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  1. The Reasons for the fall of Socialism/Communism and the Troubles
  2. of Starting the New Democratic System in the Russian Federation Let's
  3. not talk about Communism. Communism was just an idea, just pie in the
  4. sky. Boris Yeltsin (b. 1931), Russian politician, president. Remark
  5. during a visit to the U.S. Quoted in: Independent (London, 13 Sept.
  6. 1989).
  7. The fall of the Communist regime in the Soviet Union was more
  8. than a political event. The powerful bond between economics and
  9. politics that was the integral characteristic of the state socialist
  10. system created a situation that was unique for the successor states of
  11. the Soviet Union. The Communist regime was so ingrain in every aspect
  12. of Soviet life that the Russian people were left with little
  13. democratic tradition. Russia faces the seemingly impracticable task of
  14. economic liberalization and democratization. This is combined with the
  15. fact that the new administration must address human rights issues,
  16. such as living conditions and the supply of staple goods in this new
  17. form of administration makes the prospect of a full democratic switch
  18. seemingly impossible.
  19. To fully understand the scope of the transference of governing
  20. power in the Russian Federation, one must first look at the old
  21. Socialist/Communist regime, to see the circumstances under which it
  22. fell gives a good view of why this transference is almost impossible.
  23. In the beginning Communism seemed to the people of Russia as a
  24. utopian ideal. The promise of the elimination of classes, of
  25. guaranteed employment , The creation of a comprehensive social
  26. security and welfare system for all citizens that would end the
  27. misery of workers once and for all. Lenin's own interpretation of the
  28. Marxian critique was that to achieve Communism there would first have
  29. to be a socialist dictatorship to first suppress any dissent or
  30. protest. Through coercive tactics this new government seized power and
  31. in 1917 Lenin came to power. Under his rule the Soviet Union
  32. underwent radical changes in it's economic doctrines adopting a mixed
  33. economy which was termed the New Economic Policy also referred to as
  34. NEP, this economy called for some private ownership of the means of
  35. production, but the majority of industry was made property of the
  36. people, which meant the majority of the means of production was
  37. controlled by the government. Lenin's government made many
  38. achievements. It ended a long civil war against the remnants of the
  39. old Czarist military system and established institutions in
  40. government. During this period, and in fact throughout the majority of
  41. the Communist rule, censorship and the subordination of interest
  42. groups such as trade unions was imposed to stop dissension and
  43. increase conformity to the new governments policies.
  44. Lenin died in 1924, and was quickly followed by Joseph Stalin as
  45. head of the Soviet Communist Party, the oppressive reforms started by
  46. Lenin were continued and at length became completely totalitarian.
  47. Stalin became the most powerful man in Russia. He controlled to bulk
  48. of all the political power and with that he started a ruthless
  49. campaign of removing all opposition to the Communist rule. During this
  50. period called the Great Purge Stalin systemically executed anyone
  51. who stood in his path. Millions of people were arrested and either
  52. harassed or killed. The economic status of the Soviet Union was yet
  53. again changed and the entire system became controlled by the
  54. government. All private ownership ended. A mass program of
  55. industrialization was commenced, and the strength of the Soviet
  56. Military was substantially increased. The citizens during this period
  57. endured great hardship. Agricultural production output diminished
  58. resulting in food shortages, these shortages were enha! nce by the
  59. mass exportation of food, this was done to pay for industrial imports.
  60. Stalin also put the production of what he called production goods such
  61. as manufacturing machinery over basic consumer goods such as clothes
  62. and other staples. During this period the Second World War broke out
  63. and drained most of what was left of the already impoverished state.
  64. Yet after the war national unity was strengthened as well is the
  65. Soviet military machine. The Soviet Union became a super power, the
  66. U.S. being the only country more powerful than it.
  67. After the death of Stalin in 1953 Nikita Khrushchev became First
  68. Secretary of the Communist party. Stalin's death marked the end of
  69. supreme power for the head of the party, and Khrushchev condemned
  70. Stalin's actions as unnecessary and harmful to the process of moving
  71. the Socialist government to it's goal of pure Communism. During this
  72. period the public was given a say in the government, albeit an
  73. extremely minor one, and the judicial system eased it's aggressiveness
  74. allowing a defendant a better chance of defending themselves.
  75. Khrushchev concerned himself with bettering the plight of the
  76. individual, attempting to increase the supply of food and making goods
  77. such as home appliances, making automobiles somewhat available, and
  78. providing more housing. A new policy of efficiency and quality control
  79. was brought in. Leadership was somewhat decentralized to allow common
  80. managers and directors more power to run their production units.
  81. Although Krushchev started a process of slight reform he was dismissed
  82. due to in part a massive shortage of grain and dairy products, and the
  83. fact that he had started to seize more power and His efforts to
  84. streamline party organizations produced chaos and conflict among party
  85. administrators. He was also blamed for the Russia defeat during the
  86. Cuban Missile Crisis, and of not accomplishing anything toward the
  87. reunification of Germany under East German rule. After the ousting of
  88. Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev became the Soviet Communist Party
  89. Secretary General in October of 1964. Under his administration the
  90. majority of the decentralization of power was destroyed bringing a
  91. centralized form of control back into effect. Krushchev's denouncing
  92. of Stalin's policies was criticized and slowly some of Stalin's
  93. political disciplinary policies were restored. Stalin was named a war
  94. hero. There began an outright attack on dissidents from the literary
  95. and scientific community. During this time there was an inefficient
  96. use land, labour and resources which resulted in an economic
  97. slackening. In this time what was supposed to ultimately be a
  98. classless society became classed as bureaucrats were paid for loyalty
  99. with material wealth, allowing them a better standard of living,
  100. because of this public interests were placed secondary to personal
  101. gain. The 1980's saw a dramatic drop in the Soviet citizens already
  102. impoverished standard of living. This caused strikes and public outcry
  103. against the administration which threatened the stability of the
  104. Soviet Union. The people were angry at the fact that the Communist
  105. Party had not lived up to what it had promised which was in return for
  106. their obedience they would receive employment, free health care, and a
  107. level of comfort. March 1985 marks a turning point in the Communist
  108. rule of Russia. Mikhail Gorbachev is elevated to the position of
  109. General Secretary. He is aware of the current social upheaval
  110. occurring and that change must occur if Communism is to survive. He
  111. begins a program called Perestroika which was the organizational
  112. restructuring of the Soviet economy and government apparatus.
  113. Gorbachev discovers that this change will depend on other changes,
  114. among others a more tolerant and open political environment , more
  115. public influence over governmental and military institutions. This
  116. called for major long term change of the political system. He
  117. began a policy called Glasnost which emphasized openness with regard
  118. to discussion of social problems and shortcomings.
  119. The purpose of these reforms was to elevate the Soviet standard
  120. of living in order to reaffirm the citizenry's loyalties to the
  121. Communist party and to enable the rebirth of the Soviet economy and
  122. ideal. State control was lo! osened and individual initiative
  123. encouraged. He expanded the authority of the Soviet presidency and
  124. transferred power from the Communist party to popularly elected
  125. legislatures in the union republics. In international affairs, he
  126. withdrew Soviet troops from Afghanistan, normalized relations with
  127. China, signed a series of arms control agreements with U.S. Presidents
  128. Ronald Reagan and George Bush. During this period of change strong
  129. Nationalistic opinion started in the republics of the Soviet Union
  130. causing major upheaval. In 1991, as the Soviet economy deteriorated,
  131. Gorbachev faced competing pressures from hard-line Communists,
  132. from free-market reformers, and from nationalists and secessionists
  133. seeking independence for their republics. The hard-liners, who
  134. included many top government officials, staged a coup in August,
  135. placing Gorbachev under house arrest, but within three days the
  136. reformers had restored Gorbachev to power. He immediately resigned as
  137. Communist party general se! cretary, suspended party activities, and
  138. placed reformers in charge of the military and KGB. After allowing
  139. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania to become independent republics.
  140. Nationalist forces became stronger in the republics as the year went
  141. on. The USSR voted itself out of existence in December 1991, and
  142. Gorbachev resigned his position as president of the USSR. Under the
  143. Communist Regime there were immense social problems. In the period
  144. before Gorbachev all religion was dismissed. Although the citizens
  145. were still allowed to practice their religion it was made extremely
  146. difficult for them by the government and the official attitude towards
  147. religion was that it was a relic of the past and Atheism was
  148. encouraged. There was a substantial amount of alcoholism mostly due to
  149. the living and working conditions. There was also a substantial amount
  150. of crime. There was extreme discrimination against women. There was a
  151. strong sexist attitude and women found it hard to find decent
  152. employment, and most women were expected to also take care of
  153. household duties as well. Women were also very scarce in government.
  154. Relations among the different ethic grouped which lived within
  155. the Soviet Union were very tense and sometimes openly hostile.
  156. The fact that the Russian language was the language in which all
  157. political transactions had to occur in and it was encouraged to
  158. be learnt, with the purpose of trying to make a single Soviet culture
  159. made this tension even stronger. The education system in the Soviet
  160. Union also caused tension because it was set up around a motive to
  161. teach students to be obedient to the Communist Party and to be Atheist
  162. among other things. Also students were assigned jobs when they
  163. graduated and this caused considerable stress on them because they had
  164. to take the job assigned to them, and if it was an undesirable one it
  165. could ruin their chances for advancement in the future. This was such
  166. a tense issue that graduates were sometimes prone to commit suicide.
  167. The health care system was under funded. Most hospitals were under
  168. staffed and the equipment was outdated, medical supplies were also
  169. scarce. This lead to the gradual decrease of the life expectancy of a
  170. citizen. Poor standards of sanitation and public hygiene lead to an
  171. increased annual death rate and a drop in the birth rate. All of these
  172. factors in a way, lead to the disintegration of the Communist Regime,
  173. taking into account all of the social problems and the years of
  174. mismanagement of the countries resources, we can see why the economy
  175. slowed and citizen support for the government diminished.
  176. Boris Yeltsin was named President of Russia by the Russian
  177. Republic's Supreme Soviet in 1990. He immediately resigned from
  178. the Communist party and declared Russia's independence. In 1991 he
  179. became the first President of the Russian Republic by popular vote. He
  180. helped found the Commonwealth of Independent States, which ended any
  181. attempts to preserve the USSR. He moved to end state control of the
  182. economy, privatized most industries and among other things outlawed
  183. the Communist Party.
  184. Beginning in 1992 the conflict between Yeltsin and his political
  185. opponents intensified. Yeltsin suffered a series of defeats at the
  186. hands of the Russian Constitutional Court, chaired by Valeriy Zorkin.
  187. The court overturned Yeltsin's decree creating a Russian ministry of
  188. security and internal affairs and lifted portions of Yeltsin's ban on
  189. the Soviet Communist party. In 1993 the court repealed his ban on the
  190. National Salvation Front, a communist-nationalist organization that
  191. had called for Yeltsin's removal. In 1993 Yeltsin announced on
  192. television that he had issued a decree declaring special presidential
  193. rule. But when the decree was published there was no mention of
  194. special presidential powers. Vice President Aleksandr Rutskoy sharply
  195. criticized Yeltsin for issuing the decree and for using a referendum
  196. to gain popular approval of reform policies. Yeltsin asked Rutskoy to
  197. resign as vice president, and when Rutskoy refused, Yeltsin removed
  198. Rutskoy's powers of office, despite p! rotests by the Supreme Soviet.
  199. Yeltsin won the support of the majority of Russian voters who
  200. participated in the April 1993 referendum, but the referendum did
  201. little to end his power struggle with parliament. In September,
  202. Yeltsin attempted to break the power deadlock by dissolving parliament
  203. and calling for new parliamentary elections. In turn, parliament
  204. voted to impeach Yeltsin and swore in Rutskoy as acting president. Led
  205. by Rutskoy and chairman of the Supreme Soviet Ruslan Khasbulatov,
  206. hundreds of legislators and anti-Yeltsin demonstrators occupied the
  207. parliament building in Moscow. On September 28 Yeltsin ordered troops
  208. to barricade the parliament building, and in the following week
  209. security forces, acting in support of Yeltsin, clashed with
  210. pro-parliamentary demonstrators, who were mainly hard-line Communists
  211. and nationalists. On October 4 Rutskoy and Khasbulatov surrendered. In
  212. February 1994 they were granted amnesty by the lower house of
  213. parliament, despite Yeltsin's opposition. In December 1994 Yeltsin
  214. sent Russian military forces into the region of Chechnya, which had
  215. declared its independence from Russia in 1991. Since that time Russia
  216. had made only minor military efforts to reclaim Chechnya. This use
  217. of military force is an example of the fact that true democracy can
  218. not exist in Russia, these tactics are Soviet-era coercive measures.
  219. During the bombing of Grozny Russian-speaking suffered as much as the
  220. natives. This was demonstrated the worst of the Yeltsin Regime.
  221. Yeltsin was using the war to expand his political base and appear as a
  222. strong leader. Over 20,000 civilians died during this conflict, which
  223. in a sense achieved nothing.
  224. The Russian economy has been put through sweeping reforms which
  225. have only proved to through it into disarray. This mainly due to the
  226. fact that because the Soviet government has no experience in
  227. Democratic/Capitalist styles of governing, and the 70 plus years of
  228. Communist rule has left a huge dent in the Russian economy. The old
  229. style of government has left behind a legacy of corruption, price
  230. distortions, inefficient public industries and financial instability.
  231. This, combined with the need for much more extensive political reform
  232. makes this task almost impossible. The process of democratization of
  233. Russia occurred to quickly. This was done in the hopes that the fast
  234. privatization of industry would hinder any chance of re-nationalizing
  235. the economy, and basically forcing this new change. At the same time
  236. privatization has contributed greatly to the popular belief that this
  237. new system is unjust. State assets were distributed disproportionately
  238. to insiders, to people willin! g to circumvent the law, and in
  239. some case to criminals. Official corruption and the lack of enforced
  240. laws and clearly defined property laws has lead to public dissension.
  241. One of Yeltsin's greatest mistakes was moving economic reform ahead so
  242. quickly while not addressing the need for immense political reform at
  243. the same time.
  244. The Russian economy is in disarray, and the standard of living
  245. for the average citizen is as low if not lower than during the
  246. Communist rule. This had bred many social problems which, in effect,
  247. mirror those of the Communist administration. Religious and ethnic
  248. animosity and the lack of proper education in this new political and
  249. economic system has lead to public discontent and a rise in the
  250. alcoholism problem. There has been recent improvements in the
  251. distribution of wealth. There have been improvements in the
  252. privatization process, especially in the building sector, this could
  253. bring the expansion of small-scale property ownership, which is also
  254. an important step towards private ownership. There is also a stronger
  255. entrepreneurial spirit among lower class society. Yet with the lack of
  256. any experience in private proprietorship and private business
  257. practices the population of the Russian Federation is still not taking
  258. to the new system. For too many years it was imprinted on them that
  259. everything must be publicly owned. Much of this can to attributed to
  260. the Communist tradition of not communicating with the public, which is
  261. a core part of any democratic system, the public participation and
  262. communication in and with government. With the apparent lack of public
  263. participation in government, and in turn the lack of communication by
  264. the government with the people we can see that the Russian Federation
  265. is far from being democratic. The government acted too quickly in it's
  266. economic reforms with not enough practical experience in
  267. Democratic/Capitalistic to pull it off. We saw that some of the major
  268. contributing factors in the fall of communism was the dissension of
  269. the citizens due to the fact that the government did not live up to
  270. it's promise of a better life and the failure of the government to
  271. properly deal with social problems. The other factors were economic,
  272. many of which we can see are apparent in the new system. In it's
  273. current situation we are seeing the same factors. Unless these
  274. problems are addressed quickly and resolved effectively we will see
  275. the decline of yet another Russian governmental system. On looking at
  276. the past we can see that the Russian public must overcome many hurdles
  277. in order for them to truly embrace Democracy and enjoy the promises of
  278. a better life that it has made. The government must promote the
  279. education of it's citizens and communicate more efficiently with them.
  280. There is a long road ahead for the Russian Federation in this enormous
  281. task, and at this time it almost seems impossible.
  282. <br><br><b>Bibliography</b><br><br>
  283. Funk & Wagnalls. Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeyevich; Russia; United
  284. Soviet Socialist Republic; Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich; Communism;
  285. Commonwealth of Independent States. Microsoft Encarta Ed. Microsoft
  286. Corporation. 1997 Ed.
  287. Funk & Wagnalls. Russia, United Soviet Socialist Republic; Yeltsin,
  288. Boris Nikolayevich; Communism; Commonwealth of Independent States.
  289. The World Almanac and Book of Facts ed. Funk & Wagnalls Corporation.
  290. 1996 Ed.
  291. Columbia University Press. Communism The Columbia Dictionary of
  292. Quotations Ed. Columbia University Press. 1996 Ed.
  293. Columbia University Press. Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeyevich; Russia;
  294. United Soviet Socialist Republic; Yeltsin, Boris Nikolayevich;
  295. Communism; Commonwealth of Independent States. The Concise Columbia
  296. Encyclopedia Ed. Columbia University Press. 1996 Ed.
  297. Internet Web Page. Everything about Russia (History Section).
  298. Http://WWW.RUSSIA.NET
  299. Internet Web Page. CNN Interactive (Russian Archive).
  300. Http://WWW.CNN.COM
  301. M. F. Goldman, Russian and the Eurasian Republics - Building New
  302. Political Orders. PP 14-25 and 34-45.
  303. H. Brand, Why the Soviet Economy Failed
  304. A. B. Ulam, Looking at the Past: The Unraveling of the Soviet Union
  305. <br><br>
  306. Words: 2948