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- Hamlet and The Bacchae have many similarities and differences, in this paper, I
- will discuss some of them, as well as the questions posed in class. Both of these
- plays are tragedies, ending with a great number of the featured characters dying, or
- meeting another terrible fate.
- First of all, I don’t think that Hamlet took place in a godless universe. Of
- course, the god in Hamlet, vs. the gods in The Bacchae are very different gods. In
- Hamlet, God affects the decisions the characters make (e.g., Hamlet decides not to
- kill Claudius while he’s praying, because he believes God will forgive Claudius for
- his sins, and not send him to hell), however he doesn’t have a direct role. You have
- no proof of a god in Hamlet, while in The Bacchae, the gods are the main
- characters in the play, performing a good percentage of the action. Also, the
- presence of the ghost means that in the world of Hamlet, there is an afterlife, but
- since there are not more ghosts in the world, there must be some divine presence,
- affecting why the ghost is there.
- Continuing with the issue of the ghost, the presence of the ghost in the play
- has many implications. First of all, the presence of the ghost may be an attempt to
- satisfy the religious beliefs of both the Protestants and the Catholics, which both
- would have been watching the plays during Shakespeare’s time. The Protestants
- do not believe in purgatory, so the ghost may be a way to explain the afterlife,
- without offending either religion. The ghost also creates some confusion with
- heaven and hell, because if the soul is in a ghost, then it means that it went neither
- to heaven, nor hell. Yet, throughout the play, the characters often talk of both
- heaven and hell, and the presence of the ghost doesn’t change their belief in any
- way.
- Another significant difference between the two plays, is the role of revenge,
- and how it varies between god’s revenge (in the Bacchae) and man’s revenge (in
- Hamlet). Hamlet’s revenge tended to have logic, and was fairer to those that
- weren’t the point of his revenge. However, in The Bacchae, Dionysus shows very
- little logic, simply punishing on his own whim. In some cases, Dionysus took out
- his revenge on people that he had no dispute with. He was simply in a bad mood,
- so his revenge was also taken out on them. Hamlet’s revenge showed a lot more
- reason and organization to it, as opposed to Dionysus’s, who had no reasons for
- quite a few of his actions.
- Another difference between the two plays is the character’s reasons for
- killing. Dionysus obviously kills out of passion, sometimes simply because he’s
- bored, or in a bad mood. Hamlet does have reasons, although there are cases in
- which Hamlet kills out of passion. When Hamlet kills Polonius, it’s out of passion.
- He’s in a hurry to kill Claudius, and in his rage, kills Polonius instead. However,
- when he actually does kill Claudius at the end, it’s not really out of pure passion.
- It’s much more a planned, logical murder.
- In summary, Hamlet and The Bacchae have various similarities and
- differences, which I hope I’ve shown in this paper. Neither Hamlet, nor The
- Bacchae ends in a pleasant way, which is characteristic of a tragedy. However, the
- end of Hamlet basically kills off all the main characters, except one, who carries the
- story on. The Bacchae ends with those whom Dionysus thinks should be punished,
- are punished. Those who have done him no wrong, are not affected. Both plays
- end with the idea that the story should be told, either to keep Hamlet’s memory
- alive, or to prevent others from going against Dionysus. In Hamlet, when someone
- dies, there’s usually a reason for it, while in The Bacchae, it’s simply because
- Dionysus wishes it so.
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- Words: 649