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  1. Critique
  2. Lord of the Flies written by Willam Golding, is a 208 page novel, written in
  3. 1954. Lord of the Flies is about a group of of young english boys who’s planes
  4. crashes onto a remote island. Throught the novel the boys gradually changed
  5. from civilzed english boys to to small savages that need to surive.
  6. The author used many metaphors and Imagery to describe the situations
  7. and places on the island. All the places in the island where described very well for
  8. example when Ralph first used the conch to call the other boys. The author says,
  9. “Ralph pursed his lips and squurted air into the shell, which emitted a low , farting
  10. noise.” That line tells the reader exactly how he blew the conch and he described
  11. how he put he is lips on it and what sound it made. He uses very descriptive
  12. words in that line and the reader feels like they are standing right next too them.
  13. the authors metaphors are also another good use of litery techinque it in the
  14. book. Willam Golding also uses alliteration in this next example. This quote is
  15. when Jck is ready to hunt the beast. “He gave a wild whoop and leapt down to
  16. the pale sand.” Wild whoop” would be alliteration and could also be considered
  17. onomapeia. The “pale sand” is a metaphor beacuse it described what the sand
  18. looked like. Willam Golding used many literary techinques in this book which
  19. make the book more interesting and fun to read.
  20. Lord of the Flies by Willam Golding was very interesting and fun too
  21. read. I liked how the author described many aspects of the island and the
  22. creatures that lived on it. The book was very detalitled so i always new what was
  23. going on and it felt like I was right there because the book is so detailed. I liked
  24. reading Lord of the Flies because it was very interesting. It described so
  25. manythings that i could imagine being next to one of the characters. Lord of The
  26. Flies proved ot be a great adventure novel. I would recomened this book to
  27. anyone who likes to read adventure novels and peole who like a good ending in
  28. the book.
  29. <br><br>
  30. Words: 374