123456789101112131415161718192021 |
- This program builds a few layers on top of an xception model using
- pre-trained weights from imagenet. It then uses this model to train a
- bit on a MNIST-compatable dataset. Putting anything in the third
- argument spot will enable printing of debug stuff.
- Usage:
- python3 mnist-transfer-learning.py sliceNumber epochs
- sliceNumber is the max number of pictures to load from mnist.
- epochs is the epochs of the training
- Examples:
- python3 mnist-transfer-learning.py 200 2
- python3 mnist-transfer-learning.py 2000 100
- python3 mnist-transfer-learning.py 60000 50
- python3 mnist-transfer-learning.py 60000 50 anything
- python3 mnist-transfer-learning.py 60000 50 printplease
- python3 mnist-transfer-learning.py 60000 50 42
- 2022 Stephen Stengel <stephen.stengel@cwu.edu>