structures.rst 724 B

  1. The *MillerPlane* and *Diffractogram* classes - :samp:`structures`
  2. =====================================================================
  3. The two classes utilized by Crystal Ball Plus are ``MillerPlane`` and ``Diffractogram``. The former defines a generic *Miller Plane* given its indices; the latter defines a generic *Diffraction Pattern*.
  4. The ``Diffractogram`` class is the core of Crystal Ball Plus, in it all the caractheristics of a structure necessary for the indexing are defined.
  5. .. currentmodule:: crystalballplus
  6. .. autosummary::
  7. :toctree: generated
  8. structures
  9. Classes
  10. ----------
  11. .. automodule:: crystalballplus.structures
  12. .. autoclass:: MillerPlane
  13. .. autoclass:: Diffractogram