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- Edgar Allan Poe's work is known throughout the world. He was born in
- 1809 in Boston. When Poe was still an infant his father left him and then his
- mother died. Poe was adopted by Jon Allan. Then Edgar Allan Poe was
- Educated in Europe. Poe attendant college for while, but Jon Allan stopped
- Paying for his college education because Poe had to many gambling depts.
- Then Poe joined to the army in 1827 he wasn't successful in the army though.
- Then Poe moved back to the United States and wrote stories in Baltimore.
- Poe was married to Virginia in 1836. Eleven years later Virginia dies of an
- Illness, Poe was very disturbed. In 1849 Poe died. Poe was known as the
- Father of Gothic Horror.
- Readers of Poe's work especially the short stories will find among many
- Similarities. When analyzing the short stories, readers will find these
- Similarities by considering the story elements: charters, setting, plot, mood,
- Subject of matter, and point of view.
- The characters in Poe's stories share similarities. Often a character is
- Driven by their emotions. In the Tell Tale Heart the unidentified narrator
- Becomes so obsessed with his emotions regarding the old man's eye that he
- Was driven to murder. In the Cask of Amontillado Montessori is totally
- Controlled by his overpowering feeling that he and his family name had been
- Insulted. In the Pit and the Pendulum the unknown narrator is being driven
- By his emotions to survive and to get out of the pit. It seems Poe's characters
- Are driven by their emotions.
- Another similarity a reader will notice is that usually male characters left
- Unidentified for example in The Pit and the Pendulum the entire story is
- Narrated by a man who is certainly unnamed, but is also vague regarding his
- Person. In this story he is basically the only character. In The Fall of the
- House of Usher the narrator who is the central character among only two
- Other characters remain nameless and vague as well. The characters in Poe's
- Stories are enigmatic, mysterious, and often unidentified.
- Poe's settings share several similarities. Often a story will take place in a
- Dark confined space. For example The Pit and the Pendulum is an area
- Where it is a small closed and unidentified. Also in The Cask of
- Amontillado it is in the catacombs mostly nowhere else. Also the settings in
- Poe's work are often vague, unknown, or far away. For example The Pit and
- The Pendulum is very unclear it is set in what appears to be an underground
- Pit during the time of the Spanish Inquisition, but it remain dark and
- Mysterious. Also, the style itself is merky and difficult summing to reflect
- That very darkness and unclearness of the setting. The selection revealed the
- Above similarities of Poe's settings.
- Poe's technique for plot elements shows similarities. Madness, murder,
- Revenge, horror, and bizarre situations that seem to abruptly end our plot
- Themes that weave their way through many of Poe's stories. For example in
- The Cask of a Amontillado Montessori is seeking revenge to Fortunate
- Insulting Montessori and his family. Also in The Tell Tale Heart the narrator
- Kills an old man because of the appearance of the old man's eye which is a
- Bizarre situation. Another example is The Pit and the Pendulum it
- Contained horror and many bizarre situations.
- The mood in Poe's stories is rather sinister. Poe's work contains
- Melancholy, sinister objects, and dark and gloomy moods. For example The
- Pit and the Pendulum is dark and gloomy and has many sinister objects like
- The pit, the pendulum, and the hot walls coming together. The Tell Tale
- Heart is full of melancholy because a young man goes insane and commits
- Murder because of the appearance of an old man's eye. Mostly all of Poe's
- Work has a sinister mood in it.
- The subject of matter often contains death, murder, and revenge. For
- Example in The Cask of a Amontillado Montessori murders Fortunate
- Because he insulted Montessori. The point of view is usually always first
- Person and the narrator is the antagonist. For example is The Tell Tale
- Heart the narrator is in first person and is the antagonist because he murders
- Someone.
- In conclusion, Edgar A. Poe is a very interesting man who is known
- Throughout the world for his work. Poe's stories are good in variety, but
- Mostly all of them are evil or have a sad or bizarre ending. Poe's is known as
- The father of gothic horror. Poe is a very talented writer who has earned his
- Success.
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- Words: 767