123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142 |
- #!/bin/bash
- # menu_plugin
- PLUGIN_NAME="Wallpaper Manager"
- PLUGIN_FUNCTION="Manage wallpaper"
- PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION="Allows you to manage policy-set wallpapers through Pollen automagically"
- PLUGIN_AUTHOR="rainestorme"
- doas() {
- ssh -t -p 1337 -i /rootkey -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no root@ "$@"
- }
- # Prompt the user to choose a file from /home/chronos/user/Downloads/
- echo "Choose a jpg or png from your Downloads folder"
- PS3="Enter the number of the file you want to choose: "
- options=($(ls -1 /home/chronos/user/Downloads | grep -E '\.(jpg|png)$'))
- select opt in "${options[@]}"
- do
- if [[ -n "$opt" ]]; then
- image_path="/home/chronos/user/Downloads/$opt"
- break
- fi
- done
- # Fetch the SHA256 hash of the image file
- hash=$(sha256sum "$image_path" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
- # Construct the new JSON object with the updated values
- new_json="{\"hash\": \"$hash\", \"url\": \"file://$image_path\"}"
- # Update the "WallpaperImage" key in the JSON file with the new values
- json_file="/etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed/policy.json"
- if grep -q "\"WallpaperImage\":" "$json_file"; then
- # "WallpaperImage" key already exists in the JSON file, update its value
- sed -i "s/\(\"WallpaperImage\":{\).*\(:{.*\)\(}\)/\1$new_json\3/" "$json_file"
- else
- # "WallpaperImage" key does not exist in the JSON file, add it to the end
- sed -i "s/\(}\)$/,\n \"WallpaperImage\": $new_json\n\1/" "$json_file"
- fi
- echo "Set wallpaper successfully."