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- Julius Ceasar
- Julius Caesar was said to be the greatest man in the Roman world. Some historians, and
- among them those of international authority, have made greater claims for him. He was the
- greatest of the Roman would but of antiquity. Looking through the onlg list of rulers, kings and
- emperors and the rest, they have failed to find an wuqual of this man who refused the style of
- king but those name Ceasar has become the commanding majesty and power. Great as a general,
- great as a politican.
- Born in 102 B.C., or it may have been tow or three years later, Gaius Julius Caesar, to
- give him his full name, was of the most ancient and aristocratic lineage. Although he himself,
- rationalist as he was, must have smiled sometimes at the conceit, there were some who said that
- he was not only of royal but divine descent, since Venus, the goddess of Love, and married a
- Trojan prince and so become the mother of the legendary founder of the Julian house. All the
- same, circumstances and perhaps personal inclinations attached him to the comparatively
- democratic party. His aunt had married as a youth of seventeen to the daughter of Cinna, another
- leader of the fraction tht was opposed to the aristocratic party under Sulla, Marius, great rival. A
- year or two later, when Sulla had become supreme in the state, the young man was ordered to put
- away his wife. He refused, and his life was saved only through the intercession of powerful
- friends in Rome.
- But though he had been reprieved, Ceasar was far from safe, and for a time he skulled in
- the mountains until he managed to get acrss the sea to Asia Minor, where he served in the Roman
- army that was campaigning against Mithridates, the king of Pontus. At the seige of Mitylene in
- 80 B.C. he first distinguished himself as a soldier when he saved the life of a hard-pressed
- cmrade. On the death of he kept himself at the bar. His politics and made a career for himself at
- the bar. His political learning were showwn clearly enought, however, when he ventured to act
- as prosecutor of one of Sulla’s principal lieutnants, who was charged with gross extortion and
- crueltu when he was governor of the Macedonian province.
- To improve himself in rhetoric, Casear went to Rhodes to take a course of lessons under a
- celebrated master of that art, and it was probably at about this time that he had his famous
- encouter with Mediterranean pirates. These rufians captured the ship in which he was a
- passenger, and put his ransom. While his messenger was away collecting the money, Caesar
- made himself quite at home with his captors. He told them amusing stories, joked with them,
- joined in their exercises, and, always in the highest good humor, told laughed and joined in the
- fun. But Caesar was as good as his word. As soon as his ransom had been paid some over and
- he regained his liberty, he went to Miletus, hired some warships, and made straight back to the
- pirates, and ordered them to be crucified as he had assured them that he would. He also got back
- the money that had benn paid as his ransom.
- Still on the fringe of the political arena, Caesar spent the next few years as a gay young
- man about town. His family wasn’t rich, but there were plenty of moneylenders who were glad
- to accommodate him. He spent money like water, on expensive pleasures women particularly,
- since he was as facinating to them as they were to him and on building up a body of popular
- support for the time when he might need it. Then in 68 B.C. he got his first official appointment
- under Government, as a quaestor, which secured him a seat in the Senate, and in 63 B.C. he
- appointed Pontifex maximus, a position of great dignity and importance in the religion
- establishment of the Roman State.
- He was onthe way up, and his rise was furthered by successful administration of a
- province in Spain. So capable did he prove that in 60 B.C. he was chosen by Rome, to form with
- him and crassus what is called the 1st Triumvirate. To strengthen the union between himself and
- Pompey, Caesar gave Pompey his daughter Julia in marriage. Then after a year as Consul,
- Caesar applied for, and was granted, the proconculship of Gual and Illyricum, the Roman
- dominion that extended from what is now the south of France to the Adriatic. His enemies and
- he had plenty were glad to see him leave Rome, and they no dought thought that Gual would
- prove the grave of his reputation. After all, he had up to now shown no special military gifts.
- But Casear knew what he was doing. He realized that the path to power in the Roman State lay
- through military victory, and he believed, as firmly as he believed in anything, in his star.
- In a series of campaigns he extended Roman dominion to the Atlantic and what a
- thousand years later was to be known as the English Channel. Years after year his dispatched to
- the Government in Rome told ever large conquests, of ever greater victories. Sometimes he
- suffered a reverse, but not often and when he did he was relentless in his determination to win
- the last and decisive battle. His soldiers idolized him even while they feared him. He demanded
- but he showed them how to do it. He was not behind the lined general, ordering his men into the
- breach while he looked on from a distance. He was always up there, in the front line or very near
- it. He would march beside his legionaries on foot, and out-tire the best of them. He set the pace
- for his cavalry. He would seize a spade and give a hand in digging in. He ate the same food as
- his men were out in the cold and wet. He was never a specially strong man, physically he seems
- been subject to epileptic seizures but when campaigning he seemed as hard as nails. And of
- course he was brave. Many and many time when his men were hard-pressed by the hosts of
- Gauls they were vastly cheered by the sights of their general hurrying up to their assistance,
- branshing his weapns and shouting words of encouragement. ‘Cowards die many times before
- their deaths,” are among the words that Shakespeares puts into his mouth,”the valiant taste of
- death but once.”
- If we would read the histlry of those years of almost constant campaigning, from 58 to 49
- B.C., where better than in those memories of Caesar’s own writting, that are among the
- materpieces of latin lierature. Of course interest to us in 55 B.C. when the Roman expeditionary
- forces sailed from Boulogne and the men got ashore on the coast at Deal. This first invasion was
- nothing more than a reconnaissance, and after three weeks Casear went back across the Channel.
- But in the summer of the next year he returned, and this time he penetrated as far as the valley of
- the Thames in Middlesex. After considerable figting, the Britons under Cassivellaunus sued for
- terms, gave hostages and agreed to pay tribute. Whereupon Caesar sailed back to Gual, where
- there was always a risk that the recently subdued natives might make a fresh bid for their
- independence.
- In fact, they did rebel, and for several years Caesar found a worthy match in the young
- Vercingetorix. Once he was defeated, and the Roman position in Gual was threatened as it had
- never been before. But Caesar managed to unite his forces, and at Alesia in 52 B.C. crushed the
- Gaulish armies and obtained Vercingetorix’s surrender. This was the end to resistance to Roman
- rule henceforth Gual was a great and increasingly prosperous province of the Roman realm.
- Casear’s victory was opportune, for affairs at Rome demanded his attention. The
- Triumvirate was on the verge of dissolution. Pompey was estranged, and Crassus had gone off to
- the east, where he met disaster and death in battle with the Parthians. Caesar’s terms of office in
- Gaul was nearing it’s end, and already his enemies in Rome were talking of what they would do
- to him when he had returned to civil life. They complained of his having overstepped his
- authority, of having embarked on grandiose schemes of comquest, of cruelties inflicted on poor
- inoffensive barbarians.
- All there things were reported to Caesar in his camp, and, being the man he was, it is not
- surprising that he resolved to get in the firt blow. Although he had only one legion under his
- immediate command, and Pompey had been boasting that he had only to stamp on the ground
- and legions would rise up to do his bidding he resolved to march on Rome. Early in January, 49
- B.C. he took the decisive step of crossing the Rubicon, the little river that ws the boundry of his
- command. As he watched his men plunging into streams he talked up and down the banks, and
- some who were near said that he muttered the wrods “Jacta alea est”, “the die is cast” .
- Whether he spoke the words or not, the die was cast, and in open defiance of Pompey’s
- government, Caesar marched with all speed on the capital. Pompey’s support disintegrated, and
- he was foced to flee overseas. Caesar entered Rome triumph.
- Almost without a blow Caesar had become master of Rome, and he ws forthwith granted
- dictatorial powers. But Pomey and his friends rallied, and for the next five years Caesar was
- chiefly engaged in defeating, first, Pompey at Pharsalia in Greece, soon after which Pompey was
- murdered in Egypt, next Pompey’s sons in spain, and hten the army of those Roman leaders who
- constituted what was known as the senatorial party those who clung to the onle time-honoured
- system of republican rule through the Senate.
- A strange intrelude in this torrent of campaining is the time spent by Caesar in Egypt,
- when he had an affair with the beautiful young Queen Cleopatra, who bore him a son. After this
- he proceeded to Asia Minor, where Pharnaces, the son and murdered of King Mithridates, was
- Causing trouble. Caesar made short work of him. In his message to the Senate he reported
- “Veni, vidi, vici”, “I came, I saw, I conquered’.
- At length he returned to Rome, and was according yet another triumph he had had four
- already. Vast crowds acclaimed him as he passed in his chariot through the streets on his way to
- the Capitol. Great hopes were centered upon him, great things were expected of him. The old
- system must soon come to birth. We shall never know what vast schemes were fermenting in the
- brain of the man who was now hailed as Impector, the first of the emperors ot walk the stage of
- history, but we may perhaps get some idea of them from what he managed to accomplish in the
- all too short period that was left to him.
- For the most part they were young men and vigorous, and he was middle-aged and grown
- heavy and less active than in the days when he had soldiered with his men in Gual. But he put up
- a good fight. He struggled, unarmed though he was, tried to push them sway, and then struck at
- them with his meta stilus or pen. Then he saw Brutus was among his assailants. “what, you too,
- Brutus” as he said and convering his body with his robe so that he should fall decently, suffered
- himself to be overborne. He fell, with twenty-three wounds in his body, at the foot of the statue
- of his great rival Pompey, which, with characteristic magnanimity, he had allowed to be
- re-erected in the Capitol.
- Such was their mad fury, some of the murderers had wounded one another in their bloody
- work. Now they ruched from the scene, sxultingly shouting that the Tyrant was no more. Thy
- called upon the people who were there to rejoice with them, but the people hung their heads, or
- muttered a prayer or fled.
- So Caesar died “the noblest man”, to quote Shakespeare’s immortal lines again, “that
- ever lived in the tide of times
- Work Cited
- 100 Great Kings, Queens and Rulers of the World
- Edited by John Canning
- School Library Journal
- Audio Recording Drama Theater
- Julius Caear
- http://homepages.iol.ie/~coolmine/typ/romans/romans6.html
- Julius Caesar
- http:library.thinkingquest.org/17120/data/bios/users/caesar/page_1.html
- The Word Book Encyclopedia
- Julius Caesar Vol 3
- <br><br>
- Words: 2098