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  1. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was one of the most influential people in history. Many people adored him because of his intelligence and his way with people.
  2. On November 22, 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was riding in Texas, in his car, when he was shot dead by Lee Harvey Oswald. Kennedy was a outstanding president, he also served time for his country. Kennedy was a very intelligent man, he His symbolic figure represented all the charm, vigor and optimism of youth as he led a nation into a new era of prosperity.
  3. From his birth into the powerful and influential Kennedy
  4. clan, much was to be expected of him. Kennedy was born on May
  5. 29,1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. His father, Joe, Sr., was a
  6. successful businessman with many political connections. Appointed
  7. by President Roosevelt, Joe, Sr., was given the chair of the
  8. Securities and Exchange Commission and later the prestigious
  9. position of United States ambassador to Great Britain(Anderson
  10. 98). His mother, Rose, was a loving housewife and took young John
  11. on frequent trips around historic Boston learning about American
  12. So 2
  13. revolutionary history. Both parents impressed on their children
  14. that their country had been good to the Kennedys. Whatever
  15. benefits the family received from the country they were told,
  16. must be returned by performing some service for the
  17. country(Anderson 12). The Kennedy clan included Joe, Jr., Bobby,
  18. Ted and their sisters, Eunice, Jean, Patricia, Rosemary, and
  19. Kathleen. Joe, Jr., was a significant figure in young John's life
  20. as he was the figure for most of John's admiration. His older
  21. brother was much bigger and stronger than John and took it upon
  22. himself to be John's coach and protector. John's childhood was
  23. full of sports, fun and activity. This all ended when John grew
  24. old enough to leave for school.
  25. At the age of thirteen, John left home to attend an away
  26. school for the first time. Canterbury School, a boarding school in
  27. New Milford, Connecticut and Choate Preparatory in Wallingford,
  28. Connecticut completed his elementary education(JFK 98). John
  29. graduated in 1934 and was promised a trip to London as a
  30. graduation gift. Soon after, John became ill with jaundice and
  31. would have to go to the hospital. He spent the rest of the
  32. summer trying to recover. He was not entirely well when he started
  33. Princeton, several weeks later in the fall of 1935. Around
  34. Christmas the jaundice returned and John had to drop out of
  35. school. Before the next school year began, he told his father he
  36. wanted to go to Harvard(JFK 98). On campus, young people took
  37. interest in politics, social changes, and events in Europe. The
  38. United States was pulling out of the Great Depression. Hitler's
  39. So 3
  40. Nazi Germany followed aggressive territorial expansion in Europe.
  41. It was at this time that John first became aware of the vast
  42. social and economic differences in the United States. In June
  43. 1940, John graduated cum laude(with praise or distinction) from
  44. Harvard. His thesis earned a magna cum laude(great praise)( JFK
  45. 98). After graduation, John began to send his paper to publishers,
  46. and it was accepted on his second try. Wilfrid Funk published it
  47. under the title Why England Slept. It became a bestseller. John, at
  48. twenty-five, became a literary sensation.
  49. In the spring of 1941, both John and Joe, Jr., decided to
  50. enroll in the armed services. Joe was accepted as a naval air
  51. cadet but John was turned down by both the army and navy because
  52. of his back trouble and history of illness(JFK 98). After months
  53. of training and conditioning, John reapplied and on September 19,
  54. John was accepted into the navy as a desk clerk in Washington. He
  55. was disgusted and applied for a transfer. In June 1941, Kennedy
  56. was sent to Naval Officers Training School at Northwestern
  57. University in Evanston, Illinois and then for additional training
  58. at the Motor Torpedo Boat Center at Melville, Rhode Island.
  59. In late April 1943, Lieutenant John F. Kennedy was put in
  60. command of a PT 109, a fast, light, attack craft in the Solomon
  61. Islands in the South Pacific. Kennedy saw action in the form of
  62. night patrols and participated in enemy bombings. On August 1,
  63. 1943, during a routine night patrol, a Japanese destroyer collided
  64. in the darkness with Kennedy's craft and the PT 109 was sunk.
  65. Through superhuman effort, the injured Kennedy heroically swam
  66. back and forth rescuing his wounded crew. Two were killed in the
  67. crash. The injury had once again aggravated his back. Still,
  68. Kennedy pushed on swimming from island to island in the South
  69. Pacific hoping for a patrol to come by. The lieutenant had no idea
  70. he had been in the water for eight hours. Finally, an island was
  71. spotted that could provided cover from Japanese planes. With no
  72. edible plants or water, Kennedy realized that he and the crew must
  73. move on.
  74. The next day, he once again attempted to search for
  75. rescue. After treading water for hours, the lieutenant was forced
  76. to admit no patrol boats were coming. He turned back for the island
  77. but was swept away by a powerful current. Kennedy collapsed on an
  78. island and slept. He recovered enough energy to return to the
  79. island and gathered the crew to move to another island in search
  80. of food. JFK was now desperate enough to seek help from
  81. natives on a Japanese controlled island. After making contact
  82. with the natives, Kennedy persuaded the natives to deliver a
  83. message written on the back of a coconut shell to allied forces.
  84. <br><br>
  85. Words: 918