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- #Animal Crossing Settings
- #One setting per line.
- #Lines starting with # are ignored
- #format: settingName=mySetting
- #a setting name followed by an equals sign followed by a setting value
- #ex: myWidth=400
- #The image pixel size should match the size used for training the model.
- #The program will resize all input images to this size automatically.
- #Image width
- #example: IMG_WIDTH=100
- #Image height
- #example: IMG_HEIGHT=100
- #Image channels. 1 for a model trained on grayscale. 3 for rgb.
- #example: IMG_CHANNELS=1
- #Name of the checkpoint folder.
- #ex: CHECKPOINT_FOLDER=.\checkpoint\
- #ex: CHECKPOINT_FOLDER=some-folder/anotherfolder/mycheckpoint
- #batch size: how many images tensorflow groups together to put into ram
- #at once. Default is 32 inside tensorflow functions. This should match
- #the size used in the model training. (Probably-- I haven't tested yet)
- #example: BATCH_SIZE=32
- #The following section is for class identifiers.
- #Must be in same order as the training program.
- #Must be separated by only commas,
- #They will be given integer numbers based on their position as well.
- classNames=bobcat,coyote,deer-elk,human,not,raccoon,weasel