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- In I NEVER PROMISED YOU A ROSE GARDEN we see how one mans reality is not necessarily that of another mans reality. We as humans do not think exactly the same we all think in a different way, these distinctions will be proven. By seeing into the mind of the main character and comparing her thoughts to the people around her, the thesis will be proven. We are all guilty of retreating into some sort of lunacy, we all are guilty of talking to our selves; this sort of deportment will send some mixed messages to people. These messages will propel them to the assumption that they are not normal. They are of to their own world. Also proving, with the use of the protagonist that sometimes being crazy can help cleans the core of one's being and feel good, that for once you can gratify your fantasy. Perspectives play a grand roll in whether someone is mentally stable or not, it could be miss interpretation or personal feeling. Who is to say that a mad man cannot have an opinion? To him we are the crazy ones. This is a case were majority rule is a determinant.
- We all live independent lives from one another this is human nature, we do this to have peace and serenity, to be alone but some loneliness we can do without. Deborah's reason for being a mentally unstable young girl is that she felt alone and not needed by the world. Normally as children, we had imaginary friends; Deborah's solitude led her to divert to a world where she is liked, loved and cherished. At one time-strange to think of it now-the gods of Yr had been companions-secret, princely sharers of her loneliness. In camp, where she had been hated. (Pg. 55, I NEVER PROMISED YOU A ROSE GARDEN). The girls at the camp perceived her to be strange, anomalous. This in turn drove her deeper into her madness only because she was different. This type of injustice can not be aloud it is morally unjust but we over see it and continue with the atrocity. That same savagery that has driven Deborah into her own sheltered world away from ours that same savageness stabs us all but we are developed enough to fight back with a stable mind. Deborah's interaction with other people is what society would call unhealthy. Deborah would sometimes fall into deep trances that would be vicious she would end up in Yr, She saw the doctor's mouth moving, and imagined that it was spewing questions and accusations. She began to fall… There was utter darkness for a long time, seen only in bands of across the eye. (Pg. 31). Near the termination of chapter, six she falls into a deep mystic abstraction with Yr and she speaks with one of the people there named Aterrabae. Aterrabae made Deborah take a tin can and start mutilating her arm to prove that she is different then the people from earth (society's reality) you were never one of them, not ever. You are wholly different.(Pg.51). Deborah's reality is so dominant that it forces her to believe that it is the germane reality, we may see it as madness but she sees it as her reality.
- Using ones imagination can be a form of madness, a level of self-escape. Escaping into your own delusion can be exhilarating, mellow and tempting. A person can not see another person on the street and say: that person is daft. Of course to that person he is not crazy you are. He feels good in his mental environment, it probably is harmonious or exciting, who knows. Our mind is very mysterious we lock out certain passions, thoughts and fantasies if we let them escape they could be shunned upon by civilization. The enticing thoughts that we have are the reason why we continue to live in this crazy world. e, quio quio quaru ar Yr aedat temoluqu' braown elepr' kyryr… (brush winged, I soar above the canyons of your sleep singing…) (Pg.131). This quote said by Deborah illustrates the beauty of madness with the poetic language. Along with language, it has exquisite translations of figures. Madness is so exciting that we may not be willing to let go. All right-you'll ask me questions and I'll answer them-you'll clear up my 'symptoms' and send me home…and what will I have then? (Pg23) Deborah has her first meeting with Dr. Fried. Letting go of a comrade can be hard to do, for Deborah and people alike cannot let go of their reality so easily.
- Every body sees things differently; opinions may differ from one another. The key to understanding the kinship amongst madness and reality is that one person's madness could be their only reality and shroud. Both madness and reality share one common thing and that is the human-mind. Someday I hope to help you see this world as other than a stygian hell. (Pg.25) Deborah's vision of the world is negative; Dr. Fried's perception of the world is neither to negative or too positive but just in between. There is also a perspective in language Deborah created her own language Yri. While everybody else speaks in English. Deborah describes English as for the world-for getting disappointed by and getting hated in. (Pg.56). This quote has some truth to it but that is Deborah's perspective of the English language, but she describes Yri as for saying what is to be said. (Pg.56). Again that is her perspective of both how the world is and how both languages have their own uses. Perspectives play a monumental role in determining who is sane and who is not. Dr. Fried while looking at Deborah's file for the very first time sees Deborah from a professional point of view. Again she looked at the facts and the numbers. A report like this had once made her remark to the hospital psychologists. We must some day make a test to show us where the health is as well as the illness. (Pg.19). This quote is taken to show the personal and professional perceptions that Dr. Fried has.
- Everybody sees things through their own perspective. We all have made alternative realities in order to escape the one we are in now (world reality). Realities are reached through understanding and making sense of the world around us. The factors that are taken into consideration: politics, religion, education, and the surrounding world.
- Perspectives are a part of reality whether it be political or any of the above, it will affect your reality. Since one persons reality is different from your reality; therefore, one mans reality is not necessarily another mans reality.
- <br><br><b>Bibliography</b><br><br>
- Greenberg, Joanne (As Hannah Green). I NEVER PROMISED YOU A ROSE GARDEN.
- Ed. New York, New York 10017: New American library publishes Signet, Signette, Mentor, Classics, Plume & Nal Books.
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- Words: 1150