.gitignore 1.8 KB

  1. # Created by https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/alteraquartusii
  2. # Edit at https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore?templates=alteraquartusii
  3. ### AlteraQuartusII ###
  4. ##list taken from http://www.alterawiki.com/wiki/Version_Control (01.10.2015)
  5. ######### Quartus II source files
  6. # project files:
  7. ### project_name.qpf Quartus II project file
  8. ### project_name.qsf Quartus constraint file (lists the hardware constraints defined for a project, from the used chip and pinout to timing constraints)
  9. ### project_name.qws Quartus Window Settings ? (the configuration of the Quartus gui for the project, may be omitted)
  10. # top level source files:
  11. ### project_name.bdf Block diagram / Schematic file (top level schematic file, there may be many nested files)
  12. ### project_name.vhd VHDL file (top level VHDL file)
  13. ### project_name.v Verilog file (top level Verilog file)
  14. # component source files:
  15. ### component_name.bsf Block Symbol file (component symbol file)
  16. ### component_name.vhd VHDL file (top level VHDL file)
  17. ### component_name.v Verilog file (top level Verilog file)
  18. # SOPC builder project source files (SOPC builder creates many VHDL or Verilog files, that you do not need to store)
  19. ### sopc_project_name.ptf the list and configuration of components selected in the SOPC gui
  20. ### sopc_project_name.bsf Block Symbol file (SOPC component symbol file, especially if you modified it)
  21. # Board Description (if you created your own board, the list is incomplete!)
  22. ### board_name/class.ptf
  23. # software source files:
  24. ### tbd
  25. ######## Quartus II binary files
  26. # hardware binary files
  27. ### project_name.sof SRAM Object File
  28. # software binary files
  29. /*
  30. !/*.gitignore
  31. ##
  32. !*.qpf
  33. !*.qsf
  34. !*.qws
  35. !*.bdf
  36. !*.vhd
  37. !*.v
  38. !*.ptf
  39. !*.bsf
  40. !**/class.ptf
  41. !*.tbd
  42. !*.sof
  43. !*.tex
  44. !*.do
  45. !*.vho
  46. ## tbd
  47. !*.tcl
  48. # End of https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/alteraquartusii