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- In April 1997, Paul J. Peloquin, Sr. , a professional interventionist and trainer had a vision to make the American Public more aware of the intervention process which over the last 25 years has proven to help untold thousands break through the denial of their addictions.
- In the mid 1960s Dr. Vernon Johnson founded the Johnson’s Institute and Intervention Process, which people would use for many decades to come. Betty Ford wrote a letter to Dr. Johnson thanking him for the intervention process, for it had helped her; as it has helped so many others.
- Intervention in itself will become the modality of the future in assisting people to realize the denial of the addiction before it totally destroys the individual and the families of the people affected by the disease. This in turn will save billions of tax dollars in medical expenses.
- As stated in the National Drug Control Strategy of 1998 (a ten year plan) Goal 3, Objective 1... Support and promote effective, efficient, and accessible drug treatment, ensuring the development of a system that is responsive to emerging trends in drug abuse. Furthermore, Objective 3... Promote national adoption of drug-free workplace programs that emphasize a comprehensive program that includes: drug testing, education, prevention, and INTERVENTION.
- The American Board of Certified Interventionists, Inc. Founded by Paul J. Peloquin, Sr. Ph.D. has gained the support of Governors and Congressmen. It is the belief that awareness and education will keep the American Public thinking and talking about addiction and the problems it causes. This in turn will convey to the individuals that truly need help, but are preoccupied with their addiction and cannot see their denial without the assistance of others, hence intervention .
- Moving into the next millennium with the knowledge to stop or interrupt the addiction process sends an important message to Americans and people around the world that, “ we as a people” are not allowing life-threatening problems to conquer our loved ones without taking an educated stand on the issues. Governor Fob James, Jr. and Congressman Joe Scarborough have endorsed the National Intervention Week as a well-needed proclamation to bring attention to the process to make millions aware of what is available to them to help others.
- It is time for the President of this great Nation to support the proclamation by endorsing National Intervention Week (19 April through 23 April) as a time for healing and new beginnings for those in need.
- Paul J. Peloquin, Sr. Ph.D Founder and President American Board of Certified Interventionists, Inc
- <br><br><b>Bibliography</b><br><br>
- The American Board of Certified Interventionists,Inc.
- Vernon Johnsons; How to get someone help
- Florida Coalition on Drug Education, Prevention, Intervention, Inc.
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- Words: 425