123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # animal-sorter.py
- #
- # Sorts the animal pictures into folders based on a trained tensorflow model.
- #
- # Copyright 2022 Stephen Stengel <stephen.stengel@cwu.edu> and friends
- #
- import os
- #Not currently needed. We load a saved version of the whole model.
- #We would need this if we switched to loading weights
- # ~ from models import currentBestModel
- IMG_WIDTH = None
- DEBUG_MODE = False
- def sortAnimalsIntoFolders(sourceStr, destStr):
- import time
- settingsFileName = os.path.normpath("settings.ini")
- settingsDict = getSettingsFromFile(settingsFileName)
- updateGlobalsFromSettings(settingsDict)
- print("Settings retrieved from " + settingsFileName)
- print("IMG_WIDTH: " + str(IMG_WIDTH))
- print("IMG_HEIGHT: " + str(IMG_HEIGHT))
- print("IMG_CHANNELS: " + str(IMG_CHANNELS))
- print("BATCH_SIZE: " + str(BATCH_SIZE))
- print("Source dir: " + str(sourceStr))
- print("Destenation dir: " + str(destStr))
- #create the folder structure within the destination directory.
- print("Setting up output directories...")
- foldersToCreate = createOutputFoldernames(CLASS_NAMES_LIST_STR, destStr)
- makeDirectories(foldersToCreate)
- #Turn the input images into a dataset?
- print("Loading the dataset...")
- startDataLoad = time.time()
- images_ds, originalFullNames = createDatasetFromImages(sourceStr)
- endDataLoad = time.time()
- print("Dataset loaded in " + str(round(endDataLoad - startDataLoad, 4)) + " seconds.")
- #normalize file paths for all operating systems
- originalFullNames = normalizeAllNames(originalFullNames)
- #strip base path from original names
- originalNames = stripBasepathFromFilenames(originalFullNames)
- #It might be faster to load the model and weights separately. need testing.
- #how to load the checkpoint weights separate from the model
- # ~ theModel.load_weights(os.path.abspath(CHECKPOINT_FOLDER))
- startModelLoadTime = time.time()
- print("Loading model...")
- from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
- theModel = load_model(CHECKPOINT_FOLDER)
- theModel.summary()
- mLoadElapsed = time.time() - startModelLoadTime
- print("Loading model complete in: " + str(round(mLoadElapsed, 4)) + " seconds.")
- #Get a list of predictions
- print("Making predictions...")
- startTime = time.time()
- predictionsArray = theModel.predict( \
- images_ds,
- verbose = 1,
- )
- elapsedTime = time.time() - startTime
- print(str(predictionsArray))
- print("Prediction took: " + str(round(elapsedTime, 4)) + " seconds.")
- print("Copying files...")
- copyPredictions(originalFullNames, originalNames, predictionsArray, destStr, CLASS_NAMES_LIST_INT, CLASS_NAMES_LIST_STR)
- #This function sets a bunch of settings from a file.
- #Maybe the threading return value code could make a popup on error.
- def getSettingsFromFile(settingsFileName):
- fileContents = []
- with open(settingsFileName, "r") as settingsFile:
- fileContents = settingsFile.readlines()
- #get only non comment lines
- goodContents = []
- for line in fileContents:
- if not line.startswith("#") and line != "\n":
- goodContents.append(line.rstrip())
- #convert to a dictionary
- settingsDict = {}
- for thing in goodContents:
- name, value = thing.split("=")
- settingsDict.update({name : value})
- for thing in settingsDict:
- print(str(thing) + ": ", end="")
- print(settingsDict[thing])
- return settingsDict
- def updateGlobalsFromSettings(settingsDict):
- ##! BIG NOTE !##
- # The names of the items in this settingsDict dictionary are not
- # automatically the same as in the settings file. Take care to copy
- # paste them if you update this. There might be a clever way to
- # get the same name automatically.
- global IMG_WIDTH
- IMG_WIDTH = int(settingsDict["IMG_WIDTH"])
- global IMG_HEIGHT
- IMG_HEIGHT = int(settingsDict["IMG_HEIGHT"])
- IMG_CHANNELS = int(settingsDict["IMG_CHANNELS"])
- CHECKPOINT_FOLDER = settingsDict["CHECKPOINT_FOLDER"] #This one remains a string
- global BATCH_SIZE
- BATCH_SIZE = int(settingsDict["BATCH_SIZE"])
- #parse the class list
- rawClassNamesStr = settingsDict["classNames"]
- splitClassNamesList = rawClassNamesStr.split(",")
- CLASS_NAMES_LIST_STR = splitClassNamesList
- #Not sure what I was thinking way back when I made CLASS_NAMES_LIST_INT in the loader haha.
- # ~ intsListLol = [x for x in range(len(splitClassNamesList))] #A little roundabout
- intsListLol = range(len(splitClassNamesList)) #Apparently equivalent.
- print("rawclassnamesstr: " + str(rawClassNamesStr))
- print("splitClassNamesList: " + str(splitClassNamesList))
- for thing in CLASS_NAMES_LIST_INT:
- print(thing)
- for thing in CLASS_NAMES_LIST_STR:
- print(thing)
- testBoi = range(100, 0, -1)
- print("testboi: " + str(testBoi))
- print("now tryina get just 5...")
- print("testBoi[5]: " + str(testBoi[5]))
- def normalizeAllNames(originalFullNames):
- outList = []
- for name in originalFullNames:
- outList.append( os.path.normpath(name) )
- return outList
- #This function copys the original full size image into the correct
- #destination folder based on the result of the search.
- def copyPredictions(originalFullNames, originalNames, predictionsArray, destStr, classNamesListInt, classNamesListStr):
- import shutil
- #Get predicted labels in integer form.
- labelsListInt = getPredictedLabels(predictionsArray)
- #get all predicted labels in string form for use as output folders
- labelsListStr = getAllOutFoldersStr(classNamesListStr, labelsListInt)
- for i in range(len(predictionsArray)):
- thisOutClassFolder = labelsListStr[i] #get this out folder
- thisOutName = originalNames[i]
- #get full path of output name
- thisOutputFolder = os.path.join(destStr, thisOutClassFolder)
- #copy original to destination
- thisFullOriginalName = originalFullNames[i]
- try:
- shutil.copy2( thisFullOriginalName, thisOutputFolder)
- except:
- print("copy skipping: " + str(thisName))
- #Takes a list of file paths and returns a tensorflow dataset object.
- #Resize to the same size as the model was trained on.
- #NOTE: If we instead load each image individually with: tf.keras.preprocessing.image.load_img()
- #We can save them in a numpy array
- #then we can use a for loop to predict on each image individually
- #this way we can update a loading bar to show how much time is left.
- #To save ram on their shitty government workstations, we can load each
- #image individually, and the predict that one image right away.
- #That way there is only ever one image in ram. The downside is that there
- #will probably be no batching or multiprocessing.? We'll have to test and see!
- #OR we could combine the two methods:
- #We could load BATCH_NUM images from files, and combine them into a numpy array,
- #then predict on each image in the array and sort, then continue with
- #the rest of the dataset in this way.
- def createDatasetFromImages(sourceFolderStr):
- from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import image_dataset_from_directory
- out_ds = image_dataset_from_directory( \
- sourceFolderStr,
- labels = None,
- label_mode = None,
- color_mode = "rgb",
- image_size = (IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH), #triple check it is (h, w). Pillow files are (w, h) and need conversion to numpy/tensorflow by swapping height and width dimensions. (transpose?)
- batch_size = BATCH_SIZE, #this might need tweaking depending on how much ram their computers have. 32 is default.
- shuffle = False,
- interpolation = "bilinear", #default is bilinear
- )
- # Found undocumented filename return lol
- # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62166588/how-to-obtain-filenames-during-prediction-while-using-tf-keras-preprocessing-ima
- # ~ fnames = out_ds.file_paths
- # ~ for name in fnames:
- # ~ print(name)
- outNames = out_ds.file_paths
- from tensorflow import data
- try:
- from tensorflow.keras.layers import Rescaling
- except:
- from tensorflow.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing import Rescaling
- normalization_layer = Rescaling(1./255) #for newer versions of tensorflow
- out_ds = out_ds.map(lambda x: normalization_layer(x), num_parallel_calls=AUTOTUNE)
- return out_ds, outNames
- def createOutputFoldernames(namesList, destStr):
- outFNames = []
- destNormalized = os.path.normpath(destStr)
- for name in namesList:
- outFNames.append( os.path.join(destNormalized, name) )
- return outFNames
- # Creates the necessary directories.
- def makeDirectories(listOfFoldersToCreate):
- for folder in listOfFoldersToCreate:
- if not os.path.isdir(folder):
- os.makedirs(folder)
- #deletes each dir within a list
- def deleteDirectories(listDirsToDelete):
- import shutil
- for folder in listDirsToDelete:
- if os.path.isdir(folder):
- shutil.rmtree(folder, ignore_errors = True)
- def sortPredictions(images_ds, predictionsArray, sourceStr, destStr, classNamesListInt, classNamesListStr):
- from skimage.io import imsave
- from skimage.util import img_as_ubyte
- import numpy as np
- #Get list of predictions in int form
- labelsListInt = getPredictedLabels(predictionsArray)
- #get list of output names given the input names using os.walk (without a base path)
- outNamesList = getListOfFilenames(sourceStr)
- #Put images in the correct places.
- i = 0
- for batch in images_ds:
- batchArr = np.asarray(batch)
- while batchArr is not None: #HUHUHUHU
- for j in range(len(batchArr)):
- thisImg = img_as_ubyte( batchArr[j] )
- thisFolderStr = getOutFolderNameStr(classNamesListStr, labelsListInt[i])
- thisFileName = outNamesList[i]
- fnameStr = os.path.join(destStr, thisFolderStr, thisFileName)
- imsave(fnameStr, thisImg)
- i += 1
- # ~ for i in range(len(images_ds)):
- #could we do for i in range len(_ds) * batch_size .. for j in range len (_ds)??
- def getAllOutFoldersStr(classNamesListStr, labelsListInt):
- outFoldersList = []
- for labelInt in labelsListInt:
- outFoldersList.append( getOutFolderNameStr(classNamesListStr, labelInt ) )
- return outFoldersList
- def getOutFolderNameStr(classNamesListStr, classInt):
- return classNamesListStr[ classInt ]
- #Returns a list of filenames from the input directory
- def getListOfFilenames(baseDirectory, include_base = False):
- myNames = []
- for (root, dirNames, fileNames) in os.walk(baseDirectory):
- for aFile in fileNames:
- if include_base:
- myNames.append( os.path.join( root, aFile ) )
- else:
- myNames.append(aFile)
- return myNames
- def stripBasepathFromFilenames(inList):
- outList = []
- for name in inList:
- outList.append( os.path.basename(name) )
- return outList
- #Transform scores array into predicted labels.
- def getPredictedLabels(predictedScores):
- import numpy as np
- outList = []
- for score in predictedScores:
- outList.append(np.argmax(score))
- return np.asarray(outList)