task2.tex 723 B

  1. \begin{figure}[ht!]
  2. \centering
  3. \includegraphics[width=1.0\linewidth]{./task2-wave.png}
  4. \caption{Simulation screenshot for Listing~\ref{lst:asmbds}.}
  5. \label{fig:sim2}
  6. \end{figure}
  7. Make sure that at least the following signals are visible in
  8. Figure~\ref{fig:sim2}: the program counter in the fetch stage, the
  9. instruction being fetched, the content of registers \texttt{x1},
  10. \texttt{x2} and \texttt{x3} as well as the signals \texttt{wraddr},
  11. \texttt{wrdata} and \texttt{regwrite} of the register file.
  12. \begin{lstlisting}[language=,mathescape=false,float=ht,caption={Assembler example for branches},label=lst:asmbds]
  13. loop: j loop
  14. addi x1, x1, 1
  15. addi x2, x2, 1
  16. addi x3, x3, 1
  17. \end{lstlisting}