123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232 |
- # █ █ ▀ █▄▀ ▄▀█ █▀█ ▀
- # █▀█ █ █ █ █▀█ █▀▄ █
- # © Copyright 2022
- # https://t.me/hikariatama
- #
- # 🔒 Licensed under the GNU AGPLv3
- # 🌐 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
- import contextlib
- import itertools
- import logging
- import sys
- from types import ModuleType
- import os
- from typing import Any
- import telethon
- from meval import meval
- from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import MessageIdInvalidError
- from telethon.tl.types import Message
- from .. import loader, main, utils
- from ..inline.types import InlineCall
- from ..log import HikkaException
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- class FakeDbException(Exception):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- class FakeDb:
- def __getattr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- raise FakeDbException("Database read-write permission required")
- @loader.tds
- class PythonMod(loader.Module):
- """Evaluates python code"""
- strings = {
- "name": "Python",
- "eval": "<b>🎬 Code:</b>\n<code>{}</code>\n<b>🪄 Result:</b>\n<code>{}</code>",
- "err": "<b>🎬 Code:</b>\n<code>{}</code>\n\n<b>🚫 Error:</b>\n{}",
- "db_permission": (
- "⚠️ <b>Do not use </b><code>db.set</code><b>, </b><code>db.get</code><b> "
- "and other db operations. You have core modules to control anything you "
- "want</b>\n\n<i>Theses commands may <b><u>crash</u></b> your userbot or "
- "even make it <b><u>unusable</u></b>! Do it on your own risk</i>\n\n<i>"
- "If you issue any errors after allowing this option, <b><u>you will not "
- "get any help in support chat</u></b>!</i>"
- ),
- }
- strings_ru = {
- "eval": "<b>🎬 Код:</b>\n<code>{}</code>\n<b>🪄 Результат:</b>\n<code>{}</code>",
- "err": "<b>🎬 Код:</b>\n<code>{}</code>\n\n<b>🚫 Ошибка:</b>\n{}",
- "db_permission": (
- "⚠️ <b>Не используй </b><code>db.set</code><b>, </b><code>db.get</code><b>"
- " и другие операции с базой данных. У тебя есть встроенные модуля для"
- " управления ей</b>\n\n<i>Эти команды могут <b><u>нарушить работу</u></b>"
- " юзербота, или вообще <b><u>сломать</u></b> его! Используй эти команды на"
- " свой страх и риск</i>\n\n<i>Если появятся какие-либо проблемы, вызванные"
- " после этой команды, <b><u>ты не получишь помощи в чате</u></b>!</i>"
- ),
- "_cmd_doc_eval": "Алиас для команды .e",
- "_cmd_doc_e": "Выполняет Python кодировка",
- "_cls_doc": "Выполняет Python код",
- }
- async def client_ready(self, client, _):
- self._phone = (await client.get_me()).phone
- @loader.owner
- async def evalcmd(self, message: Message):
- """Alias for .e command"""
- await self.ecmd(message)
- async def inline__allow(self, call: InlineCall):
- await call.answer("Now you can access db through .e command", show_alert=True)
- self._db.set(main.__name__, "enable_db_eval", True)
- await call.delete()
- @loader.owner
- async def ecmd(self, message: Message):
- """Evaluates python code"""
- ret = self.strings("eval")
- try:
- it = await meval(
- utils.get_args_raw(message),
- globals(),
- **await self.getattrs(message),
- )
- except FakeDbException:
- await self.inline.form(
- self.strings("db_permission"),
- message=message,
- reply_markup=[
- [
- {
- "text": "✅ Allow",
- "callback": self.inline__allow,
- },
- {"text": "🚫 Cancel", "action": "close"},
- ]
- ],
- )
- return
- except Exception:
- item = HikkaException.from_exc_info(*sys.exc_info())
- exc = (
- "\n<b>🪐 Full stack:</b>\n\n"
- + "\n".join(item.full_stack.splitlines()[:-1])
- + "\n\n"
- + "😵 "
- + item.full_stack.splitlines()[-1]
- )
- exc = exc.replace(str(self._phone), "📵")
- if os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL"):
- exc = exc.replace(
- os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL"),
- "postgre://**************************",
- )
- if os.environ.get("hikka_session"):
- exc = exc.replace(
- os.environ.get("hikka_session"),
- "StringSession(**************************)",
- )
- await utils.answer(
- message,
- self.strings("err").format(
- utils.escape_html(utils.get_args_raw(message)),
- exc,
- ),
- )
- return
- ret = ret.format(
- utils.escape_html(utils.get_args_raw(message)),
- utils.escape_html(
- str(it.stringify())
- if hasattr(it, "stringify") and callable(it.stringify)
- else str(it)
- ),
- )
- ret = ret.replace(str(self._phone), "📵")
- if postgre := os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL") or main.get_config_key(
- "postgre_uri"
- ):
- ret = ret.replace(postgre, "postgre://**************************")
- if redis := os.environ.get("REDIS_URL") or main.get_config_key("redis_uri"):
- ret = ret.replace(redis, "redis://**************************")
- if os.environ.get("hikka_session"):
- ret = ret.replace(
- os.environ.get("hikka_session"),
- "StringSession(**************************)",
- )
- with contextlib.suppress(MessageIdInvalidError):
- await utils.answer(message, ret)
- async def getattrs(self, message: Message) -> dict:
- reply = await message.get_reply_message()
- return {
- **{
- "message": message,
- "client": self._client,
- "reply": reply,
- "r": reply,
- **self.get_sub(telethon.tl.types),
- **self.get_sub(telethon.tl.functions),
- "event": message,
- "chat": message.to_id,
- "telethon": telethon,
- "utils": utils,
- "main": main,
- "loader": loader,
- "f": telethon.tl.functions,
- "c": self._client,
- "m": message,
- "lookup": self.lookup,
- "self": self,
- },
- **(
- {
- "db": self._db,
- }
- if self._db.get(main.__name__, "enable_db_eval", False)
- else {
- "db": FakeDb(),
- }
- ),
- }
- def get_sub(self, obj: Any, _depth: int = 1) -> dict:
- """Get all callable capitalised objects in an object recursively, ignoring _*"""
- return {
- **dict(
- filter(
- lambda x: x[0][0] != "_"
- and x[0][0].upper() == x[0][0]
- and callable(x[1]),
- obj.__dict__.items(),
- )
- ),
- **dict(
- itertools.chain.from_iterable(
- [
- self.get_sub(y[1], _depth + 1).items()
- for y in filter(
- lambda x: x[0][0] != "_"
- and isinstance(x[1], ModuleType)
- and x[1] != obj
- and x[1].__package__.rsplit(".", _depth)[0]
- == "telethon.tl",
- obj.__dict__.items(),
- )
- ]
- )
- ),
- }