slb_low.S 7.4 KB

  1. /*
  2. * Low-level SLB routines
  3. *
  4. * Copyright (C) 2004 David Gibson <>, IBM
  5. *
  6. * Based on earlier C version:
  7. * Dave Engebretsen and Mike Corrigan {engebret|mikejc}
  8. * Copyright (c) 2001 Dave Engebretsen
  9. * Copyright (C) 2002 Anton Blanchard <>, IBM
  10. *
  11. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  12. * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  13. * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
  14. * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  15. */
  16. #include <asm/processor.h>
  17. #include <asm/ppc_asm.h>
  18. #include <asm/asm-offsets.h>
  19. #include <asm/cputable.h>
  20. #include <asm/page.h>
  21. #include <asm/mmu.h>
  22. #include <asm/pgtable.h>
  23. #include <asm/firmware.h>
  24. /* void slb_allocate_realmode(unsigned long ea);
  25. *
  26. * Create an SLB entry for the given EA (user or kernel).
  27. * r3 = faulting address, r13 = PACA
  28. * r9, r10, r11 are clobbered by this function
  29. * No other registers are examined or changed.
  30. */
  31. _GLOBAL(slb_allocate_realmode)
  32. /*
  33. * check for bad kernel/user address
  34. * (ea & ~REGION_MASK) >= PGTABLE_RANGE
  35. */
  36. rldicr. r9,r3,4,(63 - H_PGTABLE_EADDR_SIZE - 4)
  37. bne- 8f
  38. srdi r9,r3,60 /* get region */
  39. srdi r10,r3,SID_SHIFT /* get esid */
  40. cmpldi cr7,r9,0xc /* cmp PAGE_OFFSET for later use */
  41. /* r3 = address, r10 = esid, cr7 = <> PAGE_OFFSET */
  42. blt cr7,0f /* user or kernel? */
  43. /* kernel address: proto-VSID = ESID */
  44. /* WARNING - MAGIC: we don't use the VSID 0xfffffffff, but
  45. * this code will generate the protoVSID 0xfffffffff for the
  46. * top segment. That's ok, the scramble below will translate
  47. * it to VSID 0, which is reserved as a bad VSID - one which
  48. * will never have any pages in it. */
  49. /* Check if hitting the linear mapping or some other kernel space
  50. */
  51. bne cr7,1f
  52. /* Linear mapping encoding bits, the "li" instruction below will
  53. * be patched by the kernel at boot
  54. */
  55. .globl slb_miss_kernel_load_linear
  56. slb_miss_kernel_load_linear:
  57. li r11,0
  58. /*
  59. * context = (MAX_USER_CONTEXT) + ((ea >> 60) - 0xc) + 1
  60. * r9 = region id.
  61. */
  62. addis r9,r9,(MAX_USER_CONTEXT - 0xc + 1)@ha
  63. addi r9,r9,(MAX_USER_CONTEXT - 0xc + 1)@l
  65. b slb_finish_load
  67. b slb_finish_load_1T
  68. 1:
  70. /* Check virtual memmap region. To be patches at kernel boot */
  71. cmpldi cr0,r9,0xf
  72. bne 1f
  73. .globl slb_miss_kernel_load_vmemmap
  74. slb_miss_kernel_load_vmemmap:
  75. li r11,0
  76. b 6f
  77. 1:
  79. /* vmalloc mapping gets the encoding from the PACA as the mapping
  80. * can be demoted from 64K -> 4K dynamically on some machines
  81. */
  82. clrldi r11,r10,48
  83. cmpldi r11,(H_VMALLOC_SIZE >> 28) - 1
  84. bgt 5f
  85. lhz r11,PACAVMALLOCSLLP(r13)
  86. b 6f
  87. 5:
  88. /* IO mapping */
  89. .globl slb_miss_kernel_load_io
  90. slb_miss_kernel_load_io:
  91. li r11,0
  92. 6:
  93. /*
  94. * context = (MAX_USER_CONTEXT) + ((ea >> 60) - 0xc) + 1
  95. * r9 = region id.
  96. */
  97. addis r9,r9,(MAX_USER_CONTEXT - 0xc + 1)@ha
  98. addi r9,r9,(MAX_USER_CONTEXT - 0xc + 1)@l
  100. b slb_finish_load
  102. b slb_finish_load_1T
  103. 0: /*
  104. * For userspace addresses, make sure this is region 0.
  105. */
  106. cmpdi r9, 0
  107. bne 8f
  108. /* when using slices, we extract the psize off the slice bitmaps
  109. * and then we need to get the sllp encoding off the mmu_psize_defs
  110. * array.
  111. *
  112. * XXX This is a bit inefficient especially for the normal case,
  113. * so we should try to implement a fast path for the standard page
  114. * size using the old sllp value so we avoid the array. We cannot
  115. * really do dynamic patching unfortunately as processes might flip
  116. * between 4k and 64k standard page size
  117. */
  118. #ifdef CONFIG_PPC_MM_SLICES
  119. /* r10 have esid */
  120. cmpldi r10,16
  121. /* below SLICE_LOW_TOP */
  122. blt 5f
  123. /*
  124. * Handle hpsizes,
  125. * r9 is get_paca()->context.high_slices_psize[index], r11 is mask_index
  126. */
  127. srdi r11,r10,(SLICE_HIGH_SHIFT - SLICE_LOW_SHIFT + 1) /* index */
  128. addi r9,r11,PACAHIGHSLICEPSIZE
  129. lbzx r9,r13,r9 /* r9 is hpsizes[r11] */
  130. /* r11 = (r10 >> (SLICE_HIGH_SHIFT - SLICE_LOW_SHIFT)) & 0x1 */
  131. rldicl r11,r10,(64 - (SLICE_HIGH_SHIFT - SLICE_LOW_SHIFT)),63
  132. b 6f
  133. 5:
  134. /*
  135. * Handle lpsizes
  136. * r9 is get_paca()->context.low_slices_psize, r11 is index
  137. */
  138. ld r9,PACALOWSLICESPSIZE(r13)
  139. mr r11,r10
  140. 6:
  141. sldi r11,r11,2 /* index * 4 */
  142. /* Extract the psize and multiply to get an array offset */
  143. srd r9,r9,r11
  144. andi. r9,r9,0xf
  145. mulli r9,r9,MMUPSIZEDEFSIZE
  146. /* Now get to the array and obtain the sllp
  147. */
  148. ld r11,PACATOC(r13)
  149. ld r11,mmu_psize_defs@got(r11)
  150. add r11,r11,r9
  151. ld r11,MMUPSIZESLLP(r11)
  152. ori r11,r11,SLB_VSID_USER
  153. #else
  154. /* paca context sllp already contains the SLB_VSID_USER bits */
  155. lhz r11,PACACONTEXTSLLP(r13)
  156. #endif /* CONFIG_PPC_MM_SLICES */
  157. ld r9,PACACONTEXTID(r13)
  159. cmpldi r10,0x1000
  160. bge slb_finish_load_1T
  162. b slb_finish_load
  163. 8: /* invalid EA - return an error indication */
  164. crset 4*cr0+eq /* indicate failure */
  165. blr
  166. /*
  167. * Finish loading of an SLB entry and return
  168. *
  169. * r3 = EA, r9 = context, r10 = ESID, r11 = flags, clobbers r9, cr7 = <> PAGE_OFFSET
  170. */
  171. slb_finish_load:
  172. rldimi r10,r9,ESID_BITS,0
  173. ASM_VSID_SCRAMBLE(r10,r9,256M)
  174. /*
  175. * bits above VSID_BITS_256M need to be ignored from r10
  176. * also combine VSID and flags
  177. */
  178. rldimi r11,r10,SLB_VSID_SHIFT,(64 - (SLB_VSID_SHIFT + VSID_BITS_256M))
  179. /* r3 = EA, r11 = VSID data */
  180. /*
  181. * Find a slot, round robin. Previously we tried to find a
  182. * free slot first but that took too long. Unfortunately we
  183. * dont have any LRU information to help us choose a slot.
  184. */
  185. 7: ld r10,PACASTABRR(r13)
  186. addi r10,r10,1
  187. /* This gets soft patched on boot. */
  188. .globl slb_compare_rr_to_size
  189. slb_compare_rr_to_size:
  190. cmpldi r10,0
  191. blt+ 4f
  192. li r10,SLB_NUM_BOLTED
  193. 4:
  194. std r10,PACASTABRR(r13)
  195. 3:
  196. rldimi r3,r10,0,36 /* r3= EA[0:35] | entry */
  197. oris r10,r3,SLB_ESID_V@h /* r3 |= SLB_ESID_V */
  198. /* r3 = ESID data, r11 = VSID data */
  199. /*
  200. * No need for an isync before or after this slbmte. The exception
  201. * we enter with and the rfid we exit with are context synchronizing.
  202. */
  203. slbmte r11,r10
  204. /* we're done for kernel addresses */
  205. crclr 4*cr0+eq /* set result to "success" */
  206. bgelr cr7
  207. /* Update the slb cache */
  208. lhz r3,PACASLBCACHEPTR(r13) /* offset = paca->slb_cache_ptr */
  209. cmpldi r3,SLB_CACHE_ENTRIES
  210. bge 1f
  211. /* still room in the slb cache */
  212. sldi r11,r3,2 /* r11 = offset * sizeof(u32) */
  213. srdi r10,r10,28 /* get the 36 bits of the ESID */
  214. add r11,r11,r13 /* r11 = (u32 *)paca + offset */
  215. stw r10,PACASLBCACHE(r11) /* paca->slb_cache[offset] = esid */
  216. addi r3,r3,1 /* offset++ */
  217. b 2f
  218. 1: /* offset >= SLB_CACHE_ENTRIES */
  219. li r3,SLB_CACHE_ENTRIES+1
  220. 2:
  221. sth r3,PACASLBCACHEPTR(r13) /* paca->slb_cache_ptr = offset */
  222. crclr 4*cr0+eq /* set result to "success" */
  223. blr
  224. /*
  225. * Finish loading of a 1T SLB entry (for the kernel linear mapping) and return.
  226. *
  227. * r3 = EA, r9 = context, r10 = ESID(256MB), r11 = flags, clobbers r9
  228. */
  229. slb_finish_load_1T:
  230. srdi r10,r10,(SID_SHIFT_1T - SID_SHIFT) /* get 1T ESID */
  231. rldimi r10,r9,ESID_BITS_1T,0
  232. ASM_VSID_SCRAMBLE(r10,r9,1T)
  233. /*
  234. * bits above VSID_BITS_1T need to be ignored from r10
  235. * also combine VSID and flags
  236. */
  237. rldimi r11,r10,SLB_VSID_SHIFT_1T,(64 - (SLB_VSID_SHIFT_1T + VSID_BITS_1T))
  238. li r10,MMU_SEGSIZE_1T
  239. rldimi r11,r10,SLB_VSID_SSIZE_SHIFT,0 /* insert segment size */
  240. /* r3 = EA, r11 = VSID data */
  241. clrrdi r3,r3,SID_SHIFT_1T /* clear out non-ESID bits */
  242. b 7b