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  1. Economics, supply and
  2. demand
  3. In the article we find that teenagers have the oppertunity to be demanding about their
  4. salary in the baby sitting field, because the amount of babysitters today are scarce. The
  5. babysitting population, teenagers, find themselves busy with school, part time jobs, and
  6. extracirricular activity. Teenagers with drivers licenses are even more scarce than those
  7. with out, all in all, It's hard to find a babysitter. Times have changed, just twenty years
  8. ago there were 33 million children who needed to be watched, and 39 million
  9. babysitters(age 10 - 19), recent polls suggest that children that need to be watched raised
  10. 18 percent to 39 million while baby sitters dropped 5 percent to 37 million. The rise in
  11. children coupled with American families spending more time out then years ago, has
  12. allowed the babysitters to set their price with out haggeling. Baby sitters are making well
  13. over the federal minimum wage of $5.15 an hour because they are in demand, and scarce;
  14. the babysitters who train in CPR, serve dinner, and drive are the hardest to come by and
  15. can demand the highest wages.
  16. In this article we see many examples of supply and damand and the powers of
  17. supply and demand. Babysitters are in demand, there is an increase in the amount of
  18. children who need to be watched yet there are relativly few who choose to babysit from
  19. the allready decreased amount of the babysitter work force. This gives the babysitter the
  20. advantage of a noncompetitive work force, allowing the baby sitter to set the price with
  21. out bargaining. If we were to compare two different production possibility frontiers, we
  22. would see a left shift of the curve while demand for baby sitters rises, from 1980 to 1996.
  23. In economics we concider this an inflation, the amount of resources(babysitters) decreased
  24. while the demand for them rose. This is what we would concider the begining of an
  25. econic problem because the resources are scarce. This resulted in an increase of price for
  26. that service.
  27. We also see that the most experienced, oldest, responcible, and best trained
  28. babysitters set the highest prices by up to 60% from a novice sallery of $4 to a expert
  29. sallery of $10 and consumers are willing to pay. A consumer is willing to pay that extra
  30. $6 an hour for the piece of mind they get when they go out and know that their children
  31. are being attending to in the best possible way, much like a consumer is willing to by name
  32. brand products for a higher price because they just feel like its better. In the next two or
  33. three years the work force of the babysitters will grow, and so will the number of people
  34. under the age of 10, this will show a steady PPC with no signs of relief for the consumer.
  35. This article shows the power of supply and demand. 20 years ago when children
  36. under the age of 10 and baby sitters age 10-19 were both fewer, we saw more competition
  37. between the baby sitters resulting in price decreases. Today with fewer baby sitters, all
  38. with busy scheduals, and more young children we see the damand increase resulting in an
  39. increase of price.
  40. <br><br>
  41. Words: 539