123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290 |
- # █ █ ▀ █▄▀ ▄▀█ █▀█ ▀
- # █▀█ █ █ █ █▀█ █▀▄ █
- # © Copyright 2022
- # https://t.me/hikariatama
- #
- # 🔒 Licensed under the GNU AGPLv3
- # 🌐 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
- import asyncio
- import contextlib
- import copy
- import functools
- import logging
- import time
- import traceback
- from typing import List as _List
- from typing import Optional, Union
- from aiogram.types import (
- CallbackQuery,
- InlineKeyboardMarkup,
- InlineQuery,
- InlineQueryResultArticle,
- InputTextMessageContent,
- )
- from aiogram.utils.exceptions import RetryAfter
- from telethon.tl.types import Message
- from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import ChatSendInlineForbiddenError
- from .. import utils, main
- from .types import InlineMessage, InlineUnit
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- class List(InlineUnit):
- async def list(
- self,
- message: Union[Message, int],
- strings: _List[str],
- *,
- force_me: Optional[bool] = False,
- always_allow: Optional[list] = None,
- manual_security: Optional[bool] = False,
- disable_security: Optional[bool] = False,
- ttl: Optional[Union[int, bool]] = False,
- on_unload: Optional[callable] = None,
- silent: Optional[bool] = False,
- custom_buttons: Optional[Union[_List[_List[dict]], _List[dict], dict]] = None,
- ) -> Union[bool, InlineMessage]:
- """
- Send inline list to chat
- :param message: Where to send list. Can be either `Message` or `int`
- :param strings: List of strings, which should become inline list
- :param force_me: Either this list buttons must be pressed only by owner scope or no
- :param always_allow: Users, that are allowed to press buttons in addition to previous rules
- :param ttl: Time, when the list is going to be unloaded. Unload means, that the list
- will become unusable. Pay attention, that ttl can't
- be bigger, than default one (1 day) and must be either `int` or `False`
- :param on_unload: Callback, called when list is unloaded and/or closed. You can clean up trash
- or perform another needed action
- :param manual_security: By default, Hikka will try to inherit inline buttons security from the caller (command)
- If you want to avoid this, pass `manual_security=True`
- :param disable_security: By default, Hikka will try to inherit inline buttons security from the caller (command)
- If you want to disable all security checks on this list in particular, pass `disable_security=True`
- :param silent: Whether the list must be sent silently (w/o "Loading inline list..." message)
- :param custom_buttons: Custom buttons to add above native ones
- :return: If list is sent, returns :obj:`InlineMessage`, otherwise returns `False`
- """
- with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
- _hikka_client_id_logging_tag = copy.copy(self._client._tg_id)
- custom_buttons = self._validate_markup(custom_buttons)
- if not isinstance(manual_security, bool):
- logger.error("Invalid type for `manual_security`")
- return False
- if not isinstance(silent, bool):
- logger.error("Invalid type for `silent`")
- return False
- if not isinstance(disable_security, bool):
- logger.error("Invalid type for `disable_security`")
- return False
- if not isinstance(message, (Message, int)):
- logger.error("Invalid type for `message`")
- return False
- if not isinstance(force_me, bool):
- logger.error("Invalid type for `force_me`")
- return False
- if not isinstance(strings, list) or not strings:
- logger.error("Invalid type for `strings`")
- return False
- if len(strings) > 50:
- logger.error(f"Too much pages for `strings` ({len(strings)})")
- return False
- if always_allow and not isinstance(always_allow, list):
- logger.error("Invalid type for `always_allow`")
- return False
- if not always_allow:
- always_allow = []
- if not isinstance(ttl, int) and ttl:
- logger.error("Invalid type for `ttl`")
- return False
- unit_id = utils.rand(16)
- perms_map = self._find_caller_sec_map() if not manual_security else None
- self._units[unit_id] = {
- "type": "list",
- "chat": None,
- "message_id": None,
- "uid": unit_id,
- "current_index": 0,
- "strings": strings,
- "future": asyncio.Event(),
- **({"ttl": round(time.time()) + ttl} if ttl else {}),
- **({"force_me": force_me} if force_me else {}),
- **({"disable_security": disable_security} if disable_security else {}),
- **({"on_unload": on_unload} if callable(on_unload) else {}),
- **({"always_allow": always_allow} if always_allow else {}),
- **({"perms_map": perms_map} if perms_map else {}),
- **({"message": message} if isinstance(message, Message) else {}),
- **({"custom_buttons": custom_buttons} if custom_buttons else {}),
- }
- btn_call_data = utils.rand(10)
- self._custom_map[btn_call_data] = {
- "handler": asyncio.coroutine(
- functools.partial(
- self._list_page,
- unit_id=unit_id,
- )
- ),
- **(
- {"ttl": self._units[unit_id]["ttl"]}
- if "ttl" in self._units[unit_id]
- else {}
- ),
- **({"always_allow": always_allow} if always_allow else {}),
- **({"force_me": force_me} if force_me else {}),
- **({"disable_security": disable_security} if disable_security else {}),
- **({"perms_map": perms_map} if perms_map else {}),
- **({"message": message} if isinstance(message, Message) else {}),
- }
- if isinstance(message, Message) and not silent:
- try:
- status_message = await (
- message.edit if message.out else message.respond
- )("🌘 <b>Loading inline list...</b>")
- except Exception:
- status_message = None
- else:
- status_message = None
- async def answer(msg: str):
- nonlocal message
- if isinstance(message, Message):
- await (message.edit if message.out else message.respond)(msg)
- else:
- await self._client.send_message(message, msg)
- try:
- q = await self._client.inline_query(self.bot_username, unit_id)
- m = await q[0].click(
- utils.get_chat_id(message) if isinstance(message, Message) else message,
- reply_to=message.reply_to_msg_id
- if isinstance(message, Message)
- else None,
- )
- except ChatSendInlineForbiddenError:
- await answer("🚫 <b>You can't send inline units in this chat</b>")
- except Exception:
- logger.exception("Can't send list")
- if not self._db.get(main.__name__, "inlinelogs", True):
- msg = f"<b>🚫 List invoke failed! More info in logs</b>"
- else:
- exc = traceback.format_exc()
- # Remove `Traceback (most recent call last):`
- exc = "\n".join(exc.splitlines()[1:])
- msg = (
- f"<b>🚫 List invoke failed!</b>\n\n"
- f"<b>🧾 Logs:</b>\n<code>{exc}</code>"
- )
- del self._units[unit_id]
- await answer(msg)
- return False
- await self._units[unit_id]["future"].wait()
- del self._units[unit_id]["future"]
- self._units[unit_id]["chat"] = utils.get_chat_id(m)
- self._units[unit_id]["message_id"] = m.id
- if isinstance(message, Message) and message.out:
- await message.delete()
- if status_message and not message.out:
- await status_message.delete()
- return InlineMessage(self, unit_id, self._units[unit_id]["inline_message_id"])
- async def _list_page(
- self,
- call: CallbackQuery,
- page: Union[int, str],
- unit_id: str = None,
- ):
- if page == "close":
- await self._delete_unit_message(call, unit_id=unit_id)
- return
- if self._units[unit_id]["current_index"] < 0 or page >= len(
- self._units[unit_id]["strings"]
- ):
- await call.answer("Can't go to this page", show_alert=True)
- return
- self._units[unit_id]["current_index"] = page
- try:
- await self.bot.edit_message_text(
- inline_message_id=call.inline_message_id,
- text=self._units[unit_id]["strings"][
- self._units[unit_id]["current_index"]
- ],
- reply_markup=self._list_markup(unit_id),
- )
- await call.answer()
- except RetryAfter as e:
- await call.answer(
- f"Got FloodWait. Wait for {e.timeout} seconds",
- show_alert=True,
- )
- except Exception:
- logger.exception("Exception while trying to edit list")
- await call.answer("Error occurred", show_alert=True)
- return
- def _list_markup(self, unit_id: str) -> InlineKeyboardMarkup:
- """Generates aiogram markup for `list`"""
- callback = functools.partial(self._list_page, unit_id=unit_id)
- return self.generate_markup(
- self._units[unit_id].get("custom_buttons", [])
- + self.build_pagination(
- callback=callback,
- total_pages=len(self._units[unit_id]["strings"]),
- unit_id=unit_id,
- )
- + [[{"text": "🔻 Close", "callback": callback, "args": ("close",)}]],
- )
- async def _list_inline_handler(self, inline_query: InlineQuery):
- for unit in self._units.copy().values():
- if (
- inline_query.from_user.id == self._me
- and inline_query.query == unit["uid"]
- and unit["type"] == "list"
- ):
- await inline_query.answer(
- [
- InlineQueryResultArticle(
- id=utils.rand(20),
- title="Hikka",
- input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent(
- unit["strings"][0],
- "HTML",
- disable_web_page_preview=True,
- ),
- reply_markup=self._list_markup(inline_query.query),
- )
- ],
- cache_time=60,
- )