AutoType.adoc 7.5 KB

  1. = KeePassXC – Auto-Type
  2. :imagesdir: ../images
  3. // tag::content[]
  4. == Auto-Type
  5. The Auto-Type feature acts like a virtual keyboard to populate data from your entries directly into the corresponding websites or applications that you use. You can use the Auto-Type feature on a global level or entry level. Each entry can be configured to be associated with a particular window title and multiple Auto-Type sequences can be pre-defined and selected upon use.
  6. NOTE: Auto-Type is a completely separate feature from Browser Integration. You do not need to have the KeePassXC browser extension installed in your browser to use Auto-Type.
  7. WARNING: Auto-Type will be disabled when run with a Wayland compositor on Linux. To use Auto-Type in this environment, you must set `QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb` or start KeePassXC with the `-platform xcb` command-line flag.
  8. === Configure Global Auto-Type
  9. You can define a global Auto-Type hotkey that starts the Auto-Type process. To configure the hotkey, perform the following steps:
  10. Navigate to _Tools_ -> _Settings_ -> Auto-Type tab *(1)*. Click into the _Global Auto-Type shortcut_ box and press the desired key combination that will trigger the Auto-Type process *(2)*.
  11. .Auto-Type settings
  12. image::autotype_settings.png[]
  13. You can configure additional Auto-Type settings in this window such as start delay, inter-key typing delay, and matching options. If Auto-Type is not working well for you, try adjusting the default delays.
  14. You can also set the time to remember the last used entry between presses of the global Auto-Type hotkey. This is useful for typing parts of a sequence during complex login workflows without having to find the specific each time.
  15. === Configure Auto-Type Sequences
  16. Each entry in your database can have multiple Auto-Type sequences associated with various window titles. Simulated key presses can be sent to any other currently open window of your choice (web browser windows, login dialogs boxes, and so on). When the Global Auto-Type hotkey is pressed, KeePassXC will search your database for entries matching the current selected window title.
  17. NOTE: The default Auto-Type sequence is `{USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER}`. This means that it first types the username of the selected entry, then presses the `Tab` key, then types the password of the entry and finally presses the `Enter` key.
  18. TIP: To change the default Auto-Type sequence for all entries of your database, edit the root (top-most) group of your database and set a specific sequence. Child groups and entries will inherit this sequence by default.
  19. To configure Auto-Type sequences for your entries, perform the following steps:
  20. 1. Navigate to the entries list and open the desired entry for editing. Click the _Auto-Type_ item from the left-hand menu bar *(1)*. Press the `+` button *(2)* to add a new sequence entry. Select the desired window using the drop-down menu, or simply type a window title in the box *(3)*.
  21. +
  22. TIP: You can use an asterisk (`\*`) to match any value (e.g., when a window title contains a dynamic filename or website name). Set the window title to `*` to match all windows. Leave the window title blank to offer additional default Auto-Type sequences, such as custom attributes.
  23. +
  24. .Auto-Type entry sequences
  25. image::autotype_entry_sequences.png[]
  26. 2. _(Optional)_ Define a custom Auto-Type sequence for each window title match by selecting the _Use specific sequence for this association_ checkbox. Sequence action codes and field placeholders are detailed in the following table. Beyond the most important ones detailed below, there are additional action codes and placeholders available: <<Auto-Type Actions, Auto-Type Actions Reference>> and <<Entry Placeholders, Entry Placeholders Reference>>. Action codes and placeholders are not case sensitive.
  27. +
  28. [grid=rows, frame=none, width=90%]
  29. |===
  30. |Placeholder |Description
  31. |{TITLE} |Entry Title
  32. |{USERNAME} |Username
  33. |{PASSWORD} |Password
  34. |{URL} |URL
  35. |{NOTES} |Notes
  36. |{TOTP} |Current TOTP value (if configured)
  37. |{S:ATTRIBUTE_NAME} |Value for the given attribute name (e.g., {S:Address})
  38. |===
  39. +
  40. [grid=rows, frame=none, width=90%]
  41. |===
  42. |Action Code |Description
  44. |Press the corresponding keyboard key
  45. |{UP}, {DOWN}, {LEFT}, {RIGHT} |Press the corresponding arrow key
  46. |{LEFTBRACE}, {RIGHTBRACE} |Press `{` or `}`, respectively
  47. |{&lt;KEY&gt; X} |Repeat &lt;KEY&gt; X times (e.g., {SPACE 5} inserts five spaces)
  48. |{DELAY=X} |Set delay between key presses to X milliseconds
  49. |{DELAY X} |Pause typing for X milliseconds
  50. |{CLEARFIELD} |Clear the input field
  51. |{PICKCHARS} |Pick specific password characters from a dialog
  52. |{MODE=VIRTUAL} |(Experimental) Use virtual key presses on Windows, useful for virtual machines
  53. |===
  54. +
  55. [grid=rows, frame=none, width=90%]
  56. |===
  57. |Modifier |Description
  58. |+ |SHIFT
  59. |^ |CTRL
  60. |% |ALT
  61. |# |WIN/CMD
  62. |===
  63. TIP: Use modifiers to hold down special keys before typing the next character. For example, to type *CTRL+SHIFT+D* use: `^+d`. This is useful if you need to activate certain actions in a program or on your desktop.
  64. === Performing Global Auto-Type
  65. The global Auto-Type keyboard shortcut is used when you have focus on the window you want to type into. To make use of this feature, you must have previously configured an Auto-Type hotkey.
  66. When you press the global Auto-Type hotkey, KeePassXC searches all unlocked databases for entries that match the focused window title. The Auto-Type selection dialog will appear in the following circumstances: there are no matches found, there are multiple matches found, or the setting "Always ask before performing Auto-Type" is enabled. The selection is remembered for a short while to help retype with the same entry in quick succession.
  67. .Auto-Type sequence selection
  68. image::autotype_selection_dialog.png[,70%]
  69. Perform the selected Auto-Type sequence by double clicking the desired row or pressing _Enter_. Press the up and down arrows to navigate the list. Sequences can be filtered through the text edit field.
  70. .Auto-Type search database
  71. image::autotype_selection_dialog_search.png[,70%]
  72. Search the unlocked databases by activating Search Database radio button. Use the text edit field to issue search queries using the same syntax as database searching.
  73. .Additional Auto-Type choices
  74. image::autotype_selection_dialog_type_menu.png[,70%]
  75. The option to type just the username, password, or current TOTP value is available by right-clicking the desired row or expanding the Type Sequence button options. You can also copy these values to the clipboard.
  76. TIP: On Windows, you will see an option to use a virtual keyboard in this sub-menu. This is an experimental feature that allows you to type into virtual machines by simulating actual keyboard presses. Some international keyboards may be unsupported due to limitations in the Windows API.
  77. === Performing Entry-Level Auto-Type
  78. You can quickly activate the default Auto-Type sequence for a particular entry using Entry-Level Auto-Type. For this operation, the KeePassXC window will be minimized and the Auto-Type sequence occurs in the previously selected window. You can perform Entry-Level Auto-Type from the toolbar icon *(A)*, entry context menu *(B)*, or by pressing `Ctrl+Shift+V`.
  79. WARNING: Be careful when using Entry-Level Auto-Type as you can inadvertently type into the wrong window. For example, a chat window or email.
  80. .Entry-Level Auto-Type
  81. image::autotype_entrylevel.png[]
  82. // end::content[]