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  1. # █ █ ▀ █▄▀ ▄▀█ █▀█ ▀
  2. # █▀█ █ █ █ █▀█ █▀▄ █
  3. # © Copyright 2022
  4. #
  5. #
  6. # 🔒 Licensed under the GNU AGPLv3
  7. # 🌐
  8. import re
  9. import string
  10. from hikka.inline.types import BotInlineMessage
  11. from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import YouBlockedUserError
  12. from import UnblockRequest
  13. from import Message
  14. from .. import loader, utils
  15. @loader.tds
  16. class InlineStuffMod(loader.Module):
  17. """Provides support for inline stuff"""
  18. strings = {
  19. "name": "InlineStuff",
  20. "bot_username_invalid": (
  21. "<emoji document_id=5415905755406539934>🚫</emoji> <b>Specified bot"
  22. " username is invalid. It must end with </b><code>bot</code><b> and contain"
  23. " at least 4 symbols</b>"
  24. ),
  25. "bot_username_occupied": (
  26. "<emoji document_id=5415905755406539934>🚫</emoji> <b>This username is"
  27. " already occupied</b>"
  28. ),
  29. "bot_updated": (
  30. "<emoji document_id=6318792204118656433>🎉</emoji> <b>Config successfully"
  31. " saved. Restart userbot to apply changes</b>"
  32. ),
  33. "this_is_hikka": (
  34. "🌘 <b>Hi! This is Hikka — powerful modular Telegram userbot. You can"
  35. " install it to your account!</b>\n\n<b>🌍 <a"
  36. ' href="">GitHub</a></b>\n<b>👥 <a'
  37. ' href="">Support chat</a></b>'
  38. ),
  39. }
  40. strings_ru = {
  41. "bot_username_invalid": (
  42. "<emoji document_id=5415905755406539934>🚫</emoji> <b>Неправильный ник"
  43. " бота. Он должен заканчиваться на </b><code>bot</code><b> и быть не короче"
  44. " чем 5 символов</b>"
  45. ),
  46. "bot_username_occupied": (
  47. "<emoji document_id=5415905755406539934>🚫</emoji> <b>Такой ник бота уже"
  48. " занят</b>"
  49. ),
  50. "bot_updated": (
  51. "<emoji document_id=6318792204118656433>🎉</emoji> <b>Настройки сохранены."
  52. " Для их применения нужно перезагрузить юзербот</b>"
  53. ),
  54. "this_is_hikka": (
  55. "🌘 <b>Привет! Это Hikka — мощный модульный Telegram юзербот. Вы можете"
  56. " установить его на свой аккаунт!</b>\n\n<b>🌍 <a"
  57. ' href="">GitHub</a></b>\n<b>👥 <a'
  58. ' href="">Чат поддержки</a></b>'
  59. ),
  60. }
  61. async def watcher(self, message: Message):
  62. if (
  63. getattr(message, "out", False)
  64. and getattr(message, "via_bot_id", False)
  65. and message.via_bot_id == self.inline.bot_id
  66. and "This message will be deleted automatically"
  67. in getattr(message, "raw_text", "")
  68. ):
  69. await message.delete()
  70. return
  71. if (
  72. not getattr(message, "out", False)
  73. or not getattr(message, "via_bot_id", False)
  74. or message.via_bot_id != self.inline.bot_id
  75. or "Opening gallery..." not in getattr(message, "raw_text", "")
  76. ):
  77. return
  78. id_ ="#id: ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)", message.raw_text)[1]
  79. await message.delete()
  80. m = await message.respond("🌘 <b>Opening gallery...</b>")
  81. await
  82. message=m,
  83. next_handler=self.inline._custom_map[id_]["handler"],
  84. caption=self.inline._custom_map[id_].get("caption", ""),
  85. force_me=self.inline._custom_map[id_].get("force_me", False),
  86. disable_security=self.inline._custom_map[id_].get(
  87. "disable_security", False
  88. ),
  89. silent=True,
  90. )
  91. async def _check_bot(self, username: str) -> bool:
  92. async with self._client.conversation("@BotFather", exclusive=False) as conv:
  93. try:
  94. m = await conv.send_message("/token")
  95. except YouBlockedUserError:
  96. await self._client(UnblockRequest(id="@BotFather"))
  97. m = await conv.send_message("/token")
  98. r = await conv.get_response()
  99. await m.delete()
  100. await r.delete()
  101. if not hasattr(r, "reply_markup") or not hasattr(r.reply_markup, "rows"):
  102. return False
  103. for row in r.reply_markup.rows:
  104. for button in row.buttons:
  105. if username != button.text.strip("@"):
  106. continue
  107. m = await conv.send_message("/cancel")
  108. r = await conv.get_response()
  109. await m.delete()
  110. await r.delete()
  111. return True
  112. @loader.command(ru_doc="<юзернейм> - Изменить юзернейм инлайн бота")
  113. async def ch_hikka_bot(self, message: Message):
  114. """<username> - Change your Hikka inline bot username"""
  115. args = utils.get_args_raw(message).strip("@")
  116. if (
  117. not args
  118. or not args.lower().endswith("bot")
  119. or len(args) <= 4
  120. or any(
  121. litera not in (string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "_")
  122. for litera in args
  123. )
  124. ):
  125. await utils.answer(message, self.strings("bot_username_invalid"))
  126. return
  127. try:
  128. await self._client.get_entity(f"@{args}")
  129. except ValueError:
  130. pass
  131. else:
  132. if not await self._check_bot(args):
  133. await utils.answer(message, self.strings("bot_username_occupied"))
  134. return
  135. self._db.set("hikka.inline", "custom_bot", args)
  136. self._db.set("hikka.inline", "bot_token", None)
  137. await utils.answer(message, self.strings("bot_updated"))
  138. async def aiogram_watcher(self, message: BotInlineMessage):
  139. if message.text != "/start":
  140. return
  141. await message.answer_photo(
  142. "",
  143. caption=self.strings("this_is_hikka"),
  144. )
  145. async def client_ready(self, client, db):
  146. if self.get("migrated"):
  147. return
  148. self.set("migrated", True)
  149. async with self._client.conversation("@BotFather") as conv:
  150. for msg in [
  151. "/cancel",
  152. "/setinline",
  153. f"@{self.inline.bot_username}",
  154. "user@hikka:~$",
  155. ]:
  156. m = await conv.send_message(msg)
  157. r = await conv.get_response()
  158. await m.delete()
  159. await r.delete()