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- Heideggers Conceptual Essences:
- Being and the Nothing, Humanism, and Technology
- Being and the Nothing are the same.
- The ancient philosopher Lao-tzu believed that the world
- entertains no separations and that opposites do not actually
- exist. His grounding for this seemingly preposterous proposition
- lies in the fact that because alleged opposites depend on one
- another and their definitions rely on their differences, they
- cannot possibly exist without each other. Therefore, they are
- not actually opposites. The simple and uncomplex natured
- reasoning behind this outrageous statement is useful when trying
- to understand and describe Martin Heideggers deeply leveled
- philosophy of Being and the nothing. Lao-tzus uncomplicated
- rationale used in stating that supposed opposites create each
- other, so cannot be opposite, is not unlike Heideggers
- description of the similarity between the opposites Being and the
- nothing.
- Unlike Lao-tzu, Heidegger does not claim that no opposites
- exist. He does however say that two obviously opposite concepts
- are the same, and in this way, the two philosophies are similar.
- He believes that the separation of beings from Being creates the
- nothing between them. Without the nothing, Being would cease to
- be. If there were not the nothing, there could not be
- anything, because this separation between beings and Being is
- necessary.
- Heidegger even goes so far as to say that Being itself
- actually becomes the nothing via its essential finity. This
- statement implies a synonymity between the relation of life to
- death and the relation of Being to nothingness. To Heidegger,
- the only end is death. It is completely absolute, so it is a
- gateway into the nothing. This proposition makes Being and the
- nothing the two halves of the whole. Both of their roles are
- equally important and necessary in the cycle of life and death.
- Each individual life inevitably ends in death, but without this
- death, Life would be allowed no progression: The nothing does
- not merely serve as the counterconcept of beings; rather, it
- originally belongs to their essential unfolding as such (104).
- Likewise, death cannot occur without finite life.
- In concordance with the statement that the nothing separates
- beings from Being, the idea that death leads to the nothing
- implies that death is just the loss of the theoretical sandwich's
- bread slices, leaving nothing for the rest of ever. The
- existence of death, therefore, is much more important in the
- whole because it magnifies the nothing into virtually
- everything. The magnification of the nothing serves as an
- equalizer between Being and nothing because Being is so robust
- and obvious that it magnifies itself. In this case, the
- opposites are completely reliant on each other, not only
- conceptually but physically.
- Heidegger gives new meaning to Lao-tzus philosophy that
- opposites define each other when he tries to uncover the true
- essence and meaning of Being, and he reveals another level of
- intertwination between the nothing and Being. In order to define
- Being, it is mandatory to step outside of it, into the nothing
- because:
- Everything we talk about, mean, and are
- related to in such and such a way is in
- Being. What and how we are ourselves are is
- also in Being. Being is found in thatness
- and whatness, reality, the being at hand of
- things [Vorhandenheit], subsistence,
- validity, existence [Dasein], and in the
- there is [es gibt] (47).
- Heidegger is very adamant on the importance of unbiased
- judgments and definitions, and how could he possibly calculate
- the exact meaning of Being while viewing it from a state of
- Being? Thus it is necessary to step out into the nothing to
- fully comprehend Being. For this reason, human beings are the
- only beings capable of pondering the essence of existence and
- nonexistence. Dasein are the only creatures capable because
- they are held out into the nothing: Being and the nothing do
- belong together . . . because Being itself is essentially finite
- and reveals itself only in the transcendence of Dasein which is
- held out into the nothing (108).
- The highest determinations of the essence of man
- in humanism still do not realize the proper dignity of man
- (233).
- When Heidegger rejects the title humanist, it is not
- because he is anti-humanity or even pessimistic about the fate of
- the human race. Rather, he rejects the category because he
- rightly sees humanism as defined with man at the center, which
- is a point of view he very strongly rejects. Perhaps in some
- other era, Heidegger could fittingly be called a humanist;
- however, he believes that the word humanism ... has lost its
- meaning (247). The modern connotation of humanism is not
- suitable for Heidegger mainly because in relation to the cosmos,
- other beings, and even life itself, Heidegger believes that man
- is essentially out of control.
- Instead of Heideggers philosophy revolving around mankind,
- it is centered on the question of Being. Dasein is often the
- main character of Heideggers elaboration, but not because he is
- the center. Instead, it is because he is the mechanism through
- which the nothing and hence the answer to Being can be
- discovered:
- If the answer to the question of Being thus
- becomes the guiding directive for research,
- then it is sufficiently given only if the
- specific mode of being of previous
- ontology--the vicissitudes of its questioning,
- its findings, and its failures--becomes
- visible as necessary to the very character of
- Dasein (62-63).
- Because of their trancendence and resulting link to Being and the
- nothing, they are the best route to the answer of Being. Even
- his focus on Dasein, however, leaves no trace of humanistic
- qualities: he doesnt even keep the title human: The analysis
- of Dasein thus understood is wholly oriented toward the guiding
- task of working out the question of Being (60). When Heidegger
- does speak of humanitys goodness, he does not incorporate the
- entire species in his statements. Only a percentage of the race is
- included in his vision of humanity. This is because he sees
- humanity as a goal for mankind. If he were reffering to all of
- humanity, wouldnt he just use the word mankind?
- Heidegger believes that part of mans essence is the ability
- to step out of his essence. This ability he calls ekstaticism,
- and it means that there is no question as to whether or not man
- is at the center. The answer is no because man is actually
- outside of what humanity claims revolves around men. This
- transcendence is often unrecognized to the point of causing man
- not to understand or fully evaluate his environment, which just
- reiterates that he is not in control:
- Because man as the one who ek-sists comes to
- stand in this relation that Being destines
- for itself, in that he ... takes it upon
- himself, he at first fails to recognize the
- nearest and attaches himself to the next
- nearest. He even thinks that this is nearest
- (235).
- Paradoxically, this eksistence characteristic of Dasein, which
- gives him the ability to transcend and reach a level of humanity
- also can cause inhumane acts. In this way, the possibilities of
- eksistence threaten its goals: the inhumanity that mankind is
- capable of threaten the very concept of humanity.
- If man were at the center, he would be granted control. His
- control would be indicated by his initiation, recognition, and
- decision. But he is not the beginning or the end, and neither
- does he understand them. From the point of view of Heidegger,
- control is something men obviously lack. Man is not even in
- control of his own existence. He does not decide to be given
- life. Being is given to man, but man does not command it; man
- occurs essentially in such a way that he is the there ... that
- is, the clearing of Being (229). Man through thinking takes
- over this gift, but does not own it. Man does not even own his
- thoughts. Being does not revolve around man. Man is thrown
- into his eksistence; Da-sein itself occurs essentially as
- thrown (231). Man revolves around Being, and serves as one of
- Beings expressions.
- Humanity believes that because man is the center, it is his
- place to rule over all other life forms on the planet. Heidegger
- strongly refutes this notion. He recognizes the elementary
- aspect to the logic applied in the claim that because men are
- more intelligent than animals, they are better. First of all,
- men are not mere animals. They exist differently because of
- their ability to step out of their essence and into the nothing.
- People and animals are different, so they are not comparable.
- The elementary concept that man is an animal better than other
- animals implies prejudice against less intellectual persons.
- Technologys essence, relationship with man,
- and future are at the hands of Being, not humanity.
- Heidegger's views of technology and its relation to ethics
- are complicated and difficult, not unlike his views on nearly
- everything else. He saw the journey of technology as an
- inevitable process that began slowly but quickened via its
- vicissitudes. He sees the process as a means to an end.
- However, this means to an end is different from most means to
- an end because its end is more means, so it inevitably
- progresses faster and faster. In other words, the result of
- technology is more and more technology in larger and larger
- amounts. Also, he believed that its progression is out of our
- control.
- Technology is inarguably the result of thinking. Heidegger
- claims that no thought is original in that the thinker does not
- actually conjure it. Rather, the thought reveals itself to the
- thinker, even if he is the first person to ever think of it. So,
- human beings are not the creators of technology even if they
- created it because the thinker only respond[s] to what
- address[es] itself to him (323). In this way, technology
- existed even before some prehistoric ape scraped some bugs out of
- a piece of bark with a twig. This means that there must be some
- other cause for technology besides man. Heidegger says,
- thinking, propriated by Being, belongs to Being. At the same
- time thinking is of Being insofar as thinking, belonging to
- Being, listens to Being. As the belonging to Being that listens,
- thinking is what it is according to its essential origin (220).
- The combonation of these two quotes means that Being actually
- created technology with thought as its messenger to humanity.
- The handing over of the invention of technology to Being
- intensely complicates things. Now finding technologys essence
- becomes almost as difficult as finding Beings definition.
- Of course, it was necessary for Heidegger to understand the
- essence of technology. The importance is due to the fact that
- man cannot gain control or understanding of technology without
- knowing its essence and attaining a free relationship with it
- (311). By free, he means free of bondage, subjectivity, and
- slavery. One cannot objectively calculate the implications of
- technology while bound to it by lifestyle, opinionated about it,
- or reliant on it to the point of slavery. This freedom is
- granted by looking at the big picture, way back before technology
- in the modern sense existed, even with the apes. This allows one
- to view technology with unbiased eyes. Then, the will to
- mastery becomes all the more urgent the more tecchnology
- threatens to slip from human control (313). The only control
- humanity has over technology is in internal will that leads to
- understanding of the essence and eventually to mastery.
- Technology's essence has two equal conceptual divisions
- which are reliant on each other: (1) technology as instrumental
- and as (2) a human activity. Its means that lead to more means
- also have two characters: (1) that of revealing and (2) that of
- self-creation. Thus, technology is an instrumental human
- activity that self-creates its revealing with vicissitude. It cannot be
- controlled unless the complexity of these concepts are understood.
- <br><br>
- Words: 1963