Pipfile 864 B

  1. [[source]]
  2. url = 'https://pypi.python.org/simple'
  3. verify_ssl = true
  4. name = 'pypi'
  5. [requires]
  6. python_version = '3.9.13'
  7. [packages]
  8. hikka-tl = '==1.24.8'
  9. aiofile = '==3.8.1'
  10. pythondialog = '==3.5.3'
  11. gitpython = '==3.1.27'
  12. meval = '==2.5'
  13. aiohttp_jinja2 = '==1.5'
  14. aiohttp = '*'
  15. Jinja2 = '==3.0.3'
  16. requests = '==2.27.1'
  17. aiogram = '==2.19'
  18. grapheme = '==0.6.0'
  19. heroku3 = '==5.1.4'
  20. psycopg2-binary = '==2.9.3'
  21. redis = '==3.5.3'
  22. # Optional Heroku deps just to make user comfortable
  23. Pillow = '*' # Any module, which works with images
  24. pydub = '*' # Almost any, module which works with audio
  25. SpeechRecognition = '*' # .dlmod vtt
  26. googletrans = '==4.0.0rc1' # .dlmod translator
  27. python-ffmpeg = '*' # Majority of modules, which work with audio
  28. emoji = '*' # .dlmod sticks
  29. moviepy = '*' # Almost any module, which works with video
  30. websockets = '*' # .dlmod hikarichat