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- \begin_layout Title
- Spring: 1944 Tutorial
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Author
- ThinkSome
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset CommandInset toc
- LatexCommand tableofcontents
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Chapter
- Resources and Economy
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- \begin_inset Quotes pld
- \end_inset
- Command
- \begin_inset Quotes prd
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- What it is
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- On the HUD
- \begin_inset Foot
- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- heads-up display
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- , you have two meters: one is white and represents command.
- Command is the most important resource in game.
- You need command for building stuff.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Obtaining command
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsubsection
- Flags
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- The main command income generating
- \begin_inset Quotes pld
- \end_inset
- objects
- \begin_inset Quotes prd
- \end_inset
- in this game are flags
- \begin_inset Foot
- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- you can see a flag waving on the pole when you zoom in
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- .
- Flags produce command income starting at a map specific value.
- Some produce more, some less.
- Every game minute, the amount given by a flag will increase.
- This will reset after it is captured again (by enemy).
- It is very important not to lose back-end flags, as those usually are held
- for long periods of time and will gradually produce a lot of income (e.g.
- 32 on Kiev).
- Those near front line will change hands many times and thus are not important
- enough to lose the game over them.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsubsection
- \begin_inset Quotes pld
- \end_inset
- base income
- \begin_inset Quotes prd
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Throughout the game, you will receive a certain amount of command, no matter
- what.
- This amount currently equals 25 per second.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsubsection
- Reclaiming
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- You may obtain some percentage (~75%) of command used making a building
- by reclaiming it with engineers.
- It is a good idea to reclaim buildings you do not plan on using anytime
- soon.
- The command will transfer once the reclaim is complete.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsubsection
- Planes returning
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- For most types of planes (interceptors, ground attack, scout, ...) you will
- get most of the command back if they safely return to base (off-map fictional
- base, not your base).
- Additionally, the amount will reduce if the plane is damaged according
- to the following formula:
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset Formula
- \[
- amount=\frac{HP_{remaining}}{HP_{total}}*modifier*Costtobuild
- \]
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Most of the planes define their own modifier with the default being 65%.
- \begin_inset Note Note
- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- file: LuaRules/Gadgets/game_planes.lua, search for
- \begin_inset Quotes pld
- \end_inset
- AddTeamResource
- \begin_inset Quotes prd
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Using command
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsubsection
- At start of game
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- When you start playing, absolutely do not build 10 engineers
- \begin_inset Foot
- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- unless you *really* know what you are doing
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- , notable exception being map
- \begin_inset Quotes pld
- \end_inset
- Kiev
- \begin_inset Quotes prd
- \end_inset
- .
- Managing you economy well is one of the keys to success.
- Every engineer building something drains 15 command.
- It does not matter if you have 10 engineers or 1 engineer building something
- if your income is only 15, the thing will take equal time or more to build
- as you've needlessly spent 3000 command on those 9 engineers, which could
- be better used for building said thing or making more soldiers!.
- Speaking of that, always have the headquarters building producing infantry
- squads, they are the cheapest there! You may want to tick to build one
- of them and then set the headquarters on REPEAT.
- Unlike in *TA, S44 buildings cannot be assisted.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsubsection
- Informative figures
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Here are the informative command drain figures for the usual stuff
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset Tabular
- <lyxtabular version="3" rows="10" columns="2">
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- <row>
- <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
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- Unit/Building
- \end_layout
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- command drain when building something
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
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- </row>
- <row>
- <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
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- Engineer
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
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- <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
- \begin_inset Text
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- 15
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
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- </row>
- <row>
- <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
- \begin_inset Text
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- Barracks
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- </cell>
- <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
- \begin_inset Text
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- 15
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- </cell>
- </row>
- <row>
- <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
- \begin_inset Text
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- Headquarters
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- </cell>
- <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
- \begin_inset Text
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- 20
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- </cell>
- </row>
- <row>
- <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
- \begin_inset Text
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- towed gun yard
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- </cell>
- <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
- \begin_inset Text
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- 50
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- </row>
- <row>
- <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
- \begin_inset Text
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- light vehicle yard
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- </cell>
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- \begin_inset Text
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- 30
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- </row>
- <row>
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- \begin_inset Text
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- radar (air factory)
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- </cell>
- <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
- \begin_inset Text
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- 100
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- </cell>
- </row>
- <row>
- <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
- \begin_inset Text
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- boat yard
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- </cell>
- <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
- \begin_inset Text
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- 75
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- </cell>
- </row>
- <row>
- <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
- \begin_inset Text
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- upgraded boat yard
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- </cell>
- <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
- \begin_inset Text
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- 100
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- </cell>
- </row>
- <row>
- <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
- \begin_inset Text
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- tank depot
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- </cell>
- <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
- \begin_inset Text
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- 100
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- </cell>
- </row>
- </lyxtabular>
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- \begin_inset Quotes pld
- \end_inset
- Logistics
- \begin_inset Quotes prd
- \end_inset
- a.k.a.
- ammo
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- What it is
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- The other meter on your HUD is yellow and represents ammo.
- you need it for anything bigger than 50 cal gun.
- Note that rifle rounds, AT grenades, ordinary grenades and MG rounds are
- free (they do not consume logistics).
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Obtaining ammo
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsubsection
- Storage refill
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- You get ammo from a building called a
- \begin_inset Quotes pld
- \end_inset
- supply storage
- \begin_inset Quotes prd
- \end_inset
- , you always get one free storage when you start the game, with soviets
- this is a truck but all other factions have it as a building.
- You can build more storage using engineers or construction vehicles (every
- storage gives ~1000 ammo).
- Storages are refilled every seven and a half minutes, and the time till
- refill is indicated above the yellow bar.
- Never build this building at the frontline.
- It is very fragile, expensive and doesen't directly benefit the fighting,
- you don't want to lose it.
- Instead, build it somewhere behind your base, preferrably as far away from
- the enemy as possible.
- It is also recommended to build some tank trap lines around them and your
- base in general (in a radius of atleast 5 storage sizes) to prevent them
- being tank-rushed.
- Be careful to always put a space the size of two storages between them
- to prevent them blowing up in a chain reaction when one unfortunately gets
- killed (be it from tank rush or infantry or artillery).
- Note that recent changes in the development version of the game have made
- it so that small vehicles (e.g.
- US greyhounds, GBR daimlers, RUS BA64, ...) can sneak through tank barricades,
- so build two lines close together, but shifted.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsubsection
- Japanese storage upgrade
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Japanese are the only faction in game that can constantly obtain storage.
- If you upgrade their storages into
- \begin_inset Quotes pld
- \end_inset
- Supply Tunnel Exit
- \begin_inset Quotes prd
- \end_inset
- , it will give you a small amount of storage every second, up to total storage
- capacity.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Using ammo
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsubsection
- How much does a unit need?
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- The ammo usage of a unit can be seen by hovering over it and looking into
- the bottom left corner.
- In the first row you will see a line like "log.
- usage: N, total: M", where N is the usage for ONE SHOT and M is how much
- ammo a unit can carry.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsubsection
- Delivering ammo to units
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- The ammo you have in storage does not automatically transfer to units on
- the field, instead, it is provided by units/buildings called
- \begin_inset Quotes pld
- \end_inset
- supply providers
- \begin_inset Quotes prd
- \end_inset
- .
- For them to resupply your units (mortars, vehicles, artillery, tanks, ...),
- you need them to be in their supply radius, which is indicated by yellow
- dotted circles around every supply provider (HQ, factories, deployed trucks,
- support halftrack, large supply depot).
- If you hover over one of those, you will see all supply ranges on the map.
- The most commonly used suppliers:
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Itemize
- Factories: these are the providers you start with.
- Though they may not seem that important right now, they are essential for
- giving newly-built units their initial ordance load.
- you may want to set your factories (non-infantry) destination to still
- be within range of the supply so they dont run off into battle empty-handed.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Itemize
- Deployed trucks: This unit costs about 500 command and can be build at barracks,
- light vehicle factory or towed gun yard (and their upgraded versions).
- Before it can do its job, you have to deploy it (hit the deploy button).
- After it is deployed (it will take roughly 20s), it will supply all units
- in a factory-like radius around it.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Itemize
- Large supply depot: This building has an extremely long supply range and
- costs about 4000 command.
- You can only build it using a construction vehicle.
- Its main benefit is that you don't have to keep making new trucks to replace
- the lost ones at the frontline.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Itemize
- Support halftrack: Available in the light vehicle yard and with its name
- varying by faction, it is the only land-based unit that can give supply
- without being deployed.
- To compensate for this, its range is the most limited of all ammo suppliers.
- Its use case is close infantry support (it has a machinegun) at start of
- game and following tanks, so that they are supplied when making a break-through.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Itemize
- Landing ships: Tank landing ships and infantry ferries also supply ammo
- to units on the beach.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsubsection
- Empty storage penalty
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Beware that if your logistics in storage ever drops below 50, your infantry
- will recieve a 30% rate-of-fire penalty.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsubsection
- Supply bonuses
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- While small arms do not use ammo, they do benefit from being in supply range.
- Currently, infantry within supply range gets a 30% rate-of-fire boost,
- which can be crucial to win a battle.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- Sight
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- introduction
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Knowing about the line of sight system in Spring: 1944 is very important,
- as some units are weak and have excellent sight, while others are powerful
- but can't see a thing.
- And a big gun is useless if it cannot see the enemy, right? I recommend
- always playing in the line-of-sight overlay, which you activate by pressing
- 'l' (lowercase L) on the keyboard.
- Beware: tanks and other vehicles are pretty much blind, you always need
- to escort them with infantry! There is nothing more frustrating than your
- brand new 200mm front-armor 10000 command tank getting killed by a simple
- grenade! LoS explanation:
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- \begin_inset Float figure
- wide false
- sideways false
- status open
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \begin_inset Graphics
- filename LOS_demo.jpg
- width 100line%
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \begin_inset Caption Standard
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- A - plain line of sight, everything is visible, except "hidden" units (binocular
- s, rus commisars, landmines, ...) B - Vehicle line of sight, in this range
- vehicles are visible C - ?? D - Air line of sight, this is where you spot
- planes if you don't have radar E - you can't see anything from here, except
- from the occasional artillery fire seismic signature.
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Plain Layout
- \end_layout
- \end_inset
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Scouting
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- There are two special-purpose scouting units available in Spring: 1944:
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Itemize
- Binoculars: While this unit may appear blind as if it were a vehicle, it
- has a special attack ability, which will reveal a part of the map close
- to the unit once you attack (not fight, attack) the map area.
- You can get this unit only from barracks and only in a squad with other
- units: mortars, snipers or an infantry gun team.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Itemize
- Scout plane: This is the long-term intelligence gathering unit.
- Should I build tank destroyers or not? Send a scout plane and see if they
- are building a tank yard! This unit is available in the headquarters and
- the radar (airplane-building factory).
- There are two icons with the plane there.
- One is for building it and the other is for launching it.
- Once you request it, there is a 15-second delay before it spawns.
- If you return it safely back to base, you even get up to 650 command back,
- making the cost of knowing what to do be only 350 command.
- Isn't that cheap?
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Section
- Managing the Frontline
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Infantry formations
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Remember to always make lines with your infantry so that they don't all
- get killed in one lucky cannon shot! Try to leave atleast two soldiers
- of space between two soldiers for this reason.
- Beware that spring currently likes to blob units together if they are moving
- over longer distances or non-flat terrain.
- Issue multiple line-move FIGHT orders in that case.
- When attacking, always use the FIGHT command.
- That way, your soldiers will automatically stop and engage the enemy, preventin
- g them from running and not shooting (as what happens when you use the regular
- MOVE command).
- If it looks like you are going to lose the skirmish, it may be advantageous
- to retreat the force (and later regroup them with newly-built units) using
- regular move commands and to sacrifice those two-three soldiers while running
- away.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Tank and mixed formations
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- Always keep tanks behind your infantry lines, they outrange the infantry's
- sight anyway and will only get hurt after being spotted by enemy infantry.
- Only move them forward if you are purposely tank rushing the enemy base
- (such as to kill their logistic storage).
- When you are ordering units that move at different speeds, use CTRL-fight
- to make the faster ones slow down.
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Subsection
- Attacking hardened frontline
- \end_layout
- \begin_layout Standard
- If the enemy has "entrenched" himself and you do not have tanks or the enemy
- has anti-tank units, you will need to use support weaponry to dislodge
- them.
- Early in the game you should, if possible, always keep a squad of mortars
- and a scout (the binoculars guy) on the standby for this.
- Later you can also use regular artillery for this.
- Once you have sight, the artillery will lock on to the target very fast
- (some 10s) and become a deadly weapon.
- Or, incase you are playing germany or japan, you could use the german Nebelwerf
- er (from upgraded towed gun yard - self propelled), russian Katyusha or
- 200 mm mortar (regular barracks) to render an area completely void of enemy.
- Be aware though, that these units consume a lot of ammo for a single shot!
- \end_layout
- \end_body
- \end_document