base16-default-dark.lua.original 3.7 KB

  1. -- Base16 Theme: Default Dark
  2. --
  3. -- Theme author: Chris Kempson (
  4. -- Template Repository:
  5. -- Template adapted from Textadept's default templates
  6. -- Copyright 2007-2020 Mitchell MIT licensed.
  7. local view, colors, styles = view, lexer.colors, lexer.styles
  8. -- Base16 colors
  9. colors.base00 = 0x181818
  10. colors.base01 = 0x282828
  11. colors.base02 = 0x383838
  12. colors.base03 = 0x585858
  13. colors.base04 = 0xb8b8b8
  14. colors.base05 = 0xd8d8d8
  15. colors.base06 = 0xe8e8e8
  16. colors.base07 = 0xf8f8f8
  17. colors.base08 = 0x4246ab
  18. colors.base09 = 0x5696dc
  19. colors.base0A = 0x88caf7
  20. colors.base0B = 0x6cb5a1
  21. colors.base0C = 0xb9c186
  22. colors.base0D = 0xc2af7c
  23. colors.base0E = 0xaf8bba
  24. colors.base0F = 0x4669a1
  25. -- Default font.
  26. if not font then
  27. font = WIN32 and 'Courier New' or OSX and 'Monaco' or
  28. 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono'
  29. end
  30. if not size then size = not OSX and 10 or 12 end
  31. -- Predefined styles.
  32. styles.default = {
  33. font = font, size = size, fore = colors.base05, back = colors.base00
  34. }
  35. styles.line_number = {fore = colors.base04, back = colors.base00}
  36. --styles.control_char =
  37. styles.indent_guide = {fore = colors.base03}
  38. styles.call_tip = {fore = colors.base04, back = colors.base01}
  39. styles.fold_display_text = {fore = colors.base01}
  40. -- Token styles.
  41. styles.class = {fore = colors.base0A}
  42. styles.comment = {fore = colors.base03}
  43. styles.constant = {fore = colors.base09}
  44. styles.embedded = {fore = colors.base0F, back = colors.base01}
  45. styles.error = {fore = colors.base08, italics = true}
  46. styles['function'] = {fore = colors.base0D}
  47. styles.identifier = {}
  48. styles.keyword = {fore = colors.base0E}
  49. styles.label = {fore = colors.base08}
  50. styles.number = {fore = colors.base09}
  51. styles.operator = {fore = colors.base05}
  52. styles.preprocessor = {fore = colors.base0B}
  53. styles.regex = {fore = colors.base0C}
  54. styles.string = {fore = colors.base0B}
  55. styles.type = {fore = colors.base0A}
  56. styles.variable = {fore = colors.base08}
  57. styles.whitespace = {}
  58. -- Multiple Selection and Virtual Space
  59. --view.additional_sel_alpha =
  60. --view.additional_sel_fore =
  61. --view.additional_sel_back =
  62. --view.additional_caret_fore =
  63. -- Caret and Selection Styles.
  64. view:set_sel_fore(true, colors.base06)
  65. view:set_sel_back(true, colors.base02)
  66. --view.sel_alpha =
  67. view.caret_fore = colors.base05
  68. view.caret_line_back = colors.base01
  69. --view.caret_line_back_alpha =
  70. -- Fold Margin.
  71. view:set_fold_margin_color(true, colors.base00)
  72. view:set_fold_margin_hi_color(true, colors.base00)
  73. -- Markers.
  74. --view.marker_fore[textadept.bookmarks.MARK_BOOKMARK] = colors.base00
  75. view.marker_back[textadept.bookmarks.MARK_BOOKMARK] = colors.base0B
  76. --view.marker_fore[] = colors.base00
  77. view.marker_back[] = colors.base0E
  78. --view.marker_fore[] = colors.base00
  79. view.marker_back[] = colors.base08
  80. for i = view.MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, view.MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN do -- fold margin
  81. view.marker_fore[i] = colors.base00
  82. view.marker_back[i] = colors.base03
  83. view.marker_back_selected[i] = colors.base02
  84. end
  85. -- Indicators.
  86. view.indic_fore[ui.find.INDIC_FIND] = colors.base09
  87. view.indic_alpha[ui.find.INDIC_FIND] = 255
  88. view.indic_fore[textadept.editing.INDIC_BRACEMATCH] = colors.base06
  89. view.indic_fore[textadept.editing.INDIC_HIGHLIGHT] = colors.base07
  90. view.indic_alpha[textadept.editing.INDIC_HIGHLIGHT] = 64
  91. view.indic_fore[textadept.snippets.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER] = colors.base04
  92. -- Call tips.
  93. view.call_tip_fore_hlt = colors.base06
  94. -- Long Lines.
  95. view.edge_color = colors.base02
  96. -- Add red, green, and yellow for diff lexer.
  97. = colors.base08
  98. = colors.base0B
  99. colors.yellow = colors.base0E