compresseur_en.php 1.4 KB

  1. <?php
  2. // This is a SPIP language file -- Ceci est un fichier langue de SPIP
  3. // extrait automatiquement de
  4. // ** ne pas modifier le fichier **
  5. if (!defined('_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION')) return;
  6. $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']] = array(
  7. // I
  8. 'info_compresseur_titre' => 'Optimisation and compression',
  9. 'info_question_activer_compactage_css' => 'CSS',
  10. 'info_question_activer_compactage_js' => 'Scripts',
  11. 'info_question_activer_compresseur' => 'HTML',
  12. 'item_compresseur_closure' => 'Use Google Closure Compiler [experimental]',
  13. 'item_compresseur_css' => 'Enable stylesheets compression (CSS)',
  14. 'item_compresseur_html' => 'Enable HTML compression',
  15. 'item_compresseur_js' => 'Enable scripts compression (javascript)',
  16. // T
  17. 'texte_compacter_avertissement' => 'Be careful not to activate these options during site development, as compressed elements are difficult to read and debug.',
  18. 'texte_compacter_script_css' => 'SPIP can compact Javascript files and CSS stylesheets and save them as static files. This makes the site display faster on browsers.',
  19. 'texte_compresseur_page' => 'SPIP can automatically compress every page it sends. This option reduces bandwidth, making the site faster for lower speed connections), but it does require more resources from the server.',
  20. 'titre_compacter_script_css' => 'Compression of scripts and CSS',
  21. 'titre_compresser_flux_http' => 'HTML compression'
  22. );
  23. ?>