Stefano Mazzucco a218887bb5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' 9 ماه پیش
archive 2c66331316 fix: use deflating flag for pixz in unarchive function 2 سال پیش
autosuggestions 828873f00d Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' 3 سال پیش
battery 9fd5927cd2 Add battery support for MacOS 5 سال پیش
command-not-found c857e809c3 command-not-found: Detect Homebrew repo internally, not idiomatically 2 سال پیش
completion a218887bb5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' 9 ماه پیش
directory 8ee9d1bbfe general: Documentation update for zstyle based alias skipping support 1 سال پیش
dnf 1ff9421f7b general: Update documentation better qualifying runcom paths 3 سال پیش
docker 3a471a05f9 Update docker compose references 2 سال پیش
dpkg 1ff9421f7b general: Update documentation better qualifying runcom paths 3 سال پیش
editor a218887bb5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' 9 ماه پیش
emacs 8ee9d1bbfe general: Documentation update for zstyle based alias skipping support 1 سال پیش
environment 1ff9421f7b general: Update documentation better qualifying runcom paths 3 سال پیش
fasd 8ee9d1bbfe general: Documentation update for zstyle based alias skipping support 1 سال پیش
git dfad010b5c Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' 1 سال پیش
gnu-utility f7cb1fee1b gnu-utility: Remove now obsolete egrep and fgrep 1 سال پیش
gpg 1ff9421f7b general: Update documentation better qualifying runcom paths 3 سال پیش
haskell 1ff9421f7b general: Update documentation better qualifying runcom paths 3 سال پیش
helper 1ff9421f7b general: Update documentation better qualifying runcom paths 3 سال پیش
history 8ee9d1bbfe general: Documentation update for zstyle based alias skipping support 1 سال پیش
history-substring-search 84d5fb0ab6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' 1 سال پیش
homebrew 775f14d0c3 homebrew: Simplify caching `brew shellenv` 9 ماه پیش
macports 8ee9d1bbfe general: Documentation update for zstyle based alias skipping support 1 سال پیش
node 8ee9d1bbfe general: Documentation update for zstyle based alias skipping support 1 سال پیش
ocaml 1ff9421f7b general: Update documentation better qualifying runcom paths 3 سال پیش
osx 085ab11646 osx: Add trash function 9 ماه پیش
pacman 1ff9421f7b general: Update documentation better qualifying runcom paths 3 سال پیش
perl 8ee9d1bbfe general: Documentation update for zstyle based alias skipping support 1 سال پیش
prompt 84d5fb0ab6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' 1 سال پیش
python a218887bb5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' 9 ماه پیش
rails 8ee9d1bbfe general: Documentation update for zstyle based alias skipping support 1 سال پیش
rsync 1ff9421f7b general: Update documentation better qualifying runcom paths 3 سال پیش
ruby 8ee9d1bbfe general: Documentation update for zstyle based alias skipping support 1 سال پیش
screen f055c5070c screen module: don't try to attach to dead screens 9 ماه پیش
spectrum 1ff9421f7b general: Update documentation better qualifying runcom paths 3 سال پیش
ssh 6bf4505b33 Allow overriding _ssh_agent_sock for symmetry to _ssh_agent_env 9 ماه پیش
syntax-highlighting 828873f00d Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' 3 سال پیش
terminal 1ff9421f7b general: Update documentation better qualifying runcom paths 3 سال پیش
tmux 8ee9d1bbfe general: Documentation update for zstyle based alias skipping support 1 سال پیش
utility a218887bb5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' 9 ماه پیش
wakeonlan 1ff9421f7b general: Update documentation better qualifying runcom paths 3 سال پیش
yum 1ff9421f7b general: Update documentation better qualifying runcom paths 3 سال پیش 1ff9421f7b general: Update documentation better qualifying runcom paths 3 سال پیش


Load modules in ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zpreztorc. The order matters.

zstyle ':prezto:load' pmodule 'environment' 'terminal'


Provides functions to list and extract archives.


Integrates zsh-autosuggestions into Prezto.


Loads the command-not-found tool on macOS or Debian-based distributions.


Loads and configures TAB completion and provides additional completions from the zsh-completions project.


Sets directory options and defines directory aliases.


Defines dnf aliases.


Defines dpkg aliases and functions.


Sets key bindings.


Enables Emacs dependency management.


Sets general shell options and defines environment variables.


Maintains a frequently used file and directory list for fast access.


Enhances the Git distributed version control system by providing aliases, functions and by exposing repository status information to prompts.

GNU Utility

Provides for the interactive use of GNU utilities on non-GNU systems.


Provides for an easier use of GPG by setting up gpg-agent.


Enables local Haskell package installation.


Provides helper functions for developing modules.


Sets history options and defines history aliases.

History Substring Search

Integrates zsh-history-substring-search into Prezto.


Defines Homebrew aliases.


Defines MacPorts aliases and adds MacPorts directories to path variables.


Provides utility functions for Node.js and loads npm completion.


Initializes OCaml package management.


Defines macOS aliases and functions.


Provides aliases and functions for the Pacman package manager and frontends.


Enables local Perl module installation on macOS and defines alises.


Loads prompt themes.


Enables local Python and local Python package installation.

Ruby on Rails

Defines Ruby on Rails aliases.


Defines rsync aliases.


Configures Ruby local gem installation, loads version managers, and defines aliases.

GNU Screen

Defines GNU Screen aliases and provides for auto launching it at start-up.


Provides for easier use of 256 colors and effects.


Provides for an easier use of SSH by setting up ssh-agent.

Syntax Highlighting

Integrates zsh-syntax-highlighting into Prezto.


Sets terminal window and tab titles.


Defines tmux aliases and provides for auto launching it at start-up.


Defines general aliases and functions.


This module provides a wrapper around the wakeonlan tool.


Defines yum aliases.