123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # GoldGetter.py
- #
- # Copyright 2018 Stephen Stengel <stephen.stengel@cwu.edu>
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
- # MA 02110-1301, USA.
- #CS565 project 2
- #This is a small game where the player gets the gold and avoids the bomb.
- #Controls: Move player with WASD.
- #TODO:
- # 19 oct 2020: Rewrite to use classes because I know this stuff now.
- #
- # Use copyright-free art! So I can put it on github
- #
- # More bombs. Read array for all, move each one at a time.
- #
- # Add proximity to chase mechanic. Only chase when within two squares?
- #
- # Just figured out how to add bombs. Make the detection functions put
- # coordinates into a tuple and pass that. Obviously change things to look
- # for more bombs. Best would be a variable amount of bombs.
- #
- # Add intellegence to bomb movements. STARTED
- #
- # Add more bombs/difficulties.
- #
- # Make it so bombs cannot kill before player moves.
- #
- # Czech spellingz
- #
- # Prevent user from making the board too small or too big
- #
- # Figure out what I meant by some of these comments...
- #
- # If I ever need to change the function createDataArray(), give it better
- # variable names.
- #
- # Also I could simplify createDataArray() by just using the isPlayerHere,
- # isBombHere, and isgoldhere functions etc. instead of checking
- # coordinates manually.
- #
- #DONE:
- # Fix the bug where an endless loop is started if the bomb starts the game
- # boxxed in a corner by two golds. DONE
- #
- # Add ability to control player. DONE
- #
- # Find a way to prevent the jumpy graphics glitch. DONE
- #
- # Make it so that it doesn't exit on win/loss. Instead go into loop using
- # input and print. DONE
- # Keep player from moving more than two squares away from the bomb.
- #
- # If bomb finds gold, it should puppyguard the gold.
- #
- # Add obsticals (if no path between player and gold retry. same for bomb)
- import random
- import readchar
- import math
- import pygame
- pygame.init()
- #Global variables because I'm literally just slapping this together in like an hour.
- WINDOW = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_SIZE, SCREEN_SIZE))
- pygame.display.set_caption("Gold Getter")
- # Colors
- WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
- BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
- GRAY = (200, 200, 200)
- RED = (255, 0, 0)
- BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
- GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
- #need to get image sizes before I put them in the screen.
- # Images
- # ~ PLAYER_IMAGE = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load("images/robot.png").convert(), (80, 80))
- # ~ BOMB_IMAGE = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load("images/bomb.png").convert(), (80, 80))
- # ~ GOLD_IMAGE = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load("images/gold.png").convert(), (80, 80))
- class SquareStatus(object):
- def __init__(self, isBombHere, isPlayerHere, \
- wasBombHere, wasPlayerHere, isGoldHere):
- self.isBombHere = isBombHere
- self.isPlayerHere = isPlayerHere
- self.wasBombHere = wasBombHere
- self.wasPlayerHere = wasPlayerHere
- self.isGoldHere = isGoldHere
- class Engine(object):
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def API(self):
- theBoardYo = self.createDataArray(DIMENSION)
- self.playGame(theBoardYo, DIMENSION)
- #Use this to pass the value of the size of the board to functions
- #Call the created variable DIMENSION inside of the function
- #Don't make the board 1x1, lol
- #We can change the size of the board by changing the number that is returned
- def BOARD_DIMENSION(self):
- size = input(\
- "What size should the square board be?\n"\
- "Enter an integer from 3 to 9.\n"\
- "(If you are in fullscreen try 3 to 19): ")
- return int(size)
- #This creates the data array that holds the places of the characters and
- #generates the initial positions of the caracters
- def createDataArray(self, DIMENSION):
- #print("Creating the game board array that stores the data...")
- boardArray = \
- [[SquareStatus( False, \
- False, \
- False, \
- False, \
- False) for x in range(DIMENSION)] \
- for y in range(DIMENSION)]
- #print("boardArray created!")
- #sets player's initial position
- (a, b) = self.randomStart(DIMENSION)
- boardArray[a][b].isPlayerHere = True
- #sets bomb's initial position. Repeats if spot is taken.
- (c, d) = self.randomStart(DIMENSION)
- while(c == a and d == b):
- (c, d) = self.randomStart(DIMENSION)
- boardArray[c][d].isBombHere = True
- #sets golds initial position.
- (e, f) = self.randomStart(DIMENSION)
- while((e == c and f == d) or (e == a and f == b)):
- (e, f) = self.randomStart(DIMENSION)
- boardArray[e][f].isGoldHere = True
- #sets another gold.
- (g, h) = self.randomStart(DIMENSION)
- while( (g == e and h == f) \
- or (g == c and h == d) \
- or (g == a and h == b) ):
- (g, h) = self.randomStart(DIMENSION)
- boardArray[g][h].isGoldHere = True
- return boardArray
- #This function contains the loop that runs the game.
- def playGame(self, boardArray, DIMENSION):
- updatedBoardArray = boardArray
- print("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n")
- isStillGold = self.isThereStillGold(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION)
- self.displayBoard(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION)
- throwAwayVariable = ""
- throwAwayVariable = print(input("press enter key to continue!"))
- while(isStillGold):
- #make bomb walk once#doing this after player
- updatedBoardArray = self.moveBomb(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION)
- print( "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" \
- "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" \
- "Avoid the bomb!")
- self.displayBoard(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION)
- #throwAwayVariable = print(input("press enter key to continue!"))
- #check if bomb is on player
- #tested working
- if(self.isBombOnPlayer(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION)):
- print( "OWCH!\n" + \
- "The bomb got you!\n" + \
- "I don't care what universe you're from-- that's gotta hurt!\n" +\
- "GAME OVER!\n")
- exit(0)
- #make player walk
- # print("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPlayer's turn...")
- updatedBoardArray = \
- self.movePlayerManual(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION)
- #playerongold?
- if(self.isPlayerOnGold(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION)):
- (a, b) = self.getPlayerPosition(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION)
- self.deleteGold(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION, a, b)
- print( "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" \
- "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" \
- "Avoid the bomb!")
- self.displayBoard(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION)
- #throwAwayVariable = print(input("press enter key to continue!"))
- #check if bomb is on player
- #tested working
- if(self.isBombOnPlayer(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION)):
- print( "OWCH!\n" + \
- "The bomb got you!\n" + \
- "I don't care what universe you're from-- that's gotta hurt!\n" +\
- "GAME OVER!\n")
- exit(0)
- #check if there is any gold left
- isStillGold = self.isThereStillGold(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION)
- if(isStillGold != True):
- break
- #make player walk again
- updatedBoardArray = \
- self.movePlayerManual(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION)
- #playerongold?
- if(self.isPlayerOnGold(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION)):
- (a, b) = self.getPlayerPosition(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION)
- self.deleteGold(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION, a, b)
- print( "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" \
- "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" \
- "Player's turn...")
- self.displayBoard(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION)
- #throwAwayVariable = print(input("press enter key to continue!"))
- #check if bomb is on player
- #tested working
- if(self.isBombOnPlayer(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION)):
- print( "OWCH!\n" + \
- "The bomb got you!\n" + \
- "I don't care what universe you're from-- that's gotta hurt!\n" +\
- "GAME OVER!\n")
- WINDOW.fill(RED)
- end_text = pygame.font.SysFont('courier', 20).render("GAME OVER!", 1, BLACK)
- WINDOW.blit(end_text, ((SCREEN_SIZE - end_text.get_width()) // 2, (SCREEN_SIZE - end_text.get_height()) // 2))
- pygame.display.update()
- pygame.time.delay(5000)
- exit(0)
- #check if there is any gold left
- isStillGold = self.isThereStillGold(updatedBoardArray, DIMENSION)
- if(isStillGold != True):
- break
- # Player wins
- print("You got all the gold! YAAAAAAAAAY!")
- end_text = pygame.font.SysFont('courier', 20).render("YOU WIN!", 1, BLACK)
- WINDOW.blit(end_text, ((SCREEN_SIZE - end_text.get_width()) // 2, (SCREEN_SIZE - end_text.get_height()) // 2))
- pygame.display.update()
- pygame.time.delay(5000)
- def displayBoard(self, boardArray, DIMENSION):
- #print("Displaying board...")
- print("##################")
- the_underscores = "_"
- print(" " + \
- str(the_underscores * ( (DIMENSION * 3) + (DIMENSION - 1) ) ))
- for i in range(DIMENSION):
- for j in range(DIMENSION):
- print("| " \
- + self.displayCharacters(boardArray, i, j) \
- + " ", end = '')
- print("|\n ", end = "")
- print(the_underscores * ( (DIMENSION * 3) + (DIMENSION - 1) ) )
- #for underscores we need DIMENSION*3 + (DIMENSION - 1) underscores
- #print("Done!")
- ## New bit to display the board with pygame. I'm going to just
- ## read the array every time that this is called and use a
- ## couple for loops to fill the screen.
- print("window board dimension: " + str(WINDOW_BOARD_DIMENSION))
- PLAYER_IMAGE = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load("images/robot.png").convert(), (unitSize, unitSize))
- BOMB_IMAGE = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load("images/bomb.png").convert(), (unitSize, unitSize))
- GOLD_IMAGE = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load("images/gold.png").convert(), (unitSize, unitSize))
- #Start points for drawing lines
- x = 0
- for i in range(WINDOW_BOARD_DIMENSION):
- x = i * unitSize
- pygame.draw.line(WINDOW, BLACK, (x, 0), (x, SCREEN_SIZE), 1)
- pygame.draw.line(WINDOW, BLACK, (0, x), (SCREEN_SIZE, x), 1)
- # I need to get the position in which to place each image.
- x = y = 0
- for i in range(len(boardArray)):
- for j in range(len(boardArray[i])):
- if boardArray[i][j].isPlayerHere:
- y = i * unitSize
- x = j * unitSize
- WINDOW.blit(PLAYER_IMAGE, (x,y) )
- if boardArray[i][j].isBombHere:
- y = i * unitSize
- x = j * unitSize
- WINDOW.blit(BOMB_IMAGE, (x,y) )
- if boardArray[i][j].isGoldHere:
- y = i * unitSize
- x = j * unitSize
- WINDOW.blit(GOLD_IMAGE, (x,y) )
- pygame.display.update()
- #This function needs to return characters with a priority of:
- #bomb, player, gold, bombtrail, playertrail
- def displayCharacters(self, boardArray, i, j):
- if(boardArray[i][j].isBombHere):
- return "B"
- elif(boardArray[i][j].isPlayerHere):
- return "P"
- elif(boardArray[i][j].isGoldHere):
- return "G"
- elif(boardArray[i][j].wasBombHere):
- return ","
- elif(boardArray[i][j].wasPlayerHere):
- return "."
- else:
- return " "
- def randomStart(self, DIMENSION):
- i = -1.0
- j = -1.0
- i = random.randint(0, DIMENSION - 1)
- j = random.randint(0, DIMENSION - 1)
- #print("This is i:" + str(i))
- #print("This is j:" + str(j))
- return (i, j)
- #Checks the boardArray for gold
- def isThereStillGold(self, boardArray, DIMENSION):
- #print("isThereStillGold has been called")
- for i in range(DIMENSION):
- for j in range(DIMENSION):
- if(boardArray[i][j].isGoldHere):
- return True
- return False
- #checks if bomb is on the player
- def isBombOnPlayer(self, boardArray, DIMENSION):
- if(self.getPlayerPosition(boardArray, DIMENSION) \
- == self.getBombPosition(boardArray, DIMENSION)):
- return True
- return False
- #returns the cell that the player is in as a tuple
- def getPlayerPosition(self, boardArray, DIMENSION):
- i = -1
- j = -1
- for i in range(DIMENSION):
- for j in range(DIMENSION):
- if(boardArray[i][j].isPlayerHere):
- return (i, j)
- return (i, j)
- #returns the cell that the bomb is in as a tuple
- def getBombPosition(self, boardArray, DIMENSION):
- i = -1
- j = -1
- for i in range(DIMENSION):
- for j in range(DIMENSION):
- if(boardArray[i][j].isBombHere):
- return (i, j)
- return (i, j)
- #Why is it called IF?
- def checkIfGoldPosition(self, boardArray, DIMENSION):
- i = -1
- j = -1
- for i in range(DIMENSION):
- for j in range(DIMENSION):
- if(boardArray[i][j].isBombHere):
- return (i, j)
- return (i, j)
- #Move the player! Manually!
- def movePlayerManual(self, boardArray, DIMENSION):
- (currentY, currentX) = self.getPlayerPosition(boardArray, DIMENSION)
- (finalY, finalX) = (currentY, currentX)
- #this section ayy
- while( (finalY, finalX) == (currentY, currentX) ):
- #print("Which way do you want to go?!")
- wayToGo = "q"
- while( (wayToGo != "w") \
- and (wayToGo != "a") \
- and (wayToGo != "s") \
- and (wayToGo != "d") ):
- wayToGo = readchar.readchar()
- if(wayToGo == "w"):#up
- #print("up")
- (y, x) = ((currentY - 1), currentX)
- # print("y of proposed position " + str(y))
- # print("x of proposed position " + str(x))
- elif(wayToGo == "a"):#left
- #print("left")
- (y, x) = (currentY,(currentX - 1))
- # print("y of proposed position " + str(y))
- # print("x of proposed position " + str(x))
- elif(wayToGo == "d"):#right
- #print("right")
- (y, x) = (currentY, (currentX + 1))
- # print("y of proposed position " + str(y))
- # print("x of proposed position " + str(x))
- elif(wayToGo == "s"):#down
- #print("down")
- (y, x) = ((currentY + 1), currentX)
- # print("y of proposed position " + str(y))
- # print("x of proposed position " + str(x))
- #wait! just return the one thing that you want changed and
- #change/set it in the game function?
- #Not sure what that comment was supposed to mean.
- if(self.checkIfCanMovePlayer(boardArray, DIMENSION, y, x)):
- boardArray[currentY][currentX].isPlayerHere = False
- boardArray[currentY][currentX].wasPlayerHere = True
- # print("boardArray[currY][currX].isPlayerHere: " \
- # + str(boardArray[currentY][currentX].isPlayerHere))
- boardArray[y][x].isPlayerHere = True
- # print("boardArray[y][x].isPlayerHere: " \
- # + str(boardArray[y][x].isPlayerHere))
- (finalY, finalX) = (y, x)
- # print("returnning boardArray")
- return boardArray
- #Checks proposed movement for validity.
- def checkIfCanMovePlayer(self, boardArray, DIMENSION, y, x):
- if(y < 0):
- return False
- elif(y > DIMENSION - 1):
- return False
- elif(x < 0):
- return False
- elif(x > DIMENSION - 1):
- return False
- #this would be too easy
- #~ elif((y, x) == self.getBombPosition(boardArray, DIMENSION)):
- #~ return False
- else:
- return True
- #I need to make the bomb smarter.
- #Add a thing to check bomb's y,x position compared to player position
- #Make bomb only able to reduce distance between it and player.
- #Maybe just put this in the canBombMove function? Then don't need to change
- #anything here and it will just get sent back here to roll again.
- # Might need to add a counter loop to prevent getting stuck behind an
- # obstical. Or just add a don't move condition?
- #Need a new function to check the distance between the bomb and the player
- # Could just use standard distance formula from algebra?
- def moveBomb(self, boardArray, DIMENSION):
- (currentY, currentX) = self.getBombPosition(boardArray, DIMENSION)
- (finalY, finalX) = (currentY, currentX)
- (playerY, playerX) = self.getPlayerPosition(boardArray, DIMENSION)
- #print("Player is at..." + str(playerY) + ", " + str(playerX))
- print("bomb distance: " \
- + str(self.bombDistance(playerY, playerX, currentY, currentX)) )
- #stuckCounter is how many times the bomb has tried and failed to move.
- #The bomb will not move if it hits 50.
- stuckCounter = 0
- while( ((finalY, finalX) == (currentY, currentX)) \
- and (stuckCounter < 50) ):
- num = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
- if(num < 0.25):#up
- # print("up")
- (y, x) = ((currentY - 1), currentX)
- # print("y of proposed position " + str(y))
- # print("x of proposed position " + str(x))
- elif(num < 0.5):#left
- # print("left")
- (y, x) = (currentY,(currentX - 1))
- # print("y of proposed position " + str(y))
- # print("x of proposed position " + str(x))
- elif(num < 0.75):#right
- # print("right")
- (y, x) = (currentY, (currentX + 1))
- # print("y of proposed position " + str(y))
- # print("x of proposed position " + str(x))
- else:#down
- # print("down")
- (y, x) = ((currentY + 1), currentX)
- # print("y of proposed position " + str(y))
- # print("x of proposed position " + str(x))
- #throoooow = print(input("heh"))
- #distance checks
- currentBombDistance = self.bombDistance(playerY, \
- playerX, \
- currentY, \
- currentX)
- proposedBombDistance = self.bombDistance(playerY, playerX, y, x)
- if(self.checkIfCanMoveBomb(boardArray, \
- y, \
- x, \
- currentBombDistance, \
- proposedBombDistance)):
- #print("running the second if in moveBomb...")
- boardArray[currentY][currentX].isBombHere = False
- boardArray[currentY][currentX].wasBombHere = True
- # print("boardArray[currY][currX].isBombHere: " \
- # + str(boardArray[currentY][currentX].isBombHere))
- boardArray[y][x].isBombHere = True
- # print("boardArray[y][x].isBombHere: " \
- # + str(boardArray[y][x].isBombHere))
- (finalY, finalX) = (y, x)
- # print("returnning boardArray")
- return boardArray
- stuckCounter += 1
- return boardArray
- def checkIfCanMoveBomb(self, \
- boardArray, \
- y, \
- x, \
- currentBombDistance, \
- proposedBombDistance):
- if(y < 0):
- return False
- elif(y > DIMENSION - 1):
- return False
- elif(x < 0):
- return False
- elif(x > DIMENSION - 1):
- return False
- elif(boardArray[y][x].isGoldHere):
- return False
- elif(proposedBombDistance > currentBombDistance):
- return False
- else:
- return True
- #Returns the direct distance between the player and bomb.
- def bombDistance(self, playerY, playerX, bombY, bombX):
- return math.sqrt( (playerX - bombX)**2 + (playerY - bombY)**2 )
- def isPlayerOnGold(self, boardArray, DIMENSION):#THIS FIRST HAAHA
- (a, b) = self.getPlayerPosition(boardArray, DIMENSION)
- if(boardArray[a][b].isGoldHere):
- # print("player IS on gold!")
- return True
- else:
- # print("player is NOT on gold")
- return False
- #Deletes a gold!? Call Greenspan!
- def deleteGold(self, boardArray, DIMENSION, a, b):
- boardArray[a][b].isGoldHere = False
- def main():
- e = Engine()
- e.API()
- pass
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
- ################################################################################
- #old movePlayer function
- #~ #player will not move onto bomb
- #~ #if cannot move in first direction, it must re-roll
- #~ #(y, x) is the way it is set up now
- #~ #WORKS still need to change old place to False
- #~ #also need to fix the weird error that it gives about line 176
- #~ #maybe change the recursion to a while loop!
- #~ #The player starts at the same place each time the loop is run! NOT GOOD
- #~ def movePlayer(self, boardArray, DIMENSION):
- #~ (currentY, currentX) = self.getPlayerPosition(boardArray, DIMENSION)
- #~ (finalY, finalX) = (currentY, currentX)
- #~ #print("y of current position " + str(currentY))
- #~ #print("x of current position " + str(currentX))
- #~ # ~ (y, x) = ((a -1), b)
- #~ # ~ print("y of proposed position" + str(y))
- #~ # ~ print("x of proposed position" + str(x))
- #~ while( (finalY, finalX) == (currentY, currentX) ):
- #~ num = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
- #~ if(num < 0.25):#up
- #~ # print("up")
- #~ (y, x) = ((currentY - 1), currentX)
- #~ # print("y of proposed position " + str(y))
- #~ # print("x of proposed position " + str(x))
- #~ elif(num < 0.5):#left
- #~ # print("left")
- #~ (y, x) = (currentY,(currentX - 1))
- #~ # print("y of proposed position " + str(y))
- #~ # print("x of proposed position " + str(x))
- #~ elif(num < 0.75):#right
- #~ # print("right")
- #~ (y, x) = (currentY, (currentX + 1))
- #~ # print("y of proposed position " + str(y))
- #~ # print("x of proposed position " + str(x))
- #~ else:#down
- #~ # print("down")
- #~ (y, x) = ((currentY + 1), currentX)
- #~ # print("y of proposed position " + str(y))
- #~ # print("x of proposed position " + str(x))
- #~ #wait! just return the one thing that you want changed and change/set it in the game function?
- #~ if(self.checkIfCanMovePlayer(boardArray, DIMENSION, y, x)):
- #~ boardArray[currentY][currentX].isPlayerHere = False
- #~ boardArray[currentY][currentX].wasPlayerHere = True
- #~ # print("boardArray[currY][currX].isPlayerHere: " + str(boardArray[currentY][currentX].isPlayerHere))
- #~ boardArray[y][x].isPlayerHere = True
- #~ # print("boardArray[y][x].isPlayerHere: " + str(boardArray[y][x].isPlayerHere))
- #~ (finalY, finalX) = (y, x)
- #~ # print("returnning boardArray")
- #~ return boardArray