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- The most famous dissociative disorder is Multiple Personality Disorder, also known as Dissociative Identity
- Disorder (DID). It is estimated that one in one hundred people may suffer from Multiple Personality Disorder and
- other Dissociative Disorders. With correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment, people have the potential for
- complete recovery.
- Multiple Personality Disorder is a condition in which a person has more than one identity, each of which
- speaks, acts and writes in a very different way. Each personality seems to have its own memories, wishes, and (often
- conflicting) impulses
- The symptoms of an individual with Multiple Personality Disorder are 1.) lack of appropriate emotional
- response 2.) memory loss, lost time, not knowing what they have said or done 3.) feeling dream like 5.) experiencing
- dissociation which might include dizziness, headaches, numbness in body, spontaneous trance states 6.) not
- remembering childhood or major life events 7.) recurrent depression 8.) anxiety, panic, and phobias 9.) self
- destructive thoughts and behavior 10.) substance abuse 11.) eating disorders 12.) sexual dysfunction, including
- addictions and avoidance 13.) flashbacks, intrusive thoughts and images of trauma 14.) low self esteem, and feeling
- damaged and/or worthless 15.) shame 16.) somatic pain syndromes 17.) sleep disturbances: nightmares, insomnia,
- and sleepwalking and 18.) alternative states of consciousness or personalities.
- Many people displaying MPD have experienced events they would like to forget or avoid. The causation of
- Multiple Personality Disorder is when an individual has suffered severe, horrific, traumatic, unavoidable, persistent
- physical or sexual abuse in childhood. Also many people displaying MPD appeared to be skilled at self- hypnosis
- through which their “psyche” comes forward as a coping mechanism, to protect them from the pain ( they create a
- self- induced hypnotic like trance) which allows the individual to escape psychologically. Most people suffering
- from Multiple Personality Disorder found that they could escape the trauma of abuse at least temporarily by creating
- “ new personalities” to deal with the stress. ( Braun, B. (1988). The BASK model of dissociation.
- DISSOCIATION, 1, 4-23. American Psychiatric Association (1994) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental
- disorders. ( 4th ed)
- The separate personalities known as “alters”, are usually unknown to the host personality, which operates the
- body most of the time. Alters can take many forms, but few types are common. Some typical manifestations include
- a depressed or hurt child, an internal caretaker, a strong angry protector, and an envious protector who is angry with
- the host. Although these represent the most common alter personality types, the reported list of variations is fairly
- long and includes perpetrator alters, avenger alters, opposite sex alters, different race, and even non- human alters.
- Most of the writings dealing with DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder reports that individuals with the illness flow
- in and out of the various personalities as the environment changes, usually unaware of what is taking place.
- (Putnam, F.W. (1989). Diagnosis and treatment of multiple personality disorder. New York: Guilford Press.
- There are many theories which attempt to explain DID, but the central component in all of them appears to be
- that the disorde occurs as a protective reaction to severe childhood trauma. Essentially, the self appears to
- dissociate, or “split” into seperate and distinct personalities in an effort to repress the pain and terror of some
- tramatic event. The trauma is often sexual in nature.
- There is one such theory that implies that the blocked pain, terror, and awareness create compartments in the
- mind, which hold the unprocessed feelings. When these compartments “ leak” says the theory, the person has
- flashbacks, panic attacks, and nightmares. Individuals stricken with DID may experience the onslaught of the
- disturbance suddenly or gradually, and the symptoms may become worse over a long period of time. Recent studies
- indicate that the age of onset is nearly always childhood, and that it is much more common among women then
- men; as much as three to nine times more.
- Those who warn that DID/MPD is alarmingly common mental illness and cite numerous studies and a long list
- of statistics in support of its legitimacy. For example: in a 1990 study which appeared in The Journal of
- Occupational Therapy, J.F. Higdon stated, “ The past two decades have seen a marked increase in the diagnosing of
- this disorder, and we are seeing a significant increase in the number of cases.”
- Another study, conducted by B.G. Braun in the American Psychiatric Press and The American Journal of
- Occupational Therapy, revealed an increased complexity of the cases. With a patient population of over 1,000 under
- examination, the study reported 95% - 98% of the patients had suffered a history of child abuse. Another study by
- Whitman and Munkel in Clinical Pediatrics, reported that as many as 25% of all children may suffer with MPD.
- ( Mills, A. and Cohen, B.M. (1993) Facilitating of the identification of multiple personality disorder through art: The
- Diagnostic Drawing Series. In E. Kluft (Ed.), Expressive and functional therapies in the treatment of multiple
- personality disorder. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas.
- There are two patterns of Multiple Personality, one pattern is 1.) Alternating. Alternating is each
- personality has amnesia for the others. The other pattern is 2.) Co- Conscious , which is some personalities are
- aware of the alter personalities.
- There are many very important terms dealing with Dissociative Identity Disorder ( MPD). Some of these
- terms are memory trace, polar opposites, drab original, switching, host, alters, and trigger. Memory trace represents
- the one personality who harbors all the memories for all the other personalities. Polar Opposites are when a multiple
- , harbors two extreme personalities. Drab original is a term used to describe the core personality. Switching is a
- term used to describe the change from one personality state to another. Host is the major prenting personality.
- Alters is a term used to describe all other personalities. And trigger is a term used to describe anything that causes a
- person to remember a traumatic event or switch to another personality.
- There are many different reasons why a person with Multiple Personality Disorder would seek professional
- help. Some of these reasons are 1.) usually out of sheer depression 2.) complete mental and physical exhaustion 3.)
- inability to sleep 4.) problems with drug or alcohol abuse 5.) suicidal thoughts or actions 6.) fear for life 7.) need for
- safety and protection 8.) need for help with crises caused by remembering. ( Ross, C.A. (1989) Multiple Personality
- disorder: Diagnosis, clinical features, and treatment. New York: Wiley.
- The treatment of Dissociatve Identity Disorder ( MPD) is long - term psychodynamic / cognitive
- psychotherapy facilitated by hypntherapy. It is not uncommon for survivors to need three to five years of intensive
- therapy work. Setting the frame for the trauma work is the most important part of therapy.
- After gathering important information, the therapist and client should develop a plan for stabilization
- (Turkus, 1991). Treatment should be carefully considered. These treatments are psychotherapy, group therapy,
- expressive therapies, family therapy, psychoeducation, and pharmacotherapy. Hospital treatment may be necessary.
- Developing a cognitive framework is also an important part of stabilization. This involves sorting out how an
- abused child thinks and feels, undoing damaging self- concepts, and learning about what is “ normal “. Stabilization
- is a time to learn how to ask for help and build support networks. The stabilization stage may take a year or longer-
- as much time as is necessary for the patient to move safely into the next phase of treatment. ( Turkus, J.A (1991)
- Psychotherapy and case management for multiple personality disorder: Synthesis for continuity of care. Psychiatric
- Clinics of North America
- Stabilization involves the survivor’s acceptance of the diagnosis and commitment to treatment. Diagnosis
- is in itself a crisis, and much work must be done. The treatment frame for DID/ MPD includes developing
- acceptance and respect for each alter as a part of the whole internal system. Each alter must be treated equally,
- whether it shows itself as a delightful, happy child , or an angry persecutor. Mapping of the dissociative personality
- system is the next step, followed by the work of internal dialogue and cooperation between alters. This is the critical
- stage in DID therapy, one that must be in place before trauma work begins. Communication and cooperation among
- the alters helps the gathering of ego strength that stabilizes the whole person.
- The next stage is revisiting and reworking the trauma. This may involve abreactions, which can release
- pain and allow dissociated trauma back into the normal memory. An abreaction can be described as the vivid re-
- experiencing of a traumatic event followed by the release of related emotion and the recovery of repressed or
- dissociated aspects of that event ( Steele and Colrain, 1990 ) Hypnosis when performed by a trained professional,
- is extremely useful in abreactive work to safely contain the abreaction and relese the painful emotions faster. Some
- patients may only be able to do abreactive work on an impatient basis in a safe and supportive environment.
- This leads into the final phase of therapy work. There is a continued processing of traumatic memories and
- cognitive distortions, and further letting go of shame. At the end of the grieving process, creative energy is released.
- The survivor can reclaim self- worth and personal power and rebuild their life after so much focus on healing.
- People with Multiple Personality Disorder are very courageous, intelligent, creative, socially skilled, talented people
- whose dissociative abilities allowed them to survive tramatic abuse. (Steinberg, M., et al. (1990). The structured
- clinical interview for DSM III- R dissociative disorders: American Journal of Psychiatry.
- The journey is painful, but the rewards are great. Successfully working through the healing journey can
- significantly impact a survivor’s life and philosophy. Coming through this very intense process it may lead an
- individual to discover a desire to contribute to society in a variet of important ways.
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