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- title: "Choosing an Exploit Chain"
- ---
- {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
- ## Section I - Overview of Exploits
- Your device is compatible with two exploit chains - E-Halcyon and traditional WP-disabled unenrollment. Read below for more information to choose between the exploits.
- + E-Halcyon
- + Pros
- + Can be booted temporarily or installed to the drive in semi-tethered mode
- + Provides a fully unenrolled environment on v107
- + "Just works" exploit, quick and easy setup
- + Cons
- + Requires a USB drive at every boot to startup, will display "ChromeOS is missing or damaged" if E-Halcyon is installed in semi-tethered mode
- + Won't "phone home" to GAC - you'll have to recover every couple of days for device information to update it if that's a concern for you
- + User data isn't saved between reboots due to cryptohome issues
- + Requires a Linux system to build
- + WP-disabled Unenrollment + fakemurk (murkmod)
- + Pros
- + Spoofs enrollment, will update GAC data without sending devmode status
- + Powerful exploit - provides utilities, full Crouton and Chromebrew
- + Semi-unenrolled environment on v105
- + Policy modification via Pollen, devpolicy modification via Lilac
- + Cons
- + Requires disassembly of Chromebook to disable firmware write-protect
- + Not noob-friendly, requires basic knowledge of using a terminal and a Linux system to build
- ## Section II - Choosing Next Steps
- Chosen an exploit chain? Great! Select a next step below.
- If you want to boot E-Halcyon or install it in semi-tethered mode, continue to [SH1mmer Unenrollment](sh1mmer)
- {: .notice--success}
- Or, if you want to disable WP and unenroll normally, continue to [Identifying Firmware WP](identify-wp)
- {: .notice--success}