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- Up Country
- In his novel Up Country, Alden R. Carter writes about how hard life is for children
- in the adolescent era by portraying the actions off Carl Staggers, a teenager surviving his
- mothers alcoholism and his car radio thief ring gone to disarray. Carl is a tragic hero who
- rambles through this time period by trying to make things right. He is also accompanied
- by characters close to him as the novel progresses.
- Carl is a young man with great hopes and dreams to become an electrical engineer.
- The problem is that he and his mother are deeply in debt, and Veronica Staggers, Carl’s
- mother, is an alcoholic who is brought home by the cops almost every week. Carl has the
- bright idea to use an opportunity that arose to earn money to go to a good technical college
- and earn a degree in electrical engineering. In this little opportunity, Carl repairs stolen
- stereos that he receives from his partner in crime, changes the serial number, and places
- the stereo into a company box for resale. Although this seems like the perfect crime,
- something goes terribly wrong with his admirable plan and Carl gets busted for the radios
- along with all of the other juveniles helping him. Ironically he was busted for the car audio
- equipment because of his mother who was thrown in a detox center for her alcohol abuse.
- Therefore, Carl was sent “up country” to stay with his aunt, uncle, and cousin whom he
- hasn’t seen for a little over eight years. That’s when all of the trouble starts, including a
- run in with the local redneck bully and his girlfriend. On a good note while staying with
- his secondary family, he meets a wonderful country girl with whom he ultimately stays with
- instead of going back to live with his mother, who cleans her self up and moves on with her
- life. Carl is sentenced to public work and is basically let off easy on the condition that he
- stay in school and earn that electrical degree.
- The theme of this story is that even the most least likely person can get what they
- long for. Carl had always yearned for a stable family. When he was busted and was forced
- to move in with his aunt and uncle he, at first, dreaded the idea. He was moving in with a
- family he hadn’t seen for eight years! As things moved on, Carl formed a niche in the little
- town of Blind River. He formed a relationship with his new family and found a girl that he
- learned to love. In the novella Up Country, examples of irony, a tragic character, and the
- stereotyped character. Carl’s cousin Bob who shows the traits of the conventional red-neck,
- the buck-tooth, improper English, yokel, where Carl himself shows the typical
- characteristics of the tragic hero. A hero, who through his own choice, was caught up an a
- series of events that invariably results in disaster.
- In my opinion this was a great book for any teenager to read. Most teenagers feel
- that their life is poor, weak, and pathetic, but if only they could take a look at Carl’s life
- they could see how hard life can sometimes be. Carl is an exceptional student who works
- hard for his goals, but he knows he will never reach them because of his home and family.
- Also most adolescents feel they need to take the wrong path to get what they want. Carl
- took the wrong path and he ended up with a good and stable family, a girlfriend, and a
- hope to reach is goal. So I say take the wrong path and maybe you could end up with what
- Carl had.
- All things considered, Carl had an extremely hard life with his alcoholic mother. But as
- you will see, when he got away from her he matured and grew emotionally. He essentially
- got everything he prayed and wished for. Consider this, if you were in Carl’s shoes, what
- would you do? What path would you take?
- <br><br><b>Bibliography</b><br><br>
- none
- <br><br>
- Words: 679