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OpeniBoot is an unofficial bootloader for older Apple iThings that can run unsigned code, unlike iBoot. It is pretty buggy and the latest version is 0.3, it is made for booting Android on iThing, but it can also boot GNU/Linux along with typical iPhoneOS. OpeniBoot is licensed under GPLv3 making it free software (though it has the word "open" in its name which is bad) and its source code can be found on GitHub. {Though I haven't been able to compile it yet, it hasn't been maintained for years. ~dolphinana}

OpeniBoot prior to version 0.3 have a menu with nice bloated graphics but are less flexible. OpeniBoot 0.3 have a grub-like menu and requires menu.lst file (placed in /var/ ?).

{For some reason, OpeniBoot didn't work on iThing with iPhoneOS 4.2.1 so I "downgraded" to version 3.1.2 and it worked, though OpeniBoot console only worked on OpeniBoot 0.1 ;-; ~dolphinana}

OpeniBoot supports:

  • iPhone1,1 (iPhone)
  • iPhone1,2 (iPhone 3G)
  • iPhone1,3 (iPhone 3GS) -partially
  • iPhone1,4 (iPhone 4) -partially
  • iPod1,1 (iPod Touch)
  • iPad1,1 (iPad) -partially?

{The info above might be incorrect, I'll fix it soon. ~dolphinana}

{TODO: Create a fork of OpeniBoot, improve it and maybe rename it to Libre-iBoot? ~dolphinana}


OpeniBoot 0.1

  • !zImage - Loads a file named zImage from your computer into the phone.
  • kernel - Loads the kernel into memory, use !file command first.
  • ramdisk - Loads the ramdisk into memory, use !file command first.
  • boot (arguments) - Boot the kernel, pass arguments such as "root=/dev/ram0".
  • reboot - Reboot the phone.
  • install - Install OpeniBoot onto the phone.
  • uninstall - Uninstall OpeniBoot from the phone.
  • fs_ls (partition num) (directory) - List directories in filesystem.
  • fs_cat (partition num) (file) - Concatenate a file.
  • vibrator_loop (arguments) - Run this command to vibrate your gud ol' pussy xD {It doesn't work tho ;-; ~dolphinana}
  • vibrator_off - Afta ya coomed.

TODO: Moar