howto_phpdoc.txt 712 B

  1. How to install phpdoc and generate api docs gnu-fm (on Debian Squeeze)
  2. ----------
  3. ---
  4. 1. Install dependencies and phpDocumentor-alpha:
  5. ---
  6. # aptitude install php-pear php5-xsl
  7. # pear channel-discover
  8. # pear install phpdoc/phpDocumentor-alpha
  9. for other ways to install, see
  10. ---
  11. 2. Create dir which will be holding the docs, and generate docs:
  12. ---
  13. cd /path/to/gnu-fm/nixtape
  14. mkdir docs
  15. phpdoc -d 2.0/ -t docs/
  16. The docs can now be found at http://mynixtapedomain.tld/docs/
  17. Add something similar to this to your crontab to keep the docs up-to-date:
  18. 0 0 * * * phpdoc -q -d /path/to/gnu-fm/nixtape/2.0/ -t /path/to/gnu-fm/nixtape/docs