of the careers of David Rockefeller, Averell Harriman, and
  1713. Robert McNamara should be instructive on the last point). This phenomenon has been
  1714. most ably described by the "power elite" school of sociologists, particularly C. Wright
  1715. Mills and G. William Domhoff.
  1716. It is interesting, in this regard, to compare the effect of antitrust legislation in the U.S.
  1717. to that of nationalization in European "social democracies." In most cases, the firms
  1718. affected by both policies involve centrally important infrastructures or resources, on
  1719. which the corporate economy as a whole depends. Nationalization in the Old World is
  1720. used primarily in the case of energy, transportation and communication. In the U.S., the
  1721. most famous antitrust cases have been against Standard Oil, AT&T, and Microsoft: all
  1722. cases in which excessive prices in one firm were perceived as a threat to the interests of
  1723. monopoly capital as a whole. And recent "deregulation," as it has been applied to the
  1724. trucking and airline industries, has likewise been in the service of those general corporate
  1725. interests harmed by monopoly transportation prices. In all these cases, the state has on
  1726. occasion acted as an executive committee on behalf of the entire corporate economy, by
  1727. thwarting the mendacity of a few powerful corporations.
  1728. Rothbard treated the "war collectivism" of World War I as a prototype for twentieth
  1729. century state capitalism. He described it as
  1730. a new order marked by strong government, and extensive and pervasive government
  1731. intervention and planning, for the purpose of providing a network of subsidies and
  1732. monopolistic privileges to business, and especially to large business, interests. In
  1733. particular, the economy could be cartelized under the aegis of government, with prices
  1734. raised and production fixed and restricted, in the classic pattern of monopoly; and
  1735. military and other government contracts could be channeled into the hands of favored
  1736. corporate producers. Labor, which had been becoming increasingly rambunctious,
  1737. could be tamed and bridled into the service of this new, state monopoly-capitalist
  1738. order, through the device of promoting a suitably cooperative trade unionism, and by
  1739. bringing the willing union leaders into the planning system as junior partners.83
  1740. The International Socialist Review in 1912, for example, warned workers not to be
  1741. fooled into identifying social insurance or the nationalization of industry with
  1742. "socialism." Such state programs as workers' compensation, old age and health insurance,
  1743. were only measures to strengthen and stabilize capitalism. And nationalization simply
  1744. reflected the capitalist's realization "that he can carry on certain portions of the production
  1745. process more efficiently through his government than through private corporations.....
  1746. Some muddleheads find that will be Socialism, but the capitalist knows better."84
  1747. Friedrich Engels had taken the same view of public ownership:
  1748. At a further stage of evolution this form [the joint-stock company] also becomes
  1749. insufficient: the official representative of capitalist society--the state--will ultimately
  1750. have to undertake the direction of production. This necessity for conversion into state
  1751. property is felt first in the great institutions for intercourse and communication--the
  1752. post office, the telegraphs, the railways.85
  1753. Kolko used the term "political capitalism" to describe the general objectives big
  1754. business pursued through the "Progressive" state:
  1755. Political capitalism is the utilization of political outlets to attain conditions of
  1756. stability, predictability, and security--to attain rationalization--in the economy.
  1757. Stability is the elimination of internecine competition and erratic fluctuations in the
  1758. economy. Predictability is the ability, on the basis of politically stabilized and secured
  1759. means, to plan future economic action on the basis of fairly calculable expectations.
  1760. By security I mean protection from the political attacks latent in any formally
  1761. democratic political structure. I do not give to rationalization its frequent definition as
  1762. the improvement of efficiency, output, or internal organization of a company; I mean
  1763. by the term, rather, the organization of the economy and the larger political and social
  1764. 83
  1765. Murray Rothbard, "War Collectivism in World War I," in Murray Rothbard and Ronald Radosh, eds., A
  1766. New History of Leviathan: Essays on the Rise of the American Corporate State (New York: E. P. Dutton &
  1767. Co., Inc., 1972), pp. 66-7.
  1768. 84
  1769. Robert Rives La Monte, "You and Your Vote," International Socialist Review XIII, No. 2 (August 1912);
  1770. "Editorial," International Socialist Review XIII, No. 6 (December 1912).
  1771. 85
  1772. Friedrich Engels, Anti-Dühring, vol. 25 of Marx and Engels Collected Works (New York: International
  1773. Publishers, 1987) 265.
  1774. spheres in a manner that will allow corporations to function in a predictable and
  1775. secure environment permitting reasonable profits over the long run.86
  1776. A. Cartelizing Regulations
  1777. From the turn of the twentieth century on, there was a series of attempts by corporate
  1778. leaders to create some institutional structure by which price competition could be
  1779. regulated and their respective market shares stabilized. "It was then," Paul Sweezy wrote,
  1780. that U.S. businessmen learned the self-defeating nature of price-cutting as a
  1781. competitive weapon and started the process of banning it through a complex network
  1782. of laws (corporate and regulatory), institutions (e.g., trade associations), and
  1783. conventions (e.g., price leadership) from normal business practice.87
  1784. But merely private attempts at cartelization (i.e., collusive price stabilization) before
  1785. the Progressive Era--namely the so-called "trusts"--were miserable failures, according to
  1786. Kolko. The dominant trend at the turn of the century--despite the effects of tariffs,
  1787. patents, railroad subsidies, and other existing forms of statism--was competition. The
  1788. trust movement was an attempt to cartelize the economy through such voluntary and
  1789. private means as mergers, acquisitions, and price collusion. But the over-leveraged and
  1790. over-capitalized trusts were even less efficient than before, and steadily lost market share
  1791. at the hands of their smaller, more efficient competitors. Standard Oil and U.S. Steel,
  1792. immediately after their formation, began a process of eroding market share. In the face of
  1793. this resounding failure, big business acted through the state to cartelize itself--hence, the
  1794. Progressive regulatory agenda. "Ironically, contrary to the consensus of historians, it was
  1795. not the existence of monopoly that caused the federal government to intervene in the
  1796. economy, but the lack of it."88
  1797. The FTC and Clayton Acts reversed this long trend toward competition and loss of
  1798. market share and made stability possible.
  1799. The provisions of the new laws attacking unfair competitors and price
  1800. discrimination meant that the government would now make it possible for many trade
  1801. associations to stabilize, for the first time, prices within their industries, and to make
  1802. effective oligopoly a new phase of the economy.89
  1803. The Federal Trade Commission created a hospitable atmosphere for trade associations
  1804. 86
  1805. Gabriel Kolko, The Triumph of Conservatism: A Reinterpretation of American History 1900-1916 (New
  1806. York: The Free Press of Glencoe, 1963) 3.
  1807. 87
  1808. Paul M. Sweezy, "Competition and Monopoly," Monthly Review (May 1981), pp. 1-16.
  1809. 88
  1810. Kolko, Triumph of Conservatism, p. 5.
  1811. 89
  1812. Ibid., p. 268.
  1813. and their efforts to prevent price cutting.90 The two pieces of legislation accomplished
  1814. what the trusts had been unable to: it enabled a handful of firms in each industry to
  1815. stabilize their market share and to maintain an oligopoly structure between them. This
  1816. oligopoly pattern has remained stable ever since.
  1817. It was during the war [i.e. WWI] that effective, working oligopoly and price and
  1818. market agreements became operational in the dominant sectors of the American
  1819. economy. The rapid diffusion of power in the economy and relatively easy entry [i.e.,
  1820. the conditions the trust movement failed to suppress] virtually ceased. Despite the
  1821. cessation of important new legislative enactments, the unity of business and the
  1822. federal government continued throughout the 1920s and thereafter, using the
  1823. foundations laid in the Progressive Era to stabilize and consolidate conditions within
  1824. various industries. And, on the same progressive foundations and exploiting the
  1825. experience with the war agencies, Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt later
  1826. formulated programs for saving American capitalism. The principle of utilizing the
  1827. federal government to stabilize the economy, established in the context of modern
  1828. industrialism during the Progressive Era, became the basis of political capitalism in
  1829. its many later ramifications.91
  1830. Frank Dobbin, The New Economic Sociology: A Reader (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
  1831. University Press, 2004).
  1832. In addition, the various safety and quality regulations introduced during this period
  1833. likewise had the effect of cartelizing the market. They served essentially the same
  1834. purpose as the later attempts in the Wilson war economy to reduce the variety of styles
  1835. and features available in product lines, in the name of "efficiency." Any action by the
  1836. state to impose a uniform standard of quality (e.g. safety), across the board, necessarily
  1837. eliminates that feature as a competitive issue between firms. As Butler Shaffer put it, the
  1838. purpose of "wage, working condition, or product standards" is to "universalize cost
  1839. factors and thus restrict price competition."92 Thus, the industry is partially cartelized, to
  1840. the very same extent that would have happened had all the firms in it adopted a uniform
  1841. level of quality standards, and agreed to stop competing in that area. A regulation, in
  1842. essence, is a state-enforced cartel in which the members agree to cease competing in a
  1843. particular area of quality or safety, and instead agree on a uniform standard which they
  1844. establish through the state. And unlike non-state-enforced cartels, which are unstable, no
  1845. member can seek an advantage by defecting.
  1846. Although theoretically the regulations might simply put a floor on quality competition
  1847. and leave firms free to compete by exceeding the standard, corporations often take a
  1848. harsh view of competitors who exceed regulatory safety or quality requirements:
  1849. 90
  1850. Ibid., p. 275.
  1851. Ibid., p. 287.
  1852. 92
  1853. Butler Shaffer, Calculated Chaos: Institutional Threats to Peace and Human Survival (San Francisco:
  1854. Alchemy Books, 1985), p. 143.
  1855. 91
  1856. The Bush administration said Tuesday it will fight to keep meatpackers from
  1857. testing all their animals for mad cow disease.
  1858. The Agriculture Department tests fewer than 1 percent of slaughtered cows for the
  1859. disease, which can be fatal to humans who eat tainted beef. A beef producer in the
  1860. western state of Kansas, Creekstone Farms Premium Beef, wants to test all of its
  1861. cows.
  1862. Larger meat companies feared that move because, if Creekstone should test its
  1863. meat and advertised it as safe, they might have to perform the expensive tests on their
  1864. larger herds as well.
  1865. The Agriculture Department regulates the test and argued that widespread testing
  1866. could lead to a false positive that would harm the meat industry.93
  1867. In other words, exceeding government safety standards unfairly implies that products
  1868. which merely meet the ordinary USDA standard are less than adequate. Likewise,
  1869. government minimum labeling requirements sometimes become a de facto maximum,
  1870. with restraints the voluntary provision of additional information not required by law: e.g.
  1871. Monsanto's legal thuggery against competitors which label their products as free from
  1872. recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), and similar use of "food libel" laws to
  1873. constrain commercial free speech:
  1875. ADVERTISING....
  1876. ST LOUIS (April 3, 2007) - Monsanto Company announced today that letters
  1877. from more than 500 concerned individuals and Monsanto have been submitted to the
  1878. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
  1879. requesting action to stop deceptive milk labeling and advertising. The two letters
  1880. outline how certain milk labels and promotions that differentiate milk based on
  1881. farmer use of POSILAC bovine somatotropin (bST) are misleading to consumers and
  1882. do not meet the standards set by laws and regulations for either the Federal Trade
  1883. Commission or the Food and Drug Administration.
  1884. "The people who signed these letters are dairy producers, industry professionals
  1885. and consumers from across the country who have expressed concerns about specific
  1886. labels they find to be false or misleading," said Kevin Holloway, president of
  1887. Monsanto Dairy Business. "In many cases, they came to Monsanto to find out what
  1888. could be done about milk marketing tactics that disparage milk and deny farmers a
  1889. 93
  1890. Associated Press, "U.S. government fights to keep meatpackers from testing all slaughtered cattle for mad
  1891. cow," International Herald-Tribune, May 29, 2007
  1892. <>.
  1893. choice in using approved technologies. We believe FDA and FTC are the correct
  1894. agencies to address the matter with the companies who employ misleading labels or
  1895. promotions."
  1896. The letter to the FDA highlights deceptive milk labels and calls for clear guidance
  1897. and enforcement by FDA to address labeling that disparages milk from cows
  1898. supplemented with POSILAC....
  1899. "This is of great concern to dairy producers" said Dennis Areias, a Los Banos,
  1900. Calif., dairy producer who signed the letters. "Deceptive labels suggest to consumers
  1901. that there is something wrong with the milk they have been drinking for the past 13
  1902. years. Even though the companies that print these labels know this is not true, they
  1903. choose to mislead consumers in an effort to charge more money for the same milk...."
  1904. "Deceptive labels and ads are not only damaging to dairy producers who are
  1905. forced to give up technology that helps them make a living, they hurt consumers" said
  1906. John Vrieze, an Emerald, Wisc., dairy producer who also signed the letters to the
  1907. FDA and FTC.
  1908. "The misleading language clearly aims to scare people into paying more for the
  1909. same milk. These ill-gotten gains are not shared with farmers and shame on us if we
  1910. would seek to profit by disparaging the image of milk that we have invested heavily
  1911. in promoting as a safe, healthy product."
  1912. POSILAC is an FDA-approved supplement used by U.S. dairy farmers to increase
  1913. productivity. Since it was first sold in 1994, POSILAC has become one of the leading
  1914. dairy animal supplements in the United States.94
  1915. So once the FDA approves POSILAC, it is forbidden to advertise any product
  1916. differentiation based on a more stringent safety standard than that of the FDA. Merely
  1917. telling the consumer whether or not you choose to use FDA-approved additives
  1918. constitutes disparagement of those who follow the government-established industry
  1919. standard.
  1920. In one jurisdiction, the issue is no longer in doubt. Pennsylvania, in November 2007,
  1921. officially prohibited dairies from labeling their milk growth hormone-free.
  1922. State Agriculture Secretary Dennis C. Wolff said advertising one brand of milk as free
  1923. from artificial hormones implies that competitors' milk is not safe, and it often comes with
  1924. what he said is an unjustified higher price.
  1925. "It's kind of like a nuclear arms race," Wolff said. "One dairy does it and the next tries to
  1926. 94
  1927. "Monsanto Declares War on 'rBGH-free' Dairies," April 3, 2007 (reprint of Monsanto press release by
  1928. Organic Consumers Association) <>.
  1929. outdo them. It's absolutely crazy."...
  1930. Monsanto spokesman Michael Doane said the hormone-free label "implies to consumers,
  1931. who may or may not be informed on these issues, that there's a health-and-safety difference
  1932. between these two milks, that there's 'good' milk and 'bad' milk, and we know that's not the
  1933. case."
  1934. Rick North of the Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility, a leading critic of the
  1935. artificial growth hormone, said the Pennsylvania rules amounted to censorship.
  1936. "This is a clear example of Monsanto's influence," he said. "They're getting clobbered in
  1937. the marketplace by consumers everywhere wanting rBGH-free products."
  1938. Acting on a recommendation of an advisory panel, the Pennsylvania Agriculture
  1939. Department has notified 16 dairies in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and
  1940. Massachusetts that their labels were false or misleading and had to be changed by the end of
  1941. December.95
  1942. Every time I think the morally repellant filth at Monsanto have gone as far as humanly
  1943. possible in trampling normal standards of decency underfoot, they manage to outdo
  1944. themselves.
  1945. Nobody who's read the material above should be surprised to learn that Monsanto
  1946. actually lobbied to preserve the regulatory state. When Congressman James Walsh, a
  1947. New York Republican, tried in 1995 to repeal of GMO regulations, Monsanto and other
  1948. leaders in the industry lobbied against the repeal.96
  1949. Similarly, the provision of services by the state (R&D funding, for example) removes
  1950. them as components of price in cost competition between firms, and places them in the
  1951. realm of guaranteed income to all firms in a market alike. Whether through regulations or
  1952. direct state subsidies to various forms of accumulation, the corporations act through the
  1953. state to carry out some activities jointly, and to restrict competition to selected areas.
  1954. Kolko provided abundant evidence that the main force behind this entire legislative
  1955. agenda was big business. The Meat Inspection Act, for instance, was passed primarily at
  1956. the behest of the big meat packers. In the 1880s, repeated scandals involving tainted meat
  1957. had resulted in U.S. firms being shut out of several European markets. The big packers
  1958. had turned to the U.S. government to conduct inspections on exported meat. By carrying
  1959. out this function jointly, through the state, they removed quality inspection as a
  1960. competitive issue between them, and the U.S. government provided a seal of approval in
  1961. much the same way a trade association would--but at public expense. The problem with
  1962. 95
  1963. "Pa. bars hormone-free milk labels," USA Today, November 13, 2007
  1964. <>.
  1965. 96
  1966. Charlers Derber, Corporation Nation: How Corporations are Taking Over Our Lives and What We Can
  1967. Do About It (New York: St. Martin's Griffin, 1998), p. 150.
  1968. this early inspection regime was that only the largest packers were involved in the export
  1969. trade; mandatory inspections therefore gave a competitive advantage to the small firms
  1970. that supplied only the domestic market. The main effect of Roosevelt's Meat Inspection
  1971. Act was to bring the small packers into the inspection regime, and thereby end the
  1972. competitive disability it imposed on large firms. Upton Sinclair simply served as an
  1973. unwitting shill for the meat-packing industry.97 This pattern was repeated, in its essential
  1974. form, in virtually every component of the "Progressive" regulatory agenda.
  1975. Within the cartelizing framework of the regulatory state, it's a stretch to call the
  1976. relationship between industries in an oligopoly market "competitive."
  1977. The corporate web of today is a byzantine mix of interlocking board directorships,
  1978. strategic alliances, and contracting networks that link virtually every Fortune 500 corporation
  1979. with every other. John Malone, CEO of TCI, one of the great cable and media giants,
  1980. describes his relationship to Rupert Murdoch as that of variously "competitors or partners or
  1981. co-schemers."98
  1982. B. Central Banking Policy
  1983. Austrian theory of malinvestment. Monetary inflation lengthens the structure of
  1984. production by making more roundabout forms of production seem artificially profitable,
  1985. and thereby causing malinvestment--namely, the misdirection of resources into excessive
  1986. amounts of higher order goods.
  1987. C. Tax Policy
  1988. Coase argued that the differential treatment, for sales tax purposes, of transactions
  1989. organized through the market and transactions organized internally, gave a competitive
  1990. advantage to the firm over the market: " is clear that [the sales tax] is a tax on market
  1991. transactions and not on the same transactions organized within the firm." The sales tax,
  1992. therefore, would not only "furnish a reason for the emergence of a firm in a specialized
  1993. exchange economy," but "tend to make [firms] larger than they would otherwise be."99
  1994. Schumpeter on double taxation of dividends as a force for concentration. Hellwig on
  1995. centralizing effects of funding primarily from retained earnings. Firms in the monopoly
  1996. capital sector with retained earnings that exceed opportunities for rational investment will
  1997. tend toward overaccumulation, while firms in the competitive sector will be starved for
  1998. investment funds.
  1999. 97
  2000. Kolko, Triumph of Conservatism, pp. 98-108.
  2001. Derber, Corporation Nation, p. 18.
  2002. 99
  2003. Coase, "The Nature of the Firm," 1937.
  2004. 98
  2005. Other tax policies also encourage the concentration of capital. Stock transactions
  2006. involved in mergers and acquisitions are exempted from the capital gains tax, for example
  2007. (Henry Manne referred to stock swaps as "one of the most important 'get-rich-quick'
  2008. opportunities in our economy today").100 And the interest on corporate debt is a
  2009. significant deduction from the corporate income tax. A study of hostile takeovers in the
  2010. '80s found that the tax savings from increased indebtedness was one of the chief
  2011. benefits.101
  2012. Tax credits and deductions for research and development and for capital depreciation,
  2013. along with state-subsidized technical education, tend to increase the capital- and
  2014. technology-intensiveness of the predominant firm--thereby increasing the firm size and
  2015. capitalization necessary to enter the market, and promoting cartelization.
  2016. D. The Corporate Liberal Pact With Labor
  2017. The old Progressive leitmotif of Big Business-Big Government collusion reappeared
  2018. in the New Deal, along with another Crolyite theme: coopting labor into the corporatist
  2019. system. The core of business support for the New Deal was, as Ronald Radosh described
  2020. it, "leading moderate big businessmen and liberal-minded lawyers from large corporate
  2021. enterprises."102 Thomas Ferguson and Joel Rogers described them more specifically as "a
  2022. new power bloc of capital-intensive industries, investment banks, and internationally
  2023. oriented commercial banks."103 (This is also the bloc of industries which, as Joseph
  2024. Stromberg points out, is most heavily dependent on government promotion of exports and
  2025. other action to absorb its surplus output; likewise, according to the Austrian class theory
  2026. of Walter Grinder and John Hagel, it is the bloc of industry that profits directly from
  2027. credit inflation by the central banking system, which promotes artificially roundabout
  2028. forms of production.)
  2029. Labor was a relatively minor part of the total cost package of such businesses; at the
  2030. same time, capital-intensive industry, as Galbraith pointed out in his analysis of the
  2031. "technostructure," depended on long-term stability and predictability for planning.
  2032. Therefore, this segment of big business was willing to trade higher wages for social peace
  2033. 100
  2034. Henry Manne, "Mergers and the Market for Corporate Control," p. 113. [110-119]
  2035. Sanjai Bhagat, Andrei Shleifer and Robert W. Vishny, "Hostile Takeovers in the 1980s: The Return to
  2036. Corporate Specialization," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity: Microeconomics (1990), pp. 1-85.
  2037. Quoted in Doug Henwood, Wall Street: How it Works and for Whom (London and New York: Verso,
  2038. 1997), p. 280.
  2039. 102
  2040. Ronald Radosh, "The Myth of the New Deal," in Rothbard and Radosh, eds., A New History of
  2041. Leviathan, pp. 154-5.
  2042. 103
  2043. Thomas Ferguson and Joel Rogers. Right Turn (New York: Hill and Wang, 1986), p. 46; this line of
  2044. analysis is pursued more intensively in Thomas Ferguson, Golden Rule: The Investment Theory of Party
  2045. Competition and the Logic of Money-Driven Political Systems (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
  2046. 1995).
  2047. 101
  2048. in the workplace.104 The roots of this faction can be traced to the relatively "progressive"
  2049. employers described by James Weinstein in his account of the National Civic Federation
  2050. at the turn of the century, who were willing to engage in collective bargaining over wages
  2051. and working conditions in return for uncontested management control of the workplace.105
  2052. This attitude was at the root of the Taylorist/Fordist social contract, in which the labor
  2053. bureaucrats agreed to let management manage, so long as labor got an adequate share of
  2054. the pie.106 Such an understanding was most emphatically in the interests of large
  2055. corporations. The sitdown movement in the auto industry and the organizing strikes
  2056. among West coast longshoremen were virtual revolutions among rank and file workers on
  2057. the shop floor. In many cases, they were turning into regional general strikes. The Wagner
  2058. Act domesticated this revolution and brought it under the control of professional labor
  2059. bureaucrats.
  2060. Industrial unionism, from the employer's viewpoint, had the advantage over craft
  2061. unionism of providing a single bargaining agent with which management could deal. One
  2062. of the reasons for the popularity of "company unions" among large corporations, besides
  2063. the obvious advantages in pliability, was the fact that they were an alternative to the host
  2064. of separate craft unions of the AFL. Even in terms of pliability, the industrial unions of
  2065. the Thirties had some of the advantages of company unions. By bringing collective
  2066. bargaining under the aegis of federal labor law, corporate management was able to use
  2067. union leadership to discipline their own rank and file, and to use the federal courts as a
  2068. mechanism of enforcement.
  2069. The New Dealers devised... a means to integrate big labor into the corporate state.
  2070. But only unions that were industrially organized, and which paralleled in their
  2071. structure the organization of industry itself, could play the appropriate role. A
  2072. successful corporate state required a safe industrial-union movement to work. It also
  2073. required a union leadership that shared the desire to operate the economy from the top
  2074. in formal conferences with the leaders of the other functional economic groups,
  2075. particularly the corporate leaders. The CIO unions... provided such a union
  2076. leadership.107
  2077. Moderate members of the corporate elite also gained reassurance from the earlier
  2078. British experience in accepting collective bargaining. Collective bargaining did not affect
  2079. the distribution of wealth, for one thing: "Labor gains were made due to the general
  2080. growth in wealth and at the expense of the consumer, which would mean small
  2081. businessmen, pensioners, farmers, and nonunionized white collar employees." (Not to
  2082. mention a large contingent of unskilled laborers and lumpenproles without bargaining
  2083. 104
  2084. Ferguson, Golden Rule pp. 117 et seq.; John Kenneth Galbraith, The New Industrial State (New York:
  2085. Signet Books, 1967), pp. 25-37, 258-9, 274, 287-9.
  2086. 105
  2087. Weinstein, Corporate Ideal in the Liberal State, esp. the first two chapters.
  2088. 106
  2089. Montgomery, Workers’ Control in America, pp. 49-57.
  2090. 107
  2091. Radosh, "The Myth of the New Deal," pp. 178-9, 181.
  2092. leverage against the employing classes). And the British found that firms in a position of
  2093. oligopoly, with a relatively inelastic demand, were able to pass increased labor costs on to
  2094. the consumer at virtually no cost to themselves.108
  2095. The Wagner Act served the central purposes of the corporate elite. To some extent it
  2096. was a response to mass pressure from below. But the decision on whether and how to
  2097. respond, the form of the response, and the implementation of the response, were all firmly
  2098. in the hands of the corporate elite. According to Domhoff (writing in The Higher
  2099. Circles), "The benefits to capital were several: greater efficiency and productivity from
  2100. labor, less labor turnover, the disciplining of the labor force by labor unions, the
  2101. possibility of planning labor costs over the long run, and the dampening of radical
  2102. doctrines."109 James O'Connor described it this way: "From the standpoint of monopoly
  2103. capital the main function of unions was... to inhibit disruptive, spontaneous rank-and-file
  2104. activity (e.g., wildcat strikes and slowdowns) and to maintain labor discipline in general.
  2105. In other words, unions were... the guarantors of 'managerial prerogatives.'"110 The
  2106. objectives of stability and productivity were more likely to be met by such a limited
  2107. Taylorist social compact than by a return to the labor violence and state repression of the
  2108. late nineteenth century.
  2109. In The Power Elite and the State, Domhoff put forth a slightly more nuanced thesis
  2110. than in The Higher Circles.111 It was true, he admitted, that a majority of large
  2111. corporations opposed the Wagner Act in its final form. But the basic principles of
  2112. collective bargaining embodied in it had been the outcome of decades of corporate liberal
  2113. theory and practice, worked out through policy networks in which "progressive" large
  2114. corporations had played a leading role; the National Civic Federation, as Weinstein
  2115. described its career, was a typical example of such networks. The motives of those in the
  2116. Roosevelt administration who framed the Wagner Act were very much in the mainstream
  2117. of corporate liberalism. Although they may have been ambivalent about the specific form
  2118. of FDR's labor legislation, Swope and his corporate fellow travelers had played the major
  2119. role in formulating the principles behind it. Whatever individual business leaders thought
  2120. of Wagner, it was drafted by mainstream corporate lawyers who were products of the
  2121. intellectual climate created by those same business leaders; and it was drafted with a view
  2122. to their interests. Although it was not accepted by big business as a whole, it was largely
  2123. the creation of representatives of big business interests whose understanding of the Act's
  2124. purpose was largely the same as those outlined in Domhoff's quote above from The
  2125. Higher Circles. At the same time, although it was designed to contain the threat of
  2126. working class power, it enjoyed broad working class support as the best deal they were
  2127. likely to get. The class nature of the legislation was further complicated by the fact that
  2128. the southern segment of the Democratic Party establishment, largely made up of large
  2129. 108
  2130. Domhoff, Higher Circles, p. 223.
  2131. Domhoff, Higher Circles, p. 225.
  2132. 110
  2133. James O’Connor, The Fiscal Crisis of the State (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1973).
  2134. 111
  2135. G. William Domhoff, The Power Elite and the State: How Policy is Made in America (New York:
  2136. Aldine de Gruyter, 1990), pp. 65-105.
  2137. 109
  2138. agricultural capitalists, used its veto power to limit the corporate liberal agenda of the big
  2139. industrialists: the southern wing was willing to go along with Wagner because it
  2140. specifically exempted agricultural laborers.
  2141. Another major aspect of American labor policy, which perhaps began with
  2142. Cleveland's response to the Pullman strike, was continued in the Railway Labor Relations
  2143. Act and Taft-Hartley (which, in James O'Connor's words, "included a ban on secondary
  2144. boycotts and hence tried to 'illegalize' class solidarity...",112 and Truman's and Bush's
  2145. threats to use soldiers as scabs in, respectively, the steelworkers' and longshoremen's
  2146. strikes. Taft-Hartley's "cooling off" and arbitration provisions enable the government to
  2147. intervene in any case where transport workers threaten to turn a local dispute into a
  2148. general strike.
  2149. Of course, the facts of the case are an almost complete reversal of the vulgar
  2150. libertarian critique of organized labor, which commonly asserts that unions depend
  2151. entirely on force (or the implicit threat of force), backed by the state, against non-union
  2152. laborers. They assume, in so arguing, that the strike as it is known today has always been
  2153. the primary method of labor struggle. Any of Thomas DiLorenzo's articles on the subject
  2154. at Mises.Org can be taken as a proxy for this ideological tendency. I quote the following
  2155. as an example:
  2156. Historically, the main "weapon" that unions have employed to try to push wages
  2157. above the levels that employees could get by bargaining for themselves on the free
  2158. market without a union has been the strike. But in order for the strike to work, and for
  2159. unions to have any significance at all, some form of coercion or violence must be
  2160. used to keep competing workers out of the labor market.113
  2161. This betrays a profound ignorance of the history of the labor movement outside the sterile
  2162. bubble of the Wagner Act.
  2163. First of all, when the strike was chosen as a weapon, it relied more on the threat of
  2164. imposing costs on the employer than on the forcible exclusion of scabs. You wouldn't
  2165. think it so hard for the Misoids to understand that the replacement of a major portion of
  2166. the workforce, especially when the supply of replacement workers is limited by moral
  2167. sympathy with the strike, might entail considerable transaction costs and disruption of
  2168. production. The idiosyncratic knowledge of the existing workforce, the time and cost of
  2169. bringing replacement workers to an equivalent level of productivity, and the damage
  2170. short-term disruption of production may do to customer relations, together constitute a
  2171. rent that invests the threat of walking out with a considerable deterrent value. And the
  2172. cost and disruption is greatly intensified when the strike is backed by sympathy strikes at
  2173. other stages of production.
  2174. 112
  2175. James O’Connor, Accumulation Crisis (Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd, 1984) p. 75.
  2176. Thomas DiLorenzo, "The Myth of Voluntary Unions," Mises.Org, September 14, 2004
  2177. <>.
  2178. 113
  2179. Wagner and Taft-Hartley greatly reduced the effectiveness of strikes at individual
  2180. plants by transforming them into declared wars fought by Queensbury rules, and likewise
  2181. reduced their effectiveness by prohibiting the coordination of actions across multiple
  2182. plants or industries. Taft-Hartley's cooling off periods, in addition, gave employers time
  2183. to prepare ahead of time for such disruptions and greatly reduced the informational rents
  2184. embodied in the training of the existing workforce. Were not such restrictions in place,
  2185. today's "just-in-time" economy would likely be far more vulnerable to such disruption
  2186. than that of the 1930s.
  2187. More importantly, though, unionism was historically less about strikes or excluding
  2188. non-union workers from the workplace than about what workers did inside the workplace
  2189. to strengthen their bargaining power against the boss.
  2190. The Wagner Act, along with the rest of the corporate liberal legal regime, had as its
  2191. central goal the redirection of labor resistance away from the successful asymmetric
  2192. warfare model, toward a formalized, bureaucratic system centered on labor contracts
  2193. enforced by the state and the union hierarchies. As Karl Hess suggested in a 1976
  2194. Playboy interview,
  2195. one crucial similarity between those two fascists [Hitler and FDR] is that both
  2196. successfully destroyed the trade unions. Roosevelt did it by passing exactly the
  2197. reforms that would ensure the creation of a trade-union bureaucracy. Since F.D.R.,
  2198. the unions have become the protectors of contracts rather than the spearhead of
  2199. worker demands. And the Roosevelt era brought the "no strike" clause, the notion
  2200. that your rights are limited by the needs of the state.114
  2201. The federal labor law regime criminalizes many forms of resistance, like sympathy
  2202. and boycott strikes up and down the production chain from raw materials to retail, that
  2203. made the mass and general strikes of the early 1930s so formidable. The Railway Labor
  2204. Relations Act, which has since been applied to airlines, was specifically designed to
  2205. prevent transport workers from turning local strikes into general strikes. Taft-Hartley's
  2206. cooling off period can be used for similar purposes in other strategic sectors, as
  2207. demonstrated by Bush's invocation of it against the longshoremen's union.
  2208. E. The Socialization of Cost
  2209. The common thread in all these lines of analysis is that an ever-growing portion of the
  2210. functions of the capitalist economy have been carried out through the state. According to
  2211. James O'Connor, state expenditures under monopoly capitalism can be divided into
  2212. 114
  2213. I'm indebted to the blogger freeman, libertarian critter for scanning it in online: "More From Hess,"
  2214. freeman, libertarian critter, June 9, 2005 <>.
  2215. "social capital" and "social expenses."
  2216. Social capital is expenditures required for profitable private accumulation; it is
  2217. indirectly productive (in Marxist terms, social capital indirectly expands surplus
  2218. value). There are two kinds of social capital: social investment and social
  2219. consumption (in Marxist terms, social constant capital and social variable capital)....
  2220. Social investment consist of projects and services that increase the productivity of a
  2221. given amount of laborpower and, other factors being equal, increase the rate of
  2222. profit.... Social consumption consists of projects and services that lower the
  2223. reproduction costs of labor and, other factors being equal, increase the rate of profit.
  2224. An example of this is social insurance, which expands the productive powers of the
  2225. work force while simultaneously lowering labor costs. The second category, social
  2226. expenses, consists of projects and services which are required to maintain social
  2227. harmony--to fulfill the state's "legitimization" function.... The best example is the
  2228. welfare system, which is designed chiefly to keep social peace among unemployed
  2229. workers.115
  2230. According to O'Connor, such state expenditures counteract the falling general rate of
  2231. profit that Marx predicted. Monopoly capital is able to externalize many of its operating
  2232. expenses on the state; and since the state's expenditures indirectly increase the
  2233. productivity of labor and capital at taxpayer expense, the apparent rate of profit is
  2234. increased.
  2235. Unquestionably, monopoly sector growth depends on the continuous expansion of
  2236. social investment and social consumption projects that in part or in whole indirectly
  2237. increase productivity from the standpoint of monopoly capital. In short, monopoly
  2238. capital socializes more and more costs of production.116
  2239. O'Connor listed several of the main ways in which monopoly capital externalizes its
  2240. operating costs on the political system:
  2241. Capitalist production has become more interdependent--more dependent on
  2242. science and technology, labor functions more specialized, and the division of labor
  2243. more extensive. Consequently, the monopoly sector (and to a much lesser degree the
  2244. competitive sector) requires increasing numbers of technical and administrative
  2245. workers. It also requires increasing amounts of infrastructure (physical overhead
  2246. capital)--transportation, communication, R&D, education, and other facilities. In
  2247. short, the monopoly sector requires more and more social investment in relation to
  2248. private capital.... The costs of social investment (or social constant capital) are not
  2249. borne by monopoly capital but rather are socialized and fall on the state.117
  2250. 115
  2251. O’Connor, Fiscal Crisis of the State, pp. 6-7.
  2252. Ibid., p. 24.
  2253. 117
  2254. Ibid., p. 24.
  2255. 116
  2256. As suggested already by our reference above to O'Connor, these forms of state
  2257. expenditure have the practical effect of promoting several of the "counteracting
  2258. influences" to the declining rate of profit that Marx described in Volume 3 of Capital.
  2259. The second such influence Marx listed, for example, was the "depression of wages below
  2260. the value of labor power." Through welfare, taxpayer-funded education, and other means
  2261. of subsidizing the reproduction cost of labor-power, the state reduces the minimum
  2262. sustainable cost of labor-power that must be paid by employers. Regarding education, in
  2263. particular, the Austrian economists Walter Grinder and John Hagel commented from a
  2264. free market perspective:
  2265. A distinct institutional framework, benefitting from extensive socialization of costs,
  2266. supplies the economy with a highly skilled and literate labor force inculated with
  2267. "technocratic" values. The evolution of the state-financed educational system has been
  2268. profoundly influenced by the changing needs of the corporate economy and this itimate, if
  2269. somewhat inefficient, relationship has been a prominent characteristic of state capitalist
  2270. societies. Compulsory education also inculates a value system encouraging subservience and
  2271. docility among unskilled labor and the lower strata of society.118
  2272. This is true, likewise, of Marx's third influence: the "cheapening of the elements of
  2273. constant capital." The state, by subsidizing many of the operating costs of large
  2274. corporations, artificially shifts their balance sheet further into the black. The fourth
  2275. influence listed, "relative overpopulation," is promoted by state subsidies to the adoption
  2276. of capital-intensive forms of production and to the education of technically skilled
  2277. manpower at government expense--with the effect of artificially increasing the supply of
  2278. labor relative to demand, and thus reducing its bargaining power in the labor market.119
  2279. According to Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis, the formal right of the employer to hire
  2280. and fire
  2281. is effective... only when the cost to workers is high; that is, when there is a large pool
  2282. of labor with the appropriate skills available in the larger society, into which workers
  2283. are threatened to be pushed. Indeed, ...the maintenance of such a "reserve army" of
  2284. skilled labor has been a major, and not unintended, effect of U.S. education through
  2285. the years.120
  2286. We should briefly recall here our examination above of how such socialization of
  2287. expenditures serves to cartelize industry. By externalizing such costs on the state, through
  2288. the general tax system, monopoly capital removes these expenditures as an issue of cost
  2289. competition between individual firms. It is as if all the firms in an industry formed a
  2290. 118
  2291. Walter E. Grinder and John Hagel, "Toward a Theory of State Capitalism: Ultimate Decision-Making
  2292. and Class Structure," Journal of Libertarian Studies 1:1 (Spring 1977), p. 73
  2293. <>.
  2294. 119
  2295. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Capital vol. 3, vol. 37 of Marx and Engels Collected Works (New
  2296. York: International Publishers, 1998), pp. 234-5.
  2297. 120
  2298. Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis, Schooling in Capitalist America: Educational Reform and the
  2299. Contradictions of Economic Life (New York: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, 1976), p. 55.
  2300. cartel to administer these costs in common, and agreed not to include them in their price
  2301. competition. The costs and benefits are applied uniformly to the entire industry, removing
  2302. it as a competitive disadvantage for some firms.
  2303. Although it flies in the face of "progressive" myth, big business is by no means
  2304. uniformly opposed to national health insurance and other forms of social insurance.
  2305. Currently, giant corporations in the monopoly capital sector are the most likely to provide
  2306. private insurance to their employees; and such insurance is one of the fastest-rising
  2307. components of labor costs. Consequently, firms that are already providing this service at
  2308. their own expense are the logical beneficiaries of a nationalized system. The effect of
  2309. such a national health system would be to remove the cost of this benefit as a competitive
  2310. disadvantage for the companies that provided it. Even if the state requires only large
  2311. corporations in the monopoly sector to provide health insurance, it is an improvement of
  2312. the current situation, from the monopoly capital point of view: health insurance ceases to
  2313. be a component of price competition among the largest firms. A national health system
  2314. provides a competitive advantage to a nation's firms at the expense of their foreign
  2315. competitors, who have to fund their own employee health benefits--hence, American
  2316. capital's hostility to the Canadian national health, and its repeated attempts to combat it
  2317. through the WTO. The cartelizing effects of socializing the costs of social insurance,
  2318. likewise, was one reason a significant segment of monopoly capital supported FDR's
  2319. Social Security agenda.
  2320. Daniel Gross, although erroneously viewing it as a departure from big business's
  2321. supposed hostility to the welfare state, has made the same point about more recent big
  2322. business support of government health insurance.121 Large American corporations, by
  2323. shouldering the burden of health insurance and other employee benefits borne by the state
  2324. in Europe and Japan, is at a competitive disadvantage both against companies there and
  2325. against smaller firms here.
  2326. Democratic presidential candidate Dick Gephart, or rather his spokesman Jim
  2327. English, admitted to a corporate liberal motivation for state-funded health insurance in his
  2328. 2003 Labor Day address. Gephart's proposed mandatory employer coverage, with a 60%
  2329. tax credit for the cost, would (he said) eliminate competition from companies that don't
  2330. currently provide health insurance as an employee benefit. It would also reduce
  2331. competition from firms in countries with a single-payer system.122
  2332. The level of technical training necessary to keep the existing corporate system
  2333. running, the current level of capital intensiveness of production, and the current level of
  2334. R&D efforts on which it depends, would none of them pay for themselves on a free
  2335. market. The state's education system provides a technical labor force at public expense,
  2336. and whenever possible overproduces technical specialists on the level needed to ensure
  2337. 121
  2338. Daniel Gross, "Socialism, American Style: Why American CEOs covet a massive European-style socialwelfare state" Slate Aug. 1, 2003 <>.
  2339. 122
  2340. C-SPAN, September 1, 2003.
  2341. that technical workers are willing to take work on the employers' terms. On this count,
  2342. O'Connor quoted Veblen: the state answers capital's "need of a free supply of trained
  2343. subordinates at reasonable wages...."123 Starting with the Morrill Act of 1862, which
  2344. subsidized agricultural and mechanical colleges, the federal government has underwritten
  2345. a major part of the reproduction costs of technical labor.124 In research and development,
  2346. likewise, federal support goes back at least to the agricultural and experiment stations of
  2347. the late nineteenth century, created pursuant to the Hatch Act of 1887.125
  2348. The state's cartelization and socialization of the cost of reproducing a technically
  2349. sophisticated labor force, and its subsidies to R&D, make possible a far higher technical
  2350. level of production than would support itself in a free market. The G.I. Bill was an
  2351. integral part of the unprecedentedly high scale of state capitalism created during and after
  2352. WWII.
  2353. Technical-administrative knowledge and skills, unlike other forms of capital over
  2354. which private capitalists claim ownership, cannot be monopolized by any one or a few
  2355. industrial-finance interests. The discoveries of science and technology spill over the
  2356. boundaries of particular corporations and industries, especially in the epoch of mass
  2357. communications, electronic information processing, and international labor mobility.
  2358. Capital in the form of knowledge resides in the specialized skills and abilities of the
  2359. working class itself. In the context of a free market for laborpower... no one
  2360. corporation or industry or industrial-finance interest group can afford to train its own
  2361. labor force or channel profits into the requisite amount of R&D. Patents afford some
  2362. protection, but there is no guarantee that a particular corporation's key employees will
  2363. not seek positions with other corporations or industries. The cost of losing trained
  2364. laborpower is especially high in companies that employ technical workers whose
  2365. skills are specific to particular industrial process--skills paid for by the company in
  2366. question. Thus, on-the-job training (OJT) is little used not because it is technically
  2367. inefficient... but because it does not pay.
  2368. Nor can any one corporation or industrial-finance interest afford to develop its own R&D
  2369. or train the administrative personnel increasingly needed to plan, coordinate, and control
  2370. the production and distribution process. In the last analysis, the state is required to
  2371. coordinate R&D because of the high costs and uncertainty of getting utilizable results.126
  2372. At best, from the point of view of the employer, the state creates a "reserve army" of
  2373. scientific and technical labor--as William Appleman Williams described it, the elite has
  2374. "seen to it that experts are a glut on the market."127 At worst, when there is a shortage of
  2375. 123
  2376. O’Connor, Fiscal Crisis of the State, p. 111.
  2377. Noble, America by Design, pp. 24 et seq.
  2378. 125
  2379. Ibid., p. 132.
  2380. 126
  2381. O’Connor, Fiscal Crisis of the State, p. 112.
  2382. 127
  2383. William Appleman Williams, "A Profile of the Corporate Elite," in Rothbard and Radosh, eds., New
  2384. History of Leviathan, p. 5.
  2385. 124
  2386. such labor-power, the state at least absorbs the cost of reproducing it and removes it as a
  2387. component of private industry's operating costs. In either case, "the greater the
  2388. socialization of the costs of variable capital, the lower will be the level of money wages,
  2389. and... the higher the rate of profit in the monopoly sector."128 And since the monopoly
  2390. capital sector is able to pass its taxes onto the consumer or to the competitive capital
  2391. sector, the effect is that "the costs of training technical laborpower are met by taxes paid
  2392. by competitive sector capital and labor."129
  2393. The "public" schools' curriculum can much more justly be described as servile than
  2394. liberal education. Its objective is a human product which is capable of fulfilling the
  2395. technical needs of corporate capital and the state, but at the same time docile and
  2396. compliant, and incapable of any critical analysis of the system of power it serves. The
  2397. public educationist movement and the creation of the first state school systems,
  2398. remember, coincided with the rising factory system's need for a work force that was
  2399. trained in obedience, punctuality, and regular habits. Technical competence and a "good
  2400. attitude" toward authority, combined with twelve years of conditioning in not standing
  2401. out or making waves, were the goal of the public educationists.
  2402. Even welfare expenses, although O'Connor classed them as a completely
  2403. unproductive expenditure, are in fact another example of the state underwriting variable
  2404. capital costs. Some socialists love to speculate that, if it were possible, capitalists would
  2405. lower the prevailing rate of subsistence pay to that required to keep workers alive only
  2406. when they were employed. But since that would entail starvation during periods of
  2407. unemployment, the prevailing wage must cover contingencies of unemployment;
  2408. otherwise, wages would be less than the minimum cost of reproducing labor. Under the
  2409. welfare state, however, the state itself absorbs the cost of providing for such
  2410. contingencies of unemployment, so that the uncertainty premium is removed as a
  2411. component of wages in Adam Smith's "higgling of the market."
  2412. And leaving this aside, even as a pure "social expense," the welfare system acts
  2413. primarily (in O'Connor's words) to "control the surplus population politically."130 The
  2414. state's subsidies to the accumulation of constant capital and to the reproduction of
  2415. scientific-technical labor provide an incentive for much more capital-intensive forms of
  2416. production than would have come about in a free market, and thus contribute to the
  2417. growth of a permanent underclass of surplus labor;131 the state steps in and undertakes
  2418. the minimum cost necessary to prevent large-scale homelessness and starvation, which
  2419. would destabilize the system, and to maintain close supervision of the underclass through
  2420. the human services bureaucracy.132
  2421. 128
  2422. O’Connor, Fiscal Crisis of the State, p. 124.
  2423. Ibid., p.160.
  2424. 130
  2425. Ibid., p. 69.
  2426. 131
  2427. Ibid., p. 161.
  2428. 132
  2429. Piven and Cloward, Regulating the Poor.
  2430. 129
  2431. The general effect of the state's intervention in the economy, then, is to remove ever
  2432. increasing spheres of economic activity from the realm of competition in price or quality,
  2433. and to organize them collectively through organized capital as a whole.
  2434. Through the military-industrial complex, the state has socialized a major share-probably the majority--of the cost of "private" business's research and development. If
  2435. anything the role of the state as purchaser of surplus economic output is eclipsed by its
  2436. role as subsidizer of research cost, as Charles Nathanson pointed out. The research and
  2437. development process was heavily militarized by the Cold War "military-R&D complex."
  2438. Military R&D often results in basic, general use technologies with broad civilian
  2439. applications. Technologies originally developed for the Pentagon have often become the
  2440. basis for entire categories of consumer goods.133 The general effect has been to
  2441. "substantially [eliminate] the major risk area of capitalism: the development of and
  2442. experimentation with new processes of production and new products."134
  2443. This is the case in electronics especially, where many products originally developed
  2444. by military R&D "have become the new commercial growth areas of the economy."135
  2445. Transistors and other forms of miniaturized circuitry were developed primarily with
  2446. Pentagon research money. The federal government was the primary market for large
  2447. mainframe computers in the early days of the industry; without government contracts, the
  2448. industry might never have had sufficient production runs to adopt mass production and
  2449. reduce unit costs low enough to enter the private market. And the infrastructure for the
  2450. worldwide web itself was created by the Pentagon's DARPA, originally as a redundant
  2451. global communications system that could survive a nuclear war. Any implied
  2452. commentary on the career of Bill Gates is, of course, unintended.
  2453. Overall, Nathanson estimated, industry depended on military funding for around 60%
  2454. of its research and development spending; but this figure is considerably understated by
  2455. the fact that a significant part of nominally civilian R&D spending is aimed at developing
  2456. civilian applications for military technology.136 It is also understated by the fact that
  2457. military R&D is often used for developing production technologies (like automated
  2458. control systems in the machine tool industry) that become the basis for production
  2459. methods throughout the civilian sector.
  2460. F. State Action to Absorb Surplus Output
  2461. The roots of the corporate state in the U.S., more than anything else, lie in the crisis of
  2462. overproduction as perceived by corporate and state elites--especially the traumatic
  2463. Depression of the 1890s--and the requirement, also as perveived by them, for state
  2464. 133
  2465. Nathanson, p. 208.
  2466. Ibid., p. 230.
  2467. 135
  2468. Ibid., p. 230.
  2469. 136
  2470. Ibid., pp. 222-25.
  2471. 134
  2472. intervention to absorb surplus output or otherwise deal with the problems of
  2473. overproduction, underconsumption, and overaccumulation.
  2474. William Appleman Williams summarized the lesson of the 1890s in this way:
  2475. "Because of its dramatic and extensive nature, the Crisis of the 1890's raised in many
  2476. sections of American society the specter of chaos and revolution."137 American economic
  2477. elites saw it as the result of overproduction and surplus capital, and believed it could be
  2478. resolved only through access to a "new frontier." Without state-guaranteed access to
  2479. foreign markets, output would be too far below capacity, unit costs would be driven up,
  2480. and unemployment would reach dangerous levels.
  2481. The seriousness of the last threat was underscored by the radicalism of the Nineties.
  2482. The Pullman Strike, Homestead, and the formation of the Western Federation of Miners
  2483. (in many ways the precursor organization to the IWW) were signs of dangerous levels of
  2484. labor unrest and class consciousness. Coxey's Army marched on Washington, a small
  2485. foretaste of the kinds of radicalism that could be produced by unemployment. The labor,
  2486. socialist, and anarchist movements had a growing foreign component, more radical than
  2487. the older native faction, and the People's Party seemed to have a serious chance of
  2488. winning national elections. At one point Jay Gould, the mouthpiece of the robber barons,
  2489. was threatening a capital strike (much like those in Venezuela recently) if the populists
  2490. came to power. In 1894 businessman F. L. Stetson warned, "We are on the edge of a very
  2491. dark night, unless a return of commercial prosperity relieves popular discontent."138 Both
  2492. business and government resounded with claims that U.S. productive capacity had
  2493. outstripped the domestic market's ability to consume, and that the government had to take
  2494. active measures to obtain outlets.
  2495. This perception is often ridiculed by Austrians on the grounds that overproduction
  2496. and underconsumption simply cannot happen: "J.B. Say said it, I believe it, that settles
  2497. it." They ignore the fact that Say's law only applies to a free market. One might just as
  2498. well airily dismiss Mises' theories of malinvestment and the crackup boom on the
  2499. grounds that "such things cannot happen in the free market." Both assurances would
  2500. doubtless be comforting--if only we had a free market. But as it is, we have a corporatist
  2501. system in which the state subsidizes overaccumulation and the cartelization of industry,
  2502. so that overbuilt industry cannot dispose of its entire product when operating at full
  2503. capacity--especially not at cartel prices. Neo-Marxist theories of overproduction and
  2504. imperialism, and New Left revisionist treatments of American foreign policy, both lend
  2505. themselves quite well to thoughful Austrian analysis. Joseph Stromberg's essay, "The
  2506. Role of State Monopoly Capitalism in the American Empire,"139 is an excellent example
  2507. of such an approach.
  2508. 137
  2509. William Appleman Williams, The Tragedy of American Diplomacy (New York: Dell Publishing
  2510. Company, 1959, 1962) 21-2.
  2511. 138
  2512. Ibid., p. 26.
  2513. 139
  2514. Journal of Libertarian Studies Volume 15, no. 3 (Summer 2001)
  2516. The theoretical justification for state intervention was found in the work of John
  2517. Maynard Keynes, and the corporate state of the New Deal was justified in large part as
  2518. the practical implementation of Keynesian thought. The abortive NRA was an attempt to
  2519. solve the problem of overproduction by government-sponsored industrial cartels: by that
  2520. means, corporations would be able to set prices and apportion shares of output among
  2521. themselves so as to maximize income through monopoly pricing, thus guaranteeing them
  2522. a minimum rate of profit even while operating far below capacity. Besides this
  2523. unsuccessful attempt, thwarted by the Supreme Court, FDR also attempted to mobilize
  2524. idle manpower and spending power through deficit-funded spending programs, with
  2525. mixed results at best.
  2526. The crowning achievement of FDR's state capitalism, of course, was the militaryindustrial complex which arose from World War II, and has continued ever since. It has
  2527. since been described, variously, as "military Keynesianism," or a "perpetual war
  2528. economy." A first step in realizing the monumental scale of the war economy's effect is to
  2529. consider that the total value of plant and equipment in the United States increased by
  2530. about two-thirds (from $40 to $66 billion) between 1939 and 1945, most of it a taxpayer
  2531. "gift" of forced investment funds provided to the country's largest corporations.140 Profit
  2532. was virtually guaranteed on war production through "cost-plus" contracts.141 In addition,
  2533. some two-thirds of federal R&D spending was channeled through the 68 largest private
  2534. laboratories (40% of it to the ten largest), and the resulting patents given away to the
  2535. companies that carried out the research under government contract.142
  2536. Demobilization of the war economy after 1945 very nearly threw the overbuilt and
  2537. government-dependent industrial sector into a renewed depression. For example, in Harry
  2538. Truman and the War Scare of 1948, Frank Kofsky described the aircraft industry as
  2539. spiraling into red ink after the end of the war, and on the verge of bankruptcy when it was
  2540. rescued by Truman's new bout of Cold War spending on heavy bombers.143
  2541. The Cold War restored the corporate economy's heavy reliance on the state as a
  2542. source of guaranteed sales. Charles Nathanson argued that "one conclusion is
  2543. inescapable: major firms with huge aggregations of corporate capital owe their survival
  2544. after World War II to the Cold War...."144 For example, David Noble pointed out that
  2545. civilian jumbo jets would never have existed without the government's heavy bomber
  2546. contracts. The production runs for the civilian market alone were too small to pay for the
  2547. complex and expensive machinery. The 747 is essentially a spinoff of military
  2548. 140
  2549. C. Wright Mills, The Power Elite (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1956, 2000), p. 101.
  2550. David W. Eakins, "Business Planners and America’s Postwar Expansion," in David Horowitz, ed.,
  2551. Corporations and the Cold War (New York and London: Monthly Review Press, 1969), p. 148.
  2552. 142
  2553. G. William Domhoff, Who Rules America? (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967), p. 121.
  2554. 143
  2555. Frank Kofsky, Harry S. Truman and the War Scare of 1948 (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993).
  2556. 144
  2557. Charles E. Nathanson, "The Militarization of the American Economy," in Horowitz, ed., Corporations
  2558. and the Cold War, p. 214.
  2559. 141
  2560. production.145
  2561. The heavy industrial and high tech sectors were given a virtually guaranteed outlet,
  2562. not only by U.S. military procurement, but by grants and loan guarantees for foreign
  2563. military sales under the Military Assistance Program. Although apologists for the
  2564. military-industrial complex have tried to stress the relatively small fraction of total
  2565. production represented by military goods, it makes more sense to compare the volume of
  2566. military procurement to the amount of idle capacity. Military production runs amounting
  2567. to a minor percentage of total production might absorb a major part of total excess
  2568. production capacity, and have a huge effect on reducing unit costs. Besides, the rate of
  2569. profit on military contracts tends to be quite a bit higher, given the fact that military
  2570. goods have no "standard" market price, and the fact that prices are set by political means
  2571. (as periodic Pentagon budget scandals should tell us).146 So military contracts, small
  2572. though they might be as a portion of a firm's total output, might well make the difference
  2573. between profit and loss.
  2574. Seymour Melman described the "permanent war economy" as a privately-owned,
  2575. centrally-planned economy that included most heavy manufacturing and high tech
  2576. industry. This "state-controlled economy" was based on the principles of "maximization
  2577. of costs and of government subsidies."147
  2578. It can draw on the federal budget for virtually unlimited capital. It operates in an
  2579. insulated, monopoly market that makes the state-capitalist firms, singly and jointly,
  2580. impervious to inflation, to poor productivity performance, to poor product design and
  2581. poor production managing. The subsidy pattern has made the state-capitalist firms
  2582. failure-proof. That is the state-capitalist replacement for the classic self-correcting
  2583. mechanisms of the competitive, cost-minimizing, profit-maximizing firm.148
  2584. The chief virtue of the military economy is its utter unproductivity. That is, it does
  2585. not compete with private industry to supply any good for which there is consumer
  2586. demand. But military production is not the only such area of unproductive government
  2587. spending. Neo-Marxist Paul Mattick elaborated on the theme in a 1956 article. The
  2588. overbuilt corporate economy, he wrote, ran up against the problem that "[p]rivate capital
  2589. formation... finds its limitation in diminishing market-demand." The State had to absorb
  2590. part of the surplus output; but it had to do so without competing with corporations in the
  2591. private market. Instead, "[g]overnment-induced production is channeled into non-market
  2592. fields--the production of non-competitive public-works, armaments, superfluities and
  2593. waste.149 As a necessary result of this state of affairs,
  2594. 145
  2595. Noble, America by Design, pp. 6-7.
  2596. Nathanson, "The Militarization of the American Economy," p. 208.
  2597. 147
  2598. Seymour Melman, The Permanent War Economy: American Capitalism in Decline (New York: Simon
  2599. and Schuster, 1974), p. 11.
  2600. 148
  2601. Ibid., p. 21.
  2602. 149
  2603. Paul Mattick, "The Economics of War and Peace," Dissent (Fall 1956), p. 377.
  2604. 146
  2605. so long as the principle of competitive capital production prevails, steadily growing
  2606. production will in increasing measure be a "production for the sake of production,"
  2607. benefiting neither private capital nor the population at large.
  2608. This process is somewhat obscured, it is true, by the apparent profitability of
  2609. capital and the lack of large-scale unemployment. Like the state of prosperity,
  2610. profitability, too, is now largely government manipulated. Government spending and
  2611. taxation are managed so as to strengthen big business at the expense of the economy
  2612. as a whole....
  2613. In order to increase the scale of production and to accummulate [sic] capital,
  2614. government creates "demand" by ordering the production of non-marketable goods,
  2615. financed by government borrowings. This means that the government avails itself of
  2616. productive resources belonging to private capital which would otherwise be idle.150
  2617. Such consumption of output, while not always directly profitable to private industry,
  2618. serves a function analogous to foreign "dumping" below cost, in enabling industry to
  2619. operate at full capacity despite the insufficiency of private demand to absorb the entire
  2620. product at the cost of production.
  2621. It's interesting to consider how many segments of the economy have a guaranteed
  2622. market for their output, or a "conscript clientele" in place of willing consumers. The
  2623. "military-industrial complex" is well known. But how about the state's education and
  2624. penal systems? How about the automobile-trucking-highway complex, or the civil
  2625. aviation complex? Foreign surplus disposal ("export dependant monopoly capitalism")
  2626. and domestic surplus disposal (government purchases) are different forms of the same
  2627. phenomenon.
  2628. Finally, as Marx pointed out in Volume Three of Capital, the rise of major new forms
  2629. of industry could serve as a countervailing influence against the falling direct rate of
  2630. profit" resulting from overaccumulation. Baran and Sweezy, likewise, considered
  2631. "epoch-making inventions" as partial counterbalances to the ever-increasing surplus.
  2632. Their chief example of such a phenomenon was the rise of the automobile industry in the
  2633. 1920s, which (along with the highway program) was to define the American economy for
  2634. most of the mid-20th century.151 The high tech boom of the 1990s was a similarly
  2635. revolutionary event. It is revealing to consider the extent to which both the automobile
  2636. and computer industries, far more than most industries, were direct products of state
  2637. capitalism. And as we shall see in the next section of this chapter, the dominant and
  2638. most profitable sectors of the new global economy are those most heavily reliant on state
  2639. protection or subsidy.
  2640. 150
  2641. Ibid., pp. 378-9.
  2642. Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy, Monopoly Capitalism: An Essay in the American Economic and Social
  2643. Order (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1966), p. 220.
  2644. 151
  2645. G. Neoliberal Foreign Policy
  2646. Neoliberal foreign policy, in large measure, is a subset of the broader category of state
  2647. action to absorb surplus output and surplus capital.
  2648. The central theme of American foreign policy, from the 1890s until today, was what
  2649. William Appleman Williams called "Open Door imperialism";152 it consisted of using
  2650. U.S. political power to guarantee access to foreign markets and resources on terms
  2651. favorable to American corporate interests, without relying on direct political rule. Its
  2652. central goal was to obtain for U.S. merchandise, in each national market, treatment equal
  2653. to that afforded any other industrial nation. Most importantly, this entailed active
  2654. engagement by the U.S. government in breaking down the imperial powers' existing
  2655. spheres of economic influence or preference. The result, in most cases, was to treat as
  2656. hostile to U.S. security interests any large-scale attempt at autarky, or any other policy
  2657. whose effect was to withdraw a major area of the world from the disposal of the U.S.
  2658. corporate economy. When the power attempting such policies was an equal, like the
  2659. British Empire, the U.S. reaction was merely one of measured coolness. When it was
  2660. perceived as an inferior, like Japan, the U.S. resorted to more forceful measures, as events
  2661. of the late 1930s indicate. And whatever the degree of equality between advanced nations
  2662. in their access to Third World markets, it was clear that Third World nations were still to
  2663. be subordinated to the industrialized West in a collective sense.
  2664. This Open Door system was the direct ancestor of today's neoliberal system, which is
  2665. falsely called "free trade" in the apologetics of court intellectuals. It depended on active
  2666. management of the world economy by dominant states, and continuing intervention to
  2667. police the international economic order and enforce sanctions against states which did not
  2668. cooperate.
  2669. The Breton Woods System, created on the initiative of FDR and Truman in the latter
  2670. part of World War II, was the culmination of Open Door Empire. The second
  2671. Roosevelt's administration saw the guarantee of American access to foreign markets as
  2672. vital to ending the Depression and the threat of internal upheaval that went along with it.
  2673. FDR's ongoing policy of Open Door Empire, faced with the withdrawal of major areas
  2674. from the world market by the autarkic policies of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity
  2675. Sphere and Fortress Europe, led to American entry into World War II, and culminated in
  2676. the postwar establishment of what Samuel Huntington called a "system of world order"
  2677. guaranteed both by global institutions of economic governance like the IMF, and by a
  2678. hegemonic political and military superpower.
  2679. Beginning in the summer of 1940, the CFR and State Department undertook a joint
  2680. 152
  2681. William Appleman Williams, The Contours of American History (Cleveland and New York: The World
  2682. Publishing Company, 1961).
  2683. study to determine the minimum portion of the world the U.S. would have to integrate
  2684. with its own economy, in order to provide sufficient resources and markets for economic
  2685. stability; it also explored policy options for reconstructing the postwar world. They found
  2686. that the U.S. economy could not survive in its existing form without access to the
  2687. resources and markets not only of the Western Hemisphere, but of the British Empire and
  2688. the Far East (together called the Grand Area). But the latter region was rapidly being
  2689. incorporated into Japan's economic sphere of influence. And the fall of France and the
  2690. Low Countries , and the ongoing Battle of Britain, raised the possibility that the fall of
  2691. Britain might be followed by the Royal Navy (and with it some portion of the Empire)
  2692. falling into German hands. FDR made the political decision to contest Japanese power in
  2693. the Far East, and if necessary to initiate war.153 In the end, however, he successfully
  2694. maneuvered Japan into firing the first shot.
  2695. The American policy that emerged from these struggles was one of securing control
  2696. over the markets and resources of the global "Grand Area" through institutions of global
  2697. economic governance, reflected in the postwar Bretton Woods system.
  2698. The problem of access to foreign markets and resources was central to U.S. policy
  2699. planning for a postwar world. Given the structural imperatives of what Schumpeter called
  2700. "export dependent monopoly capitalism,"154 the fear of a postwar depression was a real
  2701. one. The original drive toward foreign expansion at the end of the nineteenth century
  2702. reflected the fact that industry, with state capitalist encouragement, had expanded far
  2703. beyond the ability of the domestic market to consume its output. Even before World War
  2704. II, the state capitalist economy had serious trouble operating at the level of output needed
  2705. for full utilization of capacity and cost control. Military-industrial policy during the war
  2706. greatly exacerbated the problem of over-accumulation, increasing the value of plant and
  2707. equipment by two-thirds at taxpayer expense. The end of the war, if followed by the
  2708. traditional pattern of demobilization, would result in a drastic reduction in orders to that
  2709. same overbuilt industry just as over ten million workers were being dumped back into the
  2710. 153
  2711. Laurence H. Shoup and William Minter, "Shaping a New World Order: The Council on Foreign
  2712. Relations' Blueprint for World Hegemony, 1939-1945," in Holly Sklar, ed., Trilateralism: The Trilateral
  2713. Commission and Elite Planning for World Management (Boston: South End Press, 1980), pp. 135-56
  2714. 154
  2715. "Union in a cartel or trust confers various benefits on the entrepreneur--a saving in costs, a stronger
  2716. position as against the workers--but none of these compares with this one advantage: a monopolistic price
  2717. policy, possible to any considerable degree only behind an adequate protective tariff. Now the price that
  2718. bings the maximum monopoly profit is generally far above the price that would be fixed by fluctuating
  2719. competitive costs, and the volume that can be marketed at that maximum price is generally far below the
  2720. output that would be technically and economically feasible. Under free competition that output would be
  2721. produced and offered, but a trust cannot offer it, for it could be sold only at a competitive price. Yet the
  2722. trust must produce it--or approximately as much--otherwise the advantages of large-scale enterprise remain
  2723. unexploited and unit costs are likely to be uneconomically high.... [The trust] extricates itself from this
  2724. dilemma by producing the full output that is economically feasible, thus securing low costs, and offering in
  2725. the protected domestic market only the quantity corresponding to the monopoly price--insofar as the tariff
  2726. permits; while the rest is sold, or "dumped," abroad at a lower price.... "
  2727. --Joseph Schumpeter, "Imperialism," in Imperialism, Social Classes: Two Essays by Joseph Schumpeter.
  2728. Translated by Heinz Norden. Introduction by Hert Hoselitz (New York: Meridian Books, 1955) 79-80.
  2729. civilian labor force.
  2730. A central facet of postwar economic policy, as reflected in the Bretton Woods
  2731. agencies, was state intervention to guarantee markets for the full output of U.S. industry
  2732. and profitable outlets for surplus capital. The World Bank was designed to subsidize the
  2733. export of capital to the Third World, by financing the infrastructure without which
  2734. Western-owned production facilities could not be established there. According to
  2735. Gabriel Kolko's 1988 estimate, almost two thirds of the World Bank's loans since its
  2736. inception had gone to transportation and power infrastructure.155 A laudatory Treasury
  2737. Department report referred to such infrastructure projects (comprising some 48% of
  2738. lending in FY 1980) as "externalities" to business, and spoke glowingly of the benefits of
  2739. such projects in promoting the expansion of business into large market areas and the
  2740. consolidation and commercialization of agriculture.156
  2741. A good example is the Volta River power project, built with American loans (at high
  2742. interest). The primary beneficiary was Kaiser aluminum, which got electricity at very low
  2743. rates.157
  2744. An anecdote from E. F. Schumacher, in Good Work, illustrates the dependence of
  2745. large centralized enterprise on subsidized transportation. The Zambian government
  2746. encouraged production of eggs as a way of augmenting protein consumption.
  2747. Unfortunately, farmers lacked adequate means of packaging eggs for transport to market.
  2748. Schumacher's Intermediate Technology Development Group approached the primary
  2749. manufacturer of egg trays, a TNC, about the possibility of creating small egg tray
  2750. factories in Zambia. The response, from the European division:
  2751. Forget it. The smallest machine makes a million a month. So, unless you can
  2752. somehow organize an All-African Common Market for Egg Trays, and build the
  2753. roads for the lorries all coming out of Lusaka, to distribute the egg trays to the rural
  2754. areas....
  2755. The corporation's engineers were confident that production on a smaller scale would
  2756. be "completely uneconomical." Schumacher, however, approached the Engineering
  2757. Department of the University of Reading; its designers worked out a process for smallscale manufacture of egg trays. The prototype plant, which operated at roughly two
  2758. percent the output of the TNC's mega-factories, with two percent of the capital outlay,
  2759. found it entirely economical.158
  2760. 155
  2761. Gabriel Kolko, Confronting the Third World: United States Foreign Policy 1945-1980 (New York:
  2762. Pantheon Books, 1988), p. 120.
  2763. 156
  2764. United States Participation in the Multilateral Development Banks in the 1980s. Department of the
  2765. Treasury (Washingon, DC: 1982), p. 9.
  2766. 157
  2767. Stavrianos, Promise of the Coming Dark Age, p. 42.
  2768. 158
  2769. E.F. Schumacher, Good Work, pp. 58-60.
  2770. More recently, companies engaged in the supposedly "free market" activity of
  2771. offshoring work notified host governments of their requirements for corporate welfare:
  2772. SUNIL RAMAN, BBC - The Indian city of Bangalore must improve its
  2773. infrastructure if it wants to hold on to vital IT business, company executives have
  2774. warned. The heads of some of the biggest companies in India's IT industry have
  2775. asked the government of the southern Indian state of Karnataka to improve
  2776. infrastructure in Bangalore, or they will move their businesses to other states. The
  2777. high-profile delegation included bosses of top Indian IT companies Wipro and
  2778. Infosys, as well as representatives from Dell, IBM, Intel, and Texas Instruments
  2779. among others.159
  2780. Besides the benefit of building "an internal infrastructure which is a vital prerequisite
  2781. for the development of resources and direct United States private investments," such
  2782. banks (because they must be repaid in U.S. dollars) require the borrowing nations "to
  2783. export goods capable of earning them, which is to say, raw materials...."160
  2784. The International Monetary Fund was created to facilitate the purchase of American
  2785. goods abroad, by preventing temporary lapses in purchasing power as a result of foreign
  2786. exchange shortages. It was "a very large international currency exchange and creditgranting institution that could be drawn upon relatively easily by any country that was
  2787. temporarily short of any given foreign currency due to trade imbalances."161
  2788. The Bretton Woods system by itself, however, was not nearly sufficient to ensure the
  2789. levels of output needed to keep production facilities running at full capacity, or to absorb
  2790. excess investment funds. First the Marshall Plan, and then the permanent war economy
  2791. of the Cold War, came to the rescue.
  2792. The Marshall Plan was devised in reaction to the impending economic slump
  2793. predicted by the Council of Economic advisers in early 1947 and the failure of Western
  2794. Europe "to recover from the war and take its place in the American scheme of things."
  2795. Undersecretary of State for Economic Affairs Clayton declared that the central problem
  2796. confronting the United States was the disposal of its "great surplus."162
  2797. One New Deal partisan implicitly compared foreign economic expansion to domestic
  2798. state capitalism as analogous forms of surplus disposal: "it is as if we were building a
  2799. TVA every Tuesday."163
  2800. 159
  2801. "Now Bangalore Faces Outsourcing" <>.
  2802. Gabriel Kolko, The Roots of American Foreign Policy: An Analysis of Power and Purpose (Boston:
  2803. Beacon Press, 1969), p. 72.
  2804. 161
  2805. G. William Domhoff, The Power Elite and the State: How Policy is Made in America (New York:
  2806. Aldine de Gruyter, 1990), p. 166.
  2807. 162
  2808. Williams, Tragedy of American Diplomacy, p. 271.
  2809. 163
  2810. Ibid., p. 272.
  2811. 160
  2812. The permanent war economy, however, had another advantage over projects like the
  2813. TVA that produced use-value for the civilian population: since it did not produce
  2814. consumer goods, it did not add to the undisposable surplus or compete with the output of
  2815. private capital in consumer markets. In the apt words of Immanuel Goldstein: "Even
  2816. when weapons of war are not actually destroyed, their manufacture is still a convenient
  2817. way of expending labor power without producing anything that can be consumed." War
  2818. is a way of "shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths
  2819. of the sea," excess output and capital.164
  2820. Besides facilitating the export of goods and capital, the Bretton Woods agencies play
  2821. a central role in the discipline of recalcitrant regimes. There is a considerable body of
  2822. radical literature on the Left on the use of debt as a political weapon to impose procorporate policies (e.g., the infamous "structural adjustment program") on Third World
  2823. governments, analogous to the historic function of debt in keeping miners and
  2824. sharecroppers in their place.165 As David Korten argued,
  2825. The very process of the borrowing that created the indebtedness that gave the World
  2826. Bank and the IMF the power to dictate the policies of borrowing countries represented
  2827. an egregious assault on the principles of democratic accountability. Loan agreements,
  2828. whether with the World Bank, the IMF, other official lending institutions, or
  2829. commercial banks, are routinely negotiated in secret between banking officials and a
  2830. handful of government officials--who in many instances are themselves unelected and
  2831. unaccountable to the people on whose behalf they are obligating the national treasury
  2832. to foreign lenders. Even in democracies, the borrowing procedures generally bypass
  2833. the normal appropriation processes of democratically elected legislative bodies.
  2834. Thus, government agencies are able to increase their own budgets without legislative
  2835. approval, even though the legislative body will have to come up with the revenues to
  2836. cover repayment. Foreign loans also enable governments to increase current
  2837. expenditures without the need to raise current taxes--a feature that is especially
  2838. popular with wealthy decision makers. The same officials who approve the loans
  2839. often benefit directly through participation in contracts and "commissions" from
  2840. grateful contractors. The system creates a powerful incentive to over-borrow.166
  2841. Another way the Bretton Woods agencies exercise political power over recalcitrant
  2842. regimes is the punitive withholding of aid. This powerful political weapon has been used
  2843. 164
  2844. George Orwell, 1984. Signet Classics reprint (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1949, 1981), p.
  2845. 157.
  2846. 165
  2847. Cheryl Payer, The Debt Trap: The International Monetary Fund and the Third World (New York:
  2848. Monthly Review Press, 1974); Walden Bello, "Structural Adjustment Programs: 'Success' for Whom?" in
  2849. Jerry Mander and Edward Goldsmith, eds., The Case Against the Global Economy (San Francisco: Sierra
  2850. Club Books, 1996); Bruce Franklin. "Debt Peonage: The Highest Form of Imperialism?" Monthly Review
  2851. 33:10 (March 1982) 15-31.
  2852. 166
  2853. David Korten, When Corporations Rule the World (West Hartford, Conn.: Kumarian Press, 1995; San
  2854. Francisco, Calif.: Berrett-Koehler, Publishers, Inc., 1995) 166.
  2855. at times to undermine elective democracies whose policies fell afoul of corporate
  2856. interests, and to reward compliant dictatorships. For example, the World Bank refused to
  2857. lend to the Goulart government in Brazil; but following the installation of a military
  2858. dictatorship by the 1964 coup, the Bank's lending averaged $73 million a year for the rest
  2859. of the decade, and reached almost a half-billion by the mid-70s. Chile, before and after
  2860. the Pinochet coup, followed a similar pattern.167 Or as Ambassador Korry warned, in the
  2861. latter-day equivalent of a papal interdict, "Not a nut or bolt shall reach Chile under
  2862. Allende. Once Allende comes to power we shall do all within our power to condemn
  2863. Chile and all Chileans to utmost deprivation and poverty."168
  2864. Cheryl Payer's The Debt Trap is an excellent historical survey of the use of debt crises
  2865. to force countries into standby arrangements, precipitate coups, or provoke military
  2866. crackdowns. In addition to their use against Goulart and Allende, as mentioned above,
  2867. she provides case studies of the Suharto coup in Indonesia and Marcos' declaration of
  2868. martial law in the Philippines.
  2869. Among the many features of the so-called structural adjustment program, mentioned
  2870. above, the policy of "privatization" (by selling state assets to "latter-day
  2871. Reconstructionists," as Sean Corrigan says below) stands out. Joseph Stromberg
  2872. described the process, as it has been used by the Iraq Provisional Authority, as "funny
  2873. auctions, that amounted to new expropriations by domestic and foreign investors...."
  2874. Such auctions of state properties will "likely lead... to a massive alienation of resources
  2875. into the hands of select foreign interests."169
  2876. The promotion of unaccountable, technocratic Third World governments, insulated
  2877. from popular pressure and closely tied to international financial elites, has been a central
  2878. goal of Bretton Woods agencies since World War II.
  2879. From the 1950s onwards, a primary focus of [World] Bank policy was "institutionbuilding", most often taking the form of promoting the creation of autonomous
  2880. agencies within governments that would be continual World Bank borrowers. Such
  2881. agencies were intentionally established to be independent financially from their host
  2882. governments, as well as minimally accountable politically--except, of course, to the
  2883. Bank.170
  2884. The World Bank created the Economic Development Institute in 1956 specifically to
  2885. enculture Third World elites into the values of the Bretton Woods system. It offered a
  2886. 167
  2887. Bruce Rich, "The Cuckoo in the Nest: Fifty Years of Political Meddling by the World Bank," The
  2888. Ecologist (January/February 1994), p. 10.
  2889. 168
  2890. Holly Sklar, "Overview," in Holly Sklar, ed., Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite
  2891. Planning for World Management (Boston: South End Press, 1980), p. 28-9.
  2892. 169
  2893. Joseph R. Stromberg, "Experimental Economics, Indeed" Ludwig von Mises Institute, January 6, 2004
  2894. <>.
  2895. 170
  2896. Rich, "Cuckoo in the Nest," p. 9.
  2897. six-month course in "the theory and practice of development," whose 1300 alumni by
  2898. 1971 included prime ministers, ministers of planning, and ministers of finance.171
  2899. The creation of such patronage networks has been one of the World Bank's most
  2900. important strategies for inserting itself in the political economies of Third World
  2901. countries. Operating according to their own charters and rules (frequently drafted in
  2902. response to Bank suggestions), and staffed with rising technocrats sympathetic, even
  2903. beholden, to the Bank, the agencies it has funded have served to create a steady,
  2904. reliable source of what the Bank needs most--bankable loan proposals. They have
  2905. also provided the Bank with critical power bases through which it has been able to
  2906. transform national economies, indeed whole societies, without the bothersome
  2907. procedures of democratic review and discussion of the alternatives.172
  2908. Despite the vast body of scholarly literature on the issues discussed in this passage,
  2909. perhaps the most apt description of it was a pithy comment by a free market libertarian,
  2910. Sean Corrigan:
  2911. Does he [Treasury Secretary O'Neill] not know that the whole IMF-US Treasury
  2912. carpet-bagging strategy of full-spectrum dominance is based on promoting
  2913. unproductive government-led indebtedness abroad, at increasingly usurious rates of
  2914. interest, and then--either before or, more often these days, after, the point of default-bailing out the Western banks who have been the agents provocateurs of this financial
  2915. Operation Overlord, with newly-minted dollars, to the detriment of the citizenry at
  2916. home?
  2917. Is he not aware that, subsequent to the collapse, these latter-day Reconstructionists
  2918. must be allowed to swoop and to buy controlling ownership stakes in resources and
  2919. productive capital made ludicrously cheap by devaluation, or outright monetary
  2920. collapse?
  2921. Does he not understand that he must simultaneously coerce the target nation into
  2922. sweating its people to churn out export goods in order to service the newly refinanced
  2923. debt, in addition to piling up excess dollar reserves as a supposed bulwark against
  2924. future speculative attacks (usually financed by the same Western banks’ lending to
  2925. their Special Forces colleagues at the macro hedge funds) - thus ensuring the reverse
  2926. mercantilism of Rubinomics is maintained?173
  2927. What the American elite means by "free markets" and "free trade" has been ably
  2928. stated by Thomas Friedman in one of his lapses into frankness:
  2929. 171
  2930. Ibid., pp. 9-10.
  2931. Ibid., p. 10.
  2932. 173
  2933. Sean Corrigan, "You Can't Say That!" August 6, 2002, LewRockwell.Com
  2934. <>.
  2935. 172
  2936. For globalism to work, America can't be afraid to act like the almighty superpower it
  2937. is.... The hidden hand of the market will never work without a hidden fist-McDonald's cannot flourish without McDonnell Douglas, the designer of the F-15.
  2938. And the hidden fist that keeps the world safe for Silicon Valley's technologies is
  2939. called the United States Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps.174
  2940. The "system of world order" enforced by the U.S. since World War II, and so
  2941. celebrated by Friedman, is nearly the reverse of the classical liberal notion of free trade.
  2942. This new version of "free trade" is aptly characterized in a passage by Christopher Layne
  2943. and Benjamin Schwarz:
  2944. The view that economic interdependence compels American global strategic
  2945. engagement puts an ironic twist on liberal internationalist arguments about the virtues
  2946. of free trade, which held that removing the state from international transactions would
  2947. be an antidote to war and imperialism....
  2948. ....Instead of subscribing to the classical liberal view that free trade leads to peace,
  2949. the foreign policy community looks to American military power to impose harmony
  2950. so that free trade can take place. Thus, U.S. security commitments are viewed as the
  2951. indispensable precondition for economic interdependence.175
  2952. Oliver MacDonagh pointed out that the modern neoliberal conception, far from
  2953. agreeing with Cobden's idea of free trade, resembled the "Palmerstonian system" that the
  2954. Cobdenites so despised. Cobden objected, among other things, to the "dispatch of a fleet
  2955. 'to protect British interests' in Portugal," to the "loan-mongering and debt-collecting
  2956. operations in which our Government engaged either as principal or agent," and generally,
  2957. all "intervention on behalf of British creditors overseas." Cobden favored the "natural"
  2958. growth of free trade, as opposed to the forcible opening of markets. Genuine free traders
  2959. opposed the confusion of "free trade" with "mere increases of commerce or with the
  2960. forcible 'opening up' of markets."176
  2961. The neoliberal understanding of "How to Have Free Trade" was lampooned quite
  2962. effectively by Joseph Stromberg:
  2963. For many in the US political and foreign policy Establishment, the formula for
  2964. having free trade would go something like this: 1) Find yourself a global superpower;
  2965. 2) have this superpower knock together the heads of all opponents and skeptics until
  2966. everyone is playing by the same rules; 3) refer to this new imperial order as "free
  2967. trade;" 4) talk quite a bit about "democracy." This is the end of the story except for
  2968. 174
  2969. Thomas Friedman, "What the World Needs Now," New York Times, March 28, 1999.
  2970. Christopher Layne and Benjamin Shwartz, "American Hegemony Without an Enemy," Foreign Policy
  2971. (Fall 1993), pp. 12-3.
  2972. 176
  2973. Oliver MacDonough, "The Anti-Imperialism of Free Trade," The Economic History Review (Second
  2974. Series) 14:3 (1962).
  2975. 175
  2976. such possible corollaries as 1) never allow rival claimants to arise which might aspire
  2977. to co-manage the system of "free trade"; 2) the global superpower rightfully in charge
  2978. of world order must also control the world monetary system....
  2979. The formula outlined above was decidedly not the 18th and 19th-century liberal
  2980. view of free trade. Free traders like Richard Cobden, John Bright, Frederic Bastiat,
  2981. and Condy Raguet believed that free trade is the absence of barriers to goods crossing
  2982. borders, most particularly the absence of special taxes--tariffs--which made imported
  2983. goods artificially dear, often for the benefit of special interests wrapped in the flag
  2984. under slogans of economic nationalism....
  2985. This sea-change in the accepted meaning of free trade neatly parallels other
  2986. characteristically 20th-century re-definitions of concepts like "war," "peace,"
  2987. "freedom," and "democracy," to name just a few. In the case of free trade I think we
  2988. can deduce that when, from 1932 on, the Democratic Party-- with its traditional
  2989. rhetoric about free trade in the older sense--took over the Republicans project of neomercantilism and economic empire, it was natural for them to carry it forward under
  2990. the "free trade" slogan. They were not wedded to tariffs, which, in their view, got in
  2991. the way of implementing Open Door Empire. Like an 18th-century Spanish Bourbon
  2992. government, they stood for freer trade within an existing or projected mercantilist
  2993. system. They would have agreed, as well, with Lord Palmerston, who said in 1841, "It
  2994. is the business of Government to open and secure the roads of the merchant." ....
  2995. Here, John A. Hobson... was directly in the line of real free-trade thought. Hobson
  2996. wrote that businessmen ought to take their own risks in investing overseas. They had
  2997. no right to call on their home governments to "open and secure" their markets.177
  2998. And by the way, it's doubtful that superpower competition with the Soviets had much
  2999. to do with the role of the U.S. in shaping the postwar "system of world order," or in
  3000. acting as "hegemonic power" in maintaining that system of order. Layne and Schwarz
  3001. cited NSC-68 to the effect that the policy of "attempting to develop a healthy
  3002. international community" was "a policy which we would probably pursue even if there
  3003. were no Soviet threat."
  3004. Underpinning U.S. world order strategy is the belief that America must maintain
  3005. what is in essence a military protectorate in economically critical regions to ensure
  3006. that America's vital trade and financial relations will not be disrupted by political
  3007. upheaval. This kind of economically determined strategy articulated by the foreign
  3008. policy elite ironically (perhaps unwittingly) embraces a quasi-Marxist or, more
  3009. correctly, a Leninist interpretation of American foreign relations.178
  3010. 177
  3011. Joseph R. Stromberg, "Free Trade, Mercantilism and Empire," February 28, 2000
  3012. <>.
  3013. 178
  3014. Layne and Shwartz, "American Hegemony Without an Enemy," pp. 5, 12.
  3015. The policy planners who designed the Bretton Woods system and the rest of the
  3016. postwar framework of world order, apparently, paid little or no mind to the issue of
  3017. Soviet Russia's prospective role in the world. The record that appears, rather, in Shoup
  3018. and Minter's heavily documented account, is full of references to the U.S. as a successor
  3019. to Great Britain as guarantor of a global political and economic order, and to U.S. global
  3020. hegemony as a war aim (even before the U.S. entered the war). As early as 1942, when
  3021. Soviet Russia's continued existence was very much in doubt, U.S. policy makers were
  3022. referring to "domination after the war," "Pax Americana," and "world control." To quote
  3023. G. William Domhoff, "the definition of the national interest that led to these interventions
  3024. was conceived in the years 1940-42 by corporate planners in terms of what they saw as
  3025. the needs of the American capitalist system, well before communism was their primary
  3026. concern."179
  3027. The central feature of the post-Axis world, as envisioned by American planners, was
  3028. the replacement of a world order under British by one under American hegemony. If
  3029. anything, the Cold War with the Soviet Union appears almost as an afterthought to
  3030. American planning for a postwar order. Far from being the cause of the U.S. role as
  3031. guarantor of a system of world order, the Soviet Empire acted as a spoiler to preexisting
  3032. U.S. plans for acting as sole global superpower.
  3033. Historically, any rival power which has refused to be incorporated into the Grand
  3034. Area, or which has encouraged other countries (by "defection from within") to withdraw
  3035. from the Grand Area, has been viewed as an "aggressor." Quoting Domhoff once again,
  3036. ....I believe that anticommunism became a key aspect of foreign policy only after the
  3037. Soviet Union, China, and their Communist party allies became the challengers to the
  3038. Grand Area conception of the national interest. In a certain sense..., they merely
  3039. replaced the fascists of Germany and Japan as the enemies of the international
  3040. economic and political system regarded as essential by American leaders.180
  3041. Likewise, as Domhoff's last sentence in the above quote suggests, any country which
  3042. has interfered with U.S. attempts to integrate the markets and resources of any region of
  3043. the world into its international economic order has been viewed as a "threat." The
  3044. Economic and Financial Group of the CFR/State Department postwar planning project,
  3045. produced, on July 24, 1941, a document (E-B34), warning of the need for the United
  3046. States to "defend the Grand Area," not only against external attack by Germany, but
  3047. against "defection from within," particularly against countries like Japan (which, along
  3048. with the rest of east Asia, was regarded as part of the Grand Area) bent on "destroying the
  3049. area for its own political reasons."181 The centrality of this consideration is illustrated by
  3050. the report of a 1955 study group of the Woodrow Wilson Center, which pointed to the
  3051. threat of "a serious reduction in the potential resource base and market opportunities of
  3052. 179
  3053. Domhoff, The Power Elite and the State, p. 113.
  3054. Ibid., p. 145.
  3055. 181
  3056. Ibid., pp. 160-1.
  3057. 180
  3058. the West owing to the subtraction of the communist areas and their economic
  3059. transformation in ways that reduce their willingness and ability to complement the
  3060. industrial economies of the West."182
  3061. One way of defending against "defection from within" is to ensure that Third World
  3062. countries have the right kind of government. That can be done either by supporting
  3063. authoritarian regimes, or what neoconservatives call "democracy." The key quality for
  3064. Third World elites, in either case, is an orientation toward what Thomas Barnett calls
  3065. "connectivity." The chief danger presented by "outlaw regimes," according to Barnett,
  3066. lies in their being disconnected "from the globalizing world, from its rule sets, its norms,
  3067. and all the ties that bind countries together in mutually assured dependence."183
  3068. The neoconservative version of democracy is more or less what Noam Chomsky
  3069. means by "spectator democracy": a system in which the public engages in periodic
  3070. legitimation rituals called "elections," choosing from a narrow range of candidates all
  3071. representing the same elite. Having thus done its democratic duty, the public returns to
  3072. bowling leagues and church socials, and other praiseworthy manifestations of "civil
  3073. society," and leaves the mechanics of policy to its technocratic betters--who immediately
  3074. proceed to take orders from the World Bank and IMF. This form of democracy is nearly
  3075. synonymous with what neocons call "the Rule of Law," which entails a healthy dose of
  3076. Weberian bureaucratic rationality. The stability and predictability associated with such
  3077. "democracies" is, from the business standpoint, greatly preferable to the messiness of
  3078. dictatorship or death squads.
  3079. American "pro-democratic" policy in the Third World, traditionally, has identified
  3080. "democracy" with electoralism, and little else. In Central America, for example, a
  3081. country is viewed as a "democracy" if its government "came to power through free and
  3082. fair elections." But this policy ignores the vital dimension of popular participation,
  3083. "including the free expression of opinions, day-to-day interaction between the
  3084. government and the citizenry, the mobilization of interest groups," etc. The "underlying
  3085. objective" of pro-democracy policies is "to maintain the basic order of what... are quite
  3086. undemocratic societies." Democracy is a means of "relieving pressure for more radical
  3087. change," but only through "limited, top-down forms of democratic change that [do] not
  3088. risk upsetting the traditional structures of power with which the United States has been
  3089. allied."184 Democracy policy in El Salvador, more specifically, promoted a form of
  3090. "democracy" through the Duarte regime that did not touch the power of the military or the
  3091. landed elite.185
  3092. 182
  3093. William Yandell Elliot, ed., The Political Economy of American Foreign Policy (Holt, Rinehart &
  3094. Winston, 1955), p. 42.
  3095. 183
  3096. Thomas Barnett, "The Pentagon's New Map," Esquire March 2003
  3097. <>.
  3098. 184
  3099. Thomas Carothers, "The Reagan Years: The 1980s," in Abraham F. Lowenthal, ed., Exporting
  3100. Democracy (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1991), pp. 117-8.
  3101. 185
  3102. Ibid., pp. 96-7.
  3103. American elites prefer "democracy" whenever possible, but will resort to dictatorship
  3104. in a pinch. The many, many cases in which the U.S. Assistance Program, the School of
  3105. the Americas, the CIA, the World Bank and IMF, and others from the list of usual
  3106. suspects have collaborated in just this expedient are recounted, in brutal detail, by
  3107. William Blum in Killing Hope.186
  3108. Had anti-Sovietism or anti-communism been the U.S. government's main
  3109. preoccupation, its policy would have been much different.
  3110. While there were many varieties of capitalism consistent with the anti-Communist
  3111. politics the United States... sought to advance, what was axiomatic in the American
  3112. credo was that the form of capitalism it advocated for the world was to be integrated
  3113. in such a way that its businessmen played an essential part in it. Time and again it
  3114. was ready to sacrifice the most effective way of opposing Communism in order to
  3115. advance its own national interests. In this vital sense its world role was not simply
  3116. one of resisting the left but primarily of imposing its own domination....
  3117. ....[I]t was its clash with nationalist elements, as diverse as they were, that
  3118. revealed most about the U.S. global crusade, for had fear of Communism alone been
  3119. the motivation of its behavior, the number of obstacles to its goals would have been
  3120. immeasurably smaller.187
  3121. This postwar global system suffered a series of perceived challenges in the 1970s.
  3122. The fall of Saigon, the increasing ability of the Soviet Union to act as spoiler against
  3123. American intervention, the nonaligned movement, the New International Economic
  3124. Order, etc., were taken as signs that the corporate world order was losing control.
  3125. Reagan's escalating intervention in Central America, the military buildup, and the
  3126. partial resumption of Cold War were all responses to this perception. In addition, the
  3127. collapse of the rival Soviet superpower, the Uruguay Round of GATT, NAFTA, and
  3128. similar "free trade" [sic] agreements (particularly their draconian "intellectual property"
  3129. provisions, symbiotically related to domestic counterparts like the Digital Millennium
  3130. Copyright Act), together achieved a total end run against the perceived challenges of the
  3131. 1970s. The neoliberal revolution of the '80s and '90s, coming as it did directly on the
  3132. heels of diminished American power in the '70s, snatched total victory from the jaws of
  3133. defeat; it ended all barriers to TNCs buying up entire economies, locked the west into
  3134. monopoly control of modern technology, and created a "de facto world government" on
  3135. behalf of global corporations. The '90s were the era of the G8, Davos, and Tom
  3136. Friedman.
  3137. 186
  3138. William Blum. Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II (Monroe,
  3139. Maine: Common Courage Press, 1995).
  3140. 187
  3141. Kolko, Confronting the Third World, pp. 117, 123.
  3142. The draconian "intellectual property" lockdown we've experienced since the 1980s is
  3143. mind-boggling in its extent. The first brick in the wall was the intellectual property
  3144. regime under the Uruguay Round of GATT. It went far beyond traditional patent law in
  3145. suppressing innovation. One benefit of traditional patent law, at least, was that it required
  3146. an invention under patent to be published. Under U.S. pressure, however, "trade secrets"
  3147. were included in GATT. As a result, governments will be required to help suppress
  3148. information not formally protected by patents.188
  3149. Patents are also being used on a global scale to lock the transnational corporations
  3150. into a permanent monopoly of productive technology. The single most totalitarian
  3151. provision of the Uruguay Round is probably the Trade-Related aspects of Intellectual
  3152. Property rights (TRIPS) agreement of 1995. It has extended both the scope and duration
  3153. of patents far beyond anything ever envisioned in original patent law. In England, patents
  3154. were originally for fourteen years--the time needed to train two journeymen in succession
  3155. (and by analogy, the time necessary to go into production and reap the initial profit for
  3156. originality). By that standard, given the shorter training times required today, and the
  3157. shorter lifespan of technology, the period of monopoly should be shorter. Instead, the
  3158. U.S. seeks to extend them to fifty years.189 According to Martin Khor Kok Peng, the
  3159. U.S. is by far the most absolutist of the participants in the Uruguay Round. Unlike the
  3160. European Community, and for biological processes for animal and plant protection.190
  3161. Another key escalation of international "intellectual property" law was the World
  3162. Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Copyright Treaty of 1996. The Digital
  3163. Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), was passed in 1998 pursuant to the U.S.
  3164. government's obligations under that treaty. The DMCA is a fundamental departure from
  3165. traditional copyright doctrines, like fair use and first sale. The legislation does not only
  3166. punish strictly defined copyright violations after the fact. It prohibits the production of
  3167. any hardware features which can circumvent digital locks, even when the purchaser is
  3168. simply attempting what would have been considered fair use under the old regime. For
  3169. example, it is illegal to circumvent DRM to copy content one has purchased from one
  3170. medium to another, for one's own convenience. Jon Johanssen, for example, was
  3171. proscecuted for distributing DeCSS, which circumvents the content scrambling system on
  3172. DVDs.191 The Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998 extended copyright
  3173. to seventy years after the death of the author. Similar legal mandates against DRM
  3174. circumvention were introduced in the EU by the EU Copyright Directive in 2001 and the
  3175. EU Directive on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in 2004.192
  3176. Another radical innovation is the extension of patent law into areas traditionally
  3177. 188
  3178. Raghavan, Recolonization, p. 122.
  3179. Ibid., pp. 119-20.
  3180. 190
  3181. Martin Khor Kok Peng, The Uruguay Round and Third World Sovereignty (Penang, Malaysia: Third
  3182. World Network, 1990), p. 28.
  3183. 191
  3184. Soderberg, Hacking Capitalism, p. 87.
  3185. 192
  3186. Soderberg, Hacking Capitalism, p. 83.
  3187. 189
  3188. covered by copyright. This is especially true of software. Copyright law only protects an
  3189. actual work, not the general idea behind it. Patents, on the other hand, cover the idea
  3190. itself. In the case of software, this means that rather than simply copyrighting the code
  3191. itself, a software proprietor can charge competitors with patent violations for even
  3192. attempting to write code to deal with the same problem. Software patents are a powerful
  3193. weapon against open-source software, since it is a roadblock to open-source developers
  3194. attempting to develop software to perform the same functions as existing proprietary
  3195. software.193
  3196. Another prospective treaty in its planning stages in the WIPO is a Broadcasting Treaty
  3197. which will give "cable networks, broadcasters, and, possibly, Internet portals, a fifty year
  3198. monopoly over the material which they are transmitting."194
  3199. In addition, the Western consumer corporations that tend to thrive in the global
  3200. economy are those in the sectors most heavily dependent on the international "intellectual
  3201. property" regime: entertainment, software, and biotech.
  3202. [Susan Sell. Private Power, Public Law--The Globalization of Intellectual Property
  3203. Rights (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).
  3204. Michael Perelman. "The Political Economy of Intellectual Property" Monthly Review
  3205. (January 2003).
  3206. Julian Dibbell. "We Pledge Allegiance to the Penguin" Wired (November 2004).]
  3207. The provisions for biotech are really a way of increasing trade barriers, and forcing
  3208. consumers to subsidize the TNCs engaged in agribusiness. The U.S. seeks to apply
  3209. patents to genetically-modified organisms, effectively pirating the work of generations of
  3210. Third World breeders by isolating beneficial genes in traditional varieties and
  3211. incorporating them in new GMOs--and maybe even enforcing patent rights against the
  3212. traditional variety which was the source of the genetic material. For example Monsanto
  3213. has attempted to use the presence of their DNA in a crop as prima facie evidence of
  3214. pirating--when it is much more likely that their variety cross-pollinated and contaminated
  3215. the farmer's crop against his will. The Pinkerton agency, by the way, plays a leading role
  3216. in investigating such charges--that's right, the same folks who have been breaking strikes
  3217. and kicking organizers down stairs for the past century. Even jack-booted thugs have to
  3218. diversify to make it in the global economy.
  3219. The developed world has pushed particularly hard to protect industries relying on or
  3220. producing "generic technologies," and to restrict diffusion of "dual use" technologies. The
  3221. U. S.-Japanese trade agreement on semi-conductors, for example, is a "cartel-like,
  3222. 'managed trade' agreement." So much for "free trade."195
  3223. 193
  3224. Ibid., pp. 83-84.
  3225. Ibid., p. 84.
  3226. 195
  3227. Dieter Ernst, Technology, Economic Security and Latecomer Industrialization, in Raghavan,
  3228. Recolonization, pp. 39-40.
  3229. 194
  3230. Patent law traditionally required a holder to work the invention in a country in order
  3231. to receive patent protection. U.K. law allowed compulsory licensing after three years if an
  3232. invention was not being worked, or being worked fully, and demand was being met "to a
  3233. substantial extent" by importation; or where the export market was not being supplied
  3234. because of the patentee's refusal to grant licenses on reasonable terms.196
  3235. The central motivation in the GATT intellectual property regime, however, is to
  3236. permanently lock in the collective monopoly of advanced technology by TNCs, and
  3237. prevent independent competition from ever arising in the Third World. It would, as
  3238. Martin Khor Kok Peng writes, "effectively prevent the diffusion of technology to the
  3239. Third World, and would tremendously increase monopoly royalties of the TNCs whilst
  3240. curbing the potential development of Third World technology." Only one percent of
  3241. patents worldwide are owned in the Third World. Of patents granted in the 1970s by
  3242. Third World countries, 84% were foreign-owned. But fewer than 5% of foreign-owned
  3243. patents were actually used in production. As we have already seen, the purpose of owning
  3244. a patent is not necessarily to use it, but to prevent anyone else from using it.197
  3245. Raghavan summed up nicely the effect on the Third World:
  3246. Given the vast outlays in R and D and investments, as well as the short life cycle
  3247. of some of these products, the leading Industrial Nations are trying to prevent
  3248. emergence of competition by controlling... the flows of technology to others. The
  3249. Uruguay round is being sought to be used to create export monopolies for the
  3250. products of Industrial Nations, and block or slow down the rise of competitive rivals,
  3251. particularly in the newly industrializing Third World countries. At the same time the
  3252. technologies of senescent industries of the north are sought to be exported to the
  3253. South under conditions of assured rentier income.198
  3254. Corporate propagandists piously denounce anti-globalists as enemies of the Third
  3255. World, seeking to use trade barriers to maintain an affluent Western lifestyle at the
  3256. expense of the poor nations. The above measures--trade barriers--to permanently suppress
  3257. Third World technology and keep the South as one big sweatshop, give the lie to this
  3258. "humanitarian" concern. This is not a case of differing opinions, or of sincerely mistaken
  3259. understanding of the facts. Setting aside false subtleties, what we see here is pure evil at
  3260. work--Orwell's "boot stamping on a human face forever." If any architects of this policy
  3261. believe it to be for general human well-being, it only shows the capacity of ideology to
  3262. justify the oppressor to himself and enable him to sleep at night.
  3263. 196
  3264. Raghavan, Recolonizatinon, pp. 120, 138
  3265. Martin Khor Kok Peng, The Uruguay Round and Third World Sovereignty, pp. 29-30.
  3266. 198
  3267. Raghavan, Recolonization, p. 96.
  3268. 197