123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618 |
- """Obviously, dispatches stuff"""
- # Friendly Telegram (telegram userbot)
- # Copyright (C) 2018-2022 The Authors
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- # █ █ ▀ █▄▀ ▄▀█ █▀█ ▀
- # █▀█ █ █ █ █▀█ █▀▄ █
- # © Copyright 2022
- # https://t.me/hikariatama
- #
- # 🔒 Licensed under the GNU AGPLv3
- # 🌐 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
- import asyncio
- import collections
- import copy
- import inspect
- import logging
- import re
- import traceback
- from typing import Tuple, Union
- from telethon import types
- from telethon.tl.types import Message
- from . import main, security, utils
- from .database import Database
- from .loader import Modules
- # Keys for layout switch
- ru_keys = 'ёйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбю.Ё"№;%:?ЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗХЪФЫВАПРОЛДЖЭ/ЯЧСМИТЬБЮ,'
- en_keys = "`qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./~@#$%^&QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:\"|ZXCVBNM<>?"
- ALL_TAGS = [
- "no_commands",
- "only_commands",
- "out",
- "in",
- "only_messages",
- "editable",
- "no_media",
- "only_media",
- "only_photos",
- "only_videos",
- "only_audios",
- "only_stickers",
- "only_docs",
- "only_inline",
- "only_channels",
- "only_groups",
- "only_pm",
- "startswith",
- "endswith",
- "contains",
- "func",
- "from_id",
- "chat_id",
- "regex",
- ]
- def _decrement_ratelimit(delay, data, key, severity):
- def inner():
- data[key] = max(0, data[key] - severity)
- asyncio.get_event_loop().call_later(delay, inner)
- class CommandDispatcher:
- def __init__(self, modules: Modules, db: Database, no_nickname: bool = False):
- self._modules = modules
- self._db = db
- self.security = security.SecurityManager(db)
- self.no_nickname = no_nickname
- self._ratelimit_storage_user = collections.defaultdict(int)
- self._ratelimit_storage_chat = collections.defaultdict(int)
- self._ratelimit_max_user = db.get(__name__, "ratelimit_max_user", 30)
- self._ratelimit_max_chat = db.get(__name__, "ratelimit_max_chat", 100)
- self.check_security = self.security.check
- async def init(self, client: "TelegramClient"): # type: ignore
- await self.security.init(client)
- me = await client.get_me()
- self.client = client # Intended to be used to track user in logging
- self._me = me.id
- self._cached_username = me.username.lower() if me.username else str(me.id)
- async def _handle_ratelimit(self, message: Message, func: callable) -> bool:
- if await self.security.check(
- message,
- security.OWNER | security.SUDO | security.SUPPORT,
- ):
- return True
- func = getattr(func, "__func__", func)
- ret = True
- chat = self._ratelimit_storage_chat[message.chat_id]
- if message.sender_id:
- user = self._ratelimit_storage_user[message.sender_id]
- severity = (5 if getattr(func, "ratelimit", False) else 2) * (
- (user + chat) // 30 + 1
- )
- user += severity
- self._ratelimit_storage_user[message.sender_id] = user
- if user > self._ratelimit_max_user:
- ret = False
- else:
- self._ratelimit_storage_chat[message.chat_id] = chat
- _decrement_ratelimit(
- self._ratelimit_max_user * severity,
- self._ratelimit_storage_user,
- message.sender_id,
- severity,
- )
- else:
- severity = (5 if getattr(func, "ratelimit", False) else 2) * (
- chat // 15 + 1
- )
- chat += severity
- if chat > self._ratelimit_max_chat:
- ret = False
- _decrement_ratelimit(
- self._ratelimit_max_chat * severity,
- self._ratelimit_storage_chat,
- message.chat_id,
- severity,
- )
- return ret
- def _handle_grep(self, message: Message) -> Message:
- # Allow escaping grep with double stick
- if "||grep" in message.text or "|| grep" in message.text:
- message.raw_text = re.sub(r"\|\| ?grep", "| grep", message.raw_text)
- message.text = re.sub(r"\|\| ?grep", "| grep", message.text)
- message.message = re.sub(r"\|\| ?grep", "| grep", message.message)
- return message
- grep = False
- if not re.search(r".+\| ?grep (.+)", message.raw_text):
- return message
- grep = re.search(r".+\| ?grep (.+)", message.raw_text).group(1)
- message.text = re.sub(r"\| ?grep.+", "", message.text)
- message.raw_text = re.sub(r"\| ?grep.+", "", message.raw_text)
- message.message = re.sub(r"\| ?grep.+", "", message.message)
- ungrep = False
- if re.search(r"-v (.+)", grep):
- ungrep = re.search(r"-v (.+)", grep).group(1)
- grep = re.sub(r"(.+) -v .+", r"\g<1>", grep)
- grep = utils.escape_html(grep).strip() if grep else False
- ungrep = utils.escape_html(ungrep).strip() if ungrep else False
- old_edit = message.edit
- old_reply = message.reply
- old_respond = message.respond
- def process_text(text: str) -> str:
- nonlocal grep, ungrep
- res = []
- for line in text.split("\n"):
- if (
- grep
- and grep in utils.remove_html(line)
- and (not ungrep or ungrep not in utils.remove_html(line))
- ):
- res.append(
- utils.remove_html(line, escape=True).replace(
- grep, f"<u>{grep}</u>"
- )
- )
- if not grep and ungrep and ungrep not in utils.remove_html(line):
- res.append(utils.remove_html(line, escape=True))
- cont = (
- (f"contain <b>{grep}</b>" if grep else "")
- + (" and" if grep and ungrep else "")
- + ((" do not contain <b>" + ungrep + "</b>") if ungrep else "")
- )
- if res:
- text = f"<i>💬 Lines that {cont}:</i>\n" + "\n".join(res)
- else:
- text = f"💬 <i>No lines that {cont}</i>"
- return text
- async def my_edit(text, *args, **kwargs):
- text = process_text(text)
- kwargs["parse_mode"] = "HTML"
- return await old_edit(text, *args, **kwargs)
- async def my_reply(text, *args, **kwargs):
- text = process_text(text)
- kwargs["parse_mode"] = "HTML"
- return await old_reply(text, *args, **kwargs)
- async def my_respond(text, *args, **kwargs):
- text = process_text(text)
- kwargs["parse_mode"] = "HTML"
- return await old_respond(text, *args, **kwargs)
- message.edit = my_edit
- message.reply = my_reply
- message.respond = my_respond
- return message
- async def _handle_command(
- self,
- event,
- watcher: bool = False,
- ) -> Union[bool, Tuple[Message, str, str, callable]]:
- if not hasattr(event, "message") or not hasattr(event.message, "message"):
- return False
- prefix = self._db.get(main.__name__, "command_prefix", False) or "."
- change = str.maketrans(ru_keys + en_keys, en_keys + ru_keys)
- message = utils.censor(event.message)
- if not event.message.message:
- return False
- if (
- event.message.message.startswith(str.translate(prefix, change))
- and str.translate(prefix, change) != prefix
- ):
- message.message = str.translate(message.message, change)
- message.text = str.translate(message.text, change)
- elif not event.message.message.startswith(prefix):
- return False
- if (
- event.sticker
- or event.dice
- or event.audio
- or event.via_bot_id
- or getattr(event, "reactions", False)
- ):
- return False
- blacklist_chats = self._db.get(main.__name__, "blacklist_chats", [])
- whitelist_chats = self._db.get(main.__name__, "whitelist_chats", [])
- whitelist_modules = self._db.get(main.__name__, "whitelist_modules", [])
- if utils.get_chat_id(message) in blacklist_chats or (
- whitelist_chats and utils.get_chat_id(message) not in whitelist_chats
- ):
- return False
- if (
- message.out
- and len(message.message) > 2
- and message.message.startswith(prefix * 2)
- and any(s != prefix for s in message.message)
- ):
- # Allow escaping commands using .'s
- if not watcher:
- await message.edit(
- message.message[1:],
- parse_mode=lambda s: (
- s,
- utils.relocate_entities(message.entities, -1, message.message)
- or (),
- ),
- )
- return False
- if not message.message or len(message.message) == 1:
- return False # Message is just the prefix
- initiator = getattr(event, "sender_id", 0)
- command = message.message[1:].strip().split(maxsplit=1)[0]
- tag = command.split("@", maxsplit=1)
- if len(tag) == 2:
- if tag[1] == "me":
- if not message.out:
- return False
- elif tag[1].lower() != self._cached_username:
- return False
- elif (
- event.out
- or event.mentioned
- and event.message is not None
- and event.message.message is not None
- and f"@{self._cached_username}" not in command.lower()
- ):
- pass
- elif (
- not event.is_private
- and not self.no_nickname
- and not self._db.get(main.__name__, "no_nickname", False)
- and command not in self._db.get(main.__name__, "nonickcmds", [])
- and initiator not in self._db.get(main.__name__, "nonickusers", [])
- and utils.get_chat_id(event)
- not in self._db.get(main.__name__, "nonickchats", [])
- ):
- return False
- txt, func = self._modules.dispatch(tag[0])
- if (
- not func
- or not await self._handle_ratelimit(message, func)
- or not await self.security.check(message, func)
- ):
- return False
- if (
- message.is_channel
- and message.is_group
- and message.chat.title.startswith("hikka-")
- and message.chat.title != "hikka-logs"
- ):
- if not watcher:
- logging.warning("Ignoring message in datachat \\ logging chat")
- return False
- message.message = prefix + txt + message.message[len(prefix + command) :]
- if (
- f"{str(utils.get_chat_id(message))}.{func.__self__.__module__}"
- in blacklist_chats
- or whitelist_modules
- and f"{utils.get_chat_id(message)}.{func.__self__.__module__}"
- not in whitelist_modules
- ):
- return False
- if await self._handle_tags(event, func):
- return False
- if self._db.get(main.__name__, "grep", False) and not watcher:
- message = self._handle_grep(message)
- return message, prefix, txt, func
- async def handle_command(self, event: Message):
- """Handle all commands"""
- message = await self._handle_command(event)
- if not message:
- return
- message, _, _, func = message
- asyncio.ensure_future(
- self.future_dispatcher(
- func,
- message,
- self.command_exc,
- )
- )
- async def command_exc(self, e, message: Message):
- logging.exception("Command failed", extra={"stack": inspect.stack()})
- if not self._db.get(main.__name__, "inlinelogs", True):
- try:
- txt = (
- "<b>🚫 Call</b>"
- f" <code>{utils.escape_html(message.message)}</code><b>"
- " failed!</b>"
- )
- await (message.edit if message.out else message.reply)(txt)
- except Exception:
- pass
- return
- try:
- exc = traceback.format_exc()
- # Remove `Traceback (most recent call last):`
- exc = "\n".join(exc.splitlines()[1:])
- txt = (
- "<b>🚫 Call</b>"
- f" <code>{utils.escape_html(message.message)}</code><b>"
- f" failed!</b>\n\n<b>🧾 Logs:</b>\n<code>{utils.escape_html(exc)}</code>"
- )
- await (message.edit if message.out else message.reply)(txt)
- except Exception:
- pass
- async def watcher_exc(self, e, message: Message):
- logging.exception("Error running watcher", extra={"stack": inspect.stack()})
- async def _handle_tags(self, event, func: callable) -> bool:
- message = getattr(event, "message", event)
- return (
- (
- getattr(func, "no_commands", False)
- and await self._handle_command(event, watcher=True)
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "only_commands", False)
- and not await self._handle_command(event, watcher=True)
- )
- or (getattr(func, "out", False) and not getattr(message, "out", True))
- or (getattr(func, "in", False) and getattr(message, "out", True))
- or (
- getattr(func, "only_messages", False)
- and not isinstance(message, types.Message)
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "editable", False)
- and (
- getattr(message, "fwd_from", False)
- or not getattr(message, "out", False)
- or getattr(message, "sticker", False)
- or getattr(message, "via_bot_id", False)
- )
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "no_media", False)
- and isinstance(message, types.Message)
- and getattr(message, "media", False)
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "only_media", False)
- and (
- not isinstance(message, types.Message)
- or not getattr(message, "media", False)
- )
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "only_photos", False)
- and not utils.mime_type(message).startswith("image/")
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "only_videos", False)
- and not utils.mime_type(message).startswith("video/")
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "only_audios", False)
- and not utils.mime_type(message).startswith("audio/")
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "only_stickers", False)
- and not getattr(message, "sticker", False)
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "only_docs", False)
- and not getattr(message, "document", False)
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "only_inline", False)
- and not getattr(message, "via_bot_id", False)
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "only_channels", False)
- and (
- not getattr(message, "is_channel", False)
- and getattr(message, "is_group", False)
- or getattr(message, "is_private", False)
- )
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "only_groups", False)
- and not getattr(message, "is_group", False)
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "only_pm", False)
- and not getattr(message, "is_private", False)
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "startswith", False)
- and (
- not isinstance(message, Message)
- or isinstance(func.startswith, str)
- and not message.raw_text.startswith(getattr(func, "startswith"))
- )
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "endswith", False)
- and (
- not isinstance(message, Message)
- or isinstance(func.endswith, str)
- and not message.raw_text.endswith(getattr(func, "endswith"))
- )
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "contains", False)
- and (
- not isinstance(message, Message)
- or isinstance(func.contains, str)
- and getattr(func, "contains") not in message.raw_text
- )
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "func", False)
- and callable(func.func)
- and not func.func(message)
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "from_id", False)
- and getattr(message, "sender_id", None) != func.from_id
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "chat_id", False)
- and utils.get_chat_id(message)
- != (
- func.chat_id
- if not str(func.chat_id).startswith("-100")
- else int(str(func.chat_id)[4:])
- )
- )
- or (
- getattr(func, "regex", False)
- and (
- not isinstance(message, Message)
- or not re.search(func.regex, message.raw_text)
- )
- )
- )
- async def handle_incoming(self, event):
- """Handle all incoming messages"""
- message = utils.censor(getattr(event, "message", event))
- blacklist_chats = self._db.get(main.__name__, "blacklist_chats", [])
- whitelist_chats = self._db.get(main.__name__, "whitelist_chats", [])
- whitelist_modules = self._db.get(main.__name__, "whitelist_modules", [])
- if utils.get_chat_id(message) in blacklist_chats or (
- whitelist_chats and utils.get_chat_id(message) not in whitelist_chats
- ):
- logging.debug("Message is blacklisted")
- return
- for func in self._modules.watchers:
- bl = self._db.get(main.__name__, "disabled_watchers", {})
- modname = str(func.__self__.__class__.strings["name"])
- if (
- modname in bl
- and isinstance(message, types.Message)
- and (
- "*" in bl[modname]
- or utils.get_chat_id(message) in bl[modname]
- or "only_chats" in bl[modname]
- and message.is_private
- or "only_pm" in bl[modname]
- and not message.is_private
- or "out" in bl[modname]
- and not message.out
- or "in" in bl[modname]
- and message.out
- )
- or f"{str(utils.get_chat_id(message))}.{func.__self__.__module__}"
- in blacklist_chats
- or whitelist_modules
- and f"{str(utils.get_chat_id(message))}.{func.__self__.__module__}"
- not in whitelist_modules
- or await self._handle_tags(event, func)
- ):
- tags = ", ".join(
- f"{tag}={getattr(func, tag, None)}" for tag in ALL_TAGS
- )
- logging.debug(f"Ignored watcher of module {modname} {tags}")
- continue
- # Avoid weird AttributeErrors in weird dochub modules by settings placeholder
- # of attributes
- for placeholder in {"text", "raw_text"}:
- try:
- if not hasattr(message, placeholder):
- setattr(message, placeholder, "")
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- pass
- # Run watcher via ensure_future so in case user has a lot
- # of watchers with long actions, they can run simultaneously
- asyncio.ensure_future(
- self.future_dispatcher(
- func,
- message,
- self.watcher_exc,
- )
- )
- async def future_dispatcher(
- self,
- func: callable,
- message: Message,
- exception_handler: callable,
- *args,
- ):
- # Will be used to determine, which client caused logging messages
- # parsed via inspect.stack()
- _hikka_client_id_logging_tag = copy.copy(self.client.tg_id) # skipcq
- try:
- await func(message)
- except BaseException as e:
- await exception_handler(e, message, *args)