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  1. A Century Of Dishonor, a Triumph or Tragedy?
  2. The author Helen Hunt Jackson had hoped for a triumph over the
  3. mistreatment, abuse, and mainly the deaths of seemingly innocent
  4. Native Americans with her novel, A Century Of Dishonor. However, when
  5. the hard cold reality set in, her novel was merely a small tragedy in the
  6. battle for the Native Americans that sadly went unnoticed.
  7. “What treaty that the whites ever made with us red men have they
  8. kept? Not one. When I was a boy the Sioux owned the world. The sun
  9. rose and set in their lands. They sent 10,000 horse men to battle. Where
  10. are the warriors to-day? Who slew them? Where are our lands? Who
  11. owns them? What white man can say I ever stole his money? Yet they
  12. say I am a thief.... What law have I broken? Is it wrong for me to love my
  13. own? Is it wicked in me because my skin is red; because I am a Sioux;
  14. because I was born where my fathers lived; because I would die for my
  15. people and my country” (qtd. in Carruth and Ehrlich 56).
  16. To write about the author, one must first understand why she felt so
  17. strongly for this sensitive issue. “Helen Hunt Jackson began writing
  18. professionally at age 35. She first became involved with the plight of the
  19. American Indian in 1879 after attending a lecture illuminating the poor
  20. living conditions and mistreatment the Ponca tribe was undergoing.
  21. Jackson became enamored with this issue, she effectively wielded her
  22. writing skills to illuminate the plight of the Ponca’s to the general public
  23. through the publication of numerous in-depth letters to the editors of
  24. many major eastern newspapers. She furthered her cause by writing
  25. personal letters to prominence such as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and
  26. Oliver Wendell Holmes and became heavily involved in literary sparring
  27. matches with the Secretary of the Interior and others who disagreed with
  28. her cause. Her crusade was successful in obtaining federal resolve of
  29. many of the issues facing the Poncas” (Moon 1).
  30. To write of the novel A Century Of Dishonor, one must understand
  31. from which it was written. “This is a detailed account of the last six years
  32. of Jackson’s life (1879-1885), when she struggled to promote the rights of
  33. American Indians displaced and dispossessed by the U. S. government”
  34. (Mathes). “This interest climaxed when she heard Ponca chieftain
  35. Standinng Bear and Suzette “Bright Eyes” La Flesche lecture in Boston in
  36. 1879 on the suffering of many dispossessed Plains Indians. As Odell notes,
  37. Jackson’s was a “sudden and consuming interest.” For the first time, she
  38. identified herself with a national reform movement, not having written for
  39. the causes of black-white equality, temperance, and suffrage.... Jackson
  40. became determined to write a nonfiction book that would expose the
  41. government’s maltreatment of its wards and plead for America to
  42. correct its record. Her campaign to arouse public opinion culminated in
  43. the publication in 1881 of “A Century Of Dishonor”, a document of some
  44. four hundred fifty pages whose major thesis is that the Indian policy of the
  45. United States defied the basic principles of justice” (Estes 246-247). Helen
  46. Hunt Jackson had determined to do a full-dress study at the New York
  47. Astoor Library, where she found more than enough information to present
  48. that knowledge to the 1880 Congress. “She presents her case in
  49. emotional narratives of the history of seven tribes, the Cheyennes,
  50. Cherokees, Delawares, Nez Perces, Poncass, Sioux, and Winnebagoes,
  51. and on the massacres of Indians by whites” (Estes 247). Needless to say,
  52. the 1800 Congress was not interested. “However, the powerful Indian
  53. Rights Association was formed within a year of its publication” (Estes 247).
  54. Not only was the information publiced, President Chester Arthur
  55. appointed Helen Hunt Jackson as a commissionner of the Indian Affairs in
  56. 1882.
  57. “To prove all this it is only necessary to study the history of any one
  58. of the Indian tribes. I propose to give in the following chapters merely
  59. outline sketches of the history of a few of them, not entering more into
  60. details than necessary to show the repeated broken faith of the United
  61. States government toward them. A full history of the wrongs they have
  62. suffered at the hands of the authorities, military and civil, and also of the
  63. citizens of this country, it would take years to write and volumes to hold”
  64. (Jackson 29).The novel was then reviewed in the New York Times sixteen
  65. years after her death. “Of this story it is not necessary to say anything
  66. here. This edition is printed in large type on good paper and provided
  67. with the illustrations -most of them unusually good, made under Mrs.
  68. Jackson’s eye by Henry Sandham, who also contributes an introductory
  69. note” (New York Times 658).
  70. “ “A Century Of Dishonor” spotlights the short comings of the
  71. government’s Indian policy and dutifully records the inhumane treatment
  72. these tribes have received. Jackson predicted shortly before her death in
  73. 1885 that “A Century Of Dishonor” and her other Indian writings would be
  74. here most important contribution in life. Unfortunately, little overall reform
  75. was accomplished during her lifetime. As she predicted, however, “A
  76. Century Of Dishonor” has served well in awakening the general public to
  77. the dilemma of the American Indian, furthering Helen Hunt Jackson’s
  78. cause into the future over 100 years past her death”(Vick 1).
  79. In conclusion, needless to say, Helen Hunt Jackson’s novel A
  80. Century Of Dishonor was by far a triumph for her but sadly an unknown
  81. tragedy for the Native Americans.
  82. ***<br><br><b>Bibliography</b><br><br> Type on another sheet******* I made a 92 on this paper
  83. Carruth, Gorton and Eugene Ehrlich. The Harper Book of American Quotations. New York: Harper &
  84. Row, 1988. 56. -Reference
  85. Jackson, Helen Hunt. A Century of Dishonor. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1995.
  86. -Primary
  87. Mathes, Valerie Sherer. Helen Hunt Jackson and Her Indian Reform Legacy.
  88. http://www.ou.edu/oupress/books_fall97/helen.htm (June 17, 1998). Internet
  89. Moon, Anita Cheek. Anita Cheek Moon, Member Reviewers’ Consortium Carrollton, Georgia.
  90. http://members.aol.com/theoldways/reviews.htm#Jackson (September 9.1998). -Choice
  91. Ranta, Tami M.. Helen Hunt Jackson. American Writers for Children Before 1900. Ed Glenn E. Estes.
  92. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1985. 241-250. -Choice
  93. Revival of “H. H.” New York Times. October 7, 1905. 658. -Periodical
  94. <br><br>
  95. Words: 1034