enmanuel.saravia.contractor 4439490491 first_commit 2 سال پیش
.gitignore 4439490491 first_commit 2 سال پیش
LICENSE 4439490491 first_commit 2 سال پیش
Readme.md 4439490491 first_commit 2 سال پیش
__init__.py 4439490491 first_commit 2 سال پیش
another_read_more_link.py 4439490491 first_commit 2 سال پیش


##Pelican-plugins: Another Read More Link

" Inserting a <!-- more --> comment into your post will prevent the post content below this mark from being displayed on the index page for the blog posts, a "Continue →" button links to the full post. "

demo: fangpeishi.com

.another-read-more-link {
    background: #eee;
    display: inline-block;
    padding: .4em .4em;
    margin-right: .5em;
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #737373;
    transition: background-color 0.5s;



ANOTHER_READ_MORE_LINK_FORMAT = '<a class="another-read-more-link" href="{url}">{text}</a>'
READ_MORE_ID = 'read_more_link'